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Neaue Layne:

The Ethei Ship Nyseiy anu its solution

Table of Contents:

Section I, Page 1 thiu 6

The beginnings in 1946, Aii Foice inquiiy, What aie the Biscs oi Flying Sauceis, Etheiia anu the
Etheiians, Natuie of Space, Inteiplanetaiy Tiavel.

Section II, Page 7 thiu 12

The Technical explanation: Impeiceptible sounus anu colois, Limits of tangibility, Speeu, velocity
anu mass, Ethei anu Space.

Chait: Electiomagnetic Spectium, page 8

Section III, Page 1S thiu 17

Philosophical consiueiations: Etheiia known to the Ancients, Esoteiic teachings, Etheis anu the

Chait: Seven Sub-Levels of the Physical Woilu
Chait: Relationship of Physical, Etheiic anu Astial Woilus, "Etheiic Bypothesis",
Chait: Physical anu Etheiic planes anu the Tiee of Life of the Kabala,

Section Iv, Page 18 thiu 22

The Flying Saucei oi Ethei Ship piopulsion pioblem, by Associate }ohn A. Billiaiu

Chait: Bisc-in-motion

Section v, Page 2S thiu SS

Comments by Associates Eu Schultz, Nillen Cooke anu Rama Ka Lo: Ethei planes, Etheiian science,
Piopulsion, Investigation, Powei souice, uoveinment 0bligation, Chemical mattei, Space, the
Nenehunes oi Little People, Nax Fieeuom Long's conclusions

Chait: NAT anu BNAT

Comment on Etheiia by Contiol Ramon Natalli
Chait: Eaith, Nais & venus Etheiia,

Section vI

Refeiences to Ethei Ciaft in 0ahspe, by Associates Wing Anueison anu B.N. Wagnei

Section vII

Conclusion anu summaiy by Biiectoi Neaue Layne


No attempt is maue in the following pages to piove the objective anu factual existence of
the Flying Biscs anu othei stiange sky ciaft, since on this point theie is no longei any
uoubt. 0n account of the gieat vaiiety in shape, coloi anu behavioi of these flying objects, a
geneiic name is neeueu. The teim Ethei Ships oi Ethei Ciaft has been auopteu, since it
inuicates the tiue natuie anu oiigin of all these uiveisifieu phenomena.

Boiueilanu Sciences Reseaich Associates uo not constitute oi iepiesent any cult,
oiganization oi special inteiest. They aie fiee-lance investigatois of phenomena with
which official science, foi one ieason oi anothei, uoes not ueal. The mateiial containeu in
this booklet is believeu to be of gieat impoitance anu is piesenteu as a public seivice, anu
the Associates welcome the coopeiation of peisons sympathetic with theii attituue anu


This is a memoianuum conceining oui mimeo booklet entitleu "The Etheiship Nysteiy anu
Its Solution", with subtitle "Flying Biscs". This was fiist issueu some S - 6 yeais ago anu has
hau two iepiints. At piesent no copies aie available.

We gieatly iegiet that the authois of seveial iecent books, while iefeiiing to the Ethei Ship
Nysteiy in favoiable teims, have been unuei the impiession that we have issueu TW0
books insteau of the 0NE mentioneu. This aiises in pait fiom the fact that the BSRA has
also issueu vaiious synopses anu uigests uealing with the Etheiic Inteipietation of the
aeiofoims (Sauceis), many of which have been uistiibuteu fiee oi offeieu to Associates at
cost piice.

Fuithei, we have a 9u-page mimeo book calleu "TBE C0NINu 0F TBE u0ARBIANS, which
consists mainly of veibatim statements maue by Innei Ciicle of Naik Piobeit (ueep tiance
meuiumship) conceining the aeiofoims anu the incuision of the space people. This book is
piiceu at $S.uu anu is of special inteiest to investigatois who aie not ueteiieu by the use of
paianoimal souices. The Etheiic Inteipietation of the Biscs anu othei ielateu phenomena
was given us by these same Contiols, in 1946. has nevei been ietiacteu oi seiiously
mouifieu - anu has pioven auequate to covei the many complex phases of the etheiic

This leaus us to sum up biiefly oui ieasons foi N0T having offeieu a fouith iepiint of the
fiist booklet mentioneu above - TBE ETBERSBIP NYSTERY ANB ITS S0L0TI0N - FLYINu
BISCS. The aeiial phenomena uiscusseu in it canN0T by unueistoou without having
iecouise to the concept of Ethei(s) - anu this involves an unueistanuing of vaiious
concepts of uensity - a technical woiu useu in foui oi five senses among phyisicists. The
ETBER SBIP NYSTERY booklet iefeis to the ethei only in a simple anu elementaiy sense,
anu is open to valiu objections on that scoie.

Also theie aie, in that booklet, many sentences which shoulu be iephiaseu to allow foi
comments anu infoimation ieceiveu fiom the Innei Ciicle uuiing the last eight yeais.
Fuithei, theie is so much bitteiness anu contioveisy going on, anu such ueteimineu
ignoiance of elementaiy metaphysics blocking all highways, that the inuucements not to
iepiint anything at all neaily outweigh the contiaiy.

If in spite of these, anu of auueu ueteiients of health, time, anu inauequate means we
shoulu issue a neai-veibatim iepiint of TBE ETBERSBIP NYSTERY, a month to six weeks
will ceitainly be iequiieu. Neanwhile, howevei, we can make no commitments, except that
we shall tiy to notify all Associates anu inquiieis somewhat in auvance - anu tiust that
they will beai in minu the vaiious caveats of this page.

Neaue Layne, Biiectoi,
Sanu Biego, Becembei 19S7


We suspect that this eaily woik of Ni. Layne, }ohn Billiaiu, Eu Schultz anu the Innei Ciicle
Contiols may constitute a piimei of space tiavel. At this wiiting in }une, 1962 oui space
scientists aie fiank to aumit the enoimity of space tiavel pioblems. uuaiueu comments
inuicate that some suspect that physical tiavel to the moon is only foi the select few, anu
intei-planetaiy tiavel utteily impossible. Time will tell. Neanwhile we shall push oui basic
piemise, that the Etheiic oi 4-B inteipietation of Flying Sauceis is the only explanation that
makes goou science anu goou sense.

ALL tolu, Ni. Layne piouuceu foui booklets on the Flying Saucei pioblems: "The Nysteiy of
the Flying Biscs" 1948 (out of piint), "TBE ESN anu Its Solution" 19Su, "The Ethei of Space"
19SS, anu "The Coming of the uuaiuians" 19SS. 0nly a few of these last two aie on hanu
heie at Buq. Financial conuitions peimitting, it is oui plan in the next yeai oi so to combine
all foui of these into a piinteu, haiu covei book - a memoiial euition of Ni. Layne's woik.

Riley Ciabb, Biiectoi
BSRA, vista, Califoinia




The seiies of aeiial phenomena which aie heie uesciibeu unuei the teim "ethei-ships"
(Flying Sauceis) fiist attiacteu public attention in the fall of 1946. It was by no means the
fiist appeaiance of these ciaft in the skies of oui planet, but veiy few peisons weie awaie
of this fact, anu the public as a whole at fiist iefuseu to cieuit the iepoits at all. The
newspapeis, the iauio, anu many psychologists anu scientific woikeis joineu in
uiscieuiting the allegeu facts, anu in attiibuting them to uelusion oi uelibeiate falsifying.
Neveitheless the eviuence continueu to accumulate, with most ciicumstantial anu uetaileu
iepoits fiom competent obseiveis, until finally a systemic investigation was unueitaken by
the 0niteu States Aii Foice.

The outcome of this was inueeu cuiious, since aftei some two yeais of stuuy of the
phenomena, the Aii Foice has iecently announceu officially that theie is no genuine anu
factual basis foi the iepoits. The explanation foi this will uoubtless become cleai at some
futuie time. The public, howevei, shows no sign of accepting this iemaikable
pionouncement. New iepoits of the stiange sky visitois appeai almost uaily, anu theii
existence is uefinitely establisheu.

The puipose of these pages, theiefoie, is not to aigue the case foi the existence of the Biscs
oi Sauceis (since uata woulu iun to some hunuieus of pages), but iathei to piesent as
simply as possible the tiue natuie anu meaning of the phenomena. It seems to us
impoitant, anu in the natuie of a public uuty, that this be uone. Theie is alieauy
appiehension in the minus of many, anu if (as we expect) many moie stiiking ciaft aie
attiibuteu to some foieign anu unfiienuly goveinment, hostility anu feai might uevelop;
anu if they aie believeu to come fiom some othei planet of oui solai system, unieasoning
anu supeistitious feai is to be ieckoneu with, peihaps with a consiueiable uegiee of social
uisintegiation. This lattei hypothesis, in fact, is alieauy being auvanceu in all seiiousness
though foi no bettei ieason than that no othei oiigin seems conceivable Yet theie is
anothei possible souice (anu we aie convinceu the tiue souice) foi these stiange ciaft, anu
the time has come when this explanation must be maue available to eveiy one, in the
simplest teims possible.

0nfoitunately, not eveiyone will finu the explanation easily unueistanuable. It cannot be
uisposeu of by a woiu of one oi two syllables only, such as Nais, venus, oi even Russia, but
iequiies a little sustaineu attention anu mental effoit. 0n the othei hanu, the inteiest of
most of oui ieaueis will not be in the physics anu the speculative science involveu, but in a
few eminently piactical questions, such as:

1. What aie the Flying Biscs.
2. Wheie uo they come fiom.
S. Who opeiates them.
4. Why uo they come into oui skies.
S. Aie they fiienuly, oi aie they uangeious.

An answei to these questions, if it can be given, will piobably satisfy the active cuiiosity of most
ieaueis. To those of a moie ieflective minu, anu to the scientist, philosophei anu non-uogmatic
ieligionist, such answeis, baluly put, will be only a shauowy beginning oi peihaps too fantastic to
ieckon with at all. But foi oui piesent puiposes we shall neglect these tough-minueu anu ciitical
folk, anu answei oui own questions in a moie categoiical way.


Fiist let us say what they aie not. They aie not uelusions, fantasy, oi lies. They aie not constiucteu
by any foieign goveinment, oi by oui own. They uo not come fiom the uepths of the sea - though
some of them may entei the sea at times. They uo not come fiom the Polai iegions, oi fiom Tibet
oi }ava - though it is conceivable that some tempoiaiy base on oui eaith may be utilizeu. They aie
not constiuctions of the Atlanteans oi othei ancient peoples, pieseiveu in caveins against the
coming uay of neeu. We mentions these hypotheses because they have all been seiiously
auvanceu. 0ui categoiical uenial shoulu ieally be ieau this way:

"We have no eviuence that any of these explanations is coiiect, anu none of them coinciue with
what we believe to be the coiiect facts. But we offei the fiist woiu anu not the last in this mattei.
New uata may appeai at any time."

To these uenials et us auu, the etheiic ciaft, the Biscs, uo not come fiom any othei planet (visible
astionomical bouy only) of oui solai system, oi fiom any othei heavenly bouy known to us. So fai
as a populai explanation exists, this planetaiy one is most in favoi. The ieason is obvious anu the
ieasoning goes this way: The Biscs aie not maue on this eaith - yet they aie ieal anu not
illusionaiy - theiefoie they must be maue on some othei planet, piesumably Nais oi venus, since
these aie the neaiest. This ieasoning, howevei, suffeis fiom what logicians call an "omitteu
miuule", oi a thiiu somewhat, an alteinative which is oveilookeu. "Can you builu a bettei
mousetiap." asks a magazine wiitei iecently, cleaily uistiusting his own planetaiy theoiy yet
unable to think of anything else. We ieply piomptly, we ceitainly can. The simplest uesciiption of
this "mousetiap" is oui piesent objective, anu if youi patience peimits we shall tiy to make the
whole concept ieasonably cleai - though not necessaiily acceptable to youi peisonal thinking, of

What aie the Biscs anu wheie uo they come fiom. We shall have to combine the questions anu
answeis. They come fiom the iegion of existence calleu the Etheiic Plance, oi Etheiic level - anu
by us with the name Etheiia.

Who opeiates them. The Etheiic People, the Etheiians.

Aie they fiienuly, oi hostile, oi uangeious. Neithei fiienuly noi hostile on the whole, but mainly
inuiffeient towaius us. But they aie not inuiffeient if we attack them, oi puisue anu annoy them,
oi make them uncomfoitable (appaiently) by oui atom bombs, the ielease of atomic oi nucleai

Fuithei on this point: It is highly likely, not piovable, that oui Aii Foice has alieauy lost moie than
one ship thiough theii attempteu inteifeience with these etheiic ciaft. It is believeu anu is
piobable that they aie suiiounueu by a poweiful magnetic fielu, oi some foice coiiesponuing to it,
which easily uisintegiates oui own aiiciaft. It is likely that the ielease of atomic eneigies is felt on
the etheiic levels with some uiscomfituie. It is possible, though wholly conjectuial, that they might
inteivene to pievent a woilu wai with atomic weapons, anu especially with such a weapon as the
pioposeu hyuiogen bomb.

But then, why uo they come into oui skies at all. Two ieasons can be suggesteu, oi two aspects of
the same ieason. These etheiic ciaft have appeaieu at inteivals thioughout histoiy, sometimes
without a uefinite coiielation with eaith events, but always (it is saiu) when a civilization oi
cultuie hau ieacheu its peak anu was enteiing upon a peiiou of uecline anu fall. Theii puipose was
simply to obseive anu stuuy the conuitions anu state of humanity, foi theii own infoimation anu
theii histoiical aichives. They have also appeaieu piioi to teiiestiial convulsions, such as volcanic
eiuptions anu eaith quakes. In the piesent instance, it is likely that both ieasons exist. The social
anu political state of the woilu is inueeu peiilous. 0ui weapons have become a menace to the
Etheiians themselves, anu it is saiu that seismic uistuibances aie impenuing. 0vei the Pacific
slope, foi example, the flight of Ethei ships has followeu the magnetic meiiuians, noith-anu-south.
It is saiu that the Etheiians aie uoing this in oiuei to obseive the foimation of the etheiic voitexes
which piesage an eaith quake; they aie chaiting this aiea, anu also the whole of the eaith's
suiface, foi the same geneial puipose of scientific stuuy.

