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Vy No 103
"May the be with You!
July 2009
CyberVy No 3
Denis Siegnez: Grooming of Souls
Aims of Vy Magazine:
Updated September, 2008
"To provide an independent publication and forum to
the meta-scientology community."
The meta-scientology community, sometimes called
'the Freezone' or 'the independent field', comprises
people interested in the technology and philosophy of
L. Ron Hubbard and the application thereof. A part of
the community is working on new developments in
this field of self-improvement and Vy covers that as
well. We embrace Hubbard's original work, including
the axioms, the basic teachings and the technology,
but see the subject as a developing field of applied
philosophy and spiritual technology.
Vy has no affiliation to the current CoS, nor has it any
economical affiliations to any independent tech
delivery group. Vy stands for freedom of speech and
accurate, reflective reporting. Community members
are free and most welcome to present their diverging
views; that is part of the Vy mission. As long as a
contribution is based on fact or personal experience,
and likely to be of interest to the community, it will be
considered for publication.
Our three main activities are:
1) The publication of the subscription magazine
'nternational Viewpoints' (Vy).
This magazine will be in electronic form and appear
at least 4 times a year.
2) maintaining the website
3) Conducting online discussion forums open to
subscribers of Vy.
This issue of Vy is an inviation to our subscribers
and all in the Freezone to join us at the Vy
Conference. The Vy and Freezone community is
a worldwide thing. Unfortunately it is also very
scattered. Therefore much of the contact and
activity takes place via the internet with a few
local groups here and there. A few times a year
there is an opportunity to meet in person with
like-minded. One such opportunity is the annual
Vy Conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark
and sponsored by the Board of Directors of the
nternational Viewpoints Association, the board
that also oversees the magazine. We hope to see
as many as possible this year as well. You will
find details in the ad on page 4 and on the back
This issue itself presents several tech
developments, including a description of Per
Schittz' approach to PTS handling (p. 13) and
Robert Ducharme's developments in Dianetics to
what is called R3X (p. 27, 33, 37.) Both
developments seem to fill a need and address
things that have been problematic in the past. We
also have part one of Heidrun Beer's interesting
take on health, applying Scientology principles to
healing (p. 40.) We hope you will enjoy this issue
and we hope to see you in Copenhagen, August
22-23 at the conference.
Rolf Krause,
Editor-in-Chief: Rolf Krause
Webmasters: Angel Piercy,
Flemming Funch
Assistant editors: Judith Anderson,
Agnes Araujo,
Tom Feltz,
Conal Clynch.
Tony Geir.
Guest editors.
Board of directors:
Chairman: Antony Phillips.
Members: Morten Ltken, Lars Peter Schultz.
Ole Gerstrom, Claus B. Hansen, Rolf Krause.
August 2009, See You
at the Vy Conference!
Vy # 103 (CyberVy #3) July, August 2009
The IVy European Conference
is August 22-23, 2009
Contact Address:
Copygight 2009. All materials are copyrighted
by the authors and artists or by IVy Magazine
Rolf K, Editor-in-Chief
July, August, 2009
Content of Vy 10
Page 5: Super Power, its context and theory
by Joe Howard, USA
The author oI this article was close to Ron and to the whole evolution oI Super Power. He gives here his
Iirst-hand account oI what went on behind the scenes when Ron developed the never published but
highly discussed series oI rundowns, known as Super Power.
Page 9: Ron in the 195's
by Dennis Stephens

Page 13: How to Cain More Freedom
By Per Schiott:, Class IX, Denmark
The subtitle to this article is: ANewApproach to PTS Handling. Per has developed this approach that he
has delivered as seminars. It is a more causative look at the case condition known as 'potential trouble
source or PTS, where the person has become the eIIect when dealing with bad guys or restimulative
guys. Instead oI blaming it on 'the other guy, the author has designed a method to clean up one`s own
space Ior trigger mechanisms.
Page 19: Ethics and 1ustice in the Freezone
by Michael Moore, IFA President
IFA`s president describes here how we can approach and deal with the diIIicult issue oI ethics in the
Page 22: Four Former Sea Org Insdiers Speak Out
From Saint Peterburg Times, Florida
Recently 4 Iormer top executives in CoS went public with a scathing critique oI the states oI aIIairs in
CoS and oI its leader. Who are these 4 Iour people? Their background and Scn history is given here.
Page 27: Routine 1hree Expanded, a "new" form of Dianetics
by Rolf Krause, Class 8
Robert Ducharme oI Florida has Ior the last 20 years practiced and researched various approaches to
incident running and Dianetics. He oIIered IVY`s editor to try some sessions oI R3X. It was an exciting
experience that is covered here.
Page 33: 1able of Comparison Between R3R and R3X
Page 3: Russian Spring 1raining Camp
Ashort photo reportage Irom a Rons Org activity, courtesy 'Floating Needle Magazine.
Page 37: Routine 3 X Auditing - My Experience
Page 4: ASpiritual Look at Body Health #1
Dennis Stephens, known as the developer oI TROM, was one oI the Iirst Dianetisists in Britain. As early
as 1950 he was introduced to Dianetics and started to co-audit. In this article, the author describes his
Iirst meeting with Ron in 1952, and he describes the amazing Scientology session he received Irom Ron.
By Kelvar, United Kingdom
This article is part oI our Time Traveler`s series as well as a personal take on some very exciting sessions,
using R3X. Includes the author`s personal take on the OT-3 incident.
By Heidrun Beer, Austria
Part One oI Heidrun Beer's interesting take on health, applying Scientology principles to healing.
Page 48: Subscription Infomation
Page 49: IJy Conference, August 22-23, 29
covering the Freezone since 1991

8|t. l|MM|J lc. 0||||1.

l) f||||t 1 l| ttt| W|l 8|l 0c|M
8c|| 0tl 8|. 0|1 I|
This is also an "Open Space" conference, which means that we're co-creating the conference. f there are
subjects you would like to speak about or that you would like discussed, or an activity you would like to see
happen, we invite you to take a lead and propose or lead them. An Open Space Conference means you
can participate from a level of cause.
For people coming from out of town we will help you find inexpensive hotel accommodation.
The conference will take place in Valby, a suburb of Copenhagen
Saturday will be from 10.00 17.00,
Sunday 10.00 16.00
Each evening we go out and eat together.
Monday will also have informal arrangements.
The price is only 250 DKK. (about 35 Euro or 30 GB)
including lunch and refreshments both days.
You can pay on arrival.
Further information on the web at:

Or contact for info and reservation:
Antony Phillips
Jernbanevej 3F 4th, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Phone: +45 45 88 88 69
Arrcnd VJ's 2009
Opcn Confcrcmcc
ln Copcnhngcn,
Augusr 22 nnd 23
4 J ul y, 2009
hindrance even Ior a moment. He jumped right in 1978 was one hell oI a year Ior Scientology Irom a
and we all jumped in behind him. Somehowthings technical standpoint. LRHhad just returned to his
eventually got 'in the can, but it wasn`t smooth. home in La Quinta aIter about six months oII the
The technical or other reasons why things weren`t base, Iollowing the FBI raid oI the Scientology
smooth occupied his hours oII the set. Complexin LosAngeles in July 1977.
RontheFilm Maker
Who are the Trouble
When he returned and
settled in he began in
The Iirst idea was that there
earnest a project started the
must be List One Rock
pr evi ous year t he
Slammers |Rock slammer:
shooting oI his Technical
Person with hidden evil
Training Films. He Iigured
and destructive intentions.
that since we were in an age
Ed.| on the Iilm crew
where visual media were
i nt ent i onal l y messi ng
k i n g , t h a t v i s u a l
things up in order to cut
demonstrations oI TRs,
dissemination lines. A
metering and sessions
project was launched to
would be valuable Ior
Ierret them out and was
st udent s t o have as
horribly botched, with
standards to emulate in
many well-intentioned
their training. But that`s the
people both at the base and
subject Ior another time,
other Sea Org units in
except Ior the Iact that the
Clearwater and LA being
trials and tribulations oI
Ialsely labeled L1 Rock
getting the Iirst several oI
Slammers. When LRH
these Iilms shot led to his
became aware oI the
de ve l opme nt oI t he
glaring outpoint that the
rundowns that became known as Super Power.
percentages were ridiculously high, he
straightened things out and people were put back
The only person who knew anything about
on their posts. Technical issues came out that
shooting motion pictures in the entire crew was
clariIied the diIIerent characteristics between a
LRHhimselI. No one else knewa thing about this
dirty needle and a true rock slam. |Both rock slam
very highly technical Iield. Being the world`s all-
and dirty needle are characteristics oI needle
time do it yourselIer, LRHnever considered this a
behavior on the emeter.| Also, during this period
Super Power
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

