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(rev2.1) June, 2007 by Ergem PEKER Version: Oracle Database Formatter: Toad (rev1.1) January, 2009 by Ergem PEKER
10g enhancements and some more functionalities.

Foreword You will find: - Short explanations about system views and files to examine for performance tuning. - Lists of views and parameters. - Lots of statements for obtaining system information and statistics. You will not find: Performance tuning road maps. (I assume you have informed) Subject explanations. (There are lots of whitepapers in google) Detailed information about views, parameters. (You can be informed any of the views by selecting any of it)

Which files should be examined - Alert log file Server log file for instance level alerts. --- finding the location of the alert_<SID>.log file -select * from v$parameter where name = 'background_dump_dest'; -- sample output: /data1/oracle1/orahome1/admin/oradb1/bdump

Search for

ORA 600 ORA 7445 ORA 1578

internal errors block corruption errors

Alert log file contains; Checkpoint start & end times Incomplete checkpoint Time and performing archiving Instance recovery and end time Deadlock and timeout errors

- Trace files Session log files for session(user) level alerts. Server tracing can be enabled or disabled at the session or instance level. Contains statistics for traced SQL statements. Instance level tracing --- how to examine and change the sql_trace parameter -select value from v$parameter where name='sql_trace';

-- sample output: FALSE alter system set sql_trace=TRUE scope=spfile; -- instance needed to be restarted for changes select value from v$parameter where name='sql_trace'; -- sample output: TRUE Session level tracing --- enable sql tracing for a session --- dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session(<SID>,<SERIAL#>,[TRUE|FALSE]) EXEC dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session(10, 1008, TRUE); EXEC dbms_system.set_ev(10, 1008, 10046, 12, NULL); /*** meaning of levels of a trace LEVEL Waits Binds 1 FALSE FALSE 4 FALSE TRUE 8 TRUE FALSE 12 TRUE TRUE */ --- enable sql tracing for your own session -alter session set sql_trace=TRUE; --- finding a sessions tracefile name --- first you need to have necessary privileges on DBMS_SUPPORT system package grant execute on DBMS_SUPPORT to public; create public synonym DBMS_SUPPORT for SYS.DBMS_SUPPORT; -- now you can the following statement select db_name.value || '_ora_' || v$process.spid || nvl2(v$process.traceid, '_' || v$process.traceid, NULL ) || '.trc' from v$parameter u_dump cross join v$parameter db_name cross join v$process join v$session on v$process.addr = v$session.paddr where = 'user_dump_dest' and = 'db_name' and v$session.sid=dbms_support.MYSID; --- another way of finding sid of my own session -select distinct(SID) from v$mystat; --- identifying tracefile identifier (name) for your session -alter session set tracefile_identifier='my_trace_file'; alter session set sql_trace=TRUE; --- finding the path and the name of a sessions trace file -select c.value || '/ora_' || b.spid || '.trc' from v$session a, v$process b, v$parameter c where name='user_dump_dest' and a.paddr=b.addr

-- and a.sid=<SID>; --- obtain SID and SERIAL# for a specific session -select SID, SERIAL#, USERNAME, MACHINE from v$session where username='D_EPEKER';

NOTES: 1- Run oraclehome/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql script for dbms_system packages 2- If you want to obtain wait times in session trace file you should enable timed_statistics 3- statistics_level init parameter should be at least TYPICAL to gather reliable statistics, wait events, advisories. --- modifying statistics_level -select value from v$parameter where name='statistics_level'; alter system set statistics_level='TYPICAL'; -- allowed values are [ALL|TYPICAL|BASIC] --- enabling timed_statistics -select value from v$parameter where name='timed_statistics'; -- sample output: FALSE alter system set timed_statistics=TRUE; select value from v$parameter where name='timed_statistics'; -- sample output: TRUE

Which views should be interested General system views and tools can be summerized as follows V$xxx views Dba_xxx views Statspack Utlbstat.sql Utlestat.sql Oracle Wait Interface(OWI) Oracle diagnostics tuning packs System related views V$system_event Cumulative information of waits and wait events. Ever instance restart resets the information. V$sysstat V$event_name V$fixed_table Instance/database V$database V$instance V$option V$parameter V$px_process_sysstat V$process

//database info //instance info //system init parameters //parallel query system statistics //information about currently active processes

V$waitstat V$system_event Disk V$datafile V$filestat V$dbfile V$tempfile V$tempstat

