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opUk de||vers the fo||ow|ng ob[ecnves for

r|mary Schoo|s:
- A unlque and vlbranL approach Lo Soclal, Moral, SplrlLual and CulLural learnlng
- 8rlnglng clusLer schools LogeLher Lhrough slnglng, uslng every year group ln Lhe school, or
helplng wlLh year 6 1ransluon:
- A ve day pro[ecL - 7 exclung pop songs - recordlng a Cu - performlng a hlgh prole
communlLy concerL
What do the ch||dren exper|ence?
opuk belleves LhaL every chlld mauers. Cver four days Lhe whole school learns seven llfe
amrmlng, exclung pop songs each wlLh a LhoughL provoklng Lheme. Lach song creaLes a
sprlngboard for Lhe chlldren Lo explore some very lmporLanL quesuons encouraglng Lhem Lo sLarL
Lhe process of looklng aL some of Lhe deeper quesuons of llfe -noL 'WhaL do l wanL Lo
do?' and "Pow much do l wanL Lo earn?" buL raLher "Who am l?" and "Who am l
becomlng?" opuk ls a cross-currlcular pro[ecL llnklng Muslc wlLh SMSC, Cluzenshlp, SPL and 8L.
Lach year group learns Lhe songs ln Lhree umeLabled sesslons, aL Lhe end of Lhe week Lhey are
recorded, a Cu ls produced and a concerL planned for Lhe followlng week. 1he chlldren learn Lhe
sklll of how Lo slng well LogeLher, Lhey learn Lhe process of worklng Lowards an achlevable goal,
Lhey learn Lhe lmporLance of Leamwork and bulldlng self condence and self esLeem. lf schools
[oln LogeLher wlLh oLher schools Lhe chlldren geL Lo bulld new frlendshlps and relauonshlps
now does the schoo| beneht?
Lvery school wanLs Lo demonsLraLe lLs eLhos and values Lo lLs communlLy. opuk ls a pro[ecL LhaL
uses every chlld Lo communlcaLe whaL Lhe school sLands for by slnglng and performlng songs LhaL
promoLe [usuce, falrness, undersLandlng, forglveness, carlng for one anoLher. 1he pro[ecL also
provldes a Lool for schools Lo connecL wlLh one anoLher, especlally schools LhaL have mulu-school
Academy sLaLus, Lhe pro[ecL helps schools remove soclal barrlers and provldes a plauorm for
schools Lo make llnks wlLh Lhe wlder communlLy parLnerlng wlLh local organlsauons such as Lhe
church, oLher falLh groups, local buslnesses and communlLy groups. lL provldes a greaL model for
communlLy lnLegrauon and, mosL lmporLanLly, Lhe pro[ecL helps schools creaLe long-lasung,
meanlngful worklng relauonshlps wlLhln Lhe communlLy.