ts Context and Theory

By Joe Howard, USA
Supcr Powcr
Ron Hubbard, while
making the tech films, 1978
5 J ul y, 2009
LRH clariIied the deIinitions oI an instant read Another rundown theorized that iI a person was
and a Iloating needle as (per HCOB 5 July 1978) stuck in some past engrammic incident that this
'a rhythmic sweep oI the dial at a slow, even pace could be sprung Irom the case by asking the pc Ior
oI the needle. (I understand Irom the rumor line diIIerent places where the pc considered himselI
that this is now being Iorcibly mandated as three to be saIe. The process caused a reviviIication in
swings oI the needle, which might be what The the pc and released him Irom wherever he had
Cobsays, but isn`t what LRHwrote.) been stuck.
You see where this is heading: let the person get
Technical Compilations Unit
oII his charge about what`s been done to him,
At any rate, by August 1978, LRHhad Iormed the
handle the cause oI any deadness and spring him
original RTC, which stood Ior LRH Technical
Irom a place on the track holding him
Compilations beIore it was preempted in 1982 by
downyou`re restoring liIe to a person. You`re
the current RTC, at which point it was re-initialed
waking him up.
RTRC ( LRH Techni cal Resear ch and
Compilations). One oI the early orders LRH sent
AIter this you can get him to spot things about the
to the unit was to assemble and pilot a correction
consequences oI his actions and restore his ability
list called the Ethics Repair List. On it were
to predict into the Iuture and this became another
questions aimed at straightening out a person`s
considerations in the areas oI ethics and justice by
getting oII charge on the diIIerent Ilows oI the
Then, because he is more aware and alive he can
subject. The Iirst pcs audited on the list were the
better think with the inIormation he has, his
same crew who had been labeled List One Rock
education, his training, etc. LRH, even in his
Slammers just weeks or months beIore. Needless
earliest writings Irom the early 50s was aware oI
to say, the list was very hot and pcs had a lot to say.
the harm that Ialse data has on a person. II the
Results were sent to LRHand he modiIied the list,
computer is working Iine but the data Ied into it is
adding more questions and deleting others that
crap, crap thinking and solutions is what you`ll get
never seemed to read. By the end oI the year, the
out oI the computer. That is the basic thing that
list was in some kind oI Iinal Iorm and was even
was gong on, though LRH expressed it more
released generally Ior a short period, probably by
eloquently. The rundown he developed was called
mistake, because meanwhile an overall scope oI a
the False Data and Loss Rundown and he based it
series oI rundowns was beginning totake shape.
on the observation that when a person is stuck in a
loss oI some sort (job, loved one, broken
relationship, competition, any type oI loss) he or
LRH oIten encountered the phenomenon oI
she becomes prone to latching onto Ialse data in an
people around him who seemed, to him anyway,
eIIort to become reoriented. The rundown located
lacking liIe or any real determinism. He had
these episodes and stripped them out oI the
remarked on this oIten and gave a handling in the
person`s bank.
HCOB on Robotism in 1972. Six years later, he
gave another take on it and developed what was
initially called the Dead Man Pilot because the
Now that you had the individual alive and with it,
process dove at the root cause oI any deadness that
you could get him back into communication with
a person might be exhibiting.
his environment and the world and this became the
subject oI the nowsomewhat mythical Perception

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Super Power
6 J ul y, 2009
Rundown. The simplicity, and brilliance, oI this rundown. He developed it as a way to make staII
rundown is to handle any engrams blocking a members more capable on their posts so orgs
person`s sense perceptions (any oI the 57 would be more productive and Scientology would
perceptics as laid out in Science oI Survival or expand Iaster.
Scientology 0-8: The Book oI Basics) and then
drill the person in his ability to use those sense But beIore LRH could get all the rundowns
channels, which written up (there
h a d b e e n are 12 rundowns in
Iormerly closed total and LRH
oII. The basic hyped them in
way this is done Ron`s Journal 30,
is by putting '1978The Year
one`s attention oI Lightning Fast
on a particular Tech) a couple oI
s e n s e a n d technical tsunamis
t aki ng one`s hit the Ian. One
attention oII oI was his release oI
t h a t s e n s e the bulletins on
channel . For Dianetic Clear and
example, you the second was the
can put your development oI
attention on a NOTs. Frankly,
ticking clock in the tiny unit he had
the room where established to help
you are nowand with his technical
listen to the work was running
sound and you Ilat out just to try
can not listen to and keep up and
it by putting your attention somewhere else, say, was Ialling behind. That RJ lists a ton oI stuII that
on the cars outside. That`s the long and short oI it, LRH worked on and released during the year:
regardless oI what machines are developed to help NED, Int Rundowns, Super Power, ConIessional
the person increase his or her ability along any Procedure, clariIication oI processes on Service
s e n s e c h a n n e l . Facs, NOTs, straightening out the deIinitions oI an
instant read and F/Ns, Academy training, Quad
Once the person was Iully back into Grades, the Fixated Person Rundown and
communication with the world around him, you Suppressed Person Rundown, revisions oI a
could drill him on the actions oI his job or post and bunch oI correction lists, the 9 Tech Films he shot
at the end you`d have a person who was cleaned and that was just the tech stuII.
up, alive, able to see where he was going and Iully
in control oI what he was doing in his liIe.
The I/C oI the unit, Phoebe Mauerer, bless her,
It`s a pretty awesome state. That was the theory,
kept every pilot issue, dispatch and note on Super
anyway, oI what LRHwas calling the Humongous
Power all in one location, in boxes right above her
Rundown. And it was going to be a humongous
desk until the day she died. What happened is that
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Super Power
The so-called Super Power Building in Clearwater
has been under construction for over a decade.
It was supposed to be the delivery center where
the public would receive this series of rundowns
7 J ul y, 2009
late in 1978 while the rundowns were still in echelons.
development, LRH brought in trainees Irom the
Saint Hills to train up as Super Power auditors and Additionally, someone with no knowledge or
when their TRs were judged not to be up to par authority has made up some processes and given
LRH went oII into thorough handlings oI TR them the name Super Power and these are Iloating
training and that led oII into even more basic around somewhere. I can assure you that
handlings that became the Key to LiIe Course. processes with commands like: '1. Assume the
And on andon it went. viewpoint oI the 8th Dynamic, 2. Get the idea oI
another assuming the viewpoint oI the 8th
Phoebe never got back to Iinishing up Super Dynamic, 3. Get the idea oI others assuming the
Power and neither did her successors in RTRC viewpoint oI the 8th Dynamic, 'etc, etc, etc, ad
until 1991, when the pilot issues were completed nauseum, down to '1. Get the idea that you have
and the Iirst pcs put through the entire rundown. inIinite power, 'blah, blah, blah, all have nothing
The results were pretty much exactly as LRH whatever to do with what LRHwas researching or
predicted. The pcs did Iabulously on the rundowns piloting or what he intended.
and came alive in liIe and on their posts. No PR.
Theyreallydidwell. So, now you know the background oI Super
Power and LRH`s intention that it be used to help
UnIortunately, something else that LRHpredicted hard-working staII members do better on their
also happened. He said that iI some people in an crusade to hold the Bridge there more stably so
org were put through the rundowns but others greater numbers could walk across it.
weren`t, then eventually those who hadn`t had the
gains would pull down the others who had. And Joe Howard
that`s what occurred. It might have taken a Iew
years, but eventually nearly everybody, as I can
recall, got into some kind oI serious post
diIIiculties. But in this regard, they were no
diIIerent Irom everybody else at the Int Base |the
international headquarters|, however, so the Iact
that LRH`s prediction came true in this regard
cannot be taken as a denigration oI their initial
gains or an invalidation oI the potentials oI Super
For 8taff andClears
LRH intended it mainly Ior staII, though he also
planned that Dianetic Clears who could no longer
receive Power Processing would also be able to
receive it. From various posts one sees on the
message boards, it appears that all that is being
tossed overboard and the rundown is becoming
the next cash cow Ior a Flag whose udders by this
time are surely drying up Irom lack oI real
planetary dissemination eIIorts at the lower

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Super Power
About Joe Howard
Joe Howard is a veteran high-ranking
Church of Scientology defector. He
presents to vy's readers an insiders
look at the inner workings of how
Sci ent ol ogy t echnol ogy was
developed. He worked for many years
in the technical compilation unit and
described in vy 102 how new
technology was tested and compiled
by its dedicated tech specialists. "Joe
Howard is his writing pseudonym.
8 J ul y, 2009
Lilc nany siaff ncnlcrs, I uscd io call Fon 'ilc old nan'-- affcciionaicly. Ii was only in laicr ycars
ilai I siaricd io call linFonHullard.
My crsonal coniaci wiilFonHullard, ilc nosi iniinaic criod, was fronScicnlcr 1952 io aloui
carly 1956. Tlcn I wcni io Ausiralia. Aficr ilai, ilcrc was no crsonal coniaci wiil Fon uniil 1962
wlcn I was on ilc Saini Hill Dricfing coursc. Yci, a
connlinc lad coniinucd on and off ovcr ilc ycars
wlcn I was in Sydncy, and I could always wriic io
lin and gci a rcly. Dui ilcrc was no crsonal or
wriiicnconnwiilFonaficr 1965.
My firsi coniaci wiil Dianciics lad lccn ilrougl
Asiounding Scicncc Ficiion. In 1950, I lad a sul-
scriiionio ilc nagazinc, and as soonas ilc ariiclc
Evoluiion of a Scicncc acarcd, in ilc May issuc, I
wroic off for |ordcrcd| ilc lool Dianciics. ilc
Modcrn Scicncc of Mcnial Hcalil. Ii was air-
frciglicd ovcr io Driiain, and I siaricd using ii, co-
audiiing fronScicnlcr 1950. My co-audiior and I
wcrc ilc sccond co-audiiing ican io siari u in
Laicr, I joincd Ccorgc Wiclclow's Noril-Wcsi
London Dianciics grou and was iis sccrciary and
a grou audiior uniil Scicnlcr 1952.
Uniil ilcn, ilc only iraincd Dianciicisi or
Scicniologisi ilai wc lad sccn fron Ancrica was
Jacl Horncr, wlo was an HDA (Hullard Dianciics
Audiior} and a D.Scn (Daclclor of Scicniology}. In
1951, lc gavc a congrcss in England, wlicl I
aiicndcd. A fcw oilcr individuals canc fron ilc
Siaics and solc io us, lui ilcir usc of ilc suljcci
lad lccn no norc ilan ours. ilcy wcrc lool audi-
iors and so on.
I lad lccn gciiing vcry cccllcni rcsulis fron
Dianciics as a rcclcar, was nigliily inrcsscd ly
ilc suljcci lui did noi lnow ilai I was a vcry casy-
Ron in the 1950s
Ron in the 1950s
By Dennis Stephens
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Dennis Stephens was one of the first Dianetisists in Britain. As early as 1950,
he was introduced to Dianetics and started to co-audit. In this article,
the author describes his first meeting with Ron in 1952, and he
describes the amazing Scientology session he received from Ron.
Astounding Science Fiction of May 1950.
That's where Dennis first read about Dianetics.
In the left hand lower corner, it says: "Dianetics"
A New Science of the Mind.
9 J ul y, 2009
running c. Any audiior would lavc givcn lis lacl iccil for a c lilc nc. Only aficr ycars of audiiing
iougl cascs nysclf, did I rcalisc ilai ilc vasi najoriiy of lunaniiy was nucl norc difficuli ilan I io
In Augusi 1952, Ccorgc Wiclclow rcccivcd lig ncws fron Ancrica. Fon Hullard was coning io
London. InScicnlcr, or laic Augusi, Fonaciually acarcd ai ilc Wiclclow Dianciics grou.
On Sundays, wc nornally lad a grou ncciing, and aloui 15 io 20 colc would iurn u, rcgulars
and visiiors. Wcll, ilai nigli wc lad aloui 60 colc aclcd in ai Ccorgc Wiclclow's lacc. Tlc word
ilai Fon was in London and ilai lc was going io dcvoic ilc wlolc cvcning io lcing wiil ilc Wiclclow
Dianciics grou was cnougl! Ccorgc lad lccn lurning ilc iclclonc lincs, and lc goi all and sundry
ilcrc, cvcryonc wlo could conccivally nalc ii was ilcrc.
Suddcnly ilcrc was a lnocl ai ilc door, and insirodc ilis vcry, vcry largc crson.
Hc fillcd ilc rooninncdiaicly, ilai was ilc inrcssion. Ii was lis rcscncc. Evcryiling siocd; lc
was inncdiaicly ilc ccnicr of aiicniion.
So ilai was ny firsi inrcssion of ilc nan, lis siariling lysical inrcssion. Onc dcfiniicly lncw
ilcrc was sonclody ilcrc.
Hc was ilc sori of crson ilai, if lc was in ilc roonlclind you, you would lnow ii and iurn around
and noi lc surriscd io find lin ilcrc. Tlai lacncd on nany occasions wiil Fon in ilosc carly
days. I would lc ialling io sonconc in ilc roon- ilc door would lc ocn - and suddcnly I would lc
awarc ilai Fon was in ilc roon. I would iurn around and ilcrc lc would lc, sianding aiicnily, waii-
ing for nc io finislny convcrsaiion. I lncw lc was lclind nc. I could scnsc lis rcscncc.
Ron's Mock-up
Dui ii was only wlcn I goi io lnow linilai I rcalizcd ilis was
a ari of ilc nocl-u ilai lc ui u - lis sizc. Aciually, lc
was noi ncarly as lig lysically as you ilougli lc was, lui
was a sladc undcr 6 fcci, wcigling aloui 180 ounds. Hc goi
a loi lcavicr inlis laicr ycars.
Tlai grou ncciing ai Ccorgc Wiclclow's was a nilcsionc in
ny lifc, wlicl was ncvcr ilc sanc again. Fon solc aloui
Scicniology for aloui ilrcc-quaricrs of anlour. Hc answcrcd
sonc qucsiions and said lc was going io givc a dcnonsira-
iionand wanicd a voluniccr.
If sonclody wanicd io givc a dcnonsiraiion, I was always ilc
grou's guinca ig lccausc I lad a viriually indcsiruciillc
casc, and cvcrylody lncw ii. Sonc of ilcncould lc danagcd
in a grou dcnonsiraiion, lui ilcy could lcavc in an
cngranand I would find ny way oui of ii and no larnwould
conc fronii.
Tlis iinc, I ilougli I would givc sonc of ilc oilcrs a go ai ilc