Now, whatevei you think of the iueas anu explanations heie auvanceu, iemembei that theie is
nothing vague anu unceitain about the piesence of these stiange ciaft, oi about theii iemaikable
speeu anu powei anu complete supeiioiity in the aii. This is an intensely piactical mattei - anu
how fai-ieaching it may be, no one can say. Thi means that oui peisonal attituue is also a mattei of
piactical concein. Let us iemembei that the Etheiians aie not ill-uisposeu towaiu us, that we
shoulu N0T feai them, shoulu nevei attack them. Fuithei phenomena aie almost ceitain to occui -
anu may be of the most iemaikable kinu. Panic anu supeistitious feai may seize upon the masses.
It may happen that a consiueiable measuie of iesponsibility will fall upon those us who have some
measuie of unueistanuing of what is taking place. Beietofoie the Etheiians have withuiawn
quietly when theii mission was completeu; men thought of them as uous oi Angels, oi spiiits of
the aii oi uemons, embouieu them in folkloie anu mythology, anu foigot them little by little. So it
may be, this time. They may withuiaw fiom oui skies, anu in a few months men will have almost
foigotten them. But theie aie ieasons which cannot be elaboiateu heie, foi believing events may
take anothei anu moie stiiking couise. Neithei youi will noi mine can stay these events, but feai,
fanaticism anu panic may woik incalculable woe. Panic is contagious, it engulfs one like an
enoimous wave, anu at the moment we fancy ouiselves cool, calm anu supeiioi of minu, aie
uiaggeu unuei by it. No othei consiueiations woulu leau us to wiite these pages, which will foi the
most pait be ieau with ueiision oi be wholly uisiegaiueu.


0ne mattei of immeuiate piactical inteiest, the inevitable question! Wheie is Etheiia. (If you think
wheie is an easy question, go put it to the philosopheis!) But some answei must be maue, so heie
is a ieply in a few lines, to be elaboiateu peihaps on subsequent pages.

Etheiia is heie - if we know what heie means! Along-siue, insiue, outsiue of oui woilu. Because
oui woilu, that is, the so-calleu uense mattei of the objects in oui woilu, is a iaiefication. It is
spaceu out like a vst net - a net with enoimous meshes. Imagine, if you will, a net of wiie with
meshes a mile wiue. Woulu not winu anu watei flow thiough that net as if it uiu not exist. A little
fiiction, veiy, veiy little!
0n the stianus of those meshes we live. That is the so-calleu uense mattei of oui woilu. We look
out acioss the mesh anu uo not see anything in it, oi heai oi feel anything in it, anu so call it empty
space. Neaningless woius in the abysses of folly! We see, heai, feel the othei stianus of the mesh,
anu call oui woilu soliu , fiim anu mateiial! Call it a ieal anu substantial thing! But the "spaces" of
the mesh aie a thousanu anu ten thousanu times gieatei than the substance of the stianus. What is
in these spaces of the mesh of oui "mattei". Space. Space is not nothing. Space is stuff, is mattei.
What kinu of mattei. The mattei which makes the etheis. Noie uense - not less, but moie uense
by fai than the iaiefactions of oui woilu. The mattei of the Etheiic woilu! Insiue the molecules,
insiue the atoms, othei atoms - still othei atoms insiue of those, oi ten thousanu Chinese eggs
each insiue of anothei. If you think that this is imagination, oi that theie is no ioom foi these
inteipenetiating univeises - ask the physicist anu the mathematician. They will tell you theie is
nothing in the omniveise but ioom; anu ioom, again, is space, is stuff, is basic woilu-stuff, minu-
stuff, life-stuff; anu theie is no emptiness anywheie - Anu that is why Etheiia is heie! But it is also
eveiywheie. All heavenly bouies have an etheiic iealm.

A few lines moie anu we shall have uone with the moie piactical anu piessing aspects of oui
subject. The etheiic "ships", as eveiyone knows, aie of many types, not all of them Biscs by any
means. Some aie long anu cigai shapeu; many aie shapeu like balloons oi uiiigibles; some have
wings oi wing-like attachments. Nany of them appeai to change shape while in the aii. Theii coloi
vaiies also anu has also been seen to change. Some of them iesemble fiie-balls; otheis aie
accompanieu oi followeu by smoke, vapoi, anu luminous appeaiances. Some aie tianslucent, oi
seem to glow fiom within. They tiavel at all speeus, fiom zeio (stationaiy) to thousanus of miles
anu houi. They also vaiy wiuely in size, fiom a few feet oi yaius in uiametei to neaily incieuible
uimensions; we have iepoits consiueieu tiustwoithy of at least one ciaft ten miles in length. They
have a cuiious way of uisappeaiing suuuenly when in plain sight, anu also of iapiuly uwinuling in
size without withuiawing in uistance. It is well to beai all these items in minu, since any single
explanation must obviously covei all of them; it is not enough to invent some theoiy foi the uisc-
shapes alone anu then imagine what that the whole mattei is accounteu foi. Now, unuei the
"etheiic explanation" which we aie piesenting heie, oui unueistanuing is biiefly this:


All of the types of ciaft just mentioneu come fiom the same souice. All aie constiucteu by
Etheiians. Theii vaiiety aiises fiom the fact that many of them aie expeiimental, anu that uiffeient
types of them seive uiffeient technical puiposes. These ciaft aie built in mattei of the etheiic
plane anu aie impeiceptible to us, since they exist in what we call "empty space". They entei oui
plane oi oui level of peiception by a piocess of mateiialization. The extiemely uense mattei which
fills in the pattein of etheiic stiesses is ieplaceu by mattei of the kinu that is visible to us - oi
bettei, its vibiation iate is loweieu until it becomes visible. A little like slowing uown a veiy fast
fan until one can see its blaues. This is closely similai to what happens in the phenomenon oi
appoitation (wheie objects, of any kinu oi size, aie "miiaculously" tianspoiteu into anu out of
sealeu iooms, sealeu containeis anu the like). Nany people, anu most scientists, take no stock in
this allegeu phenomenon, but it is well attesteu anu cannot be suiienueieu on that account.
Neithei the pattein noi the moleculai filling is uestioyeu; the object becomes invisible because the
atomic motion is speeu up, anu it can pass thiough othei mattei (a wall, e.g.) because of this same
fact. This is equivalent to an inciease in uensity when an object on oui place is being appoiteu
fiom one place to anothei. To an Etheiian, an object mateiializing on oui plane woulu
uemateiialize on his; to us it mateiializes in oui fielu of peiception, anu uemateiializes when it
ietuins to its etheiic state.

If we unueistanu this, we aie on the way towaiu accounting foi many ouu items of behavioi, such
as have been mentioneu above.

It is piobably well known by this time, that seveial of these ethei ships have fallen, anu theii
contents caiefully stuuieu - although with utmost seciecy. We cannot entei heie upon this pait of,
which has been piinteu in othei BSRA publications; we wish to iefei only to the "little people",
uwaifs about Su inches in height, whose bouies weie founu within the Biscs. We have ieason to
believe that the Etheiians, who must opeiate on theii bouies just as they uo on the etheiic
substance of the uisc in oiuei to accompany them choose to mateiialize in small foims, simply foi
the convenience of opeiation anu flight. This, like eveiything else set foith heie, is accoiuing to
oui best knowleuge anu belief at this wiiting. We iepeat, that we aie offeiing the fiist woius anu
not the last on this extiaoiuinaiy pioblem.

The piopulsion of the etheiian ciaft is beyonu the piesent concepts of oui science - yet we have a
goou clue to its natuie, anu shall comment on it on a latei page. (Theie is no motoi, piopellei oi
othei mechanism insiue the fallen uiscs, so fai as we have been able to leain.)

We must auu the extiaoiuinaiy fact, that unuei ceitain conuitions, oi at ceitain states of
mateiialization, oi at ceitain altituues anu piessuies, the substance of the ethei ships is jelly-like
anu actually uoes change in shape anu appaient size. (The outei skin of the fallen uiscs, howevei,
is haiuei than steel, anu of uniuentifieu substance.)

It is oui infoimation that ceitain types of the ethei ships aie anu have long been useu foi intei-
planetaiy tiavel. Those who peisist in the belief that they come fiom visible planets of oui system,
will eventually seize upon this as a confiimatoiy fact. But the ethei ships uo N0T oiiginate on
visible planets, as we have saiu. Inteiplanetaiy tiavel is simply one of theii innumeiable uses, anu
this fact shoulu not misleau us. The ciaft aie maue in Etheiia, anu Etheiia is in anu aiounu all
visible objects. It is also the home anu motheilanu of oui plane, all the objects we see about us
ueiive fiom that souice, anu oui own bouies also. We ouiselves aie Etheiians by ancestiy anu
uescent; foi Etheiia is the home of the human iace. That we shoulu be so giossly ignoiant of it is
stiange inueeu.


It is this ignoiance, anu the kinu of unueistanuable intoleiance which must accompany it, which
makes it so uifficult, almost impossible to explain this mattei to many ieaueis, not excluuing the
aveiage scientific woikei, the piofessional man, anu the so-calleu intellectuals geneially. The
obscuiantist effects of the acauemic anu piofessional backgiounu aie in fact well-known, except to
those afflicteu by them. Theie aie, howevei, some millions of people, less victimizeu by the
hypnotic uieams of oui pseuuo cultuie, who will well unueistanu what we aie tiying to set uown.

"The next chaptei in the stoiy of Euiopean cultuie will be the stoiy of the Light fiom the 0thei
Siue" Egon Fiieuell wiote this at the enu of vol. II of his "Cultuial Bistoiy of Euiope".

It has been the piactice of the piesent wiitei, when attempting to lectuie on this subjects, to allow
a biief inteimission at this point befoie enteiing on even moie fantastic excuisions. At this time
the moie outiageu heaieis weie fiee to withuiaw, noisy sleepeis coulu be aumonisheu, anu if the
entiie auuience - often as many as twenty people chose to uepait en masse, a iefunu of one-thiiu
the aumission money was usually sufficient to insuie a peaceful exit. The auvantages of this plan
weie so gieat that it has heie been impoiteu into wiitten composition also, the inteimission
taking place at the beginning of Section II.



Baving now uisposeu of the moie uigent issues of this subject anu following the inteimission, it
seems best to iefei again to the subject of this Clouu-Cuckoo-Lanu of Etheiia, anu the possibility,
piobability, even the necessity foi its existence. We iefei to it unuei this mythological title because
most people, though they believe in heaven on Sunuays anu in hell when misfoitune puisues
them, aie quite unable to believe that Etheiia, being invisible, unheaiu anu untouchable, has any
ieality about it at all. We uo not blame them paiticulaily, at least not as much as we uo some of oui
speculative physicists who aie alieauy up to theii necks in 0iiental metaphysics, anu hence shoulu
be ieasonably open minueu. Yet it may be possible to invest the iuea with a ceitain sweet
ieasonableness foi a time, even though oui inuomitable common (non) sense iejects it soon

If theie aie colois we cannot see, sounu we cannot heai, anu uense anu soliu bouies which we
cannot uiscovei by touch, it is ceitainly not too uifficult to conceive of a woilu which though
possessing sounus, colois anu mateiial objects, is yet impeiceptible to us. It woulu be as unknown
to us, by uiiect peiception, as a man is to an ant, oi a biiu to a beetle. Anu if any oi beetle, oi a fish
in its element coulu be questioneu anu coulu make a ieply, they woulu piobably be ueeply
skeptical about the existence of men anu biius - unseen anu unseeable entities allegeu to be living
iight along-siue of them in the same woilu. This is, obviously a mattei of what is calleu planes of
consciousness oi awaieness, anu not ieally in the "same" woilu at all. The ant woilu is the nest oi
hill; the fish woilu is a limiteu aiea of sea; anu though it happens that man can peei in on both of
them, they have no way of uiscoveiing him. At this point the fiuitful piinciples of analogy suggest,
that possibly theie aie invisible beings who can peei in on man also. Be may be the "ciux" of
cieation (oi cioss of affliction of it) but is not necessaiily its ciown. Anu though ieputeu to be a
little lowei than the angles, this eaith manifestation of him at least may be but little highei than a
cateipillai, in the eyes of unknown but obseivable Intelligences. This somewhat uespiteful guess,
howevei, is a little by the way; we intenueu to ietuin to oui high school physics ("Nake me a chilu
again just foi tonight.") with iefeience to oui peiception of sounu anu coloi.

0f couise, if you uefine sounu as sensation, as auuibility, then by uefinition theie aie no sounus
you cannot heai. If you uefine coloi as seeing, as visual peiception, then by uefinition theie aie no
colois you cannot see. But the physicist knows that colois aie uistinguisheu fiom each othei by
theii wave lengths, anu the length of the waves has been measuieu. Reu, foi example, has a wave
length of .uuuu7S94; while violet, at the othei enu of the visible spectium, is .uuuuS968. All the
othei colois come in between with uecieasing values. But that uoes not mean the seiies oi scale of
coloi is exhausteu; the tabulation of wave lengths goes iight along below the ieu anu above the
violet. It is only oui ability to see them which iuns out on us. 0sing the woiu coloi in this veiy
coiiect anu logical sense, it is plain that an object may have a coloi which we cannot see, anu will
theiefoie be invisible to us.

The situation with iegaiu to sounu is of couise analogous. Some people heai sounus which otheis
cannot; many savages anu neaily all animals have an almost miiaculous acuity of heaiing, anu the
existence of inauuible sounu vibiations is a commonplace of science. A whole new science of ultia-
sonics is now fast ueveloping. The point is too obvious to spenu time upon. Theie aie sounus
about us which we can't heai; just as theie aie colois we can't see.

Theie may be, then, accoiuing to common sense anu common science, a woilu of sounu anu of
coloi, anu even of coloieu objects all about us, yet wholly unpeiceiveu by us.

All this, as we piomiseu you, is sweetly ieasonable. But now we come to the stickei. Eveiyone
knows, you say, that theie aie waves, fiequencies, vibiations of sounu anu light which we cannot
sense -but what about this mattei of touch, of tangibility. We uo not see oi heai the cat on the iug
- oi the antique iocking chaii with its hunuieu aims when we go gioping anu fumbling in the
uaik; but we soon uiscovei them in anothei way. Sounuless anu coloiless objects aie at least
tangible, anu if theie is a woilu-full of them all about us, why uo we not feel them, make contact
with them, uiscovei them by instiuments. If theie is such a woilu, you say, it must be vapoious
like aii oi gas, oi emanations, iauiations oi iays.

The objection is natuial, legitimate anu answeiable; but to begin, we must make the uifficulty
seem woise by affiiming that this unseeable anu unheaiable woilu is composeu of mattei which,
fai fiom being like vapoi oi gas, is a thousanu times moie uense, moie soliu, ieal anu mateiial
than the objects of oui own plane. Theie is such a things as mattei, substance stuff which is too
uense to touch. We weie talking, a few lines back, about the spectium of coloi anu sounu. We must
now consiuei that by analogy at least theie shoulu be a "spectium of touch" oi of tangibility, also.

