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Refresh: 2 Overqualified Police Rookie Unfortunate but Amazing Reflexes Im a Peoples Person Grafted Memories of a Super-Spy I Will Not be kept in the Dark! Athletics Shoot, Rapport Will, Investigate, Empathy Deceive, Fight, Notice, Drive

High Concept: Trouble: Phase I: Phase II: Phase III:

Great (+4): Good (+3): Fair (+2): Average (+1):

Physical Stress: Regular consequence slots Mental Stress:

Roll with the Blows: Use Athletics instead of Physique to determine extra physical stress and consequences. Like an Open Book: People's emotions are pretty damn obvious to you. +2 to create advantages with Empathy when using it to read a person's emotional state. Police Ties: +2 with Contacts when dealing with other cops.

I have to power to manipulate the emotions of others when talking but sometimes my power backfire uncontrollably. +2 to Rapport Rolls to create emotion-based advantages. + Can use Rapport instead of Provoke to make mental attacks

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