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Ron in the 1950s
Ron Hubbard in the 1950s
10 J ul y, 2009
dcnonsiraiion, lui, as I loolcd around, no lands wcrc going u. Fon lad announccd ilai lc would
givc an audiiing dcnonsiraiion of cicriorizaiion, and naylc ilai lad ui cvcrylody off, ilcy wcrc a
lii scarcd of ii. Noi cvcn Ccorgc Wiclclow ui u lis land, and Ccorgc was noi sly of coning forward
wlcnlc was inicrcsicd insonciling.
My Lifechanged
I ilougli ii nigli ncvcr lacn again so ny land sloi u, and Fon Hullard snilcd ai nc and callcd
nc ovcr io ilc siand, and ny lifc clangcd. Hc ran a icclniquc of giving connands io ny fooi and
rccciving connands lacl and iurning a fcw cncrgy nasscs wliic and so on. Nci iling, I iold lin
ilai I was cicriorizcd, and lc said 'Vcry good' and novcd nc around ilc roon. I was sirucl wiil ilc
ircncndous crcciion and ilc wcird scnsaiion of siiiing alovc 60 colc. I could scc ilcnall clcarly
lclow nc. I was u ncar ilc cciling, wlcrc Fon lad novcd nc, and I could scc Fon ilcrc and ny lody,
and scc ilc wlolc iling nucl, nuclclcarcr ilanI would ilrouglny cycs.
Evcrylody was waicling ilc dcnonsiraiion and I was u on ilc cciling. Ii was an incrcdillc ccri-
cncc. And lc novcd nc around and novcd nc oui on ilc road and I found I could novc ilrougl ilc
wall. I could scc ilrougl ilc wall; all soris of ilings I could do. Fon novcd nc around and goi nc con-
foriallc, and said 'Do you wani io conc lacl inio your lody or siay ouisidc?' And I said 'No, ilanl you
vcry nucl, I anquiic lay oui lcrc.' So lc said 'Figli,' and goi nc io ocn ny cycs again, and ilai
cndcd ilc dcnonsiraiion.
Dy ilai iinc, ii was 10 o'clocl, and colc lad luscs io caicl. I caugli ny lus, ilcn wallcd a nilc
and a lalf io ny lousc along dcscricd roads wiililc ciraordinary fccling of walling along, lcing cic-
fron ny lody, ilc lody in froni of nc, and a wcird scnsaiion of ilc lody sladowing sircci liglis. Ii
siarilcd nc for a noncni, ilcnI rcalizcd wlai was going on, and novcd furilcr lacl lclind ny lody.
Tlc cicriorizaiion was alnosi conlcic. Ii was alnosi ilc sori of cicriorizaiion you would gci
lciwccn livcs, as I laicr discovcrcd. And I jusi wallcd onc and a lalf nilcs down ilai road, siiiing icn
or fificcn fcci lclind ny lody, jusi noving down ilc road wiil ny lody, looling ai ilc louscs as ny
lody was walling along ilc road.
A most incredible experience.
Tlcn I goi inio ny lousc and wcni io lcd, wcni u inio ilc lofi, noscd around on ilc roof, and cndcd
u aloui nidnigli siiiing oui on ilc lan osi in ilc road, waicling ilc noils flying around ilc
lan osi.
I wcni io slcc. Wlcn I wolc u in ilc norning, I lad novcd inio ny lody again. Dui I ilcn lncw ilai
Scicniology was alsoluicly rigli, and I lncw ilai wlcnFonsolc of cicriorizaiion, iallcd aloui a
ilcian, ilai lc was rigli. I lad so nucl ircncndous crsonal ccriainiy on ii, ilcrc was noi a slrcd of
douli inny nind.
I lad lcconc a Tlcia Clcar. Tlis cnornous cicriorizaiion aliliiy lcsscncd slowly, lui siaycd wiil nc
for nonils. Ii lad aninicrcsiing validaiion.
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Ron in the 1950s

11 J ul y, 2009
Ai ilc iinc, I was couriing ny fuiurc wifc, Annc Wallcr, and slc was downinDaiicrsca lui I lad a flai
inLondon. Wc wcrc vcry nuclinlovc, and I uscd io go and visii lcr as a ilcianlaic ai nigli, and
slc always lncw I was ilcrc. I would go in, lool around ilc roon, and slc would lc laying on ilc lcd,
rcading. I would go and ioucl lcr forclcad; slc would lool u. Tlc following day I would scc lcr or
iall io lcr on ilc lonc, and slc would say 'You wcrc ovcr lasi nigli,' and I would say, 'Ycs, I canc
ovcr io visii you'.
Slc could noi do ii, lad noi goi ilc aliliiy, lui slc always lncw wlcn I was ilcrc, and could scnsc ny
rcscncc vcry sirongly. So ilcrc was anoilcr crson wlo could validaic ilc cicriorizaiion, ny rcs-
could aciually lc fcli ly anoilcr crsoninilc rcscni iinc univcrsc, so ii was noi all inny nind.
Fon Hullard audiicd nc norc ilan oncc, always in dcnonsiraiion scssions, lui I can say wiiloui a
sladow of a douli ilai lc was ilc lcsi audiior ilai cvcr audiicd nc. Hc was ilc snooilcsi, lc was
ilc grcaicsi, and I lavc lccn audiicd ly sonc vcry finc audiiors, including ilc laic Jacl Horncr wlo I
raic only sliglily lclow FonHullard.
Fon was ilc only audiior I cvcr nci or lncw of ilai ncvcr rcally nccdcd an E-Mcicr. Wlcn you wcrc in
scssion wiil Fon sonciling would lacn, sonc ncnial sccnc would occur, and lc would conc in
and say. 'Wlai is lacning?' Fon would lnow ii, would soi ii siraigli away. Hc would usc a ncicr,
lui did noi rcally nccd onc. Fon lncw ilc sliglicsi clangc in ilc scssion, lc was on io ii. Tlai is ilc
narl of ilc iruly grcai audiior, and lc lad ilai aliliiy, could dcicrninc ilc sliglicsi clangc in ilc c
ly dircci crcciion.
Tlai gavc an cnornous fccling of confidcncc. Hc was rigli ilcrc wiil you. You fcli ilcrc was sonc-
lody lolding your land. I goi ilai fccling wlcncvcr Fon audiicd nc; ncvcr wiil any oilcr audiior.
Sliglily wiilJacl Horncr, lui only vcry fainily, wlcrcas wiilFonii was vcry sirong.
I lavc ncvcr ccricnccd ii wiil oilcr audiiors ai all. So Fon siood lcad and slouldcrs alovc oilcr
Wiil a nan lilc ilai, wlo discovcrcd and fornulaicd ilc suljcci -- and wlcn lc irics ii on you, ii
worls cacily as lc said and you gci validaiion ilai ii is noi inaginaiion lui aciually rcal -- you arc
inclincd io grani ccriain god-lilc qualiiics, csccially wlcn you rcalizc lis crsonaliiy, ilis cnornous
rcscncc ilai I lavc alrcady dcscrilcd.
On casy running cs, Fon could nalc ilc suljcci worl cacily ilc way lc said ilai ii worlcd. Tlc
cffcci on nc was io grani lincnornous lcingncss. Ii was incviiallc ilai ii would lacn, and ii did
lacn; I was awc-sirucl ly ilc old nan. I wondcrcd wlai sori of a crson lc was, wlcilcr lc was a
god, a dcni-god or wlai?
Fon lad said ai ilc grou ncciing ilai lc was going io run a rofcssional coursc - wcll, ilai was
wlcrc I wanicd io lc. I lncw ilai wlai lc iallcd aloui was ilc goods, and ilc onc iling I wanicd io lc
was a rofcssional Scicniologisi. For ilis was ilc fuiurc, ilis was ilc way ii was.
FronInicrnaiional Vicwoinis (IVy} Issuc 18 - Augusi 1994

