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A) Hereditary
Early onset <25yr Late onset >25yr
Autosomal recessive
Friedrich ataxia ADCA type I: ophthalmoplegia +
Other AR: extrapyramidal
1. Resemble FA e retained ADCA type II: retinal degeneration
 ADCA type III: pure cerebellar ataxia
2. e optic atrophy
3. e cataract & MR ADCA e sensory neuropathy
4. e deafness DRPLA: dentate-rubral pallido-luysian
5. e hypogonadism atrophy
6. e myoclonus Episodic ataxia
7. e extrapyramidal
B) Symptomatic
1)Cong Chiari, bailar impression
3)Infection Encephalitis, abscess, tuberculoma
4)Vascular Infarction or hge
5)Tumor Intra or extraaxial + PNS
7)Toxic AED: phenytoin, CMZ
Lithium, 5flurouracil, Mercury
Alcohol, Mariguana

2) Sensory
1) Peripheral nerve
2)Dorsal root Tabes dorsalis
3)Post column SCD, Brown sequard syndrome
4)Brain stem
6)Sensory cortex

3)Vestibular 1. Menier
2. Labyrinthitis: viral, toxic, 2ry to OM
3. Acoustic neuroma
4)Mixed 1. FA= Cerebellar + sensory
2. Acoustic neuroma= Cerebellar + vestibular
3. Wallenberg= Cerebellar + vestibular

Intermittent ataxia
Drug or toxin MS TIA Migraine
Metabolic ataxia Episodic ataxia Intermittent HCP Foramen magnum compression
Friedreich's Ataxia
Incidence Most common hereditary ataxia
½ all hereditary ataxias
AE Unstable GAA expansion (unique with no anticipation)
Occasionally: point mutation in gene x25 encoding frataxin
Path "Dying back phenomenon" of axons, beginning in the periphery with ultimate loss of neurons
and a secondary gliosis.
• Sites of these changes are the spinal cord and spinal roots  loss of large, myelinated axons in
peripheral nerves, which  with age and disease duration.
1. The posterior columns
2. Pyramidal tract
3. Ventral, and lateral spinocerebellar tracts
C/P Age: 5-15yr with gradual onset, slowly progressive course
• Cardinal features:
1. cerebellar features: nystagmus, ataxia, slurred stactto speech
2. Pyramidal features: Weakness, EPR
3. Post column: impaired deep sensation, sensory ataxia
4. Peripheral N: hypotonia, hyporeflexia, distal atrohy, G & S hypothesia
Loss of ambulation typically occurs 15 years after disease onset, >95% of patients are
wheelchair bound by age 45 years.
• Variable features:
1. Skeletal: Scoliosis, pes cavus, spina bifida
2. Cardiomyopathy
3. OA, deafness,
4. DM
Variants Late onset FA: >25yr, slowly progressive
FARR (e retained reflexes)
Investig Genetic test to verify the GAA repeat expansion
ECG, Echo
CT & MRI: normal cerebellum (in advanced cases slight atrophy)
TTT Physiotherapy, genetic counseling, ttt cardiac problems, orthopedic for deformity

Syndromes with pathological expansion of trinucleotide repeat

ADCA (GAA) Myotonia dystrophica (CTG) Huntington dse (CAG)
Fragile X syndrome X-linked bulbospinal neuropathy (CAG)

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