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Ideas about CAUSE of disease

Supernatural ideas:
Medieval (1250-1500)
The Church was hugely powerful:
Belief in heaven / hell Case Study: The Black Death (1348)
• No education, so people learned from church
• God punishes sinners Killed 1/3 of British population 1348-50
• Disease is a punishment sent by God. Bubonic Plague: spread by fleas on rats
Astrology Pneumonic Plague: spread by coughing
Idea that the position of the stars affects our lives.
Physician would consult star charts and when a Approaches to TREATMENT and PREVENTION Ideas about cause
patient was born to make diagnosis People did not understand real cause, Key Individuals
Treatments: they thought it was: Hippocrates
Four Humours Religious/supernatural • Punishment from God Greek phyisician, devised idea of Four Humours
This was an ancient idea, first put forward by Prayer; saying mass; fasting; going on pilgrimage – all advised as • Imbalance of four humours Galen
Hippocrates (a Greek physician and philosopher). religious “treatments” Roman physician, author of 60+ books. Ideas
The universe is made up of four elements; and the Some believed disease because punishment was sent by God, you How was it dealt with? were basis of medical understanding
body is made up of four humours (liquids) should not try to treat. • Prayer / fasting / flagellation
If these humours are in balance the body will be (whipping) Key Vocabulary
healthy, when they are unbalanced you become ill. Humoural Treatments • Light fires / carry posies to ward off
Galen (Roman physician) developed the idea with Physician suggested a treatment for each symptom, including miasma Physician: person who practices medicine
theory of Opposites. For example, f you had a bleeding and purging; bathing (only available • Local governments tried to control by Barber surgeon: cut hair / carried out blood-
phlegmy cold, this should be balanced by eating to rich); remedies (made from herbs and spices) - buildings new cemeteries letting
something hot eg pepper. - close Parliament in 1349 Apothecary: mixed herbal remedies
Prevention - enforcing street cleaning in cities, but Remedy: cure for an illness
Miasma PRAY! this often didn’t happen Four Humours: liquids in body which must
Bad smelling air thought to be harmful – so Practice basic hygiene (as recommended in the Regimen Sanitatis)
remain in balance for good health
corpses, rotting matter, swamps thought to cause Purifying bad air (eg carry a sweet-smelling “posy”; some measures Consequences of the Black Death
disease. Ancient Greek theory, also believed by were taken to keep towns clean, like clearing animal corpses) Fewer workers, demand higher wages and
Galen. had more freedoms.
Who cared for the sick?
• The Physician was university educated; expensive so only available
if you were rich Examples of Continuity
• Diagnosed illness by: observing sample of urine / faeces / blood; • People still believed in ideas of Hippocrates and Galen: Four Humours,
consulting astrological charts.
• Apothecary mixed the herbal remedies.
• Surgeon performed basic operations and bleeding • Church controlled education, very few books. Therefore very few new ideas,
• Approx. 1,100 Hospitals by 1500, 30% run by Church. and little spread of information
Provided clean place to rest and eat well.
Many hospitals were places for travellers to stay MINOR CHANGE: Use of the Regimen Sanitatis resulted in more hygienic
• Most people cared for at home (kept clear, fed, herbal remedies).
conditions, although only slightly
This was generally considered to be a woman’s role.

Medieval (1250 – 1500) Renaissance (1500-1700) C18th – C19th (1700-1900) Modern Day (1900 - )
Ideas about CAUSE of disease

Time of discovery, scientific progress, experiments.

Renaissance (1500-1700)
- The Church had less control over life, so there Case Study: The Great Plague (1665)
was a chance for the spread of new ideas.
- The printing press helped ideas to spread. Disease continued to strike after 1348 (Black Death) – 1665
- Royal Society allowed scientists to gather, share was a particularly bad year.
research More than 65,000 died in London