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Ron in the 1950s
12 J ul y, 2009
I hovc ofIcn hcord pcopIc soy Ihings Iikc,
"Ircc nc fron Ihis" or "Ircc nc fron
If Ihcrc rcoIIy is o IoI of Ihings in o pcrson's
doiIy Iifc hc wonIs Io bc frcc fronIhcn hc is
guoronIccd noI o hoppy pcrson. Irccdon
is noI frccdon IHOM Ihis or IhoI or o
whoIc IoI of Ihings. HcoI frccdon is Ihc
frccdon TO do or bc or hovc whoI onc
In rcIoIionships, pcrsons ofIcn cxprcss on
OIINION obouI onoIhcr pcrson. Thc oIhcr
pcrson nighI Iokc Ihis opinion os o focI
ond Ihcrcby Ioosc sonc of his frccdon
bccousc Ihc opinion wos o IiniIing
opinion. Ior cxonpIc. II's dongcrous Io
IrovcI". (Onc dcfiniIion, of scvcroI, of
IocI". A focI is soncIhing which con bc
ond IcIcr sonchow or oIhcr buys Ihis, ond provcn Io cxisI by visuoI cvidcncc.
IoIcr knowingIy or unknowingIy ocIs upon Iikcwisc, Opinion". SoncIhing which
Ihis, by for insIoncc noI Ioking Ihc nighI or nighI noI bc boscd on o focI.)
cducoIion hc wonIs, Ihcn wc orc IoIking
obouI supprcssion. IcIcr hos IosI sonc of
Ihc frccdon hc couId hovc, oI IcosI in
If dod IcIIs IcIcr "You orc quiIc sIupid!"
Opinions andfacts
A New Approach to PTS Handling
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

1 | || 4|t

A Neu Approoch to PTS HondlIng

By Per Schiottz, Class 9, Denmark
Per Schiottz
13 J ul y, 2009
choosing cducoIion. Evcrybody is on o pcrccpIion of hinscIf, Ihcn hc Ioscs
doiIy bosis bonbordcd wiIh oIhcrs' inIcgriIy. If hc odopIs oIhcrs' opinions
opinions obouI Ihings. Wc Iovc Io givc obouI hinscIf (uncxonincd) Ihcn hc hos
good odvicc," ond cvcry Iinc wc connccI givcn soncIhing of hinscIf owoy. You
Io oIhcrs' opinions ond ocI occordingIy (os couId soy IhoI hc hos shrunk, hc hos
if Ihcy wcrc focIs), which ncons wc do noI bcconc Icss hinscIf.
foIIow our own idcos, or IisIcn o biI Io
ourscIvcs, Ihcn wc Ioosc soncIhing of

ourscIvcs ond gcI wcokcr ond snoIIcr ond
Sonc pcopIc Iivc Io o high dcgrcc for or
Icss ourscIvcs. IcopIc who ocIivcIy work
Ihrough oIhcrs ond dcpcnd on oIhcr
on cnforcing own opinions onIo oIhcrs
pcopI c' s opi ni ons
c o u I d b c c o I I c d
cousi ng I hci r own
supprcssivcs." DuI iI is
pcrsonoIiIy Io disoppcor.
ocIuoI I y Ihc pcrson
subj ccI Io opi ni ons
Thc norc hc obcys
forccd onIo hin IhoI is
o I h c r s ' o p i n i o n s ,
noking hinscIf snoIIcr,
connonds ond ordcrs
bccousc no onc cIsc con.
ond Iokc onIo hinscIf
Thc supprcssivc hos o
oIhcrs' chorocIcrisIics,
ni sundcrsIood. Thc
bchovior poIIcrns idcos
supprcssivc Ihinks IhoI
ond IhoughIs, Ihc Icss
frccdon is o quonIiIy, o
frcc hc wiII bc ond Ihc
connodiIy in IiniIcd
norc hc I oscs hi s
suppIy, ond Ihcrcforc hc
inIcgriIy. Hc wiII IisIcn
hos Io kccp oIhcrs down in ordcr Io gcI Ihc
Icss ond Icss Io his own inncr dioIog, his
inIuiIion ond fccIings. This wiII cvcnIuoIIy

cnd up in scIf-dcnioI, scIf-hoIrcd ond scIf-
Frccdon is uquulitg plcusc !!
dcfcoIing ond Ihcn ogoin in Icss frccdon.
Wc oII do, or hovc donc Ihis Io o grcoIcr or
Icsscr dcgrcc dcpcnding on which pcrsons
wc orc surroundcd by..
InIcgriIy ncons whoIcncss; iI's oII of iI
wiIhouI onyIhing nissing, o condiIion
whcrc noIhing hos bccn rcnovcd, hos
bccn corrupIcd, or donogcd.
Evcryonc hos on cIhicoI phiIosophy which
If o pcrson hos on undonogcd inIcgriIy
Ihcy Iivc by. II's Ihcir guidcIincs for whoI
Ihcn hc hosn'I givcn up on, dcnicd, or givcn
is OK Io do in Iifc. II couId bc I wiII noI
owoy ony porI of hinscIf. Hc cxisIs in his
cngogc in shopIifIing" or I'nOK ond hovc
whoIcncss os hinscIf. If hc conproniscs
Ihc righI Io bc hcrc."
wiIh his own honcsIy, his own wishcs ond
Loss of identity
Ethics andphilosophy

IVy on the web also a membership forum

A New Approach to PTS Handling
"The suppressive thinks
that freedom is a quantity,
a commodity in limited
supply, and therefore
he has to keep others
down in order to get
the freedom himself."
14 J ul y, 2009
Thcsc orc norc or Icss known Io Ihc
possibIc Io cuI Ihc connccIion Io Ihcsc
pcrson consciousIy. Supprcssion or Ioss
Ihings ogoin. If IcIcr fccIs supprcsscd by
of inIcgriIy ond Ihus frccdonis o rcsuII of
his foIhcr who soys. You orc
Iock of cIhicoI phiIosophicoI codcx. If Ihc
quiIc sIupid", Ihcn IhoI is Ihc foIhcr's
cIhicoI codcx conIoins. I wiII IisIcn Io
opinion, noI IcIcrs. Hc nusI Ihcrcforc
oIhcrs opinions ond Ihcn corcfuIIy
CUT Ihc connccIion Io IhoI opinion ond
considcr if Ihcy
rcoIizc IhoI iI is noI
his own ond scnd iI
bc ninc Ioo," Ihcn
bock Io Ihc foIhcr"
you hovc o choncc
righI hcrc ond now.
noI Io bI i ndI y
oc c c pI oI hc r s
NoIc corcfuIIy IhoI
c o n n o n d s ,
hc docsn'I cuI Ihc
o p i n i o n s ,
connccIion Io his
pcrccpIions cIc.,
foIhcr, which wouId
ond Ioosc inIcgriIy
vioIoIc Ihc univcrsoI
ond frccdon.
s o I v c n I .
ConnunicoIion !!
I f y o u w o n I
Thcrc couId bc
p c r s o n o I
considcrcd o snoII
cnhonccncnI by
d o n g c r h c r c ,
f o r i n s I o n c c
no nc I y i f y o u
p c r s o n o I
disconnccI fron
dcvcIopncnI or
soncIhing which IS
Ihcropy, cIc., cIc.,
your own. Thcn you
I h c n i I i s
wiII ncvcr gcI iI
c x I r c n c I y
hondIcd os you bcIicvc iI isn'I yours ond
inporIonI IhoI you orc vcry surc IhoI iI is
now you hovc disconnccIcd fron iI. Why
your own idcos, IhoughIs, bchovior
hondIc oIhcrs sIuff? DuI Ihis vcry snoII
poIIcrns cIc. IhoI you sIorI hondIing. If iI
dongcr is noI difficuII Io gcI oround os Iong
rcoIIy is oIhcrs' opinions ond idcos, which
os you gcI o IiIIIc procIicc in Ihis.
you hovc Iokcn on, Ihcn iI's o wosIc of Iinc.
IirsI, you nusI rcoIizc which pcrsons,
If you find soncIhing which is noI your
pIoccs or siIuoIions cIc. you fccI hovc
own, buI soncIhing you hovc bccn
couscd you Io nokc yourscIf snoIIcr. Ior
pcrsuodcd by oIhcrs Io Ihink, or hovc
coch of Ihcn in Iurn, you wriIc down oII
borrowcd fron oIhcrs, Ihcn iI is ocIuoIIy
Ihc diffcrcnI idcos, IhoughIs, bchovior
Yours or mine?
Procedure{for self or clients}
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