now |s |t de||vered?
1he pro[ecL can be dellvered ln a number of ways:
1. A 'one school' pro[ecL - Lhls ls one school presenung Lhelr eLhos and values Lo Lhelr local
2. A 'clusLer' pro[ecL - Lhls lnvolves brlnglng LogeLher schools LhaL are parL of a clusLer group or
schools LhaL are parL of a mulu-school academy LrusL.
3. A 'Lransluon' pro[ecL - Lhls lnvolves brlnglng LogeLher year 6 puplls from dlerenL schools Lo
perform aL a local hlgh school
1he values LhaL opuk promoLe come from a Chrlsuan framework buL we work wlLh schools and
communlues of all falLhs and also Lhose wlLh none. 1he pro[ecL helps chlldren Lo engage wlLh
people's dlerlng bellefs and dlverse world vlews. lL Leaches Lhem Lo respecL all people whaLever
background or culLure. 1he church can provlde an ldeal venue for Lhe concerL, encouraglng Lhe
school Lo come o lLs premlses Lo perform ln Lhe cenLre of Lhe communlLy. 1he concerLs become a
wonderful celebrauon of Lhe achlevemenLs of Lhe chlldren and demonsLraLe Lhe powerful lmpacL
of Lhe communlLy [olnlng LogeLher. CLher equally successful venues have lncluded local hlgh school
halls, communlLy cenLres and local LheaLres.
What nead 1eachers say..
As o neoJteocbet lopuk ls ooe of tbe most soccessfol ptojects l bove beeo lovolveJ lo. colleoqoes
lo otbet scbools oqtee. l woolJ tecommeoJ lt ootesetveJly to ooy scbool- yoo wlll bove oo omozloq
expetleoce ooJ lt wlll leove o losuoq leqocy ot yoot scbool. !""# %&'() * +,#-./0# 1#23 4#2-)#56
785() 92:;3#" <5'&25=
lo tbe teo yeots l bove beeo ot cbeoJle neotb ltlmoty l bove oevet seeo tbe cbllJteo so losplteJ
by o sloqle ptoject. lt polqoootly lovolveJ evety cbllJ ftom tecepuoo to 6 ooJ ctosseJ oll coltotol
ooJ tellqloos JlvlJes. lop uk ls lospltouoool ooJ eoetqlseJ tbe wbole scbool. l koew tbot tbe lop
uk expetleoce woolJ be qooJ bot oevet JlJ l expect lt to be tbls qooJ! ooJ l teolly meoo lt!
>)5'?/"# @##;:#= * 1#236 >)#23:# 1#2() <5'&25=
"1be wbole ptoject wos excelleot! 1be cbllJteo obsolotely loveJ lt, tbe eoute sto[ wete so
eotboslosuc tbey eveo tecotJeJ tbelt owo blJJeo ttock! 1be poteots tbooqbt tbe lJeo of beloq oble
to bolJ oo to tbe cu os losuoq memoty of tbe ptoject wos wooJetfol. l tecommeoJ lopuk to ooy
ptlmoty scbool neoJ 1eocbet" A.:'#*!"" 1#B'CD +,#-./0# 1#23 4#2-)#56 E#'F)6 9'F2"
1be cbllJteo ote sull bozzloq ftom tbe coocetts lost week..oo omozloq tespoose ftom tbe
commoolty,we solJ mote cus tboo l woolJ evet bove lmoqloeJ - !"()8"= E#'F)6 1#236 %)#:(8"
G"H2"(?6 I#5J=
lopuk wos locteJlble, botb cbllJteo ooJ sto[ obsolotely loveJ lt. kocbel wos oo lospltouoo-
>855'"# <#")2:#6 1#236 K8??#C !-5# <5'&25=6 12558F2(#
CNL SCnCCL nmetab|e:
9.10-10.40- ?ears 3+6
11.00-11:43 - ?ears 1+2 (and recepuon)
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - ?ears 3+4
9.10-10.40- ?ears 3+6
11.00-11:43 - ?ears 1+2 (and recepuon)
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - ?ears 3+4
9.10-10.40- ?ears 3+6
11.00-11:43 - ?ears 1+2 (and recepuon)
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - ?ears 3+4
1hursday - kecord|ng day
9.10-10.23 - 8ecordlng ?ear 3+6
10.30-11:43 - 8ecordlng ?ears 3+4
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-2.13 - 8ecordlng kS 1 and recepuon
8rlng back any year group for re-Lakes
Concert Day - elLher 1uesday, Wednesday or 1hursday Lhe followlng week Morn|ng - semng up A
aL local church or alLernauve concerL venue - we wlll need access from 10.30am Ahernoon:
1.30-2.30 - all chlldren come Lo Lhe concerL venue for posluonlng and sound check Lven|ng -
concerL, ume Lo be conrmed

1kANSI1ICN nmetab|e:
1he Leachlng sesslons wlll be held ln a local hlgh school
10.00 - 11.30 - 1wo schools brlng Lhelr ?r 6s for Lhe rsL sesslon aL Lhe Plgh School
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - AnoLher Lwo school brlng Lhelr ?r 6s for Lhe second sesslon aL Lhe Plgh School
10.00- 11.30 - llrsL group of ?r 6s
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - Second group of ?r 6s
10.00- 11.30 - llrsL group of ?r 6s
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - Second group of ?r 6s
1hursday - kecord|ng day
10.00- 11.30 - 8ecordlng llrsL group of ?r 6s
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - 8ecordlng Second group of ?r 6s
Concert Day - elLher 1uesday, Wednesday or 1hursday Lhe followlng week
Morn|ng - semng up A aL Plgh School - we wlll need access from 10.30am
Ahernoon: 1.30-2.30 - all chlldren come Lo Lhe concerL venue for posluonlng and sound check
Lven|ng - concerL, ume Lo be conrmed