//contention statistics //total waits for particular events

//datafile detailed info //data file read/write statistics //datafile short list //temporary file detailed info //read/write for datafiles in temporary tablespace

Memory V$buffer_pool_statistics V$db_object_cache V$librarycache V$rowcache V$sysstat V$sga V$sgastat V$pgastat V$sql V$sqltext V$sqlarea V$sqlstat V$open_cursor V$librarycache v$shared_pool_advice v$db_cache_advice v$pga_target_advice Contention V$lock V$rollname V$rollstat V$waitstat

//buffer pool allocation on the instance oracle_home/rdms/admin/catperf.sql //database object cached in library cache //library cache performance and activity statistics //data dictionary hits and misses activity //basic instance statistics //sga brief info //statistics about sga usage //statistcis about pga usage

//sql commands currently exists in sqlarea //statistics of sql statements

V$latch V$enqueue User/Session V$lock V$open_cursor V$process V$sort_usage V$session V$session_longops V$sesstat V$statname V$transaction V$session_event V$event_name V$session_wait V$px_sesstat

//statistics for all online rollback segments //block contention statistics The timed_statistics init.ora parameter should be set to true //statistics for each type of latch

//locks currently held by the server and outstanding requests for a lock or latch //cursors curently opened by each session //size of temporary segments and sessions creating them, identification of disk sorts

//user session statistics

//information on waits for which active sessions are waiting //resources or event for which active sessions are waiting //information about the sessions running in parallel

V$px_session V$session_object_cache NOTES: Examples, usages and detailed explainations for these views will ve covered lately in this document.

Tuning SGA --- monitoring SGA system parameters --- max size of the sga select name, value, description from v$parameter where name='sga_max_size'; -- sum of all values of the following query cannot exceed sga_max_size select sum(value) from ( select name, value, description from v$parameter where name in ('java_pool_size', 'shared_pool_size', 'large_pool_size') UNION select name, value, description from v$parameter where name like 'db_%cache_size' UNION select name, value, description from v$parameter where name='log_buffer' ); --- lets have a look at something -- the value of sga_max_size may not be equal to the sum of its components -- the difference between these two values will give you the approximate -- free space -select trunc(((t2.sga_max_size - t1.total_sga_params)/1024/1024)) FREE_MB from ( select sum(value) total_sga_params from ( select name, value, description from v$parameter where name in ('java_pool_size', 'shared_pool_size', 'large_pool_size') UNION select name, value, description from v$parameter where name like 'db_%cache_size' UNION select name, value, description from v$parameter where name='log_buffer' ) ) t1 , ( select sum(value) sga_max_size from v$parameter where name='sga_max_size' ) t2; --- other ways of obtaining free sga size -select * from v$sgastat where name='free memory'; select current_size/1024/1024 MB from v$sga_dynamic_free_memory; --- changing sga and sga componenets values --

-- recommended: sga_max_size should be phsical_memory/2 alter system set sga_max_size=500M scope=spfile; -- changes of this parameter will take affect after instance restart alter system set java_pool_size=150M scope=spfile; -- changes of this parameter will take affect after instance restart alter system set shared_pool_size=150M; alter system set large_pool_size=50M; alter system set db_cache_size=150M; --- which system parameter can be changed without an instance restart -select * from v$parameter where issys_modifiable='IMMEDIATE' --- following parameter needs an instance restart -select * from v$parameter where issys_modifiable!='FALSE' -- to change these kind of system parameters following steps can be followed alter system set <name>=<value> scope=spfile; -- from now on you should login from sqlplus "/as sysdba" alter system checkpoint; shutdown immediate; startup; Advices for SGA --- advices for sga -select * from V$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE; select * from V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE; select * from V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE; NOTES: 1- db_cache_advice system parameter should be ON for v$shared_pool_advice system view can be up-to-date. 2- for all advice views statistics_level system parameter should be at least in BASIC mode. --- setting db_cache_advice system parameter -select name, value, issys_modifiable, description from v$parameter where name='db_cache_advice'; alter system set db_cache_advice='ON'; select name, value, issys_modifiable, description from v$parameter where name='db_cache_advice';