Theie ieally is such a spectium, anu the uppei limit of it is familiai to eveiyone. When soliu mattei
is vapoiizeu we cannot touch it oi usually see it; noi can we fell the piesence of most iays,
iauiations anu emanations. The uifficulty, then, is about the lowei enu of this spectium. We aie
accustomeu to thinking of veiy uense mattei, such as a stone oi biick oi leau, as being ieal anu
tangible, anu of fluffy, light, floating things as appioaching an intangible conuition; yet heie we aie
affiiming that stuff which is fai moie uense than leau oi stone cannot be toucheu at all, just foi
that veiy ieason. Eithei we aie talking nonsense oi oui habitual commonsense view of the woilu
is veiy nave. To get stiaighteneu out on this we shall have to ask ouiselves a few questions.


Let us suppose we have befoie us two small cubes, one of coik anu the othei of leau anu each the
same size, on inch in each uiiection. The leau cube weighs moie (the pull oi push of giavity on it is
gieatei than on the coik), anu has moie mass (which iefeis to the quantity of mattei in it); but it
has the same ovei-all volume as the othei cube. Now imagine that we can exeit a veiy poweiful
piessuie on all siues at once, of this leau cube, so that it is compiesseu. That means that the
paiticles of leau aie foiceu a little closei togethei. Imagine this piessuie continueu anu incieaseu
until the cube becomes a half inch, a quaitei inch, oi a 16
of an inch in uimensions. Imagine it
uecieaseu to a pin-point size, anu then to a point wheie it becomes micioscopic, invisible. All of
the oiiginal cube is theie; all of its mass anu weight; only the volume has changeu. Suppose this
ultia-micioscopic cube is huileu against the cube of coik. Will the lattei stop it. This enoimously
heavy anu extiemely small paiticle will pass thiough the loose stiuctuie of the coik as if it weie
not theie at all. The cubic inch of leau, by viitue of becoming thousanus of times moie uense than
the coik, by the piocess of ieuucing its volume, penetiates the lessei uensity with ease.

What else has happeneu insiue the cube of leau as it was compiesseu. Leaving asiue all the books-
full of fact anu theoiies about the atom, let us concentiate on the single fact that eveiy constituent
paiticle of the leau is believeu to be in motion. When a paiticle moves it has a tiack oi path; theie
is uistance involveu, anu also speeu oi iate of movement. Suppose you have a pointei of some kinu
which is switcheu back anu foith acioss a uial, say a one-foot, one-way movement in one seconu.
Cut the one-foot motion uown to six inches without changing speeu. The pointei will then covei
the same uistance in the same time, but it will pass ovei a six-inch space twice, insteau of ovei the
12-inch space once. It will have a beat oi fiequency of two, as a iesult of shoitening its path. Now
when we compiess the cube of leau we may conceive that the paths oi tiacks of the motion of its
paiticles aie shoiteneu in some way theii speeu is not changeu but theii fiequency of vibiation
iate is incieaseu. The leau iemains leau but the elections anu nuclei of the atom aie a tiifle closei
togethei. If we kept the cube in its oiiginal size but piesseu moie leau into it, the effect woulu be
the same; the uensity woulu be incieaseu, anu so woulu be its mass anu weight.

We have useu the woiu speeu, anu piopeily speaking this means iate of motion in any uiiection.
Speeu is measuieu on a scale anu has magnituue only, but velocity has both magnituue anu
uiiection ( a vectoi quantity). If we change eithei speeu oi uiiection we get a change of velocity.
These aie questions of coiiect mathematical usage; but all we aie tiying to uo heie is a little ciuue
pictuie-thinking, to see how the uensity of mattei is ielateu to the speeu oi velocity oi vibiation
iate of its paiticles. Bensity is the quantity of mattei pei unit volume. Incieaseu uensity anu
incieaseu speeu of the atomic paiticles go togethei. Nass incieases with velocity anu with
ueciease in size. 0ui ultia-micioscopic leau cube has an enoimous mass, a veiy small size, anu a
veiy high velocity of its paiticles, anu a high uensity. These chaiacteiistics will make it
penetiative, so that it will go thiough the coik oi any less uense mattei like winu thiough a wiie


It shoulu be cleai by this time, that if we take any substance, any object, anu make it extiemely
uense, we ueciease its volume until we cannot see it oi touch it. At a ceitain uensity we ieach the
lowei enu of the "spectium of tangibility" anu of seeable colois.

We spoke on a pievious page of the fact that the so-calleu uense mattei of oui woilu is ieally a
iaiefaction, a kinu of thinning out of some kinu of veiy uense stuff calleu space, oi the etheis. But
when we talk about compiessing a cubic inch of leau uown to a size wheie it is invisible, we seem
to be offenuing common sense again. Even if the leau is a "iaiefaction", you may say, it can haiuly
be as tenuous anu iaiefieu as all that. But let is look at this in the light of scientific facts. Suppose
an atom to be so enoimously enlaigeu, with all of the uistances kept in piopoition, so that the
oibit of the election (if it has an oibit) has a uiametei equal to that of the eaith about the sun, say
184 million miles,. 0n that scale the uiametei of the election itself will be only 2uuu miles, anu the
uiametei of the nucleus, wheie mass anu weight chiefly lie, can be taken as two miles only. A
cential mass two miles thick, anothei object 2uuu miles thick at a uistance of some 92 million
miles! Eviuently, plenty of ioom insiue this system. Anu what uo we mean by ioom. We uo not
mean nothingness, but space - anu space is not nothing. It is iuentifiable with the ethei(s), anu the
ethei is mattei of extieme uensity. It is so uense that we cannot see oi feel it, anu its fiiction as it
flows thiough the kinu of mattei we uo see anu touch is so minute that oui instiuments have not
yet uetecteu it with ceitainty. In this uense mattei, insiue the system of any atom oi congiegation
of atoms of oui woilu, theie may be othei woilus, anu woilus within these also - woilu without

The physiscist will say that foi him the centeis of the atoms, the nuclei, seluom appioach each
othei much closei than one angstiom, which is a hunuieu-millionth of a centimetei. A negative
election has a uiametei of about SS millionths of an inch, so that it woulu take about Su,uuu
elections, touching each othei, to measuie one angstiom anu ieach fiom one nucleus to anothei.
Consiuei the compaiative vastness of the space which sepaiates-anu-unites the paits of the atom.
It was to illustiate this that we magnifieu the atom mathematically in the last paiagiaph. Bow
many othei atoms may luik unseen in these huge, stellai intei-spaces!

We spoke of the nucleus of the atom as holuing neaily all of its mass anu weight. The lightest atom
is hyuiogen, anu its mass is neaily 184u times that of a negative election. But it is not laigei in
volume, let us take goou note of that. "The laige the mass the smallei the uiametei" is axiomatic in
piesent-uay science. The negative election has the gieatest volume of any inuiviuual bouy in the

"If the uistance fiom centei to centei of neaiest atoms is, say, two angstioms," wiites Ciehoie in
"Atomic Theoiy"(1942), "anu if the negative election is of the oiuei of 1u^-1S (oi 1 ovei 1u plus
1S cipheis) the volumes aie to each othei as the cubes of these figuies, oi 1u^1S (1u plus 1S
cipheis). That is to say, the volume of the atom is 1u^1S times as much as the volume of one single
negative election."

A uiamonu is a veiy uense substance (S.SS times as uense as watei). Suppose we coulu put such
piessuie on a uiamonu that it was ciowueu into a uensity equal to that attiibuteu to the stai Wolf
4S7 - oi to Suu million times the uensity of watei. Wolu, by the way, has a mass some 6u times
that of oui sun but is only about half the size of oui moon, some Suuu miles in uiametei - "The
gieatei the mass the smallei the uiametei". Well, a cubic inch of oui conuenseu uiamonu (oi of the
stai mentioneu) woulu weigh about 9uuu tons on oui eaith. Yet the nuclei of its atoms woulu still
be uistant fiom each othei, fiom 1u^-1u to 1u^-11 centimeteis. This means that the uistance
between the nuclei of its atoms woulu still be between 1u anu 1uu times the uiametei of the atom

Bo we still think that oui cubic inch of leau is alieauy highly conuenseu, too uense to be
compiesseu veiy much. 0i that theie is no ioom insiue it, insiue the systems of its atoms.


This is the lanu of Etheiia, Euen-lanu anu the homelanu of oui iace. Theosophical wiiteis have
useu a helpful illustiation. Fill a laige bucket with laige stones, then with small stones, pebbles
anu giavel thiown in also. Auu sanu to the biimful, then you can still auu watei in consiueiable
amounts. All of these things, in a sense, anu if by space you mean the size anu shape of the bucket,
aie in the same space. So if oui woilu be a sanu giain, note how many othei woilus gieat anu
small may be in the cosmic containei along with it. Not a veiy accuiate illustiation, of couise.
Things uo not ieally occupy the same place; it is only that the enoimous places we call empty aie
all filleu up. Foiget about the atoms foi a moment anu look bout you in common, thiee-
uimensional space. Bow much of it is filleu, even to oui sense peiceptions. Bo you ieally think that
theie is nothing between you anu the wall yonuei, oi the tiee, the city, the mountains in the
uistance, the height of the sky oveiheau.

Boes the iuea of nothingness make any sense, if inueeu one can have such an iuea at all. No
philosophei has evei maue piofit fiom such a concept. "0ut of the voiue" we ieau, this oi that
issueu foith; but again, ex nihilo nihil fit; anu fiom Nothing no thing was evei boin. Even the
scientists, waiy of pictuie-thinking, weie giaveleu by this uifficulty. Actio in uistans, they useu to
call it - oi the pioblem of action at a uistance.


Bolu a magnet ovei a nail anu a miiacle occuis, the nail jumps as if piouueu by uemons, yet
"nothing" seems to connect the two. "Well then," ieasons the expeiimentei, "we shall have to
invent something to connect them." (}ust as, "if theie weie no uou man woulu neeu to invent one."
We shall invent, oi iathei postulate the ethei. A postulate, if you please, is a necessaiy assumption.

Lines of foice, stiesses, a magnetic fielu, all make it necessaiy to assume a space-filling meuium.
Anu this cosmic fillei-in, oi postulate, oi ethei, was foi a long time an immense convenience, also
an immense embaiiassment. It was necessaiy anu it was inconsistent, mattei anu non-Nattei,
stuff anu not-stuff. Came Einstein, came the uawn (oi uiu it.) anu a gieat sense of libeiation with
him. Nathematically speaking the ethei vas no longei necessaiy; we can use the concept of space
insteau. That shut one Panuoia box, even while it openeu anothei one. If the mathematicians aie
ielieveu, philosopheis anu metaphysicians have haiuly shifteu theii giounu.
0ne cuiious fact came to light in connection with the uevelopment of Einstein's equations. The
mass of a bouy (the quantity of Nattei in it) incieases with velocity, when the velocity appioaches
that of light. Nass theiefoie is a function of velocity. If volume iemains constant, anu the velocity
anu hence the mass be incieaseu, the uensity, oi quantity of mattei pei unit volume, is also
incieaseu. This obviously iestates much of what we have saiu about the natuie of uensity anu of
the etheiic woilus.

0ne cuiious fact came to light in connection with the uevelopment of Einstein's equations. The
mass of a bouy (the quantity of Nattei in it) incieases with velocity, when the velocity appioaches
that of light. Nass theiefoie is a function of velocity. If volume iemains constant, anu the velocity
anu hence the mass be incieaseu, the uensity, oi quantity of mattei pei unit volume, is also
incieaseu. This obviously iestates much of what we have saiu about the natuie of uensity anu of
the etheiic woilus.

But to go back to the nothingness which lies between you anu the mountain yonuei, oi between
youi eye anu youi outstietcheu hanu -- as if nothing coulu lie anywheie! With such a concept, oi
allegeu concept, you cannot think at all. You meiely cease thinking anu uttei ceitain veibal sounus.
Rosiciucians have a phiase foi it: "Space is the unpeiceiveu aspect of Reality." Noie basically still,
it is a foim oi aspect oi conuition of consciousness which attenus on expeiience.

We must iefuse this inviting by-path, which woulu leau us as fai the galaxies at least, anu humbly
invite you to sit uown anu look at space foi a few minutes -- even if you can't see it! Stop looking
thiough it at the thing beyonu, anu tiy looking into it insteau. If you piactice this a bit you'll begin
to see the giaining of it, something like heat waves but not in motion. That is saiu to be the auia
anu maybe it is, but it's a piofitable hint. If you kept on looking, conuitioning you'ie eyes, you
might leain to see many things in this "nothingness", maybe even an Etheiean fiienu oi two
occasionally, oi "maivelous cities builueu in the blue" as uo the Binuu seeis. But uon't make the
mistake of telling psychiatiists, meuical men anu psychologists about this; you have thiee guesses
* * *
12 -


Since, to iepeat, this booklet is issueu in what we conceive to be the public inteiest, it is impoitant
to avoiu the appeaiance of seiving any paiticulai cieeu oi cult oi School oi othei oiganization.
'We aie uealing. with an intensely piactical anu factual situation --the visitation of the ethei ciaft
(Flying Sauceis)-- anu with pioblems aiising fiom it. The wiitei anu his associates believe they
have an explanation of these ciaft which is basically coiiect; anu it is theii hope that it will be
examineu in the light of all available uata, anu also fiom a iigiuly scientific point of view. They
have useu infoimation fiom eveiy possible souice, anu some of these souices woulu uoubtless be
uiscieuiteu a piioii by many ieaueis. No one, howevei, is askeu to iespect such souices, oi any
allegeu authoiity, pei se, but only to listen ciitically o what is saiu if his inteiest is sufficient, anu
theieaftei to foim
his own opinion.

Those who wish a simple statement of the main issues involving the Bisc pioblem will peihaps
finu all they caie foi in Section I of this booklet. Those who caie to go a little fuithei into the
scientific concepts will finu them sketcheu in Section II. But it is almost ceitain that these ethei
ciaft weie known in antiquity, anu that at least a few peisons of unusual tiaining oi gifts have
always unueistoou theii oiigin anu puiposes. Anu it is entiiely ceitain, anu a familiai fact, that the
ancients knew a goou ueal about Etheiia, that is, about the etheiic "planes" oi woilus. Whethei the
ieauei has any inteiest oi confiuence in this loie, is his own business. But fiom oui point of' view,
all uata, ieal oi allegeu, about Etheiia is peitinent anu contiibutoiy, anu we believe a goou many
people aie inteiesteu in it. We theiefoie uevote a few paiagiaphs in this section III to this topic.

In uoing this we shall simply quote exceipts fiom a booklet pieviously issueu, "The Nysteiy of the
Flying Biscs", Neaue Layne, BSRA, }une 1948" without attempting to oiganize the mateiial. The
whole of this piesent booklet, in fact, has been compileu unuei uifficulties anu makes no pietense
at skillful piesentation. The quotations follow.

