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POINT OUT, page 343

ARTICLES (DEFINITE, INDEFINITE) 1. There are tables in the dining-room, and armchair in living-room a. ( -, a, the b. ( a, an, c. ( a, -, d. ( -, an, the e. ( a, an, an 2. Is !ra"il reall# $nderdeveloped co$ntr# as %rs. &atriani sa#s' a. ( -, a, b. ( -, an, the c. ( -, an, d. ( the, an, the e. ( the, an, 3. (ater is a precio$s li)$id b$t (ater #o$ drin* in !ra"il is not best. a. ( The, the, the b. ( -, -, c. ( -, the, the d. ( The, -, the e. ( -, -, the 4. +e had l$nch (ith old ,riend on &at$rda#. a. ( -, an, b. ( a, the, a c. ( the, an, the d. ( a, an, a e. ( the, the, the 5. It-s too late. .et-s go to bed. +e can contin$e disc$ssion at brea*,ast. a. ( the, a, the b. ( a, the, c. ( -, the, d. ( the, the, the e. ( -, the, the

6. In !ra"il, di,,erentl# ,rom United &tates, i, #o$ (ant to enter $niversit#, #o$ have to ta*e e/am (hich normall# ta*es more than ho$r. a. ( the, the, an, a, a b. ( -, -, an, an, a c. ( -, the, a, an, an d. ( -, -, a, an, an e. ( -, the, an, an, an 7. good and evil are to be ,o$nd in all parts o, (orld. a. ( The, -, -, the b. ( -, -, -, the c. ( a, the, the, the d. ( the, the, the, the e. ( -, an, the, 8. 0mericans appreciate 1a"", b$t not 1a"" that-s pla#ed in 2amaica. a. ( the, -, -, b. ( -, -, the c. ( the, the, the d. ( -, the, e. ( -, -, 9. There (ill al(a#s be con,licts bet(een poor and rich. poor people (ant change b$t rich people (ant things to sta# same. a. ( -, -, -, -, -, -, b. ( the, the, -, -, -, -, the c. ( the, the, The, a, the, -, the d. ( -, -, The, the, the, e. ( the, -, The, -, the, -, the 10. (ITA) 3adas as senten4as I. II. III. The !ro(ns (ere here #esterda#5 6e is an $niversit# st$dent5 I (ant an in,ormation ,rom #o$,

constatamos )$e est7(8o correta(s a. ( apenas a I. b. ( apenas a II. c. ( apenas a III. d. ( apenas a I e a II. e. todas as senten4as.

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