Tuning Shared Pool Shared pool includes cursors, sql statements, plsql blocks which are parsed/executed and stored/cached in memory. It is important to optimize the plsql blocks and/or sql commands so sessions can use the same commands without parsing but only executing the statements. This improves the application response times. Hints to optimize your sql code will be given in the following sections. Other blocks included by Shared Pool are; SQL, PLSQL, Library Cache (metadata for tables, indexes and views) and Row Cache (Dictionary cache, points to buffer cache db_cache_size). There are also some system paramters that you can decide to set (or not to set) to improve your instance performance. These parameters are covered below. --- system wide statistics for parsing and execution of statements --- the statement sent for parsing and found in cursor cache, this means the statement is not really parsed select * from v$sysstat where name like 'session cursor cache hits'; -- the count for sql parses select * from v$sysstat where name like 'parse count (total)'; -- the count for sql executions select * from v$sysstat where name like 'execute count'; --- the real parse count for executions -- desired result should be as close as to zero -select total_parse/execute_count from ( select (t2.value - t1.value) total_parse from v$sysstat t1, v$sysstat t2 where'session cursor cache hits' and'parse count (total)' ) t1, ( select value execute_count from v$sysstat where name='execute count' ) t2; NOTE: If the result of the above query is far from zero this means oracle instance loses some time for parsing the statement instead of executing them. First action should be reviewing sql statements of the application. Bind variables should be a proper approach. We will look at database wide tuning actions. --- top consumers in shared_pool -select name, ceil(bytes/1024/1024) || 'MB' MB from v$sgastat where pool='shared pool' order by bytes desc; --

-- session wide (user level) statistics for parsing and executin of statements --- session wide statistics are same as system wide. but there is only -- a SID column to fetch only the desired session statistics select t1.value,, t3.sid, t3.username, t3.machine from v$sesstat t1, v$statname t2, v$session t3 where t1.statistic# = t2.STATISTIC# and t1.sid = t3.sid and in ('session cursor cache hits','parse count (total)','execute count') and username is not null order by t3.sid, t1.value desc; --- look for any cursors cached for a session, and compare with system parameter -select t1.value curr_cached, t4.value max_cached, t3.username, t3.sid, t3.serial# from v$sesstat t1, v$statname t2, v$session t3, v$parameter2 t4 where t1.statistic# = t2.statistic# and t1.sid=t3.sid and'session_cached_cursors' and = 'session cursor cache count'; --- obtaining cache hit ratios of the sqlarea and some other memory allocations -select * from v$librarycache; /* Desired value for gethitratio is over %90 gets: number of lookups (parse) pins: number of reads (execution) reloads: the number of library cache misses invalidations: if an object is modified */ --- comparison for executions and misses from library cache --- desired value of course should be as small as possible like < %1 select sum(pins) "executions" , sum(reloads) "cache misses" , sum(reloads) / sum(pins) from v$librarycache; --

-- detailed examination of library cache --- librarycache reloads should be max 10% -- pins-pinhits: total loads from the physical disk -- too many invalidations should be considered select namespace, pins, pins-pinhits loads, reloads, invalidations, 100 * (reloads-invalidations)/(pins-pinhits) "%RELOADS" from v$librarycache where pins>0 order by namespace; --- examine the sqlarea -select t1.sql_text, t1.users_executing, t1.executions, t1.disk_reads, t1.buffer_gets, t1.first_load_time, t2.username from v$sqlarea t1, dba_users t2 where t1.parsing_user_id = t2.user_id order by disk_reads desc; --- you can examine execution plans of the queries that are currently in memory -- and who are running then -select t1.hash_value, t1.operation, t1.options, t1.optimizer, t1.object_owner || '.' || t1.object_name, t2.sql_text, t2.users_executing, t3.username from v$sql_plan t1, v$sqlarea t2, v$session t3 where t1.hash_value = t2.hash_value and t2.address = t3.sql_address; --- individual objects in shared_pool --- KEPT=YES clause will give you the pinned objects select * from v$db_object_cache order by sharable_mem desc; --- 10G R2 enhancement. Statistic for SQL statements. -- uses less system resources --