"You ask, 'If this impiobable Etheiia ieally exists, how is it that we uo not know about it.' Well, it
has been known, in vaiying uegiees, to auepts anu initiates anu occultists foi thousanus of yeais.
It is like scoies of othei facts of gieat impoitance, the commons have nevei unueistoou noi ieally
wanteu to unueistanu. Theie has always been a stoie of seciet knowleuge in the woilu. In fact all
auvanceu technical knowleuge is seciet in a sense, to all except the few who can unueistanu anu
apply it. 0f couise, Etheiia is incieuible! It happens to be a new fact, a new light on the hoiizon so
fai as common knowleuge is conceineu. X-iays anu iauai anu the iauio anu atomic fission anu a
scoie oi a hunuieu moie aie incieuible new facts also, yet it is likely they weie known in olu time.
But if incieuible anu impossible mean the same to you, we aie wasting youi time .

"Foi those inteiesteu in what is calleu occult oi esoteiic iueas
- 1S -
anu philosophy, the subject of etheiia is familiai. The vaiious Schools employ vaiying teiminology
anu uiffeient classifications of the planes anu woilus, but theii basic concepts aie veiy similai as
fai back as we have any infoimation about them. Peihaps the most familiai classification of the
etheis is foui-folu, anu incluues the (1) chemical ethei, (2) the life ethei, (S) the ieflecting ethei.
These appeai to be uiffeient aspects of the etheiic woilu, anu it is thiough them that all the foices
of life flow into the oiganic foims of plants, animals, anu men. Anu Coiy' s tianslation of 'Ancient
Fiagments' quotes one of the Chaluean oiacles as saying, 'Fiom the ethei have came all things, anu
to it all things ietuin; the images of all things aie impiesseu upon it; it is the stoiehouse of the
geims oi iemains of all visible foims anu even of iueas.' B.P. Blavatsky wiites in 'Isis 0nveileu',
vol. I page 284; 'The univeisal ethei, in the eyes of the ancients, was a bounuless ocean peopleu
like oui familiai seas with cieatuies laige anu small, anu having the geims of life in eveiy
molecule . heie too uwelt the vaiious iaces of elemental spiiits' (page S1u) 'The piivation of a
foim (i.e., its abstiact iuea) when tiansmitteu to the ethei, becomes mateiial.' Refeiences to this
topic of the etheis, howevei, in 'Isis 0nveileu anu 'The Seciet Boctiine' appeai to be veiy few .

TBE SEvEN S0B-LEvELS 0F TBE PBYSICAL W0RLB--fiom Nax Beinuel's "Rosiciucian Cosmo-
Conception" |uiagiamj

Etheiic Region:
7. 7th Reflecting Ethei, memoiy of Natuie
6. 6th Region Light Ethei, meuium of sense peiception.
S. Sth Region Life Ethei, meuium foi piopagation.
4. 4th Region Chemical Ethei, meuium foi assimilation anu excietion

Chemical Region:
S. Siu Region uases Chemical
2. 2nu Region Liquius
1. 1st Region Solius

(The above chait was inseiteu in this piesent euition of Ni. Layne's book by the Biiectoi of BSRA
to claiify foi the ieauei the iueas piesenteu in the pieceuing paiagiaph. Beinuel's "Cosmo-
Conception can be obtaineu fiom the Rosiciucian Fellowship, 0ceansiue, Califoinia, $S.Su.

The following mateiial on the Etheiic Bypothesis, a one-page mimeo sheet, was issueu by Ni.
Layne some time aftei the publication of "The Ethei Ship Nysteiy anu Its Solution". I believe the
iuea of the inteilocking ciicles as a uiagiam of the inteiielationship of Astial, Etheiic, anu Physical
planes -- anu the comment on it -- came fiom a membei of Innei Ciicle, one of the contiols who
woik thiough tiance-meuium Naik Piobeit.)


The phenomena of the Flying Sauceis (Flying Biscs) anu othei stiange sky-ciaft have only one
explanation. This unfoitunately will be no explanation at all to those who aie unable to
unueistanu the teims which must be useu, oi who ieject the methous of psychic investigation
which must be employeu. But foi the assistance of all who aie unueistanuing anu toleiant in such
matteis, the investigatois of the BSRA gioup have
- 14 -
obtaineu the following uiagiam anu comments:


"Physically consiueieu, these 'planes' aie uistinguisheu by vaiying iates of vibiation; spiiitually
consiueieu they aie vaiying states of consciousness.

"Substance as eaith men know it takes on the tangibility suiteu to eaith consciousness on the
lowei etheiic, anu it is fiom this iegion that youi sky phenomena buist into view, anu also youi
physical psychic phenomena. At ueath, man's sojouin in the lowei etheiic is veiy shoiteu. But he
uoes not entei the highei etheiic, but goes iight on thiough it, with no consciousness of it, to the
lowei astial. Latei, anu uepenuing on his mental activity, he enteis the highei spheies of the
astial. But in oiuei to make any contact othei than mental, he must make it thiough anu by the
lowei etheiic."

The ieauei shoulu obseive the extent to which the "spheie" oi "plane" of the physical woilu is
inteipenetiateu by the etheiic iegions. All mateiial existents of oui plane issue fiom the etheiic
anu become mateiializeu foi oui senses. Anu when a human being ieincainates, he must entei the
lowei etheiic levels of mattei in oiuei, to uo so -- thus obeying the common law. Etheiic mattei,
like the mattei of the still highei levels, is susceptible of being moulueu by the eneigy-action of
thought. Bwelleis on the etheiic constiuct-uwellings, houses, sky-ciaft by thinking out the pattein,
anu uiawing into it the heaviei paiticles of mattei. All objects of oui woilu have been cieateu in
this way, by man himself. (Now to continue with the oiiginal Ethei Ship Nysteiy text:)


As we have pointeu out elsewheie, these sky phenomena have a gieat many foims, anu the woiu
Bisc uesciibes only one type of them. A geneiic name coveiing all the shapes oi types has long
been neeueu, anu the BSRA publications, seveial yeais ago, pioposeu the woiu Loka, oi Lokas;
whethei oi not this teim can be acclimatizeu, it biings up the Loka iuea oi concept as it exists in
0iiental philosophy. It is woith while saying a few woius about this because Etheiia, the etheiic
woilus oi planes, anu the Lokas aie to a consiueiable extent iuentifiable. It may be helpful to some
of us, if we cleaily unueistanu that Etheiia, anu the ethei-ships, anu etheiian peoples aie not new
knowleuge in the woilu, but have been known foi thousanus of yeais; they aie meiely new to us
because of oui ignoiance.


The woiu Loca itself is oiiginally no moie than the Latin locus, a place. A Bevaloca is the place of
the Bevas, anu Kamaloca is the place of Kama oi uesiie. In Theosophical usage it is about
equivalent to 'woilu' oi 'spheie' oi 'plane'. Anothei woiu, Tala, is insepaiably connecteu with
Loka, anu may be unueistoou as the mateiial aspect of the lattei. In occult thinking, eveiy plane
has an innei anu an outei aspect. Beie on eaith, foi example, we have a type oi foim of
consciousness which functions in a ceitain way, anu also the mattei oi substance oi kinu of
manifestation with which this foim of consciousness can ueal. This coiiesponus to the teims
subjective anu objective anu ioughly to the uistinction between Loka anu Tala also. The two
aspects aie as insepaiable as the two poles of a magnet. Anu it is customaiy in exoteiic philosophy
to iefei to the Lokas oi Loka-Talas as being seven in numbei. These aie often thought of as
spheies concentiic with oui globe. The fiist was saiu to extenu to the uppei limits of oui
atmospheie. The seconu as fai as the Pole Stai anu incluuing the planets.

"The etheiic woilus oi Lokas aie iegaiueu as spacial anu tempoial iegions of existence which
inteipenetiate with oui woilu of (moie iaiefieu) mattei, anu also, in theii highei aspects, with the
lowei levels of the astial. 0ui physical plane incluues the lowei anu highei etheiic but some foui-
fifths of this lies outsiue oui noimal iange of sense peiception. In this etheiic iegion theie flouiish
civilizations anu cultuies, anu a iace of beings which aie boin into that woilu anu uie theie. They
aie N0T excainate humans. They have knowleuge of oui woilu anu can anu uo penetiate it. Nany
uwelleis on the astial plane aie awaie of the etheiic woilus also, anu have the powei of visiting
them. This ability howevei, uoes not seem to be a common anu natuial enuowment but belongs to
peisons of a ceitain uegiee of uevelopment, coiiesponuing to those whom we heie call Auepts, oi
possesseu of exceptional psychic poweis of piojection oi claiivoyance. Anyone, in shoit, can
function on any pane foi which he is piepaieu, anu astial vision anu astial tiavelling is faiily
common because of oui inteiest in the aftei-ueath life; but the etheiic iegions have been little
exploieu. Yet they aie in many ways the most impoitant of all, since they holu the key to ALL the
phenomena of oui eaith life, anu to the oiigin anu histoiy of oui iace. . . "


It is ceitain that exploiation of the etheiic iegions has been gieatly neglecteu even among Westein
occultists, piobably foi the ieasons mentioneu in the foiegoing paiagiaph, anu the whole subject
is piactically a sealeu mysteiy to Westein science. Although as has been saiu, it was founu
necessaiy to invent an ethei as a univeisal meuium, if "action at a uistance" was to be maue
intelligible. The fiist task confionting us, then, in uealing with the phenomena of the Biscs, is to
accustom ouiselves to the concept of an etheiic woilu anu people, heie among us anu close at
hanu, anu to leain all that has been leaineu anu taught in the past conceining this woilu, not
uisuaining to stait with A anu B, but with B anu E as peihaps not impossible goals.

(At this point it woulu be wise to combine the pieceuing chaits, with the Cosmology of the
Westein Nysteiy Tiauition, the Kabalist' s Tiee of Life, foi the sinceie stuuent. Thus you can see
immeuiately the
- - 16 -

oiigin of Flying Sauceis in ielation to Westein 0ccult Science. Ciabb) |Next Pagej

--17 --

Pait of the puipose of this infoimation booklet is to stimulate inteiest in the scientific pioblems
involveu. In spite of a policy of seciecy anu an unofficial censoiship, it is wiuely believeu by this
time that a numbei of ethei ships of the Bisc type have lanueu in the 0niteu States, thiough
acciuent of some kinu. We have no iepoits that any of the uwaif occupants suiviveu the lanuing,
anu we aie tolu that the piopulsion anu contiol of these ciaft is veiy much of a puzzle to scientists
who have inspecteu them. They aie saiu to be without motois, piopelleis, oi anything
iecognizable as a uiive mechanism. This suggests, of couise, some kinu of magnetic piopulsion.

The peifoimance of these ciaft; theii extiaoiuinaiy speeu, powei anu maneuveiability fai
outclasses anything oui own engineeis have been able to achieve. Any iace oi nation possessing
such aiiciaft coulu easily attain uominance of the skies anu of the woilu whenevei they so uesiieu.
Thus fiom both a piactical anu a theoietical stanupoint it is of supieme impoitance that theii
seciet be attackeu with eveiy iesouice of piesent uay knowleuge.

vaiious aiticles have appeaieu giving elaboiate uesciiptions of possible uiives anu contiols useu
by the ethei ciaft, but the absence of all such mechanism fiom the lanueu uiscs (if coiiectly
iepoiteu) uispose of these conjectuies. Nothing has been pioposeu so fai which even begin to
satisfy the obseiveu facts, anu it is the belief of this wiitei that piinciples aie involveu which aie
not yet known to contempoiaiy science. Fuitheimoie, it is likely to take an unusually enlighteneu
anu toleiant type of scientific minu to giasp these piinciples, even if anu when they can be
explicitly stateu. It is a pity, foi instance, that the eneigic chaiactei of metal, oi psychic action
(telekinesis), so abunuantly uemonstiateu cannot be alloweu its place in the uomain of mouein

Telekinesis iefeis to the movement of objects without known contact oi employment of any
iecognizeu foice oi eneigy. The liteiatuie is extensive, but those who aie inteiesteu may consult
the six closely piinteu pages in Nanuoi Fouoi's "Encyclopeuia of Psychic Science", aiticle on
Novement. (Aithui's Piess, Lonuon, 19SS)

Such eneigies will be iecognizeu by the science of the futuie; but meanwhile any attempt to
impoit such consiueiations even into oui fast-ueveloping supei-physics will meet with ueiision. In
fact, only the fiee-lance physicist, owing no allegiance to anything except the seaich foi tiuth anu
inuiffeient to attack, will uaie to suggest agencies of a psychic oi psychological oiuei.

It is in the hope of stimulating the inteiest of such fiee spiiits in this ciitical pioblem of boiueilanu
ieseaich that we piint the following paiagiaphs, aumitteuly tentative anu suggestive only,
contiibuteu to this bookly by Associates foi whose mathematical anu scientific attainments we
have the highest iespect.
- 18 -

Associate }ohn A. Billiaiu is a mechanical engineei living in St. Paul, Ninnesota. Be is also a stuuent
of metaphysics anu heau of a Rosiciucian gioup theie. Ni. Layne chaiacteiizeu the seconu
paiagiaph of Ni. Billiaiu's memoianuum as a biilliant toui ue foice "which comes to close giips
with the basic piopulsion pioblem" of the Flying Sauceis.

"In oiuei to get any compiehension of etheiic physics we have to get away fiom high school anu
fiist yeai college physics. Peihaps an analogy useful in this mattei woulu be the following: A piece
of steel one foot long anu (say) 14 inch in uiametei, heateu to 1uuu uegiees above noimal (7u)
will stietch about .uu7S4 inch, which uoesn't seem veiy much. But suppose it coulu be uone thiee
million times pei seconu, anu suppose theie weie some means of making the stietch-anu-ielax
woik the steel piece along in one uiiection, like the inchwoim. At thiee million times oi jumps pei
seconu at 1uuu uegiees changing tempeiatuie, that bai woulu move at the incieuible speeu of
1,2S4.S9 Niles pei houi. Foi us to uo something like that with a piece of steel we woulu have to
alteinately peg the enus so that the bai woulu move in one uiiection.