A New Approach to PTS Handling

t is extremely important that you are very
sure that it is your own ideas, thoughts,
behavior patterns etc. that you start handling.
f it really is others' opinions and ideas, which
you have taken on, then it's a waste of time.
15 J ul y, 2009
poIIcrns, connonds, uncIhicoI ocIions, 3. AIIcnpIs Io dccidc.
opinions, cIc. cIc., pickcd up ond odopIcd
fron IhoI IcrninoI or in IhoI siIuoIion. My cducoIion
How Io spcnd MY noncy
Thcn, in your own univcrsc you ocIuoIIy WiIh whonI con doIc
CUT Ihc connccIion Io Ihcsc iIcns, My hoirdo
rcoIizing iI's noI yours ond sccing whosc iI Which books I shouId rcod
is oI Ihc sonc Iinc. If you conc ocross Whcn Io go Io bcd
soncIhing you hovc oIrcody disconnccIcd
fron corIicr, jusI ocknowIcdgc IhoI. 4. Iockof connunicoIion
IinoIIy you sign Ihis docuncnI" IhoI you
hovc ocIuoIIy disconnccIcd fron Ihcsc I rcoIizc IhoI Ihcsc orc ny foIhcrs ond noI
Ihings. Thc whoIc ocIion con Iokc sonc ny chorocIcrisIics.
hours or wccks, cvcn nonIhs, dcpcnding
on Ihc cIicnIs cosc shopc, buI iI is Signcd,
cxIrcncIy inporIonI Io do iI vcry corIy in IcIcr Honscn
for insIoncc, o Iifc rcpoir, if noI firsI.
AddItIon to my etbIcal codex:
II's ny righI Io dccidc obouI ny own Iifc.
Whcn oII Ihis is donc, you oughI Io find ouI
IcIcr Honscn
whoI hos bccn nissing on Ihc wriIIcn or
unwriIIcn cIhicoI codcx, which couscd IhoI
Whcn Ihis is donc for oII iIcns, you shouId
you oIIowcd your inIcgriIy Io bcconc
cxpcricncc norc frccdonIikc o growIh os
Icsscr. WriIc iI down os on oddiIion Io you
o pcrson, ogoin dcpcnding on sIoIc of cosc.
cIhicoI codcx. If Ihis is kcpI in Iincs Io
Thc nosI incrcdibIc rcsuIIs hovc
conc (cIcrnoI now's) Ihcn iI wiII ocI os o
occurrcd wiIh Ihis hondIing, incIuding Ihc
guoronIcc IhoI you ncvcr ogoin wiII oIIow
supprcssors" fricndIy opprooch Io Ihc
your frccdonIo bc Icsscncd or Iokcn owoy.
cIicnI. If Ihcrc is no chongc or noI o IoI of
growIh, Ihcn Ihcrc orc sIiII unhondIcd

iIcns or you hovc disconnccIcd fron
Hcrc is on cxonpIc of o hondIing IcIcr did
soncIhing which is yours. Thc obiIiIy Io
rcgording is foIhcr. II's o vcry ordinory
disconnccI" con bc vcry Iow in Ihc
cxonpIc fron o siIuoIion which is vcry
bcginning. Don'I frcI. II picks up prcIIy
quick ond in Ihc cnd Ihc cIicnI wiII sIoy dc-
I, Pctcr Hunscn, do hcrcbg cut thc
wiIh consIonI cxponding frccdonos THE
conncction to ng futhcr`s:
T. InvoIidoIion by soying I onsIupid.
2. Dod IoIkIo ny fricnds obouI nc

IVy on the web also a membership forum

A New Approach to PTS Handling
16 J ul y, 2009
inIcrcsI orcos in Iifc. Ircc nc fron." is
onIy voIid whcn iI's noI oncs own sIuff onc
If iI Iurns ouI Io bc hord Io hondIc Ihis woy,
wonIs Io bc frcc fron. Your own ncnIoI
Ihcn onoIhcr opprooch is nccdcd firsI.
gorbogc hcop is you own rcsponsibiIiIy
WhoI hos hoppcncd is IhoI Ihc cIicnI hos,
ond you orc Ihc onIy onc who con hondIc
Io o vcry Iorgc dcgrcc, goIIcn his own
pcrsonoIiIy ningIcd inIo oIhcrs IhoI iI's
noI possibIc Io find hcod or IoiI in ony of
Ior coscs in bcIIcr shopc I hovc uscd onc
Ihcn. Hc con'I scc whoI is his or doddy's.
norc IiIIIc ocIion. I hovc, in Ihc obovc
In Ihis cosc, ogoin dcpcnding on
cxonpIc oskcd IcIcr Io wriIc down.
Ihc cosc IcvcI, objccIivc proccsscs nighI
How is Ihc rcoI IcIcr.". This hos oInosI
bc coIIcd for or oIhcr hondIing by cosc
oIwoys cndcd up in Iinc chorgc goIorc ond
sIudy. DuI iI's in ny cxpcricncc vcry
Ihcn Icors of joy.
dorncd fcw IhoI do noI rcspond Io Ihis
NoIc. I do noI usc o ncIcr of ony kind for
Ihcsc hondIings. II conpIicoIcs Ihings ond

iI's ny opinion IhoI if you con'I gcI bchind
If oII Ihis hos bccn hondIcd ond cvcryIhing
Ihc cIicnIs shirI ond fccI, using yourscIf os
which is noI onc's own is gonc, ond Ihc
o ncIcr, Ihcn don'I cvcn Iry. In onc cosc I
fccIing of norc frccdon is Ihcrc, Ihcn iI's
hod Io gcI Ihc ncIcr ouI ond nuII o IisI of
Iinc Io Iook oI Ihings onc wonIs'
(SI") iIcns which kcpI growing. ThoI's iI !
cnhonccd which orc oncs own. DuI don'I
Hovc fun !
bc surpriscd if you ncvcr scc Ihc cIicnI
ogoin. Hc nighI cxpond his frccdon
Pcr Schittz
Cluss IX
Thc ncw frccdonshouId bc uscd for doing
ncw Ihings Io bc bcIIcr ond Io cxpond
s this difficult?
Freedom to.
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

A New Approach to PTS Handling

Association de Malfaiteurs 33 x 22 cm
(connection of wrongdoers)
by Denis Seignez,
French artist and Freezoner
The artist states in an email:
For "Association de malfaiteurs"
I may have an unofficial title for it:
" RTC & CST " !
17 J ul y, 2009
Vy has been issued as a black and white, on paper magazine from 1991 to 2008, usually five issues a year, and
in slightly smaller format than this present one, so it is easy to carry around and read in an arm chair (or in bed)
There is much interesting material in these back issues.
We have available, to be sent by post, all issues Write to for details, saying which years you
would like and your country. We usually sell a minimum of 2 years.
5Pt0I4I 0lltk!
Some of our readers are completely new to Vy. To give a background as to what has been going on in Vy we
make a special offer of all the issues for the last two years (2007, 2008) of Vy for $80 (US dollars) or 400 Danish
Kroner. Write to for payment details.
Amongst the many articles in these ten issues here are a few of the titles:
Ant's Scientology Story (number 4 entitled London Org in the Late 50s )
Occasional Sex series 7 Pornography
Forgotten Scientology Gems series 1: Group Processing
Do You Have a Hard Time Understanding Your Feelings?
What Does General Semantics Have To Do with Scientology?
Group Minds and the Origin of Apparent Reality
Types of Auditor Organisations
The Dilemma of Organized Counseling
in the UK
My Scientology Story 9 (Rolf Krause):
Flag and Solo NOTs
The Clearing Help Bracket
Book News: What Makes U Tick?
The Rise and Fall of Ron's Org
Ant's Scientology Story 2: Early London
Zen Scientology Series: (in four issues)
EFT - a New Approach to Charge?
4R0 0t7 0t74II5
Get the Vy Back ssuesl
a Treasure of Knowledge
and Freezone History
covering the Freezone since 1991
18 J ul y, 2009
far out and Justice takes its place, it is a
condition of danger for that individual.
An individual who is able to keep his or her
ethics "in" would not be subject to any justice
actions at all. Or should not be.
As it happens, in many cases, justice is
dispensed, not on the basis that the individual
has out ethics or cannot apply ethics to
himself, but on some other basis, such as to
apply pressure to conform to a standard that
has nothing to do with ethics or justice. n this
case justice is a tool that is abused and used
for entirely the wrong reason, rather like using
a hammer to tighten a nut on a wheel.
Hubbard said, "One never observes the forced
individual doing a job well, just as one never
observes a forced society winning against an
equally prosperous free society."
"Where this has been done to an individual
that person, who's only experience with justice
is justice incorrectly applied, is liable to
consider all justice as perverted and bad when
this is simply not the case."
"When the individual fails to put in his own
"n a society run by criminals and controlled by
Ethics, the group takes action against him and
incompetent police, the citizens reactively
this is called Justice." Justice is that activity
identify any justice action or symbol with
which a group will use to defend itself from an
individual when that individual has failed to use
ethics upon himself.
So it is understandable that some individuals,
Of course this means real justice, not the
emerging from the oppressive atmosphere of
mockery you find in current legal courts or
the church into the Freezone, still carrying with
even the travesty applied by nternational
them experiences by which they tend to judge
Management in the Church.
all mention of ethics and justice actions.
Where justice is correctly applied, the
This makes justice a bypass action on an
individual and the society benefit as it applies
individual. When an individuals ethics are so
ethics to the individual, albeit on a bypass, and
Michael Moore, IFA Column
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Ethics and Justice

in the Freezone
By Michel Moore, President of
The International Freezone Association
19 J ul y, 2009
thus gives him the opportunity to get his own entitled to apply justice. can hear the screams
ethics in. t should only be used until the now.
individual is capable of getting in his own "How dare anyone apply justice to me."
ethics whereupon justice actions would cease. "This is just like the church."
" can do what want!"
t should be remembered that all beings are
basically good, no matter how deeply they are Yes, individuals can do what they want. f it
entrenched in bank and enmest. Appliers of contravenes the agreements of group to which
justice often fail to take this into account. one has previously agreed to and joined, one
would leave the group and go do it someplace
else, as, evidently one is no longer in
Their Own Worst Enemies
agreement with that group.
People are actually their own worst enemies.
t is simple. f an individual joins a group. Any
There is no one actually out to get anyone.
group. Then they become in agreement with
".a clean heart and clean hands are the only
that group's tenets and moral codes of
way to achieve happiness and survival."
conduct. That is part of being part of a group.
Having those and having an ethical outlook on
One cannot be part of a group yet still follow
life will mean that justice becomes academic
the mores and conduct not of that group. t
rather than personal.
sounds too simple but it is often very much
n the first place ethics is applied by the
individual and not by the group. One can
observe perhaps that an individual in the
One joins a group. One accepts the tenets,
Freezone group, or one of the groups within
moral codes and conduct for that group. One is
the freezone perhaps, does not have his or her
now in agreement with that group and one is
ethics "in". How one approaches this will
now a part of that group. f that group was a
depend upon the circumstances.
cake, one would be a slice.
Now one day one strays, ever so slightly
f it is a prospective pc or student one is
perhaps, from the tenets and moral codes of
considering providing service to, then one is
the group. One then has a choice. One can
entitled to ask them to get their ethics in and
"put one's ethics in" and continue to be a
even perhaps assist them with that activity if
cohesive part of that group, contributing motion
they are deficient in service facsimiles and are
to forward the purpose of the group. Or one
prepared to listen. f they refuse, of course one
can individuate from the mores and tenets of
does not provide the service as, of course, an
that group even further, yet say that one is still
out ethics individual will not make any case
part of the group. The conditions of existence,
gain and so the service would be a waste of
and remember these are conditions of
time. The service provider would be better off
existence not some whim, would apply at that
looking for a more suitable candidate for
level just as much as any other.
But, by not putting ethics in oneself, one is
Where an individual's out ethics impinges upon
leaving it open for the group, in its own
the group then that group is entitled to ask the
defense, as it still wishes to remain a group by
individual to "get his or her ethics in". And if
its own agreements, to either apply some
they do, why there it ends.
justice to the individual or expel them from the
f they do not, then a Freezone group is
(This has nothing to do, by the way, with the

