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Turpin Tech Tools

diigo is an online bookmarking tool (and one of FHSDs Endorsed Tools). Its a great way to keep track of websites yo find and want to remember. !eca se diigo is web"based# its a$ailable to yo on any comp ter%p&one%de$ice. 'o can( Sa$e websites# images# etc. wit& tags t&at describe t&eir content Searc& ot&er peoples tags Follow ot&er diigo sers (network) to see w&at t&ey are tagging )oin (or b ild) a gro p of people sa$ing tags t&at yo re interested in

I would encourage you to: *. Sign p wit& diigo (its free+). ,. -dd t&e diigolet tool to yo r browser. In t&e top rig&t corner of t&e screen yo s&o ld see a little down arrow. .lick it# t&en select /Tools0. T&en click on /Diigolet0 -bo t &alfway down t&e page# yo ll see a b tton t&at says Diigolet t&at yo can drag p to t&e bookmarks bar on yo r browser. 1ow w&en yo re on a website t&at yo wo ld like to sa$e# click Diigolet and a small men s&o ld open p w&ere yo can enter yo r tags to sa$e.

Looking for one of your tags? 2o to and log in. 'o can t&en searc& yo r library for tags# title# and rl. Looking for other peoples tags? .lick on Community and enter w&at yo re looking for in t&e searc& bar.

I have added anything Ive saved to the site, arranged by department listed on the sidebar!. If you would like to search my tags, you can either click on the name of the category or go to https:"""user"kfouss #eed help? $lease ask%

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