This led to lots of new ideas: eg Prevention

- Better understanding of anatomy, for example Approaches to TREATMENT and Key Individuals
Measures recommended to help people avoid the Plague: Thomas Sydenham “English Hippocrates”. He
blood circulated round the body PREVENTION - Prayer
- Existence of “animalcules” observed patients’ symptoms. This enabled him
- Quarantine (plague victim kept isolated from others to identify the disease that needed to be treated.
Treatment stop spread of disease)
Four Humours Transference – disease could be Versalius Anatomist. Carried out dissections,
- “examiner” to check if anyone suffering in found errors in Galen’s ideas (eg lower jaw =
This theory had been proved wrong by scientists. transferred to an object by rubbing it parish
However, most people still believed it so most Lots more herbal remedies available from one bone, not two. Published in “Fabric of the
- “watchman” guard house of victims Human Body”
physicians continued to use old methods, eg newly discovered lands of the New World - Cross marked on every affected house
bleeding. The new science of chemistry resulted in William Harvey discovered how blood
- Pomander (ball full of sweet smelling herbs) carried to circulated round the body
lots of chemical cures. eg antimony used keep away miasma
Miasma to treat typhus - Plague doctors wore special costume:
This ides that disease spread by bad smelling air - Bird design to “transfer” disease away from Key Vocabulary
was still believed Apothecaries and surgeons were better patient Anatomy The human body
trained - Mask full of herbs Diagnose to look at symptoms to work out
- Public meeting, fairs, theatres cancelled to stop spread what disease a patient has
Less hospitals available because many of of disease Miasma foul smells, thought to cause disease
these had been run by the monasteries, - Carts travelled through cities to collect dead Quarantine isolating ill person to stop spread
which were closed down by Henry VIII Transference rubbing an object on a wound to
“transfer” illness from the patient
Ideas about cause of disease had Examples of Change
advanced, but treatments were still not
Examples of Continuity
effective. So prevention still very
important. - Understanding that Four Humour theory was
Cleanliness still important; though less use wrong (though it was still widely used) - Belief in miasma as a cause of disease
of public baths since arrival of syphilis - Better understanding of human body - Herbal remedies still popular
Moderation avoiding too much alcohol, - More remedies available from New World - People still used humoural treatments (eg
cold, food
(newly discovered land in Americas) bleeding), because patients believed in them.
To reduce miasma, homeowners in some
towns had to pay a fine if they did not - Use of chemical cures
clean outside their homes

Medieval (1250 – 1500) Renaissance (1500-1700) C18th – C19th (1700-1900) Modern Day (1900 - )
Approaches to TREATMENT and PREVENTION Key Individuals

C18th - 19th (1700-1900) Louis Pasteur developed germ theory
Florence Nightingale: nurse in Crimean War 1854; hospitals Case Study: Cholera (1854) Robert Koch identified specific microbes,
appalling developed methods to study them better
Made changes to way wounded soldiers treated Disease first arrived London 1831. Henry Bastian British doctor, did not believe in
- Sanitation (clean hospital, bedding) Particularly affected the poor – those living in Germ Theory
Ideas about CAUSE of disease - Nurses to provide care slums and workhouses. Florence Nightingale came up ideas of modern
- Good meals provided Three “epidemics” (major outbreaks, killing nursing / hospital design
C18th Age of “Enlightenment” – people Mortality rate (% of wounded dying) fell from 40% to 2% thousands). James Simpson discovered chloroform
thinking for themselves, not just following Nightingale returned to GB Government tried to prevent by cleaning slums Joseph Lister develop use of carbolic acid to
ideas of church - Set up nursing college; designed hospitals with wards to stop to reduce miasma – did not work. tackle infection in surgery
disease spreading; wrote “Notes on Nursing” 1854 outbreak studied by John Snow. John Snow worked out that cholera caused by
1861, Louis Pasteur published Germ Snow plotted where all deaths had occurred on a dirty water
Theory. Observed that “microbes” Surgery: 3 major problems: pain, infection, blood loss (this was not map. Edward Jenner came up with the concept of using
present in the air, these made liquids rot “solved” until C20th) Identified that they were centred around Broad vaccination
(he was investigating rotting beer). Anaesthetic developed to deal with pain. St water Pump.
Proved microbes could be killed by heat Other drugs had been used (eg ether), but problems. Took handle off pump, no more victims
(pasteurisation). James Simpson discovered chloroform. Discovered Broad St well was next to a cesspit Key Vocabulary
1878 published Germ Theory of infection, Some opposed as though pain was sent by God, but when Queen (toilet pit). Anaesthetic a drug which makes a patient unconscious
proving microbes caused disease in Victoria used chloroform, it became popular Proved that cholera was spread by dirty water. during surgery
humans. Antiseptic developed to deal with infection. After reading Germ a small organism which can cause disease
Pasteur’s Germ Theory Joseph Lister used carbolic acid during Antiseptic germ-free
Robert Koch identified that different operations to keep wound clean. Many doctors opposed at first, as Microbe germ that can cause disease
microbes caused different diseases. carbolic was unpleasant Spontaneous generation idea about cause of decay
First discovered cholera 1883. Epidemic rapid spread of a disease
Came up with methods to study bacteria Prevention
(grow in petri dish, stain with dye to make Edward Jenner develop vaccination to protect against smallpox.
easier to see) – these methods made it Previously people had been inoculated (given small dose of disease
possible for other scientists to make to develop immunity.
further discoveries. 1776 Jenner worked out you could make someone immune to
Koch’s work meant that scientists studied smallpox by injecting a small amount of cowpox. Examples of Change Examples of Continuity
diseases, not symptoms. Lots of opposition from church, inoculators and scientists
- Germ Theory – understanding that germs - Many people still believed in miasma
Impact in Britain Public Health cause disease - Still major public health issues in
GB doctors – led by Henry Bastian – did 1848 Public Health Act encouraged cities to provide clean water,
- Surgery became safer cities. Widespread poverty
not believe in Germ Theory. They still but not compulsory.
believed in Spontaneous Generation 1852 government makes smallpox vaccinations compulsory - Hospitals more clean - No cure for blood loss in surgery
(microbes spread from rotting matter by 1875 Public Health Act. Realisation government should intervene - Government became involved more involved - There was better understanding of
miasma). to improve living conditions in cities. City authorities forced to: in health / medicine cause of disease, but still few cures
GB government rejected germ theory provide clean water, dispose of sewage properly, public health - Vaccines developed to prevent disease
until end of C19th. officer to monitor outbreak of disease, ensure good new housing.

