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Leaflet made by: Abdullah Baiyat

Medicine in the medieval times

Western medicine advanced very little in Europe during the middle Ages. Scholarship fell into the
religious sphere, and clerics were more interested in curing the soul than the body. Many people
considered disease and injury to be punishment from god and thought that cures were only
possible through prayer or by punishing them selves. There were still docters that did treatments
and surgery.


Docters studied the anatomy of the body

and developed surgery as disections
were allowed. The docters learnt Galen’s
theories however the person that did the
surgery often made mistakes. The
problem of unsuccessful surgery was delt
Methords of treatment with but not completely.the docters
recognise that during the surgery
In the medieval period they still believed
in the 4 humors which meant that many of infection and pain were the two things
the cures involved balencing the humors that mostly caused death. To stop
that were over flowing. The way they infection during surgery they used wine
balenced out the humors was by bleeding, as an antiseptic and drugs to ease pane
applying leeches, or causing purging or
however some drugs were very
vomiting in their patients. Other ways of
balancing the 'natural heat' included the dangerous.
taking of hot baths, drinking a soup of
yellow lentils, or applying water cooled
with snow. During the time of the plague,
huge Christian processions were held in
which they would wipp themselves to Changes in medicine during the
show god they were sorry.They thought by medieval period
doing this god wouls stop punishing them.
One of the obvious changes was the training of
• They drank bamboo juice for small docters as ther were medical schools being
pox. established.

• Fig poultices for plague sores. There were also some slow changes like after a
little while docters started to question Galen and
• The monarchs believed that if you Hippocrates teachings were questioned and
had scrofula (a hand disease) by things improved.New ideas like the urine chart
touching the king’s hand the wher developed.
disease will get cured.

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