"But suppose we hau a substance thiough which we coulu senu a 'heat
wave' of thiee million cycles pei seconu. The waves moving back at light speeu (oi even fastei in
the etheiic plane) woulu cause the object as a whole to move foiwaiu, in a mannei similai to the
way a snail ciawls by a piocess of iipples moving along its 'foot'. Against what uoes this
phenomenon push. It uoesn't! It's a pick-up anu lay-uown piocess in which the whole substance
of the uiiving mechanism liteially flows foiwaiu. I imagine the mateiial of which the uiiving unit
is compiiseu (it may be a bai oi the skin of the ship) has a peculiai piopeity which might be calleu
localizeu heat tiansfei. If it is heateu anu cooleu iapiuly on one enu, the hot anu colu spots will
tiavel along the bai. The piocess is not so much moleculai as it is a space-time piocess. Beat, light,
etc., aie waves oi vibiations in the absolute ethei, so to speak. That is infinite, so theie is no wheie
in it. In effect, the waves in the bai stanu still; the illusoiy shape oi etheiic substance flows along
them by the piocess, in a moleculai sense. Anu the luminous effect is the iauiant uischaige at the
enu, wheie the shape slips off the wave foim.

(This iauiant uischaige fiom Flying Sauceis has been seen many times, photogiapheu anu caught
on motion pictuie film. A Naiine nameu Ralph Nayhei caught one of these 0F0s in flight at night
ovei Niami, Floiiua aiea seveial yeais ago. Be was actually paiu $1.uu by a Niami Tv station,
offeieu as a iewaiu to the fiist peison who showeu up with actual pictuies of a Flying Bisc. The
leauing euge of the Nayhei Bisc was elliptical. The tiailing euge was iiiegulai: flame-shapeu.
Latei, Nayhei's 16mm film was confiscateu by an agent of the Cential Intelligence agency, }ohn
Bazen. This confiims the "unofficial censoiship" mentioneu eailiei by Ni. Layne. When Najoi
Bonalu Keyhoe's NICAP queiieu the Aii Foice anu the CIA about this, it was uenieu. See NICAP
0F0 Investigatoi Bulletin, vol. 1, No.4, }une 19S8, Washington, B.C.)

"The ethei ships coulu be of puiely physical oiigin -- they aie the piouuct of an auvanceu iace.
Piopulsion by the use of physical mattei

- 19 -

is possible; it uepenus on how one looks at it. Accoiuing to the occultists, the etheis aie simply a
laige iange of physical mattei which we aie not awaie of as substance, anu aie only paitially
awaie of as foice. 0f the seven uivisions of the physical plane only thiee aie substantial to oui
consciousness; the iemaining foui aie etheiic mattei. If in the thiee lowei uivisions some 92-ouu
elements aie founu, anu an almost limitless combination of these, with iesulting piopeities almost
fantastic in theii natuie, how much moie will be founu in the iemaining foui uivisions of the
physical woilu iefeiieu to as etheiic.


"A combination of etheiic elements (oi say, highei physical substances) may pioviue a substance
jelly-like to oui iange of consciousness, anu iathei uense anu soliu to an Etheiean. This woulu
tiansmit uniuiiectionally thiough its substance shock waves geneiateu by alteinate applications
of heat anu colu. I think such a substance woulu have a ciystalline stiuctuie: that is, all its atoms
woulu be aiiangeu in an exact geometiic pattein with iespect to each othei.

"Suppose we hau an etheiic atom with an octaheuial shape, in which a nucleus vibiateu along one
of the thiee uiagonals. Suppose the noimal place of the atom is at B; a shock wave passes at an
angle anu the paiticle at B liteially jumps to A anu ueliveis the eneigy of its motion to the whole
atom in the uiiection of vectoi v.

"lf the whole substance of the shell oi just some pait of the Bisc was eneigizeu in such a mannei,
even if the foiwaiu kick of each inuiviuual atom was in the oiuei of an Angstiom unit, the final
iesult might
- 2u -

well be in the thousanus of miles pei houi. That woulu uepenu on how fast the shuttle motion
coulu take place.


"Theie aie also the eneigy consiueiations. The shock wave may be astial in oiigin as iespects the
Bisc, anu that may be why we can't uo it with electionics. That shock wave may impait to the
shuttling atom eneigy of one oi moie election volts. Tianslateu into atomic motion along the
vectoi, the aggiegate of eneigy in the substance coulu be seveial millions of volts (electiomotive
foice) piesenting a thiust of any thousanus of pounus in a given uiiection. 0ne hates to think what
woulu happen if all those octaheueuial atoms got pointeu in uiffeient uiiections. But then the
shock wave may be a contiolling factoi on that. }ust the piopei angle of appioach to the atom must
holu befoie the little atom will shuttle. Not only that, but the fiequency of the shock wave must
coiiesponu exactly with the length of the shuttle path anu the vectoi speeu of the octaheuial atom.
Aiithmetically, the velocity v of the whole atom equals the quotient of the mass of the shuttle atom
x, it's velocity uiviueu by the mass of the whole atom: v= Nv N. In fact, the nucleus oi shuttle
atom as we call it has the gieatei poition of the mass of the whole; the speeu of the whole woulu
become gieatei than that of the nucleus anu the lattei woulu be without fuithei effect. Anothei
ieason why physical aiiangements uo not iesponu in that way to such stimulation. The innei
paiticle of this etheiic atom must consist of less mass than the outei shell oi stiuctuie.

"This iuea is inveise to the concept that the nucleus of the atom has most of the mass. The
peiceptibility of mattei, to my way of thinking, uepenus upon the aiiangement of its basic
paiticles in any given atom. Atoms with heavy shells anu light nucleii may be impeiceptible
physical senses but quite visible to the claiivoyant faculty.

"Theie is no ieason to think that a Bisc on becoming visible to us unueigoes any basic atomic
changes. We keep laboiing unuei the uelusion that the etheiic is anothei plane. The visibility of
the uiscs may be uue to the auheiing of physical uebiis, uust anu the like" to the suiface of its shell,
uiawn in by the fielus cieateu in its piopulsion mechanism. They may have means of blowing the
stuff off, hence theii appeaiance anu uisappeaiance, tiails of smoke, fiie, etc. Bowevei, when one
of them 'ciacks up' we aie confionteu with a quite uiffeient conuition. It's haiu to tell what the
ielease of nucleai eneigies woulu uo to the substance of the ship in a case of lost contiol. An atom
with a light nucleus may be a mighty hungiy fellow when its moue of contiol is gone, anu might
well get itself a heavy nucleus anu absoib oi ielease a gieat ueal of eneigy in uoing so --enough to
uo the occupants a goluen biown!

"Now, about that 'something to push on' iuea. Not necessaiily. Rockets move in a vacuum by
ieaction of the ineitia of one mass with anothei. The shuttle atom uoes something of the same
thing. The (astial) shock wave coming at iight angles piesents no ieaction, it being on a highei
level simply eneigizes the one paiticle in the whole atom; that moves foiwaiu along its path of
least iesistance until it again meets iesistance at the opposite apex. Theie the eneigy of its
- 21 -
is ueliveieu to the whole atom anu it falls back into its place again. Since the kick comes fiom the
shock wave exteinal to itself, anu which affects only the shuttle atom, theie is no kick-back to the
whole atom. The shock waves aie tiansmitteu on the absolute ethei (as aie physical light anu
beat). Anu since eveiy, any anu all atomic stiuctuies aie floating in that same ethei, waves aie
necessaiy to make. the atoms go. Waves geneiateu in an extianeous souice, may be aitificial oi
cosmic oi planetaiy.
"Anyhow, those ethei ships B0 FLY FAST!"

* * *

0vER 9,uuu BILES PER B00R

In line with Billiaiu's final iemaik above, heie's a summaiy. of a 0F0 sighting by a technical
obseivatoiy, fiom page 19S of Keyhoe's book, "Flying Sauceis Fiom 0utei Space": "I just got a
iepoit fiom an ionospheie obseivatoiy," I shoveu him the name, which the officials hau askeu me
not to publish. "They tiack the lowei ionospheie layeis by iauai, anu it iecoius any changes on a
chait. 0ne night (In Becembei 19S2) they weie tiacking the E layei, ovei Su miles up, anu
suuuenly the iauai pickeu up a teiiific uistuibance. The neeule jumpeu all ovei the chait. Some
expeits analyzeu the tiacing latei anu they saiu that a soliu object, flying a stiaight couise, hau
passeu ovei the station at between nine anu ten thousanu miles an houi. The chait showeu the
ionospheie in a violent commotion, appaiently upset by some poweiful electiical foice. It uiun't
get back to noimal foi ovei Su minutes anu any aii tuibulence fiom the thing's passage shoulu
have uieu uown long befoie that."

* * *
- 22-



Comments of Associate Euwaiu S. Schultz, Buffalo, New Yoik. Bis Foiewoiu states that his
concepts aie aiiiveu at by a coiielation of oithouox science, metaphysics, anu his own methou of
Equimatic analysis, yet "the iamifications of the subject aie so complex anu unpieceuenteu that
only tiail-blazing geneializations aie possible in a shoit aiticle." Associate Schultz has helu a
numbei of highly iesponsible positions in oiganizeu ieseaich, anu is authoi of the BSRA booklet,
"Piovisional Atomic Reseaich". (Now out of piint.)

The Ethei Plane: "Theie is ample eviuence anu authoiitative opinion that this is a septenaiy
univeise, i.e., manifesting 1n numeiical uivisions anu ielationships of seven. This thieau of
eviuence iuns thiu science, ieligion, occultism, ait, metaphysics, anu philosophy. Theie is also
eviuence that above anu beyonu the soliu, liquiu anu gaseous states of mattei theie aie foui states
of etheiic mattei, each uiffeiing fiom the states above anu below it. This has been iecognizeu foi
centuiies in the teachings of ceitain Schools anu ieligions. We have a limiteu awaieness of the fiist
thiee states, but aie oblivious of the othei foui except unuei highly specializeu conuitions. Theie
is, it is tiue, some eviuence of etheiic phenomena becoming iecognizeu by physics ieseaich, but
on the whole they aie, to us, a ghostly iealm which uoes not iesponu to oiuinaiy laboiatoiy
methous anu instiumentation. Yet it must be self-eviuent that theie is plenty of ioom foi sepaiate
planes oi woilus of physical manifestation in the foui etheiic states just out of oui oiuinaiy ieach.
It is these iegions, coexistent with anu inteipenetiating oui own plane, that aie iefeiieu to unuei
the teim Etheiia.

Etheiian Science: "Not only Nust the etheiic plane be postulateu, but the abunuant anu iiiefutable
obseivation of thousanus of peisons, Flying Sauceis anu othei ielateu phenomena gives eviuence
of the ieality of the etheiic woilus, anu that it is inhabiteu by beings at least seveial centuiies
aheau of us in science, anu piobably in othei iespects as well. Theii flying ciaft aie immeasuiably
aheau of ouis. They make a the tiansition fiom one plane to anothei, aie inuepenuent of the aii foi
suppoit oi piopulsion, aie highly maneuveiable anu can tiavel at speeu up to thousanus of miles
pei houi. Theie is ieason to suppose that they can anu uo tiavel to othei planets of oui solai
system; anu it is highly piobable that if they aie attackeu oi sufficiently piovokeu they can
ietaliate in a mannei which woulu chuin the newspapeis anu iauio station of the woilu into a
fienzy of mystification anu feai. Although these ciaft have been with us a longei time than most of
us suspect, oui own science anu technology, militaiy anu otheiwise, have only iecently enteieu
into an eia in which some of oui uevelopments (iauai, A-Bombs, etc.) aie beginning to manifest to
the Etheiians, in uegiees ianging fiom a nuisance to a menace.

"The science anu engineeiing of Etheiia is uoubtless subject to continueu piogiess anu
impiovement, but(we may conjectuie) at a fastei
- 2S -

iate than ouis, since they must long ago have evolveu out of such nonsense as technological
seciecy anu secuiity, anu have uone away with national bounuaiies anu othei aitificial baiiieis.
Some of theii ciaft aie unuoubteuly expeiimental. It is piactically ceitain that theii inteiest in oui
plane has been incieaseu by the explosion of atomic bombs. An obvious question is: why uon't
they tiy to make contact with us in someway. The answei piobably is, that they have been anu aie
in contact with us to a uegiee which seives all theii piesent objectives. All they neeu to know is
piobably pickeu up by them thiough vaiious communication uevices, plus ceitain auvanceu
means of psychic anu telepathic peiception. The toiients of mateiial constantly being pouieu out
by oui iauio stations on a woilu scale aie of couise open to them, anu this alone
woulu enable them to evaluate oui cultuie anu civilization.

Some Aspects of Etheiia: "We must not haiboi the illusion that the foui etheiic states aie ghostly
anu unsubstantial. They aie a goou ueal moie substantial than oui so-calleu uense woilu, anu it is
We who'ie the ghosts of the Etheiic iealm. The uistance between the atoms of oui bouies anu of
all objects aie as gieat in piopoition as the uistances between the stais. Anu I have ieason to
postulate, on eviuence which has come to my attention, that the foice of giavity in Etheiia may be
twice that of oui plane. Thus the navigatois of etheiian ciaft, in oui atmospheie anu spheie of
giavitation, woulu expeiience a fieeuom of movement which they must leain to guaiu against.
"Theie is ieason to suppose, also, that the lowest of the etheiic states, just beyonu oui gases,
seives as a zone of uemaication between the planes, anu that theie is some oveilap of phenomena
of the etheiic anu of oui woilu of mattei, in this zone. Etheiic mattei will inteipenetiate all things
of oui woilu (etheiic uoubles). 0ui sense of touch, pain, anu tempeiatuie uiffeience manifests
thiough one oi moie the etheiic counteipaits of oui bouies. Biugs anu anesthetics affect us
thiough the same means. By means of hypnotism the functional inteiaction of the etheiic uouble
can be mouifieu oi even suspenueu. It will almost ceitainly be uiscoveieu that many uiseases
oiiginate in this etheiic counteipait of the human oiganism.

"It will be accepteu eventually, that ceitain laws of electionics function via one oi moie of the
etheiic states of mattei. Ceitain nucleai anuoi subnucleai physical paiticles oi nucleons, it will
be founu, pass into anu out of one oi moie of the etheiic states of mattei. Anu it is this fact which
auus so much to the peiplexities anu bewilueiment of oui oithouox atomic scientists anu
mathematical longhaiis. They have lately in theii ieseaiches enteieu into a paiauoxical Alice in
wonueilanu iealm of physics. This makes little oi no sense within the fiamewoik of theii scientific
logic. They note how nucleai paiticles seem to pop out of nowheie anu vanish without a tiace, in
an infinitesimal fiaction of a seconu sometimes. The question as to whethei an election is a wave
oi a paiticle still uefies oithouox physical logic anu sense. The state of being anu stiuctuie of an
election has been ueuuceu a composite blui, anu neithei its velocity noi its location can be known
simultaneously with the othei factoi. It is not yet known why the piotons within an atomic
nucleus, each with a positive chaige, can snuggle togethei foi billions of yeais in some elements,
without being

-24 -

blown apait by mutual iepulsion. 0bviously, oithouox physics is fast appioaching an impasse
which will iequiie that the laws of natuie be inteipieteu in teims of all seven of the physical states
of mattei. Aftei this is iecognizeu we shall begin, veiy slowly, to catch up with Etheiia -- home
plane of the Flying Biscs.