Medieval (1250 – 1500) Renaissance (1500-1700) C18th – C19th (1700-1900) Modern Day (1900 - )
Ideas about CAUSE of disease Approaches to TREATMENT and PREVENTION

Scientific understanding of the cause of disease Technology / Chemical cures

Modern Day (1900 - )
replaced ideas of Four Humours, miasma. Doctors Magic bullet = attacks disease, not body Case Study: Lung Cancer
use evidence based knowledge to diagnose Salvason 606 – first developed to attack syphilis
patients. Penicillin (see below) Second most common cancer in the UK. 85% of cases
Technology has helped to identify and combat diseases are smokers / ex-smokers
Technology developed to diagnose: In C19th only 1% of cancers were lung cancer; 1918
blood tests; x-rays; ultrasound NHS 10%; 1927 14% (smoking became more popular –
scans; endoscopes (camera 1911 National Insurance Act only covered working men. Key Individuals
mainly due to tobacco company advertising).
which can see inside the body). 1948 – to provide free healthcare for all from cradle to grave. Lung cancer hard to diagnose accurately with X-ray.
Hospital, GP, dentist, ambulance, health visitor Crick and Watson discovered structure of DNA
Nowadays it can be diagnosed using CT scan – which Alexander Fleming first to use penicillin, left
Genetics Ongoing debate about cost / quality of service is more accurate.
Scientists realised that microbes could not cause all notes about what he discovered
When diagnosed treatment can be: Florey and Chain developed use of penicillin
disease – some were passed from parent to child - remove infected part of lung
(hereditary illness). - Transplant lung from healthy patient
1900 a German scientist first came up with the - Radiotherapy: attacking the cancer with radiation Key Vocabulary
theory of genetics, but microscopes were not - Chemotherapy: attacking the caner with
powerful enough to prove the idea. chemicals. Hereditary disease illness passed from parent
1953 Watson and Crick discovered the shape of Government realised smoking was a problem in to child
DNA (an acid in every human cell carrying info 1950s, but made lots of money Magic bullet chemical which kills disease, but
about characteristics). Pevention from tobacco tax. does not affect rest of body
This meant they could find the part of the DNA Government has assumed responsibility for public health Government action: Antibiotic treatment which destroys or stops
which caused hereditary disease. Compulsory vaccinations - Advertising ban growth of bacteria in the body
Using this information, doctors can know if Laws to provide healthy environment (eg Clean Air Act 1956) - Ban on smoking in public Penicillin first antibiotic
someone is likely to suffer from a hereditary illness, Communication about health risks of lifestyle choice (eg anti- - Anti-smoking campaigns Genetics information about a person stored on
and take steps to prevent the impact smoking campaigns) - Raising taxes DNA in every cell.

During C20th we have better understood the Case Study: Penicillin Examples of Change Examples of Continuity
impact of lifestyle choices on health.
Smoking 1871 Joseph Lister used penicillin to treat a patient, but left
It is the biggest cause of preventable disease in the no record of his discovery.
- Use of science to diagnose / understand disease - Still unable to treat some
world now 1928 Alexander Fleming noticed that in his lab, some mould - NHS healthcare free for all illnesses such as cancer and
A poor diet with too much sugar or fat can cause was killing bacteria in a dirty petri dish (it has drifted in - Government taking responsibility for public viruses.
heart disease and type 2 diabetes. through the window). He didn’t study further but published health
Other lifestyle choices which can cause disease his findings.
include: excessive alcohol, drug use, unprotected - Huge increase in the amount of treatments /
Florey and Chain were studying antibiotics. They read
sex and tanning. Fleming’s work, 1940 tested successfully on mice.
surgery which can be given
But couldn’t produce large quantities. - Lifestyle factors have become an important
When US joined WWII 1941, Florey and Chain got backing cause of disease / death
from big American drug companies to mass produce.

Medieval (1250 – 1500) Renaissance (1500-1700) C18th – C19th (1700-1900) Modern Day (1900 - )

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