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Michael Moore, IFA Column
20 J ul y, 2009
perversion of justice seen in the Church. That survival activities.
is an entirely different matter. That has nothing
to do with group agreements but more to do
Ethics and the Freezone
with enforced agreement. n this case, it could
How would this be applied in the Freezone?
be said that one was recruited to the group
Probably the first prerequisite to applying any
under false pretences as one finds that the
justice actions in the Freezone is the
group is not following the purpose it purports to
agreement of all immediately concerned. f
there is no agreement, particularly on the part
of the individual to whom the justice is intended
All the policies on justice, ethics, potential
to be applied, then justice, in order to get that
trouble source and so forth, would be utilised
individual to apply ethics to themselves, would
by the group here as applicable. The
not occur. Justice would simply take the form
application of such justice by that group should
of expulsion of that individual from the group in
not be seen as a punishment purely and simply
the interests of the groups continued survival.
because a prior group misapplied the same
tools. Different time, place, form and event
f the individual felt that, yes, some justice is
and, importantly, purposes and different group!
needed to assist them get to a point where
they can apply ethics, or accept assistance in
Ethics and justice are tools, yes. Those tools
applying ethics, then the policy letters on
necessary to get the being to the point where
justice would be consulted by the group to find
tech can be applied in order to improve the
the best application that would get the person
beings awareness, ability and responsibility
applying ethics to themselves. At which point
level, which, by the way, will improve his
justice would cease, having completed its
ethical conduct due to the increase in
t can be said that most of the people in the
The tool is not the applier of the tool. t is
Freezone are responsible enough to be able to
simply a tool. Differentiating who is applying it
apply ethics to themselves. Probably more so
and for what purpose is important as this can
than those within the church as they do not
mean the difference between applying it or not
have the crutch of the church to do it for them.
and consequently opening the road up to
They must be more resilient and stand on their
making progress up the bridge.
own two feet to survive well in the Freezone.
Ethics and justice, properly applied, can even
produce case gain. They can produce an
Justice actions in the Freezone are relatively
increase in responsibility and therefore control
mild. Those that do not feel part of the group
over an individual's life.
usually leave of their own accord.
There are ethics activities provided as a
Sometimes justice is necessary. The group to
service by various people and, by all accounts,
which an individual may belong always has, as
are of an excellent quality and highly effective.
it's prime goal, survival and any activity that
This seems to be sufficient in this relaxed and
cuts across that goal will impel that group,
free area of scientology.
provided it is high toned enough, to defend
itself against any non survival actions. t is a
t can be said also that most people in the
sort of ethics application by the group to itself
Freezone are ethical and happy and are
but this translates to a justice activity by the
pleased to be a part of the group. After all, they
group to that part of the group, or that
here because they like to be free.
individual of a group engaging in such non
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Michael Moore, IFA Column

21 J ul y, 2009
Co$ Defectors Speak Out
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Four Former 8ea Org

nsiders 8peak Out
Saint Petersburg Times brought, in late June, 2009, 3 articles critical of CoS and David Miscavige.
The articles are based on the testimony of four former CoS Insiders and top executives. One gets
a picture of chaotic conditions in the Church's international headquarters near Los Angeles. David
Miscavige, chairman of the board, faces serious accusations of running a terror regime and not
shying away from physically assaulting his closest aides, apparently just to show "who is the boss."
On the following pages, we bring the profiles of the four high ranking defectors and highlights of their
personal stories.
David Miscavige, the leader of CoS, has enough to deal
with these days. Last year, there were international
demonstrations organized by "Anonymous.
This year, four former top executives come with
det ai l ed accusat i ons of mi sconduct and
mismanagement on the part of Mr. Miscavige. The
descriptions of the alleged terror regime at nternational
Headquarters gets one's hair to stand on end. At one
time 30 of the most senior leaders were locked up in
what was dubbed "SP Hall. They were forced to play
the game of musical chairs. Also, they would not be let
out until they came up with a "brilliant strategy for
expansion internationally. Yet, any suggestion brought
forward was instantly ridiculed or invalidated.
There are countless credible accounts of Mr. Miscavige
physically attacking and assaulting his closest aides.
We are not going to repeat the newspaper's articles
here. They can be found on the web at "
when one searches on the persons involved.
We will just give some background material in form of
portraits of the persons involved.
(Source:, StPetersburg Times)
After stalling for months, David Miscavige's sent this letter to
Saint Petersburg Times, addressed to the 2 reporters on the
Dear Mr. Childs and Mr. Tobin,
have been advised that you have decided to move forward
with your story without my interview. This, despite the fact
confirmed more than three weeks ago that would make
myself available on a date certain (6 July), after you spoke to
other relevant Church personnel and toured Church facilities,
and that would provide information annihilating the
credibility of your sources including the fundamental crimes
against the Scientology religion that were the reasons for
their removal from post. You were advised that information
would include addressing the extraordinary "admissions" of
one of your sources regarding a long-settled legal matter.
was advised Thursday that you would only interview me on
Friday, although you well knew it would be impossible for me
to meet with you this week because of a long standing
commitment to be aboard the SMV Freewinds for a week of
religious events at the Church's annual OT Summit. am at a
loss to comprehend how the St. Petersburg Times can
publish a story about me and the religion lead without
accepting the offer to speak with me, on the pretense that
you cannot wait until after have fulfilled my religious
While you have already received unequivocal statements
from more than a score of witnesses, along with
documentary evidence, providing uncontrovertible proof that
your sources are lying, remain ready to sit down for the
requested interview on the date previously confirmed. f you
decide not to avail yourself of this opportunity, insist you do
not misrepresent the fact that the decision was yours, not
Kind regards.
David Miscavige
Editor's note: The Times first requested an interview with Mr.
Miscavige on May 13, and offered to meet with him in
person, or interview him by telephone at any time since.
22 J ul y, 2009

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Co$ Defectors Speak Out
Marty Rathbun
Born: California
Age: 52
Joined Scientology: at age 20, in 1977
Left Scientology: 2004
Family status: Divorced from Sea Org member
Anne Rathbun. They had no children.
Career highlights: A top lieutenant to Miscavige.
Key player in legal affairs unit. Miscavige's "detail
guy" during lengthy negotiations with RS; among
those who signed settlement agreement.
nspector general and board member of
Religious Technology Center, church's top
ecclesiastical authority. Known for his auditing
skills. Audited Tom Cruise. Coached auditors
working with Kirstie Alley, saac Hayes and other
Now: Lives near Corpus Christi, Texas. Works as
reporter for weekly and monthly newspapers. He
counsels and audits people who have left
Scientology, accepting whatever they choose to
" had my share of people that slapped around
too. don't feel good about it. And seek them
out and try to apologize where can."
About the situation around Miscavige at the
nternational Headquarters, Rathbun says DM's
mistreatment of staff has driven away managers
and paralyzed those who stay.
"It's becoming chaos because ... there's no form
of organization. Nobody is respected because
DM is constantly denigrating and beating on
Marty Rathbun
while still a top executive
and ruthless enforcer
of Miscavige's
"command intention."
Marty Rathbun today (left.)
As the picture shows, he has adopted a
totally different life style from times past.
The person to the right is actor Jason Beghe.
Jason defected from CoS as a public, a few
years ago. His blow was highly publicized in
the press to the embarrassment of Miscavige
and others.
The whole story is available at Saint Peterburgs Times'
website at . You can also find video
interviews with the defectors at Simply
log on and search on their names.
We have chosen to concentrate on the defectors' personal
stories, including their Sea Org careers.
23 J ul y, 2009
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Co$ Defectors Speak Out

was not to return to the United States.
The church says Rinder was not told to dig
ditches and was not told that he could never
return to the United States.
Rinder picked up his briefcase and headed for
the subway. He knew the route well. Go to
Victoria Station, catch a train to East Grinstead,
in Sussex. He had made the trip many times.
But not this day. He exited the subway before
reaching Victoria, walked up to street level and
toured one of his favorite cities.
Afewdays later he called Tom De Vocht, saying
he was flying into Orlando. Could Tom pick him
De Vocht hadn't seen his old friend since he left
the church two years earlier. On the way to De
Vocht's apartment, they stopped at Kohl's to
get Rinder something to wear.
Rinder stayed a fewdays, then went to Virginia.
He wrote the church, saying he wanted to talk
to his wife and also wanted his stuff, except his
n March 2007, David Miscavige assigned
motorcycle and bicycle. Give them to his kids,
Rinder to get the BBC to spike a story it was
he wrote. He did not talk to his wife.
preparing. Areporter and film crewhad been to
Soon a FedEx package arrived, including a
Los Angeles, asking pointed questions about
check for $5,000, to cover the motorcycle "and
Miscavige. Rinder followed them back to the
everything else,'' Rinder said. The only items
not sent were family photos.
Working out of church offices in North London,
Rinder and his wife, Cathy, divorced after 35
Rinder wrote network executives, asking to
years. A Sea Org member for 35 years, Cathy
meet. He camped out at BBCoffices.
Rinder called her ex-husband's allegation that
On March 31, he intercepted the reporter at a
Miscavige struck him on some 50 occasions
church test center. A church videographer
stood by. Blocking the doorway and face to face
" slept with Mike,'' she said, "and would have
with the reporter, Rinder repeatedly denied
seen it.''
allegations Miscavige abused his deputies.
The Rinders have two adult children, both Sea
"t's rubbish,'' he said.
Org members. Since he left the church in 2007,
The story aired May 14, but it did not expose
Rinder has had no contact with them and didn't
Miscavige. Rinder was relieved.
know their 24-year-old son battled cancer the
But Miscavige still was furious with him. The
past 18 months.
first week of June, Rinder says, the church
ASea Org member since he was 18, Rinder is
leader wrote that he was to be sent to a remote
54 and lives in Denver. He sells cars.
part of Australia. And a manager in the London
office told Rinder that Miscavige had phoned to
say that first he was to report to the church's
(Source:, StPetersburg Times)
facility in Sussex, England, and dig ditches. He
24 J ul y, 2009