select * from v$sqlstats; ---select * from v$rowcache /* Gets : numberof requests on objects Getmisses : number of requests in resulting misses */ --- library cache misses results dictionary missed -- dictionary cache misses are relatively cheaper -- every rowcache miss costs one row od dictionary data retrieved -select parameter, sum(gets) gets, sum(getmisses) getmisses, sum("COUNT") num, sum(usage) from v$rowcache where getmisses>0 group by parameter order by parameter; NOTES 1- You can find out the queries currently in sqlarea. But tuning the sql statements will be covered later in this document. Nowly we are concantrated on tuning shared_pool tuning. 2- If you cant find any cached cursors, you should check for session_cached_cursors system parameter. Forexample in my test database the following query was returning 0 which means no cursor (statement) is cached in memory. As a result all the queries of a session were reparsed by oracle. --- session_cached_cursors system parameter -select value from v$parameter where name='session_cached_cursors'; alter system set session_cached_cursors=50 scope=spfile; -- changes will take effect after instance restart 3- Another parameter is cursor_sharing which effects the sql performance in an instance. --- cursor_sharing init parameter -select name, value from v$parameter where name='cursor_sharing'; alter system set cursor_sharing='SIMILAR'; -- alter system set cursor_sharing=''[EXACT|SIMILAR|FORCE]'; 4- If you dont have a plenty of memory then you can set the following parameter for faster execution of some cursors --- cursor_space_for_time --- the cursor will remain open until the application closes it select * from v$parameter where lower(name)='cursor_space_for_time'; alter system set cursor_space_for_time=TRUE scope=spfile;


-- changes will take effect after instance restart -- available values: [TRUE|FALSE] 5- Dont forget, sometimes you should decrease the value of the shared_pool_size, check the following; if Request_miss = 0 or not increasing Free_memory >= %50 of the shared_pool_reserved_size Then Decrease the size of the shared_pool End if 6- 10G R2 enhancement: _use_kks_mutex init.ora parameter can bu used. This new algorithm is faster and less cpu consumer. _use_kks_mutex=TRUE 7- Check the sqlarea for problems of pinning sql objects. If you find sqls with same PLAN_HASH_VALUE but different SQL_ID s. Or another method for selecting not cached sql statemets is selecting and counting first n characters (substr(sqltext,1,20)) of sqltext column of v$sqlarea. 8- You can manually pin the objects in shared_pool by using dbms_shared_pool package. list of views for shared_pool management v$sysstat v$sesstat v$statname v$session v$sga v$sgastat v$librarycache v$sql //contains one row for each child of the original sql text same as v$sqlarea but group by clause v$sqlarea //full statistics about shared cursors v$sqltext //full sql text without truncation dba_users v$db_object_cache v$rowcache parameters session_cached_cursors cursor_sharing shared_pool_size shared_pool_reserved_size cursor_space_for_time open_cursors

Tuning Large_pool Used for I/O Processes Backup and restore operations; export, import and RMAN backups. If set in shared server then this will be used for users instead of PGA. --- changing large_pool_size parameter -select * from v$parameter where name like '%large_pool_size%'; alter system set large_pool_size=50M;


Tuning PGA For assigning a global memory area to users program area. Users sort operations, hash operations and workareas will be provided from this Program Global Area. --- pga_aggregate_target -select value/1024/1024 MB from v$parameter where name = 'pga_aggregate_target'; alter system set pga_aggregate_target=500M; NOTE: If you want pga_aggregate_target to take affect, workarea_size_policy should be set to AUTO. MANUAL means you are using *_area_size parameters and these parameter values are assigned as memory segments per user. --- work_area_size_policy -select value from v$parameter where name='workarea_size_policy'; alter system set workarea_size_policy=AUTO; -- allowed values: AUTO|MANUAL --- *.area_size parameters -select name, value from v$parameter where name like '%_area_size'; -- unused parameters if you are using workarea_size_policy=AUTO --- monitoring sga internals -select name, trunc(value/1024/1024) MB from v$pgastat; --- oracle advice for PGA -select * from V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE; -- for details refer to "Tuning SGA" --- determining sessions that consume more than 30000 bytes of PGA memory -select t2.username , , t3.value from v$statname t1, v$session t2, v$sesstat t3 where t2.sid = t3.sid and t1.statistic# = t3.statistic# and t2.type = 'user' and t2.username is not null and'session pga memory' and t3.value >= 30000; list of views for shared_pool management v$pgastat v$sesstat v$session v$statname v$pga_target_advice parameters workarea_size_policy


