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INFOSYS.110 BUSINESS SYSTEMS: DELIVERABLE 2: BUSINESS SECTION SUMMER 2014 Name NetID Group Number: Website Link: Tutorial Details Time Spent on Assignment: Qingqing Miao qmia580 10 Tutor: Day: Time: Yvonne Hong Saturday 10am 25 hours Word Count: 1421



Of the major causes of harm related death to children in new zealand, accounting for 16 5% of all fatal unintentional harms to 0 14 twelvemonth olds drowning is one.


Provided useful and easy application for every parents. Keep developing better technology that benefit of the humanity and society.

3.2 Industry Analysis:

Industry: Smart Phone Application industry. With the fast development of technology, smart phone become an essential thing for todays work. Applications are the key contents in a smart phone and application industry is flourishing in todays world.



Justification: Buyer power is high because there are about 10.5 billions number of smart phone application downloads in 2010. Customers are only

Buyer power:


interested in applications that satisfy their needs and convenient. (Jain & Bansal, 2011) Supplier power: Low Supplier power is low because there are variety of choices of mobile platforms like iPhone, Android etc and thousands of application developers in

the market. (Jain & Bansal, 2011)

Threat of new entrants:


The threat of new entrants is high because for entry the market, it does not required high knewledges and any experiences of what a customer likes and dislikes as a new app can finish the job for them. For new developer, the industry has huge potential if they can catch consumers needs and release new and improved applications in short time. (Jain & Bansal, 2011)

Threat of substitutes:


The threat of substitutes is high as in almost all types of platform the number of application developers has been high increased which resulted relative price and quality of substitutes are similar. (Jain & Bansal, 2011)

Rivalry among existing High competitors:

Rivalry among existing competitors is high as there is strong competition between the leading platform developers eg, Iphone and RIM. (Jain & Bansal, 2011)

Overall attractiveness of the industry: By analysing, we can saw that this market has high bragainging power of buyers that easy to enter and strong competition between existing competitors. But, there is highly potential growth and success in this industry as there are lots of opportunities like developing innovative and highly useful applications which can make huge profits (Jain & Bansal, 2011). Therefore, the overall attractiveness of the industry is high and and profitable.

3.3 Customers and Their Needs

The majority of customers are parents specially who often take their children go to the beach and swim. Parents always have some trouble with childrens safety in the water and the preparation for outing. This application can provide a series of safety knowledge and touring guide for parents which make it easy to use.
3.4 The Product and Service

The application is a product which can accurately show locations of their children through GSP in band and send a message to them once children go over the safe area in the sea through censor. That will help parents safe children when they are at risk or drowning the first time. Also, the application can provide lots of useful information like weather forecast, google map, touring plan, free online swimming lessons and the lists of the nearest convenience stores, swimming tools shops etc from each beaches. That will help parents learn more knowledges about safe problem and provide convenience for outing.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners

Who are your suppliers (with specific examples)? What do they supply you with? Who are your partners (with specific examples)? Why do you partner with them?

Our supplier are platform manufacturers like iPhone, Android, Blackberry ,etc. They can create and develop
3.6 Strategy:

The strategy that we use for our business is cost leadership. Application industry is tageting broad market as we provided our products and service to anyone who uses a smart phone.

The price strategy of our business is low cost because our application is about human safety which cannot think too much about immediate benefits. We should pay more attention to the potential benefits and influence which it can bring to people and society. Therefore, the overall strategy is cost leadership.
3.7 Value Chain Activity:

The most important value chain activity for our business is technology development and (R & D). Our vision statement shows that to keep developing better technology that benefit of the humanity and society. As you see, App industry is an industry which has strong competition and fast development. The best way to maintain consumer satisfaction and meet their requirement is innovate and improve the application. Improving connection between senor and application faster and more accurate, providing more useful imformation which customers really need but make them easy to read and use. Helping customers solve problems and reduce potential danger as much as we can through the application in a real sense in order to gain advantage competitive.

3.8 Business Processes

Product Design and development is one of key business processes in our business. There are four steps in the process,first step is initiation which included feasibility analysis, project planning, change and risk management. Second step is prototyping which included requirements specification analysis, design, prototype produced, test and review. Third step is final implementation which included system and acceptance testing, data migration and changeover. Final step is maintenance which means monitoring and enhancing products.


explain your business process clearly and its

importance/linking to VCA and business vision/strategy REPLACE WITH BUSINESS PROCESS 2 MODEL

Illustrate at least ONE department and ONE system

3.9 Functionalities

From Tutorial 6 (Realising the System: Systems) List out 2 most relevant/main functionalities for the business process

(e.g. Managing Customer complaints)

Record missing, wrong, damanged or lost incident Modify incident


Functionality 1 Functionality 2

3.10 Systems

(E.g. Customer complaints system) Explain

convincingly + insightfully shows how system incorporates the functionalities (1 or more) listed above (also link explanation in supporting the vision of the organisation)

Please do not list out generic system names e.g. Database Management System, Supply Chain Management, Transaction Processing Systems and so on. Do use the hint and triangle examplar from Tutorial 6 slides.

3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain Activity

Processes 1. E.g. Managing Customer complaints 2. Cheeseburger hard cheese process

Functionalities 1. E.g. Record missing, wrong, damanged or lost incident 2. E.g. Modify incident 1. Squirty cheese hard cheese dolcelatte rubber cheese melted cheese. 2. Rubber cheese taleggio squirty cheese swiss pepper jack dolcelatte.

E.g. Service After Sales

Specific Information System(s) E.g. Customer complaints system

Broad Information System(s) E.g. TPS

Cottage cheese system

Transaction processing cheese system Customer relationship management cheese system

Edam cheese system



Drowning. (2012). Retrieved from Floyd,F. (2010). Long-Term Effects of the Death of a Child on Parents Adjustment in Midlife. Retrieved from Warner,M & Baran-Rees,R. (2012). The Economic Importance of Families with Children. Retrieved from QFjAB& oYGoCQ&usg=AFQjCNEAB9RIiO1Hko5N-lkmS85j80zeyg&bvm=bv.59568121,d.dGI Our Children Are Our Legacy. (n.d). Retrieved from Safetynews. (2004). Retrieved from Water safety. (2012). Retrieved from NPR. (2013). Not Having Kids Bad For The Economy. Retrieved from Gindart Asia Pacific Limited. (2014). SILICONE RUBBER SPORTS DIGITAL BRACELET WATCH GIFT RED Photograph. Retrieved from Tilvawala, K. (2014, Jan 7). Information Systems Impact on Business. Unpublished lecture notes, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Hunt, A. (2012, Jul 5). Three children drown [Television documentary]. United States: KCCI. Retrieved from Shepard, W (2013, Oct 14). Qwentyn Hunter, 6 Year Old, Drowns In Carnival Cruise Swimming Pool, Was Sweet Kid [Television documentary]. America: News Freaks. Retrieved from


Scarr, J (2011,Jun 23). Child Drowning in Asia - ABC News 24 [Television documentary]. Australia: ABC News 24. Retrieved from Jain, S. & Bansal, N. (2011). Mobile Applications. Retrieved from


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