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Co$ Defectors Speak Out
supposed to offer Sea Org members a chance to sort
things out, recharge, reorder misaligned priorities.
Scobee called it "slave labor.''
She had to scrape the inside of a septic tank with a
wire brush. She dug drainage ditches.
Scobee was married 17 years to fellow Sea Org
member Jim Mortland. But she said they rarely saw
each other because they were often assigned to
different locations, had different schedules and were
kept apart a total of five years because of the RPF.
n 2003, a church "Fitness Board'' found her unfit to
work at the California base and "off-loaded" her to the
RPF in Clearwater.
At first, she thought, she would try to redeem herself.
But then she started thinking she wanted to leave.
She asked fellow Sea Org member and longtime
friend Matt Pesch if he wanted to leave with her. He
Amy 8cobee
They began the cumbersome process of "routing
out.'' They knew they faced confessionals called
Born: Washington state
security checks, but Scobee was shocked to learn
Age: 45
she was being declared a "suppressive person,'' an
Joined Scientology: at age 14, 1978
enemy of Scientology. She would be allowed no
Left: 2005
contact with any church member.
" blew up. Somebody's going to do a sec check on
Married to former Sea Org member Matt Pesch. They
me and put me on the streets after 27 years of
left the church together in 2005. They have no
working my a-- off around the clock, not getting paid.
was really livid.''
Amy oversaw several operations sectors during her
During the routing out process, Scobee said she and
20 years as manager at the church's international
Pesch were guarded 24 hours a day and fed only
base in California. Built the network of Scientology
beans and rice.
Celebrity Centres, assembling and training staff to
Two months later, on March 1, 2005, Scobee and
match four-star service levels. Oversawchurch's film
Pesch told their handlers the process had gone on
and taping facilities. As teenager, managed kitchen,
too long. They left separately.
housekeeping and grounds crews in Clearwater.
The church gave her $500, most of which paid for her
Lives in Seattle area. Buys and sells furniture.
flight back to her home near Seattle. On the way to
Tampa nternational Airport, she had her driver stop
at a salon so she could get a haircut.
Twenty-six years after coming to Clearwater as a 16-
When Scobee first saw Miscavige physically strike a
year-old Sea Org newbie, she said she boarded the
church executive, back in 1995, she said she
plane with about $175.
rationalized it this way: The guy must have done
"That's howmuch started the world with,'' she said.
something really wrong to make the leader angry.
" never had job. had no prior job experience. No
The next six years, she saw more abuse and other
high school diploma. had no bank account. No
dehumanizing practices, she said, before she had an
driver's license. . knew nothing of the outside
epiphany: "What am seeing is completely insane
and am nonstop trying to make it make sense, and it
A few weeks later, Pesch traveled to Seattle and the
two married. They buy and sell used furniture.
She started speaking up and constantly got in
Scobee is 45.
trouble. She was sent to Scientology's Rehabilitation
Project Force, RPF for short, a work detail that is
(Source:, StPetersburg Times)
25 J ul y, 2009
TOMDEVOCHT (nophotoavailable)
De Vocht, a 28-year Sea Org member, had his
$300 severance pay. He checked into a hotel and
De Vocht said Miscavige hit him twice, Iirst in
called his brother in Florida to come pick him up.
2004 aIter musical chairs, and again in May 2005
Days later, Rinder met De Vocht and turned over
in the Iilm studio at the churchbase in CaliIornia.
his belongings and his two dogs, Puggers and
"He slapped me across the Iace, pushed my neck
and head up against the wall, which hurt pretty
The church also called, saying he had leIt his wet
suit. De Vocht gave a Iorwarding address. Two
De Vocht told his wiIe, JenniIer, a Miscavige aide,
weeks later, the wet suit arrived, along with a
that iI it happened again, he wouldIight back.
"Ireeloader's bill'' Ior $98,000 to reimburse the
church Ior courses he took Ior Iree as a Sea Org
Days later, De Vocht said, he was summoned to a
member. He hasn't paid a dime.
room, where about 15 people waited, including his
wiIe. Miscavige telephoned Irom Clearwater and
De Vocht and his wiIe, nowJenniIer Linson, were
over a speaker phone read an order declaring De
divorced aIter 19 years. She told the Times her ex-
Vocht a "suppressive person," an enemy oI the
husband successIully completed a number oI
construction projects in Clearwater, but badly
Not allowed to talk to his wiIe again, he bunked in
overspent on a key project at the base, was
a small room. Rinder shadowed him Ior three
demoted, became bitter and leIt. They haven't
days, pitching reasons tostay.
spoken since.
But De Vocht wouldn't budge. He agreed to a
"I don't hold anything she had to say against her,''
limited number oI conIessions called "security
De Vocht said, "because she was put up to saying
checks," but he told everyone he was leaving, that
Sunday aIternoon at 3:30. He also asked to talk a
last time with his wiIe. Rinder toldhim no.
He is 45 and runs a Iurniture business in Winter
Sunday came. The guard at the base wouldn't open
Haven, Florida.
the Iront gate so De Vocht scaled it and walked to
Hemet, a city 6 miles away. Rinder walked with
(Source:, StPetersburg Times)
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Co$ Defectors Speak Out

Denis Seignez:
The Violin Barge, 2009.
...And finally a bit of Theta!
26 J ul y, 2009
Acouple oI years ago I decided that it was time
Ior a change. I was very Iamiliar with standard
tech and was well aware oI its value. I had,
however, certain case conditions, including
some head somatics, that apparently hadn't
changed much despite my having had plenty oI
auditing. I have had my share oI just about any
technique that is part oI standard tech. I can't
say my goal Ior all this activity was to get rid oI
that particular problem. I had at some point
more or less Iorgotten about this and enjoyed
the many gains available. But Irom time to
time my attention was drawn to this problem,
the somatics hadn't gone away. I was 'an OT
with somatics, That was probably why I got
interestedin R3X.
The ~New Dianetics
R3X is a Iorm oI advanced incident running
developed Irom Standard Dianetics and its
process, R3R. R3X stands Ior 'Routine-3-
Expanded. The toolbox available to handle
the charge encountered in incidents has been
expanded. Some oI the tools are intended to speed
The developer, Robert Ducharme oI Orlando,
up the process, others to go deeper and bring about
Florida, has a solid backg round as auditor, going
complete erasure oI the unwanted items
back to 1970. In 1972 he joined staII at the
addressed. It has been under development Ior 20
organization in Saint Louis, Missouri and did
academy training there. He went Clear in 1984 and
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Routine Three Expanded

a Form of New" Dianetics
By Rolf Krause, Class 8, Denmark
R3X is a set of techniques for incident running. It can address body problems, aches and pains.
But today it can go much further than that. It has been around for 2 years as a thorough way to
deal with the type of charge handled in Dianetics. It seems to take care of resistive issues that
neither Standard Dianetics, Aew Era Dianetics nor Aots could fully handle. 1he developer claims,
that it can be run on preclears and pre-O1's alike. It has been developed by Robert Ducharme
of Orlando, Florida who is a well-known figure in the Freezone.
Routine 3-X Series 2
An OT with somatics,
an old unresolved riddle.
s R3X the simple answer?
27 J ul y, 2009
did the OT levels, through Solo Nots, in the qualiIied case-supervisors, was to 'have the Int
Freezone. Around 1988 he did Idenics training Rundown checked. According to the theory oI
under John Galusha at the Idenics center in the Interiorzation Rundown oI 1972, head
Colorado. Robert had decided on a career oI somatics can appear aIter exteiriorzation. One can
auditing Dianetics and Idenics and he did just that. acquire 'problems with going into things,
In doing this work, Robert kept researching and including going into one's own head. I had given
experimenting to optimize results. He took certain and received countless Int RD's and it is a great
elements and discoveries Irom Idenics and ran action. 'Head somatics is listed as a symptom oI
them with various Dianetics techniques. He out int, but Int RD is not necessarily the ultimate
emphases that all the cure Ior it as it wasn't
processes he uses in in my case.
R3X are culled Irom
the works oI L. Ron BeIore 1972 and the
Hubbard or supported I n t RD, we h a d
by LRH reIerences. Standard Dianetics
One will thus Iind where one si mpl y
s t r a i g h t R 3 R would run the somatic
commands. One uses chains. You would Iind
R3R commands with the series oI incidents
various preIixes: the where a certain pain or
same incident is run sensation was present
Irom the viewpoints and run it back to the
o I i m p o r t a n t Iirst time the same pain
characters to the or sensation occurred,
incident, one aIter the in my case: where some
other (e.g. 'Irom the impact to the head
viewpoint oI the aggressor, move through that happened. I had given and received plenty oI R3R
incident to the end.) There is a technique where andstandardDianetics as well.
you address the eIIorts, emotions and thoughts
contained in the incident again using R3Rwith a I remember well the joy oI standard Dianetics. For
preIix (e.g. 'with special attention to any my part, it was in Copenhagen 1970. We had a big
emotional content, move through that incident to course and co-auditing by the dozens oI hours
the end. There are other LRH techniques used, would take place every week among the students. I
including repeater technique. The things had some exciting moments as preclear and
addressed on a chain oI incidents are, in part, probably had the clear cog a number oI times.
inspiredby Idenics as shall be explained below. Even more memorable to me was the auditing I
delivered to my preclears. It was so much Iun to
explore the track and resolve whole track disasters
Standard Dianetics oI others. There was the guy that turned red when
Let me again use my own case as example in he was burned as a heretic and got through it.
explaining R3X. The problem that standard There was the preclear that ran an endless number
dianetics and scientology hadn't handled Ior me oI prenatals (incidents as a Ietus in the womb.)
over the years, was the aIorementioned head There was the preclear that always had a tale Irom
somatics. Usually, the response I got Irom space travel, and so on and on. In terms oI