CLUS1Lk nmetab|e:
1he Leachlng sesslons wlll be held ln Lwo prlmary schools wlLh Lhe blggesL Palls.
10.00 - 11.30 - 1he rsL group of kS2 from Lwo schools meeL LogeLher
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - 1he second group of kS2 from Lwo schools meeL LogeLher
10.00- 11.30 - llrsL group of kS2
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - Second group of kS2
10.00- 11.30 - llrsL group of kS2
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - Second group of kS2
1hursday - kecord|ng day
10.00- 11.30 - 8ecordlng llrsL group of kS2
LunCP 88LAk
1.30-3:00 - 8ecordlng Second group of kS2
Concert Day - elLher 1uesday, Wednesday or 1hursday Lhe followlng week
Morn|ng - semng up A aL Plgh School - we wlll need access from 10.30am
Ahernoon: 1.30-2.30 - all chlldren come Lo Lhe concerL venue for posluonlng and sound check
Lven|ng - concerL, ume Lo be conrmed

Costs: (Lhe 1ransluon cosLs and ClusLer cosLs may vary dependlng on Lhe amounL of schools lnvolved)

A Cne Schoo| pro[ecL - 1,200 (excludlng Lravel expenses)

A 1rans|non pro[ecL - 1,800 (excludlng Lravel expenses - Lhese cosLs are shared beLween each
paruclpaung school)

A C|uster pro[ecL - 2,400 (excludlng Lravel expenses - Lhese cosLs are shared beLween each
paruclpaung school)

1here are Lwo ways ln whlch schools can recoup cosLs:

1. Charge for uckeLs for Lhe concerL - all uckeL sales go Lo Lhe school
2. Add Lo Lhe prlce of Lhe Cu - opuk needs 3 per Cu Lo cover all producuon, manufacLurlng and
prlnung cosLs. lf Cus are sold for 6 or 7 schools recelve all Lhe addluonal amounLs.

lease see Lhe secuon of fundralslng ldeas Lo help wlLh osemng cosLs.

A|ms and outcomes of the pro[ect:
Interna| ob[ecnves - w|th|n the schoo| -
1. 1o promoLe chlldren's splrlLual, moral, soclal and culLural developmenL/undersLandlng.

2. 1o promoLe cross-currlcula lnLeracuon and creauvlLy across Lhe erformlng ArLs, PSL,
Cluzenshlp and 8ellglous Lducauon
3. 1o lnsplre chlldren and Leachers Lo explore posslble uses for muslc and Lhe performlng arLs
ln learnlng
Lxterna| Cb[ecnves - between the schoo| and the commun|ty
4. 1o develop relauonshlps beLween schools, Lo enable schools LhaL have mulu-school Academy
sLaLus Lo work LogeLher, Lo develop long-Lerm worklng relauonshlps wlLh communlLy groups,
churches and oLher falLh groups.

3. 1o brlng LogeLher schools wlLh dlerenL pupll proles, soclal and eLhnlc backgrounds Lo learn
from and supporL each oLher

6. 1o promoLe lnLergenerauonal relauons - encouraglng older people from Lhe communlLy Lo lnvesL
ln Lhe llfe of Lhe school
7. 1o ralse Lhe prole of Lhe school wlLhln Lhe communlLy demonsLraung lLs eLhos and core values
and bulldlng muLual respecL
8. romoLes communlLy lnLegrauon by ldenufylng and celebraung Lhe shared common values
wlLhln our communlues, parucularly emphaslzlng Lhe lmporLance of unlLy and dlverslLy.
9. romoLes personal and soclal responslblllLy Lowards one anoLher.
10. Lnables Langlble communlLy lnvesLmenL lnLo schools from a varleLy of communlLy/ falLh groups
and Lhe developmenL of long-Lerm relauonshlps beLween Lhem.

1he va|ues of op Uk ln all our acuvlues op uk seeks Lo exempllfy Lhe followlng values:
(a) lncluslon, equallLy and common ground- Lvery chlld whaLever Lhelr background, eLhnlclLy,
culLure or rellglon wlll be fully lnvolved ln each pro[ecL.

(b) 8especL for all regardless of gender, race, eLhnlc orlgln, rellglon, sexual orlenLauon, age and
physlcal or menLal ablllLy. - Songs and lyrlcal conLenL used ln Lhe pro[ecL wlll Leach puplls Lhe
lmporLance of valulng all people and ourselves.

