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Mallory Weast Mrs.

Fuentes English 1102 January 29 2014

Reality TV Like a typi al young !"eri an hu"an #eing$ % "ysel& onsu"e nu"erous hours o& tele'ision$ an( "ost o& it is reality TV. There are "any "is on eptions a#out this ele"ent o& pop ulture an( the )ay others portray it. E'eryone kno)s that reality TV is not real$ ho)e'er$ people are still a#le to onne t to it. E'en though reality TV is o&ten &ake an( o'er*(ra"ati+e($ so"e sho)s ha'e 'alues an( story lines that are upli&ting an( heart)ar"ing$ )hile others (o not tea h the #est 'alues. With this #eing sai($ there are so"e reality TV sho)s that % agree )ith an( there are so"e that % (isagree )ith. ,ne o& the "ost )at he( an( "y &a'orite reality tele'ision sho) )oul( #e Duck Dynasty. %& you )ere to )at h this sho) &or the &irst ti"e$ you )oul( pro#a#ly think that it is -ust a#out a #un h o& re(ne ks )ith #ig #ear(s. .o)e'er$ this sho) portrays the li&e o& the Ro#ertson/s$ a Louisiana &a"ily that "akes (u k alls an( (epen(s on their &aith to help the" "ake it through li&e. ,ne o& the reasons % en-oy )at hing this sho) so "u h is #e ause % an easily relate to their 'alues an( "orals. % ha'e #een raise( in the 0outh "y )hole li&e$ an( "y &a"ily pla es a #ig e"phasis on &aith an( &a"ily. The Ro#ertson &a"ily$ -ust like "ine$ is a &a"ily that li'es out their 1hristian &aith (aily. For e2a"ple$ at the en( o& e'ery sho) you )ill see the" #less their &oo( #e&ore they eat. This is i"portant to "e #e ause it is ni e to see that there are still people

)ith &a"ily an( religious 'alues. !&ter )at hing this sho) an( li'ing in to(ay/s so iety$ this "akes "e herish "y &a"ily an( the 'alues that )e ha'e. !nother sho) % en-oy )at hing is The Bachelor$ ho)e'er % (o not agree )ith so"e o& the lessons that are taught on this sho). % en-oy )at hing this sho) #e ause % a" in lo'e )ith the i(ea o& lo'e$ an( )at hing the 'arious (ates these )o"en go on is a"using to "e. The 3a helor is a si"ple tele'ision sho)4 t)enty*&i'e )o"en o"e an( try to )in a "an/s heart. Throughout the sho)$ the la(ies an( the "an tra'el the )orl($ hoping that he )ill &in( so"eone to spen( the rest o& his li&e )ith. This sho) tea hes us that heating is okay. This guy starts out )ith t)enty* &i'e )o"en that oul( potentially #e his &uture spouse an( he e'entually narro)s it (o)n to one. This #asi ally "eans that he has t)enty*&i'e girl&rien(s$ an( )e all kno) that that )oul( not )ork in the real )orl(. .o)e'er$ % (o #elie'e that the sho) is a set up$ #ut it is appealing #e ause it is ro"anti an( i(ealisti . What girl )oul( not )ant to tra'el the )orl( )ith their signi&i ant other5 .o)e'er$ this sho) hanges "y 'ie)s on (ating. % #elie'e that (ating shoul( #e a personal one*on*one e2perien e. %n this ase$ it is not a one*on*one e2perien e #e ause it is on national tele'ision. !((itionally$ it is "ore like a t)enty*&i'e*on*one e2perien e$ sin e there are t)enty*&i'e girls going a&ter the sa"e guy. % a("ire Duck Dynasty #e ause o& the 'alues that are (e"onstrate( in their li&estyle. % (o not agree )ith the i(ea o& &in(ing lo'e like in The 3a helor$ #ut % &eel like this sho) still has a )ay to tea h the 'ie)ers lessons a#out lo'e. .o)e'er$ there are so"e tele'ision sho)s that % (o not parti ularly agree )ith. ,ne o& the" Americas Next Top Model. To "e$ !6TM gi'es the )rong i"age o& )hat girls shoul( look like. ,n !6TM the #o(y )eight o& the "o(els is o&ten stresse(. %t is re7uire( that the "o(els are e2tre"ely thin an( tall. 6ot e'eryone is #uilt this )ay$ an( &or young girls )at hing this parti ular sho)$ girls )ho are not e2tre"ely skinny or to)ering

o'er others it$ oul( possi#ly ruin their sel&*estee" an( ause serious onse7uen es su h as eating (isor(ers. The sho) shoul( ha'e a "ore positi'e in&luen e o'er girls an( tea h that no "atter your shape or si+e e'eryone is #eauti&ul in their o)n )ay. Fro" "y o)n personal e2perien e )at hing these sho)s % ha'e i(enti&ie( )ho % a" an( the things % #elie'e in. 3y )at hing Duck Dynasty % ha'e o"e to the on lusion that "y &aith an( &a"ily are the t)o things that "ean the "ost to "e. This sho) has taught "e to rely on "y &aith e'en in (i&&i ult situations. % #elie'e this sho) oul( open the eyes o& its 'ie)ers in a positi'e )ay$ #e ause it "akes it kno)n that &aith an #ring you through any ir u"stan e. The 3a helor has "a(e "e reali+e that going on national tele'ision to &in( lo'e is ri(i ulous. % think this sho) oul( "ake its 'ie)ers o"prehen( that the (ating pro ess is "eant to #e #et)een t)o in(i'i(uals. !s a result o& reality tele'ision sho)s$ people 'ie) the"sel'es in "any )ays )hether it is positi'e or negati'e. % (o not #elie'e that all reality TV sho)s are #a($ ho)e'er % think so"e people "isinterpret so"e o& these sho)s an( "ake the" out to represent so"ething that they are not a#out. 0o"e reality TV sho)s ser'e as eye openers to the 'ie)ers. Fro" "y personal e2perien e &ro" )at hing so"e reality tele'ision sho)s$ % ha'e (e&ine( )ho % a" an( the )ay % )ant others to 'ie) "e. % #elie'e it is sa&e to say that at so"e point e'eryone has onsu"e( so"e a"ount o& reality TV$ ho)e'er they let it a&&e t the" a or(ing to the li&e they hoose to li'e.

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