pga_aggregate_target *_area_size

Tuning logical IO There are two main types of IO, logical IO and physical IO. We prefer logical IO because instance reads data from memory called logical IO which is much more faster than physical IO which reads data from hard disk. To lower the physical IO, we use db_buffer_cache parameter which assigns some part of the memory for caching hard disk data. This section includes both logical IO and physical IO performance tuning topics. --- db_cache_size -select name, value from v$parameter where name = 'db_cache_size'; alter system set db_cache_size=350M; alter system set db_keep_cache_size=10M; alter system set db_recycle_cache_size=10M; NOTE Tables which are more frequently used by sessions and has relatively small amount of update with long time intervals should be in keep_cache_size which is stored in memory and are not in LRU chain of default_cache_size. Recycle_cache_size is for tables which you dont want to be in memory for a long time. Default_cache_size is always there for any undefined buffer_pools. --- static view of buffer pool, can inspect keep_cache_size and recycle_cache_size -select * from v$buffer_pool; --- buffer pool statistics for detailed information -select * from v$buffer_pool_statistics; /* NAME: Name of the buffer pool PHYSICAL_READS: Number of physical reads DB_BLOCK_GETS: Number of reads for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE CONSISTENT_GETS: Number of reads for SELECT DB_BLOCK_GETS + CONSISTENT_GETS = Total Number of reads */ --- as with the above information the following ratio should be very close to zero -- if not then we are reading data physical -select name, trunc(physical_reads/(decode(db_block_gets,0,1,1)+consistent_gets),3) value from v$buffer_pool_statistics; /* keep: %10 of default recycle: %2 of default */


--- which objects are in memory cache -select count(1) count, t1.objd,, t3.OBJECT_NAME, t3.OWNER from v$bh t1, v$datafile t2, dba_objects t3 where t1.file# = t2.file# and t1.objd = t3.OBJECT_ID and t3.owner not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM') group by t3.object_name, t3.owner,, t1.objd order by count desc, t3.object_name; --- altering -alter table alter table alter table a table buffor_pool <tablename> storage (buffer_pool keep); <tablename> storage (buffer_pool recycle); <tablename> storage (buffer_pool default);

--- have a look at systems cache hit ratio --- as you can expect the result should be as close as 1 select 1 - (phy.value - lob.value - dir.value) / ses.value cache_hit_ratio from v$sysstat ses, v$sysstat lob, v$sysstat dir, v$sysstat phy where = 'session logical reads' and = 'physical reads direct' and = 'physical reads direct (lob)' and = 'physical reads'; --- comparison of logical and physical reads in user level -select t2.username, t1.block_gets, t1.consistent_gets, t1.physical_reads from v$sess_io t1, v$session t2 where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.username is not null order by username; --- two important system wait events -select name,value from v$sysstat where name = 'free buffer inspected' select event, total_waits from v$system_event


where event in ('free buffer waits', 'buffer busy waits'); --- if the session is currently waiting on "buffer busy waits" -- p1 ,p2 ,p3 columns has meanings -select p1 as "file", p2 as "block", p3 as "reason" from v$session_wait where event = 'buffer busy waits'; --- checks if there is any session currently waiting for buffer busy waits (freelist contention) -select s.segment_name, s.segment_type, s.freelists, w.wait_time, w.seconds_in_wait, w.state from dba_segments s, v$session_wait w where w.event='buffer busy waits' and w.p1 = s.header_file and w.p2 = s.header_block; --- another way of examining block waits -select distinct owner, segment_name, segment_type from dba_extents t1, v$session_wait t2 where file_id = t2.p1 and t2.p2 between block_id and block_id + blocks - 1 and t2.event = 'buffer busy waits'; list of views for db_cache_size management v$db_cache_advice v$system_event v$session_event v$session_wait v$session v$sesstat v$sysstat v$bh v$sess_io v$buffer_pool_statistics v$buffer_pool dba_segments


parameters db_cache_advice db_block_checsum db_cache_size db_keep_cache_size db_recycle_cache_size db_2K_cache_size db_4K_cache_size db_8K_cache_size db_16K_cache_size db_32K_cache_size Tuning Physical IO


You can barely tune you system for best performance logical IO but it doesnt mean your system will not make any physical IO from your Disk Subsystem because you data is on the disk systems and of course you cannot buy enough memory to store all your data in memory. Now we will going to interested in pyhsical IO performance. 1- When creating a tablespace always be careful about defining extent management and segment space management parameters. extent management local parameter can have two distinct values. Local: stands for extent management should be in datafile headers which is using bitmap lookup table and far faster than Dictionary: extent management is done in system tablespaces which has lower performance. --- creating a tablescpace -create tablespace <ts_name> datafile '$home/oradata/<SID>/<dbf_name>.dbf' size=10M extent management local segment space management AUTO; create table <table_name> (<col_name> number) tablespace <ts_name>; 2- Be careful about your RAID levels
RAID ---0 1 1+0 3 5 Type of Raid -----------Striping Shadowing Striping and Shadowing Striping with static parity Striping with rotating parity Control_File -----------Avoid Best OK OK OK Database_File ------------OK OK Best OK Best(*) Redo_Log -------Avoid Best Avoid Avoid Avoid Archive_Log ----------Avoid Best Avoid Avoid Avoid

