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Cerina Namocot #19 12/17/13 E206 W.W Are White Lies Ok? Are White Lies Ok?

No because what if your best friend lied to you will you lose trust in them because I will how would you feel if they lied to you and then the next day they tell you the real truth. This also could happen if you showed up to school with a new haircut and they told you nice haircut I guess and then the next day you asked your best friend again but for the truth and they did but did you know they lied to you the first day but did you lose trust in your best friend because of this. I know how it feels because my best friend in third grade saw my new haircut and said nice haircut so the next day I asked her for the truth then she told me the truth and I knew she was lying the day before so then i couldnt trust her anymore. I hope this convinced you about telling you about white lies is a terrible thing.

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