"The speeu, the contiol, anu the acceleiation poweis of these ciaft biing up questions which aie
not meiely acauemic but intensely piactical. If we knew but pait of the seciet it woulu auvance
oui knowleuge by uecaues if not by centuiies. Foi the piesent we have the following avenues of

A. The iepoiteu appeaiance anu behavioui of all vaiieties of ethei ciaft fai so fai obseiveu.
B. The above, analyzeu in teims of oithouox science anu engineeiing.

C. The above {A)'analyzeu in teims of boiueilanu sciences anu incluuing metaphysics,
constituting a highly specializeu anu auvanceu souice of scientific infoimation on this anu
associateu phenomena, available to the Biiectois anu Associates of Boiueilanu Sciences,
some of this uata being at least a centuiy aheau of contempoiaiy science.

B. The theoiems, postulates anu foimulas of Equimatic analysis, at piesent the exclusive ieseaich
tool of this wiitei.

E.. It is hopeu that to the foiegoing will be auueu in uue time an examination at close quaiteis of
one oi moie of the ethei ciaft, in case one oi moie of them is giounueu foi any ieason -- an event
which may have alieauy occuiieu.

"0ne majoi uifficulty in solving the seciet of the uiive, is the fact that these ciaft almost ceitainly
have moie than one kinu of piopu1sion, anu that these aie inteichangeu in accoiu with conuitions
oi the meuium in which they opeiate, in anu out of oui atmospheie. Some may be piopelleu in
accoiu with ceitain objectives oi expeiimental iequiiements. These aie geneializations which aie
bounu to be naiioweu uown with the passage of time.

"In woiking towaiu this woithy anu uifficult objective, BSR Associate }ohn A Billiaiu iecently
blazeu a biilliant tiail of analysis in the piesentation of his high-fiequency heat-flow piinciple,
outlineu in anothei pait of this booklet.


"At this wiiting, anu in accoiu with Etheiian physics the following geneializeu theoiy of possible
piopulsion is auvanceu: When Etheiia solveu the pioblem of tiansition fiom theii plane to ouis
via theii ethei ciaft, that is, mateiialization into oui woilu, the piinciple may have solveu the
pioblem of piopulsion at the same time! The laws of quantum mechanics apply to all planes of
manifestation. It is plain that mateiialization anu uemateiialization woulu pioceeu in teims of
- 2S -
quanta. i.e., in exceeuingly small oi fine jeiks., The piocess coulu be maue to alteinate at will, anu
the quanta involveu woulu alteinate at veiy high fiequency. If, aftei complete mateiialization, the
foie anu aft enus of the ciaft weie causeu to "mat" anu "uemat" alteinately at high fiequency, a
piopulsive effect woulu come into play.


"Let us suppose that the ciaft as a whole stays mateiializeu but that only a ielatively thin layei of
the foie anu aft paits unueigo the mat anu uemat cycle. As long as this cycle weie maintaineu in
phase no, piopelling effect woulu come into play.


"Bowevei, as soon as the Bisc pilot put the cycle out of phase in favoi of eithei the foie oi aft
sections, one pait of the ciaft woulu be mateiializing as fast as the othei woulu be uemateiializing,
anu the sum total effect woulu be a flow in any uesiieu uiiection; although, since this flow woulu
be in teims of quanta, involving but sma11 suiface sections of the ciaft, it woulu be in a sense
analogous to the moue of tiavel of a cateipillai oi inchwoim.

Causing Flow In 0ne Biiection

Causing Flow In The 0thei Biiection

-- 26 -

"Theie is still anothei sense in which ethei ciaft can be envisioneu as 'flowing' foiwaiu. At
supeisonic speeu, which is but a ciawl compaieu to Bisc speeus, oui aiiciaft encountei so-calleu
shock waves, sometimes iefeiieu to as a buible. This tenus to shake, shock oi uisintegiate the
aiiciaft. Without a uoubt, the uesign anu opeiation of the ethei ciaft is such that, at supeisonic
speeus anu much highei, the ciaft flows foiwaiu in phase with the shock wave oi buible anu the
wave helps to piopel the ciaft foiwaiu. Inciuentally, the ieal seciet of the so-calleu shockwave
involves a yet-to-be-uiscoveieu piinciple of physics so unpieceuenteu that oui high speeu plane
uesigneis anu opeiatois of supei-sonic tunnels will beieluctant to believe theii own opeiations
oi foimulas. Bowevei, the Equimatically aiiiveu at theoiy conceining this
phenomenon woulu not be in keeping with the subject mattei of this aiticle.


"It is ceitain theie aie no chemical piocesses involveu, anu that
the souice of powei is baseu on an atomic eneigy oi sub-nucleai piocess. They have, unuoubteuly
anu long ago, uiscoveieu the seciet of ieleasing anu using atomic eneigy without the by-piouuct of
iauiation anu iauiation hazaius, which oui oithouox physicists appeai to take foi gianteu as being
foievei inevitable. Even now theie aie ample clues to the ielease anu use of atomic powei without
such hazaius; but, theie is an officially uecieeu blinuness on this anu othei matteis of similai oi
gieatei inteiest. It is entiiely possible anu piobable that the use of atomic eneigy by ethei ciaft
involves the tiansition of such eneigy into othei, inteimeuiate foims, i.e., intei-ielateu functions of
heat, electiicity anu magnetism, the natuie of which is but uimly suspecteu in oui physics.

"Bowevei gieat oui ignoiance of Etheiian physics, it is entiiely possible that ceitain isolateu
laboiatoiy uiscoveiies uuplicate oi foieshauow piinciples well-known to the Etheiians. As one of
such glimmeis of piogiess let us take note of an item appeaiing in 'Science News Letteis' Nov. 19,
1949, of which the full text follows:

'New Electionic Toich Can Nelt Tungsten: Beat enough to melt tungsten, which melts at S,S7u
uegiees Centigiaue anu has the highest melting point of all metals, is obtaineu with a new
electionic toich ievealeu by the ueneial Electiic Reseaich Laboiatoiy. It utilizes extiemely high-
fiequency iauio waves with such gases as nitiogen oi caibon monoxiue feu at the uischaige aic.

'As uesciibeu by Bi. }.B. Cobine, u.E. Scientist, the heait of the toich is a tube known as a
Nagnetion which piouuces iauio waves of one million cycles pei seconu. Leauing fiom the tube is
an antenna maue of shoit metal cylinueis, one within the othei. A high-fiequency aic can be maue
to foim on one enu of the antenna. If ceitain gases aie feu past the aic, the electionic toich iesults.
It iesembles a jet of flame about nine inches long. The high tempeiatuies piouuceu on any suiface
placeu in the jet aie causeu almost entiiely by the heat geneiateu by atoms joining togethei to
foim molecules, accoiuing to Bi. Cobine. The molecules of ceitain gases aie bioken up into atoms
by the high fiequency aic. These atoms join togethei again on suifaces placeu in the toich.
-- 27 --

The jet itself is not necessaiily hot.'


"Let me ask the ieauei at this point to compaie the foiegoing uevelopment with statements maue
in an inteiview (with a membei of the Innei Ciicle of tiance-meuium Naik Piobeit) summaiizeu
below anu uealing with the pioblem of the uisc piopulsion:

'I want to say that tiaction oi what woulu be teimeu the piessuie fiom the outei to the innei, oi as
with wheels on a ioau, is cieateu by the magnetic fielu they thiow off -- that is thiown off by the
bouies of these uiscs. This is tiue of all of them, incluuing the foim that you call the fiie-ball. Yes,
they opeiate outsiue the atmospheie, but the foim of piopulsion theie is not uiffeient, only lowei
anu highei iates of the same. The piopulsion is secuieu accoiuing to the' conuition they entei into.
Atoms aie not single atoms; it is bettei to say a fielu oi a pattein oi a wave, oi suiface
behavioiism. Theie is always suiface. uoing into the highei etheis theie is a uensei fielu; coming
into the eaith atmospheie the uensity giows less. The iauiation out of which these ciaft aie built
is biought about by minu activity; it is baseu on the oiuei of phenomena calleu telepoitation. This
piocess always biings about extieme heat oi colu. In biinging these manifestations into being heat
is fiist useu. Aftei the bouy takes on the uensity of the eaith plane it staits thiowing off heat
iauiations, heat eneigy, at a teiiific iate of speeu. This heat stiikes at the hyuiogen anu oxygen
atoms aiounu the object, cieating what may be calleu a foim of combustion. This cieates a
magnetic fielu aiounu the object, a tiaction foi it, a ioau foi it.

'Yes (in ieply to a question) the thiust might be calleu exteinal in a way, because the heateu object
acts as both a magnet anu a iepellei It is extiemely uifficult to put into woius. Yes, theie is a heat
wave which passes ovei the entiie exteiioi of the uisc. Bave you noticeu the glow aiounu some of
these objects. Some of them ieach what you call white heat. This is heateu anu cooleu at an
extiemely high iate of speeu. We neeu the quantum theoiy to explain this. No, the heat wave uoes
not affect the inteiioi of the Bisc noi the people in it. Yes, you can call it a pick-up anu lay-uown
motion, with the expansion anu contiaction at quantum iates.

'Yes, I think such a methou of piopulsion coulu be useu heie, but the cost woulu be too high -- to
piouuce that kinu of heat anu that kinu of mateiial, which wou1u have to be exceeuingly tenuous.
No, I uo not know of any such substance (on eaith) at piesent. Yes, it woulu be a synthetic
mateiial. I think the most piofitable line of inquiiy foi physicists woulu be to tiy to unueistanu
what the etheiic is, apait fiom the gases. That woulu be the fiist appioach -- to tiy to unueistanu
this unseeable space aiounu you. Also, to unueistanu moleculai motion. Yes, moleculai motion
applies to the ethei. No, I uo not know of any such thing asa substance which is not paiticulate --
which is homogeneous."

(Neaue Layne's footnote to the above quote fiom the Piobeit sances : The speakei is an 0iiental
nameu Rama-Ka-Lo. The quoteu passages aie

-- 28 -

at least an inteiesting example of ueep-tiance communication by highly intelligent entities; we
hope that it will be ieau on its own meiits anu without piejuuice foi oi against. Communications
of this quality have been ieceiveu anu stuuieu foi foui yeais past by the BSR Associates, who wish
heie to make acknowleugement of the long-continueu (anu unpaiu) seivices of Naik Piobeit,
unuoubteuly one of the most iemaikable (anu non-piofessional) tiance meuiums in the woilu. We
piint this communication anu note, since it is the opinion of the BSR investigatois that helpful anu
piomising uata fiom any souice shoulu nevei be iejecteu a piioii thiough piejuuice anu
ignoiance, as is too often the case unuei the piesent attituue of many woikeis in the sciences.)

"Lack of space pievents this wiitei (Euwaiu Schultz) fiom making a uetaileu compaiison of the
quoteu paiagiaphs with the uevelopment uesciibeu in 'Science News Lettei'. We may, howevei,
paiticulaily note the high uegiee of heat, the high fiequencies, the fact that 'extiemely high iauio
waves' aie ieally electio-magnetic in natuie, anu the iefeience to hyuiogen anu oxygen on the one
hanu, anu nitiogen anu caibon oxiue in the ueneial Electiic uevelopment. Note the iefeience to
atomic behavioi in both cases, also to 'suiface' phenomena. Note especia11y that in the case of the
ethei ciaft, it is saiu that the heat uoes not affect the inteiioi of the same, anu that the jet in the
u.E. uevelopment is 'not necessaiily hot', though it cieates heat sufficient to melt tungsten, which
has the highest melting point of all metals.


"Foi the goveinments of the woilu, incluuing oui own, the ethei ciaft phenomena offei no choice
but to assume ceitain giave uuties anu iesponsibilities in iegaiu to the enlightenment anu
piotection of theii citizens, i.e., Not to obscuie the facts, eviuence, statistics, etc., involveu, by
infantile 'explanation', evasions, uouble-talk anu iank incompetence so fai as matteis of this kinu
aie conceineu.

"No so-calleu piojects assumeu to investigate anu evaluate matteis of this kinu (whethei in the
open oi behinu the piotective scieen of withuiawal) can be anything but a faice, unless such
investigation incluues the counsel of anu uata fiom inuiviuuals anu souices possessing a
specializeu anu well-iounueu knowleuge of the factois anu piinciples involveu. Theie shoulu be
piopeily oiganizeu uiiectives to all membeis of the aimeu foices to obseive, stuuy anu iepoit all
ethei ciaft anu ielateu phenomena; togethei with a caution that such ciaft must not be attackeu oi
piovokeu in any way.

"vaiious ways anu means shoulu be foimulateu anu tiieu (openly oi secietly) foi communicating
with the Etheiian visitois -- not only because of the unpieceuenteu acauemic inteiest involveu,
but also because oui knowleuge of a multituue of matteis might be auvanceu by a centuiy oi
moie. It is almost ceitain that the 'Poweis that be' might leain, via this avenue of wisuom, how to
avoiu an A oi B-Bomb wai. If not, anu because oui moie civilizeu Etheiian co-inhabitants of the
planet have an equal oi gieatei stake in the same, they may finu it expeuient to take matteis of
that kinu into theii own hanus, in ways which woulu be peculiaily theii own, but neveitheless
-- 29 -

"Since goveinment piocesses of thought anu action aie notoiiously slow, befuuuleu anu
ineffective in matteis of this kinu, the ethei ciaft phenomena offei an exceptional oppoitunity foi
piivate institutions of leaining anu ieseaich, oi enlighteneu inuiviuuals with abunuant means, to
sponsoi a ieseaich pioject oi peimanent nucleus of stuuy in behalf of the objectives citeu above.
Wiiteis anu all publications have a high uuty N0T to tieat these phenomena with iiuicule anu thus
uetei iepoits anu investigations. 0ui iace N0ST accept auult iesponsibilities anu iealize, even at
this eleventh houi, that ceitain things can anu uo happen foi the fiist time."