(*) if RAID0-1 not available

3- You can examine file statistics --- you can check file statistics -select, t1.phyrds, t1.phywrts, t1.readtim, t1.writetim from v$filestat t1,


v$datafile t2 where t1.file#=t2.file# order by phyrds desc, phywrts desc; --- temporary statistics -select, t1.phyrds, t1.phywrts, t1.readtim, t1.writetim from v$tempstat t1, v$tempfile t2 where t1.file#=t2.file# order by phyrds desc, phywrts desc;

4- Consider the following parameters for background processes performance tuning. More than one dbwr(db writer process can be used) If not asynchronous IO then DBWR_IO_SLAVES = [1...9] Else DISK_ASYNCH_IO = [ON | OF] End if --- tuning dbwriter process -select * from v$parameter where name like '%dbwr_io_slaves%'; select * from v$parameter where name like '%db_writer_processes%'; select * from v$parameter where name like '%disk_asynch_io%'; --alter system set db_writer_processes=[0...9]; alter system set db_writer_processes=2 scope=spfile;


Tuning log_buffer

copyredolatch:Log_simultaneous_copies=n redoallocationlatch:Log_parallelism=n redowritinglatch:LGWRhandlesthisinstanceoperation

--- examine log switch frequency -select max(to_char(FIRST_TIME,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24')), count(RECID) from v$log_history group by to_char(FIRST_TIME,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24') order by to_char(FIRST_TIME,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24') asc

iftheratiomissestogetsexceeds%1orratioofimmediate_missesto(immediate_gets+ immediate_misses)exceeds%1thereisalatchcontention.Firsttunetheredo_allocation latchandthenredo_copylatch.

-- any latches for log_buffer in memory? select substr(,1,20), gets, misses, immediate_gets, immediate_misses from v$latch l , v$latchname ln where in ('redo allocation', 'redo copy') and ln.latch#=l.latch#; -- server statistics about redo space requests select name, value from v$sysstat where name = 'redo log space requests'; --- tuning log_buffer parameter -select name, value from v$parameter where name='log_buffer'; alter system set log_buffer=1024 scope=spfile; --alter system set log_buffer = [512*CPU_COUNT] --- parallel log write -select name, value from v$parameter where name='log_parallelism'; alter system set log_parallelism=2 scope=spfile; --- is there any session waiting for log buffer space -select sid, event, seconds_in_wait , state from v$session_wait where event like '%log buffer space%'; --- check the percentage of redo writes and retries --- the pct value should be very close to zero which means system -- is not retrying for redo buffer allocation select t1.value, t2.value, (t2.value*100)/(t1.value+t2.value) "retries/entries" from v$sysstat t1, v$sysstat t2


where in ('redo entries') and in ('redo buffer allocation retries'); Notes Redo_allocation_latch - decrease log_small_entry_max_size (default redo size/redo entries from v$sysstat) Redo_copy_latch - increase _log_simultaneous_copies (default twice the cpu count) - increase log_buffer Views v$session_wait v$sysstat Parameters log_parallelism log_buffer

Tuning MTTR show parameter fast_start_mttr_target; --in seconds forces DBWR to write dirty buffers to disk select recovery_estimated_ios, actual_redo_blks redo, target_mttr, estimated_mttr, writes_mttr from v$instance_recovery;

Oracle Wait Interface (OWI) --more than 800 wait events grouped for easier maintenance select wait_class, total_waits, time_waited from v$system_wait_class order by time_waited; Oracle wait interface is a group of views that you can use to monitor waiting events and sessions waiting them. 1- first thing is thinking system wide. --- System wide event waits -select * from v$system_event order by total_waits desc; ---select * from v$event_name; 2- and then session wide --- Session wide events --- you can see the SID and easily join with v$session select * from v$session_event order by total_waits desc; 3- time to examine session waits currently --- session wide waits --


-- you can obtain P1, P2 and P3 parameter meanings in v$event_name select * from v$session_wait order by seconds_in_wait desc;

