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What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product and why?

By Jonathan Riley

What is a Media Institution?

A media institution is an organization that deals in the creation and distribution of advertising, entertainment and information. Examples of some of the big media institutions

What institution would distribute my product?

I think my media product would be distributed by Lionsgate Entertainment. This is because they have created many thriller films like SAW, Abduction, The Expendables and The Last Stand. They have created many thrillers, which links to my thriller opening sequence Retribution.

Lionsgate Entertainment
Founded: July 3rd 1997 Founder: Frank Giustra One of the biggest thriller distribution company in the USA & England, this would be perfect for my movie because it would be a thriller and would be able to be distributed all over the world. They make a revenue each year of about $2.1billion.

Some of their most famous films are Rambo and The Hunger Games.

Universal Studios
Founded: June 8th 1912 Founder: Carl Laemmle, Pat Powers and Mark Dintenfass One of the biggest thriller distribution company worldwide, this would be perfect for my movie because it would be a thriller and would be able to be distributed all over the world. They make a revenue each year of about $4.3billion. Some of their most famous films are Jaws and Jurassic Park

Why would they distribute it?

Lionsgate or Universal would distribute my product because they are both represented as the Thriller genre and would be known for this genre across the UK and most of the world. Lionsgate & Universal have been institutions for a long time and would know how to make our media product as successful as it cam be. Overall I would rather chose Universal Studies to distribute my product because they work with Steven Speilberg a lot and he would make our media product successful.

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