(c) MuLual commlLmenL, responslblllLy and obllgauon Lo serve one anoLher - Lach pro[ecL ls
deslgned Lo enable all paruclpanLs Lo work LogeLher Lo supporL each oLher and Lhe wlder

(d) CommunlLy paruclpauon and harmony - Lach pro[ecL seeks Lo unlLe communlues by
celebraung goodness and llfe amrmlng values. AL Lhe same ume Lhe pro[ecL seeks Lo challenge and
remove any obsLacles Lo unlLy and undersLandlng.



ro[ecL 1uLor
uaLe of pro[ecL:
8ecordlng daLe:
uaLe of concerL:
Cus Lo arrlve by

ro[ecL lnformauon: (llsL lmporLanL lnformauon abouL Lhe pro[ecL here)

School conLacL name:
name of person who deals wlLh lnvolclng: 8uslness Manager
School address:
School Lelephone number:
School emall:

Church conLacL name:
Church address:
Church Lelephone number:
Church emall:

School fee:
CommunlLy/Church fee:

Mlleage for 1uLor
Mlleage for Sound englneer
van hlre
Addluonal expenses

1oLal cosLs dlvlded by school, church and any oLher lnvolved groups - 1C1AL =

Cu prlce 3
1lckeL prlce - Lo be declded

Cu deLalls - We wlll make avallable up Lo 120 Cus aL Lhe concerL. lf we don'L manage Lo sell 120
Lhen Muslc lus 1rusL wlll sLand Lhe loss. nelLher school or church wlll be bllled for unsold Cus.
Powever, lf a second run ls requlred Lhen we musL have a mlnlmum of 13 orders and guaranLeed
paymenL from Lhe school.
1o recoup cosLs schools can add Lo Lhe prlce of Lhe Cu (we need 3 per Cu Lo cover all our
manufacLurlng and producuon cosLs) or charge parenLs for uckeLs Lo Lhe concerL.

ln order for Lhe concerL Lo run smooLhly, here ls a checkllsL of Lhlngs LhaL need Lo be puL ln place
before Lhe day.
1.nea|th and Safety of Ch||dren.
1he school wlll Lake full responslblllLy for Lhe Lransporung of chlldren when rehearslng, le, gemng
Lhem Lo and from Lhe concerL venue. lL wlll be parenLs responslblllLy Lo brlng Lhem Lo Lhe concerL.
Clear lnsLrucuons need Lo be glven Lo parenLs aL Lhe end of Lhe concerL as Lo where Lhey collecL
Lhelr chlldren. 1he school wlll be responslble for maklng sure all chlldren have been collecLed.
Muslc lus 1rusL wlll noL be lnvolved ln Lhls procedure.
2. Church]Concert venue |nformanon
1. Cn Lhe concerL day all Lhe school chlldren wlll need Lo be on Lhe sLage. lL would really help lf we
could have Lhe sLage cleared beforehand. Seaung wlll noL be needed for Lhe chlldren. LxLra helplng
hands Lo unload equlpmenL wlll also be very helpful
2. We wlll need access Lo Lhe church/school hall on Lhe mornlng of Lhe concerL day Lo seL up a
A sysLem. We wlll be brlnglng our own and Lherefore wlll noL need Lo use Lhe church/
school A sysLem.
3. 1here wlll be a rehearsal durlng Lhe aernoon of Lhe concerL day lnvolvlng all Lhe chlldren.
4. lf Lhe pro[ecL ls sponsored by Lhe church Lhen lL wlll have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo prole whaL lLs
dolng ln Lhe communlLy. 1hls sloL ls noL a preach" sloL, buL a promouon" sloL.
3. lf posslble lL would be greaL for Lhe church/school Lo serve refreshmenLs aer Lhe concerL.
1hls creaLes an opporLunlLy for people Lo meeL and bulld relauonshlps. 1hls ls le wlLh Lhe
church/school Lo declde and ls seen as an addluonal Louch raLher Lhan an essenual lLem.
6. 1he Cus musL be sold aer each concerL aL an easlly accesslble place. 1he church/school
wlll need Lo provlde people Lo sell Lhe Cus.
7. 1he usherlng of people beLween concerLs and Lhe organlslng of car parklng musL be
organlsed by Lhe church/school
3. lnfo wlLh regard Lo Lhe ownershlp and selllng of op uk Cus.
a) 1he ownershlp of Lhe Cu ls held by Muslc lus 1rusL.
b) Muslc lus 1rusL wlll Lake 3 for each Cu. Schools can add Lo Lhls prlce and recelve all addluonal
amounLs. Schools wlll noL be bllled for unsold Cus buL we ask LhaL schools glve careful LhoughL Lo
how many Cus Lhey requlre.
c) lf a re-run ls requlred Muslc lus 1rusL wlll seek Lo send Lhe addluonal Cus wlLhln a week
d) 1he school musL glve accuraLe lnformauon Lo parenLs (le, avallablllLy and prlce) wlLh regard Lo
Lhe Cu before Lhe concerL Lakes place. 1hls ls lmporLanL as mosL Cu sales happen aL Lhe concerL.
e) under no clrcumsLance musL Lhe Cu be sold ln any oLher formaL, le Lhrough mp3s vla Lhe
lnLerneL, or by any oLher means of dupllcauon. Lach chlld appears on Lhe Cu wlLh Lhe permlsslon
of Lhe school. under no clrcumsLances musL a chlld clalm any nanclal remunerauon for appearlng
on Lhe Cu.