NOTES N1- P1, P2 and P3 columns are important in some types of waits. For example: If (event_name IN (db file sequential read , db file scattered read)) then P1 means file# P2 means block# P3 means blocks End If; --- lets find sessions waiting the files -select t1.event, t1.state, t1.wait_time, t1.seconds_in_wait, t2.username, from v$session_wait t1, v$session t2, v$datafile t3 where t1.sid = t2.sid and t1.p1 = t3.file# and t1.event in ('db file sequential read','db file scattered read'); N2- There are two columns indicationg the waited time. wait_time and second_in_wait. You can consider these values by reading state column. If (state = WAITING) then Consider SECONDS_IN_WAIT Else If (state = WAITED_KNOWN_TIME) then Consider WAIT_TIME Else If (state = WAITED_UNKNOWN_TIME) then Alter system set timed_statistics=TRUE -- End If 4- you can also examine system wide and session wide statistics --- system statistics -select * from v$sysstat; --- session statistics --- you cannot find statistics name in v$sesstat -- so we have to join with v$statname select t1.sid, t3.username,, t1.value from v$sesstat t1, v$statname t2, v$session t3


where t1.statistic# = t2.statistic# and t1.sid = t3.sid and t3.username is not null; ---select * from v$statname; List of views v$system_event System wide wait events. Values are total waits until system startup. Wait values are reset every system restart. v$event_name Properties of wait events. v$session_event Session wide wait events. Has almost same properties with v$system_event. There is one mor column for SID. v$session_wait Session wide waits, this view gives you the currents waits by user and resets every session kills itself. v$latch v$latchname v$enqueue v$sysstat v$sesstat v$filestat v$tempstat v$sgastat v$pgastat v$statname parameters timed_statistics statistics_level some of the important wait events (non idle wait events) buffer busy waits db file scattered read db file sequential read enqueue free buffer waits latch free log file parallel write log file sync NOTES These kind of events points: Inefficient sql. Inefficient system architecture. Inproper instance confugiration. some of the idle events (can be ignored most of the times) NULL SQL*NET Message Rdbms ipc message Pmon timer Pipe get


Smon timer NOTES Not an indiaction of performance problem. Some of the important statistics bytes received via SQL*Net from client bytes sent via SQL*Net to client consistent gets db block gets process last non-idle time physical reads redo size sorts (disk) sorts (memory) SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client

--consistent gets+db block gets = logical IO

--physical IO --redo produced by that session


Statspack Reports /* When installing the Statspack package, you can either change to the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory, or fully specify the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin DIRECTORY WHEN calling the installation script, SPCREATE.SQL. */ -- install statspack @?/rdbms/ADMIN/spcreate /* Enter appropriate information when prompted for the PERFSTAT user's password, default tablespace, and temporary tablespace. The SPCREATE.SQL install script runs the following scripts automatically: */ /* SPCUSR.SQL: Creates the user and grants privileges SPCTAB.SQL: Creates the tables SPCPKG.SQL: Creates the package */ -- To SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> install without prompting CONNECT / AS SYSDBA define default_tablespace='TOOLS' define temporary_tablespace='TEMP' define perfstat_password='my_perfstat_password' @?/rdbms/ADMIN/spcreate

/* -- automatic collection of statistics oracle_home/rdbms/admin/spauto.sql */ -- executing statspack SQL> CONNECT perfstat/my_perfstat_password SQL> EXECUTE statspack.snap; -- For better performance analysis, set the initialization parameter TIMED_STATISTICS to TRUE. -- Statspack will then include important timing information in the data it collects. -- create statspack report SQL> CONNECT perfstat/my_perfstat_password SQL> @?/rdbms/ADMIN/spreport -- statspack in a pl/sql block DECLARE variable snap NUMBER; BEGIN snap := statspack.snap; dbms_output.put_line(snap); END; -- automatic statspac -- A sample script on how to do this is supplied in SPAUTO.SQL -- create statspack report without prompt SQL> CONNECT perfstat/my_perfstat_password SQL> define begin_snap=1 SQL> define end_snap=2 SQL> define report_name=batch_run SQL> @?/rdbms/ADMIN/spreport


/* When you examine the instance report, you often find high-load SQL statements that you want to examine more closely. The SQL report, SPREPSQL.SQL, displays statistics, the complete SQL text, and (if a level six snapshot has been taken), information on any SQL plan(s) associated with that statement. */ SQL> CONNECT perfstat/my_perfstat_password Connected. SQL> @?/rdbms/ADMIN/sprepsql -- truncate all statspack data SQL> CONNECT perfstat/my_perfstat_password SQL> @?/rdbms/ADMIN/sptrunc -- remove statspack SQL> CONNECT / AS SYSDBA SQL> @?/rdbms/ADMIN/spdrop /* SPDTAB.SQL - drops tables and public synonyms SPDUSR.SQL - drops the user */ -- Purge unnecessary data by using the SPPURGE.SQL script SQL> CONNECT perfstat/my_perfstat_password SQL> SET TRANSACTION USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT rbig; SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/sppurge SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> CONNECT perfstat/my_perfstat_password DEFINE losnapid=1 DEFINE hisnapid=2 @?/rdbms/admin/sppurge