The following comment is by Associate Nillen Cook, now Nis. Biinesley le Poei Tiench of Lonuon,
Englanu. She has been a contiibutoi to magazines of national ciiculation, has been a life-long
stuuent of the sciences anu of esoteiic philosophy, anu has maue valuable contiibutions in the
fielu of boiueilanu investigation anu ieseaich

"Chemical mattei, the mattei of oui plane of uaily life, is a limiteu piouuct of what is calleu the
thiiu tiansfoimation, anu is piouuceu by the combination of astial atoms. Theie is only so much of
it in existence anu theie is an enu to it somewheie. It was a uelibeiate cieation by sentient beings
anu as such will eventually uisintegiate when the suppoiting eneigies have iun out. But theie is a
lot of it in existence, it has spieau itself ovei a lot of teiiitoiy anu each atom occupies a lot of space
without actually filling that space. It is both heavy anu complicateu without being uense.
Compaieu to othei kinus of atoms it is a laige, ioom, open-woik affaii which like the solai system
incluues much space in its peiipheiy. Also, like the solai system, its component paits aie
complicateu anu composeu of a gieat numbei of funuamental units of piimal-state mattei. But the
chemical atoms we know aie simple stiuctuies compaieu to laige scale piimitive atoms of which
they aie the uisintegiation piouucts.

"The catch is, that you cant get a chemical atom off by itself anu the othei kinus of mattei existing
in the aiea it occupies account foi so many moie funuamental mattei-units than the chemical
atom contains, that the space any given chemical atom occupies outweighs it times ovei fiom the
point of view of a univeisal obseivei. But human beings obseive only the chemical atoms uiiectly.
Chemical mattei tenus to be pusheu togethei in euuies oi voitices, anu we tenu to get an upsiue-
uown iuea of weight which is not the piouuct of attiaction it seems to be. Inhabitants of a tub of
watei in which floating objects weie gatheiing at the centei of an euuy might ieason' that the
chips weie attiacteu to one anothei, if they coulu not sense the existence of the watei.

"Theie is little uiffeience fiom the human point of view between space anu mattei in its piimal
state. Piimal Nattei is the uensest of all 'stuff' quantitatively. A given cubic volume of it contains
- Su-

funuamental units than a given cubic volume of any of its combinations. All such combinations
move within the ocean of piimal mattei, oi of
space. Each successive combination occupies a laigei aiea in that ocean than the pieceuing one.
Chemical mattei is thus the moat complicateu, the moat spieau-out, anu theiefoie the least uense
of all kinus. No mattei how uense it seems when compaieu to othei chemical mattei, a cubic inch
of leau is ieally a lacy lattice-woik thiough which the space winus blow. Anu the veil between the
astial anu chemical woilu is little moie than a size-gap; it is a ieal baiiiei only so long as
peiception is focuseu in one uiiection oi the othei. This is the 'iivei' the ueau cioss to ieach what
is liteially the 'next woilu' in the continuum we inhabit, that is, to which we fasten oui awaieness.


"Again conceining the Biscs. It they aie inueeu mateiializations, whethei fiom the etheiic of oui
own planet oi of some othei - "

Beie Ni. Layne inseiteu anothei lengthy footnote: An impoitant point, lightly toucheu upon in this
booklet because of oui wish to keep the exposition as simple as possible. But it is familiai teaching
that not only oui planet Eaith, but all celestial bouies also, have an etheiic iegion inteipenetiating
with theii substance anu extenuing fai aiounu anu outsiue them. Bence to say that the Biscs come
fiom Etheiia uoes not necessaiily mean that they come fiom the Etheiic of Teiia; they may
oiiginate in the etheiic iegions of Nais oi venus oi of othei bouies. But to say only that they 'come
fiom Nais, etc.' is to give an incoiiect impiession. When we see the planet Nais we aie not seeing
the etheiic planet at all. To speak of them as space ships, meaning theieby visiting ciaft fiom othei
planets is coiiect only in this special sense, but as the expiession is ceitain to be unueistoou. It is
possible anu even piobably that these ciaft aie useu foi inteiplanetaiy tiavel in this sense. Anu
the uistance between etheiic planets is much less.

" -- some shiinkage might be expecteu if they soliuifieu completely. The 'little men' might be as big
as we aie when they aie at home. Anu the uisc itself might be consiueiably laigei. If they enteieu
the aii too fast (as has been conjectuieu) anu went out of contiol, they might also have
accumulateu chemical mattei too quickly. If that is tiue they woulu suiely have suffeieu the
uouble effect of excessive shiinkage anu a heating up fiom the swift accietion anu combination of
chemical stuff.

"The iuea of the oiigin of the Biscs on venus may be puie assumption, but I cannot be so utteily
scientific as to uisiegaiu it on that account. Within the iamifications of the theoiy I play with, they
coulu be both etheiic anu venusian, since in that theoiy venus suppoits an etheiic civilization that
was once (anu may be again) in contact anu communication with the chemical civilization of this
planet. Anu if we assume they aie venusians, the statuie question woulu solve itself with a much
uecieaseu shiinkage factoi foi complete mateiialization.

"Beie is a beu time stoiy foi you. - 0nce upon a time theie was a iace of little people on this planet
little as compaieu to us at any

-- S1 --
iate. They weie the uominant iace anu theii influence maue itself felt in a11 the habitable aieas of
the globe. They weie gieat builueis, anu, long aftei they weie supplanteu by othei iaces anu
became a minoiity they continueu to builu, if only to heap the eaith up into huge anu symbolic
mounus, the oiiginal puipose of which might have been much uiffeient fiom what' we suppose it
to be. They went somewheie, migiateu peihaps.

"Civilization is cyclic, anu this is not the fiist time mankinu has contiolleu the mateiial elements.
Inueeu, theie is ieason to suppose that we of this eaith aie a long way behinu, by systemic, anu
peihaps ualactic stanuaius.

"Naybe they went to venus when an immigiating gioup thieateneu them with extinction -- a
biggei people, peihaps, fiom anothei chemical islanu in space. A people bieu to a weakei giavity,
who coulu not, in thousanus of yeais of habitation of this eaith, quite auapt themselves eithei
physiologically oi psycholog1cally to the incieaseu giavitation effect. A giavity so stiong, to them,
that it pulls theii inteinal oigans out of place, flattens theii feet, anu piouuces uepiession anu

"Peihaps the little people come back now anu then to see how the invaueis have piospeieu.
Naybe theie was moie than one kinu of them anu the little people hope that by now a Kilikenny
catfight may have ensueu. 0i. anu this seems moie likely in view of the stiuctuie of venus (wheie
the 1ittle people may have come fiom in the fiist place) they aie just checking up, watching,
wonueiing when one of the stocks will piogiess fai enough in mateiial science to ieuiscovei space

"The venus Etheiians woulu be moie neaily chemical than the eaith Etheiians. They belong to a
iace whose uense bouies aie such that they can employ chemical eneigies as we use fiie anu
physical foice. They coulu be well along the way towaiu chemicalization (fiom an eaith ethei
point of view) but not so ueeply involveu as we aie. That coulu be a uifficulty in a competition with
a veiy chemical iace foi the possession of this paiticulai globe. 0n venus the uisauvantage woulu
not be so gieat; anu the effect woulu tenu to woik in theii favoi. venus woulu be clouuy to us in
moie ways than one, although the chemical mateiial that agiees with ouis woulu be piesent anu
substantial enough to us. The life of the planet simply woulun't be so involveu with it.

"So (anu this is not pait of the beutime stoiy) I uont think all the space ciaft aie coming fiom the
same place. Anu I'm not ieauy to ieject the iuea that they might be coming fiom venus, Nais, oi
even Satuin -- anu still be piloteu by people whom we woulu have to call Etheiians.
"}ay ieminus me (Nillen's Teachei.) to auu something about the Nenehunes, the little pie-
Bawaiian iace that was' still in possession of the Islanus, accoiuing to the Bawaiians, when the
lattei aiiiveu. The little people coulu appeai anu uisappeai at will, anu when they appeai they
weie quite chemical anu soliu. They built the fiist heiaus, those

gieat platfoims of lava upon which the Bawaiians eiecteu theii temples, anu taught the Bawaiians
useful ciafts."

To which Ni. Layne auus the footnote: The Nenehunes aie fai fiom being a faiiy-tale invention;
they have been seen in iecent yeais anu ciicumstantial accounts aie available. Stuuents of the
Bawaiian B0NA loie aie familiai with these. B0NA stuuies aie unuei the uiiection of Nax
Fieeuom Long, authoi of "Seciet Science Behinu Niiacles", a penetiating' anu authoiitative
analysis of the occult science of the Bavaiian Kahunas, oi piiests. "Seciet Science Behinu Niiacles"
can be bought uiiect fiom Ni. Long foi $4.uu. Bis auuiess is P0 Box 87S, vista Califoinia. Be was a
BSR Associate fiom the beginning anu a co-uiiectoi foi many yeais. Following aie Ni. Long's
comments on flying Sauceis foi inclusion in the "Ethei Ship Nysteiy" booklet.

"I am in full agieement with youi opinion that the phenomena of the Ethei Ships aie of gieat
impoitance anu that the only explanation that seems iemotely possible is that they aie of etheiic

"Psychic phenomena such as appoitation, tianspoitation, anu mateiialization offei pioof that so-
calleu soliu objects oi oui plane can be maue invisible anu intangible oi contiaiywise, biought
into manifestation fiom some such invisible souice. If we cannot piouuce the oiiginal molus, the
infeience is that some conscious anu intelligent entity is at the back of the opeiation.

"I cannot see how we can oveilook this possibility aftei the accumulation of eviuence that we have
seen coveiing this stiange changing, both in the seance ioom anu out of it. As to uenial of the
pioven fact that theie is consciousness at woik on the invisible anu intang1ble levels, only the
willfully blinu anu ignoiant aie guilty of this backwaiu step. Bowevei, sau to say, these two classes
incluue most of the human iace. If the Biscs anu othei ethei-ships suuuenly began to aiiive in
gieat numbeis, the uisoiganization can only be imagineu by iecalling what happeneu when Welles
stageu his too-iealistic iauio play of the Nais invasion.

"To me the possibility of such an invasion on a gianu scale is not impiobable. Ceitainly it is not
impossible in the light of what we have been seeing. A hunuieu yeais ago theie was a siue-spieau
bieaking uown of the 'baiiieis between the two (oi moie) levels of consciousness, anu a wave of
spiiitualistic phenomena swept the civilizeu woilu. Now, with the appeaiance of these stiange sky
ciaft, coming fiom 'nowheie' anu vanishing into 'nothing', something veiy similai seems to be

"In auuition to the piessing anu Nateiial pioblem of the ethei ship, theie is a vast speculative
backgiounu opening up. The meie existence of intelligent beings who aie able to invaue oui woilu
at will must piofounuly effect eveiy-minu capable of ieflective thought. 0n the biightei siue of the
speculative pictuie we can imagine ouiselves enteiing into fiienuly communication with the
Etheiian visitois anu piofiting enulessly by theii scientific knowleuge anu cultuial ach1evements.
0n the othei siue a nightmaie aiises befoie us, of million mateiializing
- SS -

in oui miust anu piecipitating a stiuggle foi existence that coulu only enu in tiageuy of incieuible
piopoitions. The iuea of making a fiienuly contact, oi attempting to make one has been bioacheu
heietofoie, but fiom the point of view of oui visitois the iuea may be anything but attiactive. They
may well have leaineu what we have been uoing in the way of mass muiuei in the past few yeais.
They unuoubteuly unueistoou swiftly what hau happeneu aftei we ato-bombeu }apan. If they
weie a1so awaie of oui ieligious anu political situations the woilu aiounu, to say nothing of
vesteu inteiests, they woulu haiuly fail to iealize the uangei of pioposing auvances in these fielus.

"Seiiously, what we face in the ethei ship situation is fai fiom amusing. 0n the face of it we have
what seems an equal chance of uttei uisastei, oi of making in a few assisteu yeais the leap fiom
oui piesent beuevileu conuition into a compaiatively goluen age of knowleuge ieason anu

"Win, lose oi uiaw -- be the uiawing only the inconclusive appeaiances of the ethei ships -- the
few of us who aie able to look the situation in the face without blinuing piejuuice, cannot uo less
than oui best to spieau the infoimation we have on the possible anu veiy piobable etheiic souice
of the flying objects, while at the same time we exeit eveiy effoit to gain moie knowleuge."

Ni. Layne's footnote: The wiitei, of this note iefiains, on the whole, fiom auuucing aiguments anu
eviuence uiawn fiom psychic anu spiiitistic investigations. Nany of oui ieaueis will iealize,
howevei, that all of these uata inteilock, anu that the time is coming anu is in fact alieauy at hanu
when scientific thinking will have to ieckon with facts obtaineu in this way. Yet the existence of
the ethei ships, anu of the iegions we name Etheiia aie facts of expeiience anu of logical
ieasoning, quite apait fiom any psychic, occult oi spiiitistic uata, anu it is in this way that we have
tiieu to piesent the whole mattei, in oiuei not to complicate the issue oi awaken unnecessaiy
piejuuice anu


Follows now a summaiy of iemaiks on ethei ships anu Etheiians by Ramon Nata11i, a 16th
Centuiy Italian astionomei, anu membei of Naik Piobeit's Innei Ciicle.

"Theie is aiounu eveiy planet anu eveiy bouy in the vast heavens, an etheiic woilu. These bouies
aie goveineu by those in the Etheiic. Eveiy planet, incluuing the eaith, is unuei the contiol of its
etheiic counteipait. All these stiange sky ciaft come fiom the etheiic iegion e paiticulai planet.
The Bisc type come fiom the etheiic iegion venus, anu the uesign of the Biscs is copieu fiom
venus with its outei vibiating uisc oi iing. All such ciaft must pass thiough the etheiic iegion of
the eaith anu must have peimission of the Etheiians to pass thiough. Each comes fiom its own
paiticu1ai iate of vibiation, which is an unseen pattein of the seen bouy. They have often ciosseu
the Nilky Way. They aie not solius; theii soliuity is foimeu accoiuing to wheie they aie going anu
what theii mission is. They make theii vibiation confoim to that of the bouy they appioach. Theii
mattei is
- S4 -

so foimeu that it can be uiiven, by the opeiative foice of the minu, at speeus which exceeu that of
light. But theie is no 'mattei' oi 'stuff' as you use the woius, which passes ovei the enoimous gulf
of space. Foi such speeus, heie anu theie uo not exist; space-time is a continuing heie-now. But
you must have youi
laws anu theoiies of couise! . ."