Iundra|s|ng |deas:

1he mosL eecuve fundralslng ldea ls Lo ask some of your chlldren Lo wrlLe a handwrluen leuer
Lo a selecuon of local companles. 1he purpose of Lhe leuer would be Lo ask lf Lhe company
would donaLe 23 Lo Lhe pro[ecL. ln reLurn Lhey would be llsLed on Lhe Cu cover as one of Lhe
sponsors of Lhe pro[ecL. A sample leuer would be:

uear Managlng ulrecLor,

l am one of Lhe ?ear .... puplls aL ......rlmary School. My Pead 1eacher Mrs/Mr.... has
asked me Lo wrlLe Lo you because we wanL Lo be lnvolved ln a very exclung muslc pro[ecL called
opuk. opuk ls a charlLy LhaL uses muslc Lo brlng communlues LogeLher and Lo Leach chlldren
lmporLanL llfe values . 1he whole school learns seven songs and aL Lhe end of Lhe week we become
recordlng sLars - Lhe opuk Leam help us record our very own Cu!. We also have Lhe chance Lo
perform Lhe songs aL a concerL where you'll be able Lo buy a copy of Lhe Cu.

We wanL you Lo be lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecL Loo! Would lL be posslble for ....(company name)..
Lo donaLe 23 Lowards ralslng half Lhe cosLs of Lhe pro[ecL? Lhe school wlll pay Lhe oLher half. lf
you're able Lo help us Lhen we wlll puL your name on Lhe Cu as one of our sponsors.

1he concerL wlll be held aL ..... on ....... We would very much llke you Lo be Lhere.

Looklng forward Lo hearlng from you

AnoLher ldea ls for Lhe Pead 1eacher Lo supply a llsL of phone numbers of local buslnesses Lo Lhe
opuk Leam. A member of Lhe opuk Leam wlll Lhen phone Lhe buslnesses on behalf of Lhe
school. 1he purpose of Lhls call wlll be Lo explaln Lhe alms and ob[ecuves of Lhe pro[ecL and
wheLher Lhe buslnesses would llke Lo be lnvolved. lf so, a meeung could be planned Lo explaln
Lhe cosLs and Lo ask lf Lhey could conslder conLrlbuung a small amounL. Lxperlence shows LhaL
mosL local buslnesses wanL Lo lncrease Lhelr prole wlLhln Lhe local communlLy and demonsLraLe
an eLhos generoslLy, lncluslon and lnLegrauon.

1erms of agreement: lease keep Lhe above lnformauon for reference and reLurn Lhls parL of Lhe
form Lo Muslc lus 1rusL

A non refundable deposlL ls requlred for Lhe amounL of 73 for school and 73 for church and/or
paruclpaung communlLy group, le, 130 LoLal deposlL
Cancellauon of your booklng fourLeen days before Lhe sLarL of Lhe pro[ecL wlll resulL ln a charge
of 66 of Lhe fee
Cancellauon of your booklng seven days or less before Lhe sLarL of Lhe pro[ecL wlll resulL ln a
charge of Lhe full fee
lees need Lo be pald by Lhe nal day of Lhe pro[ecL
Cheques Lo be made payable Lo Muslc lus 1rusL

l agree Lo ablde by Lhe Lerms and condluons of Lhls booklng agreemenL:



Slgned: ....................................................................................


Send paymenL Lo: - Muslc lus 1rusL: 27, uevonshlre 8d, Salford, ManchesLer. M6 8PZ

Cr 8ACs aymenL Lo:

8ank: PS8C 8ramhall
SorL Code: 40:13:33:
Acc no: 21496363
Acc name: Muslc lus 1rusL

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