-- snap parameters EXECUTE STATSPACK.SNAP(i_ucomment=>'this is a temporary commment'); EXECUTE STATSPACK.MODIFY_STATSPACK_PARAMETER(i_ucomment=>'this is a commment that is saved'); EXECUTE STATSPACK.SNAP(i_snap_level=>10, i_modify_parameter=>'true'); EXECUTE STATSPACK.SNAP(i_snap_level=>6); Levels Levels Levels Levels Levels >= >= >= >= >= 0 General Performance STATISTICS 5 Additional Data: SQL Statements 6 Additional Data: SQL Plans AND SQL PLAN Usage 7 Additional data: SEGMENT LEVEL STATISTICS 10 Additional STATISTICS: Parent AND Child Latches


Some 10g enhancements sga_target sga_target init parameter is introduced with 10g AMM (Automatic Memory Management). To disable sga_target just assign 0 to the parameter. Is sga_target is assigned any different value than 0 then DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, JAVA_POOL_SIZE, STREAMS_POOL_SIZE are automatically sized. If you assign any values to these parameter then that value will be the low limit of that pool. Log_buffer, KEEP and RECYCYCLE caches do not affect from AMM. --- sga_taget parameter --- disabling sga_target parameter alter system set sga_target=0 scope=spfile; -- enabling sga_target parameter alter system set sga_target=128M scope=spfile; MetaLink Note:295626.1, How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) In Oracle10g, has some script for monitoring Oracle Automatic Shared Memory Management: select component, oper_type, oper_mode, initial_size/1024/1024 "Initial", TARGET_SIZE/1024/1024 "Target", FINAL_SIZE/1024/1024 "Final", status from v$sga_resize_ops;
COMPONENT -----------------------------DEFAULT buffer cache streams pool OPER_TYPE ------------SHRINK GROW OPER_MODE INITIAL TARGET FINAL --------- ---------- ---------- ---------MANUAL 160 148 148 MANUAL 0 12 12 STATUS --------COMPLETE COMPLETE

select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE", user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE", last_oper_type "TYPE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;
COMPONENT -----------------------------shared pool large pool java pool 4 streams pool DEFAULT buffer cache KEEP buffer cache RECYCLE buffer cache DEFAULT 2K buffer cache DEFAULT 4K buffer cache DEFAULT 8K buffer cache DEFAULT 16K buffer cache DEFAULT 32K buffer cache OSM Buffer Cache CURRENT_SIZE -----------80 8 8 12 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MIN_SIZE ---------80 8 48 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE ------------------80 8 48 12 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 TYPE ------------STATIC STATIC STATIC GROW SHRINK STATIC STATIC STATIC STATIC STATIC STATIC STATIC STATIC

select sum(value) from v$sga; select sum(bytes) from v$sgastat;


select sum(current_size) from v$sga_dynamic_components; select * from v$sga_dynamic_free_memory;

new advisories new advice views are added to v$db_cache_advice, v$shared_pool_advice and v$pga_target_advice. These are; dba_hist_db_cache_advice dba_hist_shared_pool_advice dba_hist_pga_target_advice after 10g you can track advice histograms by using these views. sql tuning advisor (optimizer statistics, sql profiling, access path analysis, sql structure analysis) sql access advisor (additional indexes, materialized views) memory advisor (shared pool, db buffer cache, PGA) MMTR advisor segment advisor (whether a segment should be shrunk) undo advisor Automatic managements AWR: ASH: AMM: ASM: automatic automatic automatic automatic workload repository session history memory management storage management

dbms_monitor dbms_monitor system package can be used instead of 10046 dumps. AWR and ASH automatically tracks all current waits and interfaces. -- background process mmon flushes the statistics to disk in a regular basis. -- ts is SYSAUX that make up Automatic Workload Repository. -- every snapshot also invokes ADDM -- defaults are 1 week and 1 hour execute dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings ( retention=>20160, --2 weeks interval=>20 --20 minutes );


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