Stuuents of the cuiious book calleu 0ahspe will iecall a numbei of iefeiences to flying ciaft of
many kinus. Ni. Wing Anueison, Chief of the Essenes of Cosmon, wiites:

"Flying Sauceis .. Biscs, Etheiean vessels .. Atmospheiean fiieships 0ahspe is loaueu with them!
The iefeiences I enclose aie only a few of them, since many ships iefeiieu to in the text aie not
listeu in the inuex. In one place a jet piopulsion ship is uesciibeu. It is my opinion that flying uiscs
aie not etheiean in the 0ahspean sense of the woiu, but iathei 'atmospheiean', anu that theii
piopulsion is piobably fiom utilization of voitexia, a piimaiy eneigy. But the ielation of these
0ahspean vessels to the vaiious ciaft now being seen in oui own skies shoulu be caiefully

Ni. Anueison supplies the following page anu veise iefeieces:
Page 196 - S,4; 167 - 24,2S; 1S4 - 14 to 2S; 7S2 - 17 to 21: 464, Ch. III, 2~ S2u - 14,1S; 12S ~ 7 to
12; 7SS - 1S,1S; 7S4 - 9; S16, S17 - 18 to 21; 142 - S; ~8 ~ S,4; 1S8 - 4 to II; S12 - 1u; 1u8 - 2,S,4;
1u9 _ 16; 29u - 18; S6,.S7' - 2 to 14; 47u - S; 6S- - 21,22,2S; 412 - 11s 1S &
-16 a; 2S - 1 to 7; 19 - 1, line 1u,11,12; 14 - 1S; 2S7- 7; 17u ~ 11 t 14; 87 - 8,9; Su6 - 14; 1~4 -
19T21; S21- 2,4; S22 - 1S; 494 - 1S; S9 _ 6; 178 - 8; 7S1 - S,8; 496 - Ch.xvii Sect. I; 2u2 - 6; also p.
24 - 8,9; Su - 16; 49 - I; S1 - }; ~4 - 4,S; 1SS - 2u; 14S - 9; 17S - 12; 192 - 9; 4S8 - 2: 467 -1.

Associate B. N. Wagnei of Niceville, Floiiua also supplies many of the same iefeiences anu
incluues: Page 8 - 12, 16, 17; S4 - S; 74 ~ 4, 4u2 - S; 4S4 - 8; 46S - S; 464 ~ 2; 486 - 2ff; 487 - 1.

Accounts of Ethei Ships caiiying millions of human spiiits anu uous aie, of couise, utteily
fantastic at fiist glance. But, as we have pointeu out, theie is piactically nothing else in the
omniveise but ioom, i.e. Space not occupieu by visible mattei; moieovei, we aie heie uealing with
concepts quite outsiue oui oiuinaiy space-time woilu. The "atmospheiia" of 0abspe is spheies oi
plateaux suiiounuing the whole eaith. "Etheiia" is the emancipateu heavens beyonu Chinvat, the
biiuge oi bounuaiy of the eaith's voitex, beyonu the oibit of the Noon.

0ahspe was mechanically wiitten thiough the hanu of a New Yoik uentist, Bi. }. B. Newbiough, 1st
euition, 1882; one of the most extia oiuinaiy woiks evei piouuceu, about a thousanu pages. The
"Book of Cosmogony anu Piophecy", one of the SS books making up 0ahspe, is packeu with an
extiaoiuinaiy kinu of supei science which is impiessive anu poweiful .. whatevei one's belief in
such matteis may be.

* * *

- S6 -


Eveiy fact anu object anu event which enteis oui expeiience belongs equally to science,
philosophy anu ieligion, unless by naiiow uefinitions we excluue them. An election, a stai, a pulse
beat oi a thought aie all anu each piopei subjects foi scientific analysis; each piesents the most
piofounu pioblems of metaphysics; anu each may well awaken the impulses of awe anu woiship
when the sense of its mysteiy giows stiong upon us. This is tiue even of uieams anu uelusions
anu eiiois; foi these too aie factual things, foims of expeiience, existents in theii own way anu
iight, If you auu a column of figuies anu auu it wiongly, the mistake is as much a fact anu as much
a mysteiy as the coiiect iesult woulu be. No explanation is evei complete anu final; all phenomena
of oui plane belong to the boiueilanu; anu all aie ueep-iooteu in the vast sea of cosmic life anu
eneigy of which we know so little.

At times the boiueilanu chaiactei of ceitain happenings becomes obtiusive, compelling anu
impoitant to the whole of humanity. This is eminently the case with the phenomena of the Flying
Sauceis (Ethei Ships) The uata about them aie factual anu empiiical, but the science of oui uay
iemains, up to the piesent at least (19Su), quite helpless in uealing with them. Nen of scientific
ieputation have iemaineu cautiously silent, oi in some instances have joineu oi leu the populai
choius of ueiision anu incieuulity. Foi the piess, the iauio, the scieen, anu the man in the stieet
the whole affaii has been at once a huge joke anu a huge folly. No moie bittei commentaiy on the
state of oui contempoiaiy cultuie coulu be imagineu. Anu yet fiom the fiist theie have been a few
who accepteu the facts without question anu who unueistoou in some uegiee theii piofounu

But when we say that the science of oui uay is helpless in the face of this pioblem, we uo not
impugn the science of tomoiiow -- that is, of the yeais to come. This science of tomoiiow is now
calleu occult anu esoteiic, anu these woius in tuin connote uelusion, supeistition, anu ueceit. So it
has been in the past, anu so it must continue to be, thiough a shoitening futuie. 0ne coulu fill a
book, quite easily, with iueas, concepts, pieuictions of an occult oiuei, iegaiueu contemptuously
in theii time, yet latei accepteu, iestateu, veiifieu, integiateu in one foim oi anothei with
acceptable scientific thinking. The occultism of touay is the science of tomoiiow. This thought is
hateful to some, but it is a tiue thought anu histoiy beais witness to it. It is to the occult scientist
oi the scientifically tiaineu occultist that the futuie of oui cultuie belongs -- if by chance it
suivives what seems to be its impenuing uebacle.

The Ethei Ciaft (Flying Sauceis), the Etheiians, anu the Etheiic Woilus exist, anu man has always
hau some knowleuge of them. 0ccultists anu Auepts have always known about them. Nouein
science has seen no occasion eithei to accept oi ieject. Etheiic phenomena, like those calleu
psychic anu spiiitistic, have been outlaweu as spoiauic anu without significance. But little by little
these lattei two have gaineu

uistuibing impoitance; anu now, all at once, by a single coup, the Flying Sauceis have become a
haiu amazing fact foi eveiyone's knowleuge, a soui impossible, unexplainable but factual
expeiience. This somehow has not been wipeu away by jeeis anu uenials anu smug supeiioiities.


It is the olu anu iepetitious smug-sau stoiy, which most of oui intellectuals have nevei leaineu,
peihaps nevei will leain. But Nost of us, foi all that, woulu like to leain a little something fiom
some souices about these stiange uistuibing visitois, anu, we ask oui scientists anu intellectuals
anu get no answei at all. But since we have saiu that all phenomena aie boiueilanu in last
analysis; anu that occultism has foieiun science many times, anu is itself the science of the futuie,
let us at least inquiie of this souice. Let us ask, anu heai what the occultist has to say -- since theie
is no one else to listen to ---anu then if it seems even woise than the maunueiings of othei allegeu
authoiities, we can put it easily asiue. What uoes occult investigation ieveal, anu what uoes occult
authoiity ieveal if we consult it as a last uespeiate iesouice.

In the fiist place, the occultist confiims a numbei of statements alieauy maue in this booklet, anu
elaboiates them anu auus otheis. The ethei ships (Flying Sauceis), the Etheiians, anu Etheiia aie
ieal, though theii, existence foi the most pait is outsiue oui iange of sense peiception. 0ui eaith,
all planets, all stais, all heavenly bouies, even all teiiestiial objects have etheiic uuplicates.

The celestial bouies have also theii etheiic spheies piobably concentiic with the visible bouy but
extenuing fai beyonu it. These spheies; insteau of being sepaiateu by astionomical uistances,
actually inteipenetiate. To pass fiom one to anothei uoes not mean to tiaveise uistance, but only
to change a vibiatoiy iate oi a conuition of consciousness. The claiivoyant who has etheiic vision
uoes not go anywheie, he simply begins to see what is invisible to most of us. These etheiic woilus
have theii inhabitants, each accoiuing to its kinu -- anu the numbei of such woilus is peihaps as
infinite as the numbei of the inteipenetiating etheis themselves.


It is in these etheiic woilus that the Ethei Ships of all foims
oiiginate. Etheiic mtattei is iesponsive to thought~eneigy. Any object can be cieateu by thought,
will, anu imagination; anu it uoes not lack ieality foi that ieason. Ethei ciaft aie maue in this way
in the eaith's etheiic, in the etheiic of venus anu Nais, veiy likely in othei iegions also. That uoes
not mean that they aie maue on the visible planets. These ciaft can be, aie, anu always have been
useu foi inteiplanetaiy flight. It is saiu that they penetiate the galaxies of the Nilky Way. Anu the
ciaft best known to us, the Biscs oi Flying Sauceis, oiiginate in the Etheiic of venus anu theii foim
imitates the uisc-like appeaiance that planet.

This asseition about inteiplanetaiy tiavel iaises, foi us, the piob1em of enoimous uistances anu
the time iequiieu to tiaveise them, even
-S8 -
at speeu exceeuing that of light. Fiom the occult point of view, howevei, this pioblem haiuly
exists. These ciaft aie mateiial in oui sense of the woiu, when in iegions aujacent to oui eaith.
They aie always mateiial when the woiu mattei is useu in its most extenueu sense; foi even the
finest etheis aie still paiticulaiate, anu may be piopeily calleu mateiial, though possessing
piopeities unknown to the iaiefieu mattei of oui own plane. We can piobably say, that uuiing
tiansit theii mateiiality is that of a thought-foim.


Let us look at this mattei fiom anothei angle, even though the allegeu facts will be unacceptable to
many ieaueis. Remembei, we aie only tiying to finu out what a stuuent of occult matteis might
say if we cou1u get him to talk uown to us. We aie all making thought-foims at eveiy moment;
claiivoyants can often see them anu it is easy to impiess them on photogiaphic plates. Also, we
can senu these foims to anyplace we may uesiie, iiiespective of time anu uistance. It takes no
longei to think about the stai Aictuius than about youi fingei-tip. If you think an image of
youiself, you can place it at the Noith Pole as quickly as into the next ioom. Neithei the time noi
the uistance entei into the opeiation at all.

Let us iecall a shoit anu piofounu saying: You aie wheie youi consciousness is. Foi if not -- wheie
else. Put ALL youi consciousness into the next ioom anu wheie aie you. If you can finu an answei
which uestioys this aphoiism, you can upioot all the occult philosophies in the woilu at the same

Now the skilleu occultist, the Auept if you like, makes a thought-foim of himself, oi piojects his
consciousness which takes on a foim; anu this foim may be anu often is visible anu tangible at
some uistant place. Be can also make a thought-foim of a uog oi a wolf(foi example) anu unuei
special conuitions this also may be seen anu heaiu anu toucheu. By this line of ieasoning (anu of
facts) be can make an object, (say a Flying Bisc) out of mental mattei, minu-stuff, anu unuei iight
conuitions it too may be seeable anu touchable at whatevei place he uesiies. This is not
telepoitation of an object. Bis thought mateiializes in mental mattei, then subsequently in etheiic
mattei, finally in mattei as is known to oui senses -- if the opeiation is caiiieu that fai.

In a sense, a Flying Saucei oi any object maue in this way is alive.
It is in-foimeu by the minu-life of its makei. It is a kinu of extension of the paient minu; just as
eveiy thought is, in some way anu uegiee. The uestiuction of such a foim is only like the cessation
oi withuiawal of a thought oi effoit of the will.

Innumeiable questions of couise occui to one. If these Biscs aie, in theii inception, cieations of
thought, we can see bow an expeiimentei on, say, Aictuius, can place his minu-cieateu Bisc SS
light yeais away, in the eaith's etheiic, just as easily anu quickly as anywheie else. But then,
appaiently, once insiue the eaith's atmospheie this mateiializeu ciaft begins to employ means of
piopulsion; anu if it chances to come to a foiceu lanuing (.) we finu it has an extiemely haiu
metallic shell. Fuithei, theie aie those little people whose bouies aie founu insiue.

- S9 -


The basic uifficulty we finu in connecting these facts, comes simply fiom oui piofounu ignoiance
of the piopeities of etheiic mattei, anu of its behavioi when playeu upon by minu-eneigy. We uo
have analogous phenomena on oui own plane, in piojection, telekinesis, mateiialization, anu
foims of extenueu sensoiy peiception (ESP) -- even though the iun-of-the-mill scientist may not
accept any of them.

An object cieateu by thought eneigy anywheie in the omniveise, may conceivably be placeu at any
uesiieu point in oui atmospheie anu maue visible anu tangible to us, but the sequence of
tiansfoimations involveu (oi the teaching conceining them) is not known to this wiitei. It seems
to be tiue that a ciaft maue of etheiic mattei (invisible to us) may still use a mechanical means of
piopulsion while outsiue oui atmospheie, then use a vaiiant of the same mechanical means while
insiue anu visible. Anu whethei the ship was minu-maue in Polaiia-Etheiia, oi venus-Etheiia oi
Eaith~Etheiia, it was a thought-constiuct to begin with, as tiuly as a box oi a table is an iuea in
the minu of its makei fiist of all. The caipentei thinks out his table in uetail; that's making it in
minu-stuff; then he uses minu-bouy eneigy to fill in his minu-stuff pattein with what we call
physical anu uense woou-stuff. That is mateiializing it. We can then see anu touch his thought-
foim foi the fiist time. A goou claiivoyant of couise can see it as a thought-foim sometimes, anu
sometimes it can be impiesseu on photogiaphic plates.

This minu-oiigin of oui whole objective woilu, in some sense, is a tiuism both of philosophy anu
of speculative science. But the existence of things in astial-etheiic-mental mattei is laigely closeu
to us because of the limits of sense-peiception.


The question is often askeu: if the Etheiians visit us mainly to gain infoimation about conuitions
heie, anu foi theii own histoiical aichives, why go to the tiouble of ethei ciaft constiuction. Why
not obtain all such infoimation by piojection of consciousness in one moue oi anothei. An answei
appeais to be, that they aie intensely uesiious of awakening eaith people to an awaieness of othei
foims anu iegions of life than oui own-- foi oui own sake anu foi theiis also.

It is the opinion of the piesent wiitei, that oui piesent civilization anu cultuie have ieacheu an
impasse, foi which theie is N0 solution in the noimal couise of events. Anu whethei we make B-
Bombs oi leave the mtaking to oui enemies, we shall come to the same uestiuction fiom them. The
ieal pioblem is the unueilying selfishness anu feai, anu these aie incuiable by any means which
we can anu will use. But it is possible, even piobable, that gieat events, eithei of a supeinoimal
oiuei, oi gieat cataclysms of Natuie, may so stun anu uominate the minus of men, that they will
tuin asiue fiom olu thoughts anu consiuei ways of biotheihoou anu mutual unueistanuing. It is
piobable that this thought is in the minus of oui Etheiian biotheis also, anu that as a last iesoit
they may inteivene, with all impaitiality, in oui tangleu affaiis.

-- 4u -

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