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Is very clear, the history is developed when the French revolution is living a hard time, the called period of terror was this time when everyone was judged without any reason and sent to guillotine to guarantee the control of the population and any movement against the monarch (Maximilien Robespierre). If we remember our clases we know that there are three characters Marat, Danton and Robespierra, well, the movie is about the last two. Danton once was part of the horror made in France to keep the control of the popultion but this time Danton gets back to help the people who was very afraid with the situation. He wanted to fight for the ideas of freedoom, justice and democracy. In the begin of the Revolution Robespierre was a believer of the real change for the french nation but, as always, the power drove him crazy. Danton won fame and acknowledgement. They know perfectly that need each other (remember that it help them to reach the trone) but no one wants to give in. It wasnt a reason to give up the fight and Danton with all his fame and the people who suppoted him starts to make calls to the poplutaion to question the goverment of Robespierre also call to make a change in the way to rule France. Maximilien will make all things posible to stop his brother Danton.t Then Danton is arrested and marked as a detractor of the French nation and his order. Finally the biggest injustice happens Danton died in the guillotine when the goverment affirm his culpability. The population was hurt and desolated but they couldnt do anything until 3 months later when Robespierre is sent to the guilllotine under the same charges. Then appears Paul Barras and Napoleon who will signifcate a new age for France full of wars and fights.

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