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Routine 3-X Series 2
'I remember well the joy oI standard
Dianetics. For my part, it was in
Copenhagen 1970. We had a big course
and co-auditing by the dozens oI hours
would take place every week among the
students. I had some exciting moments as
preclear and probably had the clear cog a
number oI times. Even more memorable to
me was the auditing I delivered to my preclears.
It was so much Iun to explore the track
and resolve whole track disasters oI others.
28 J ul y, 2009
resolving my own head somatics, I had no luck as that, this is not a technical essay. The R3X
a preclear. Actually, these head somatics could technical materials are available on the web Ior
have started around that time. The thing is, these Iree (see below.)
masses that caused my headaches were not blows
to the head. II you ask me, they are GPM masses. As mentioned, R3X is developed Irom Standard
And that is something standard tech doesn't Dianetics and has been under development and
address in this day and age. They can, however, be reIinement Ior 20 years. It has some elements oI
restimulated. What I mean is, the masses are Idenics. Some oI the discoveries in Idenics were
casewise complex packages. There are identities, the importance oI identities. Another one, oI
goals, service Iacsimiles, and so on, mashed greater relevance here, was that there is a key
together and making up a mental mass. When it moment in an overwhelming incident, called the
was keyed in, it could at times have been quite Shock. The Shock was actually Iirst described in
heavy. These masses are messy and there isn't any an old writing oI LRH. In ProIessional Auditor
silver bullet technique that by a simple set oI Bulletin 80, 'The Most Workable Process, oI
commands will make them go away. AIter having April 17, 1956, it is described this way:
run dozens oI Dianetics chains as a preclear, the
whole thing had probably gotten worse. One Iinal 'Well, what is this new discovery? It is an added
attempt was made by a well known Class 6, Jens bit that engrams contained which is MORE
Bogvad. He gave me a session on the deck oI the IMPOTANT than pain and unconsciousness. That
Sea Org ship, Athena, that was docked in added bit can be briefly stated as 'the moment of
Copenhagen Harbor. We addressed 'pictures and shock.` 'The moment of shock` is that period of
masses in restimulation, known as the 'Pictures reali:ation by body and thetan that an
and Masses remedy. That helped a little. The overwhelming has occurred.
masses moved around a bit and we got it to a
Iloating needle. I remember Jens Bogvad's 'As I have said, an overwhelming does not consist
concerned looks. He wasn't satisIied. He was a of space, energy, pieces et al. It is the IDEAthat an
smart guy. On my part, I decided that the best thing overwhelming has occurred. The winner is
to do was simplymove on. convinced (sometimes wrongly, as when World
War I became World War II) that he has
So I continued my training and auditing with good overwhelmed the opposing player. The loser is
results including some ups and downs, oI course. convinced that he has been overwhelmed.`
I Iinally arrived as a Solo Nots completion. I was
'an OT with somatics, to quote LRH; something In other words, There is a key moment in the
Ron had tried to address numerous times, aberrative incident, be it an engram, secondary or
including with Dianetics and NOTS. NOTS heavy lock, where the preclear Ielt completely
stands Ior 'New Era Dianetics Ior Operating overwhelmed and decided that was the end, he
Thetans. It was speciIically designed to address was beat. Ron says that this moment oI
somatics and body problems suIIered by OT's. overwhelm and shock is more important than
NOTS worked Iine Ior me, but it did not take care 'pain and unconsciousness in the incident. Pain
oI these GPM masses in any satisIactory Iashion. and Unconsciousness are deIining elements in the
oIIicial deIinition oI an engram. Despite this
R3X original LRH discovery, Ron never developed a
So much Ior my personal woes. Let me explain technique to address it. But others did, including
R3X to the best oI my ability. Let me point out John Galusha oI Idenics. John worked with LRH
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Routine 3-X Series 2

29 J ul y, 2009
as a research auditor in the 1950's by the way. technique Iavors that one keeps moving back
Interesting enough, this 'moment oI shock is rather quickly. The running oI later incidents is
now a corner stone in various Freezone mainly to bring the earlier ones into view. Once
developments, including Idenics, the Mace what seems to be the basic incident is Iound, one
Method, in R3X and it's also addressed in spends most time on that. The objective is to erase
Zivorad's Deep PEAT-4 with its own technique. that basic incident and eventually Iind the one
postulate that holds it in place. Once the postulate
In R3X, this Shock surIaces and comes oII,
Moment gets addressed t h e p r e c l e a r wi l l
as an incident within the experience relieI and
incident. It' s given usually have his end
special attention and phenomena: cognition,
e x p l o r e d a n d very good indicators,
discharged using a blow oI mass and a
variety oI techniques. Iloating needle on the
Non-survival postulates meter. In R3R that
Iound in the Shock completes that item.
moment are discharged
u s i n g r e p e a t e r In R3X, a more thorough
technique. approach is used beIore
going earlier similar.
Some of the R3X Each incident contacted
Processes is exhausted Ior all
The basic rationale oI available charge beIore
R3X is the same as in going earlier. This is done
St andard Di anet i cs b y a n i n v e n t i v e
(R3R). You have an combination oI known
item and you run a processes. One process
recent incident that that is surprising Ior
coul d have caused Dianetics, is the so-called
( c o n t a i n s ) t h a t Six Directional Process
unwanted item. The (6-Dir). The process was
i t e m c a n b e a n developed by LRH in
unwant ed pai n or 1959. In the R3X
sensation. textbook it is introduced
this way:
In R3R, dealing with a
somatics chain, the preclear Iinds Iirst a recent 'Dianetic auditing is peculiar in that it is very
incident containing the complaint. One runs it a mechanical and linear. As such it can require
Iewtimes, going through it Irom beginning to end, effort and so be very emotionally tiring for the Pc.
and then goes looking Ior an earlier similar The Six-Direction Process (6-Dir), on the other
incident. You run all these related incidents as a hand, bypasses a lot of needless efforting on the
chain, one incident aIter the other, going back in part of the mind in running incidents, so you get
time until one Iinds the basic incident. The the same benefits without the exhaustion. The

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Routine 3-X Series 2
'The moment of shock` is that
period of reali:ation by body
and thetan that an overwhelming
has occurred.` L. Ron Hubbard
30 J ul y, 2009
arbitrary here is not the Pcs case but the process. Only when the contacted incident is completely
Ilat does one ask Ior an earlier similar incident. In
'6-Dir is a workhorse process that has no equal. It this Iashion, one works one's way down back the
is what makes it possible for me to run newPcs on chain. It is no liability to end the session aIter a
Dianetic auditing effectively and efficiently. Just non-basic incident as it is completely Ilat. In the
this morning I got a rawnewPc to run out the last next session, the earlier incident is then Iound and
13 years with regards to her work, which had a lot given the same thorough treatment. It may seem
of misemotional content connected with it. That slow, but my experience was that it was auditing
got done in the span of one hour. I could never time very well spent.
have done that without the 6-Dir process.`
and: Clearand Dianetics
When each incident is Iully Ilattened, as outlined
'This process is done to undercut Dianetics in above, the distant back-track becomes much more
handling long or highly charged incidents, series accessible. One really gets to the basic causes Ior
of incidents, or periods of time. The process is an the unwanted condition or complaint. This
LRH process from 1959. It consists basically of includes postulates, computations and old
having the Pc put the terminal (not an abstract conIlicts, that are archetypical Ior the preclear.
idea) like a segment of track or incident in each of Dealing with these basic causes can have many
the six directions. The commands are. unexpected beneIits. There is a table oI
"Get that [incident] and put it above you" "Good" comparison between R3R and R3X with this
"Put it below you" "Good" "Put it to the right of article that will answer more speciIic questions.
you" "Good" "Put it to the left of you" "Good" "Put
it in front of you" "Good" "Put it back of you" ... Here I will Iocus on one oI the things that has
etc.` raised eyebrows among standard tech trained
In current practice it's used between each pass auditors when they hear about R3X. Is it possible
through the incident. The preclear is asked to get to run engrams, etc. aIter Clear?
the concept oI the incident and, in turn, place it in According to LRH data around Dianetics Clear
the 6 directions, as described. It is very eIIective in (1978) it is risky. BeIore 1978, Dianetics was run
turning an incident Irom a little speck oI on Clears still having unwanted pains, sensations
condensed mass into a perceivable scene or at and body problems. Most oI them ran R3R just
least, that is how I experienced it. It usually goes Iine but a Iew didn't. With Dianetics Clear, the
Ilat aIter a Iewminutes and when that happens, the claim was that the preclear had erased his time-
original incident is gone through once again. At track. Still, other processes, such as False purpose
some point the original incident is scanned Ior rundown, running oI implants and various
content oI eIIort and counter-eIIort. Once that is correction lists and rudiments would still address
Ilat, one scans Ior emotional content, then light and heavy incidents on the time-track. So the
thoughts and postulates, etc. In such Iashion, the ultimate question is, was it a weakness in the R3R
incident is worked over Irom various angles. Done procedure that sometimes made it unwise to run it
in this way, the preclear is always given something on OT's?
speciIic to do in relation to the incident, making
the auditing lighter and more joyIul than R3R. It According to the R3X materials and to the results
also seems eIIective in terms oI producing change obtained in application, and the other things
and tonearm action mentioned above, it seems that the 'Clear no
time-track is incorrect. There seems to be plenty
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Routine 3-X Series 2

31 J ul y, 2009
oI track to run, although it runs diIIerently aIter standard tech. Taking care oI numerous non-
Clear. My personal explanation is, that once you survival postulates, irrational computations, and
Ilatten each incident as in R3X, you take care oI all even goals eased the solidness oI those head
the potential bypassed charge that apparently somatics. We accessed an area 'beIore time,
sometimes was leIt behind in R3R. Once the where some postulates that have run pieces oI my
potential bypassed charge is handled, the more existence ever since, lived. My own experience
Ilimsy time-track oI a Clear comes Iully into view was, that the chain we ran, that usually would be
and is easy to run. depicted as linear string oI incidents, actually was
an energy ridge. It was locked up with other
According to Max Hauri, Rons Orgs have also ridges. Each time we went 'earlier similar I came
started to run Dianetics aIter Clear. They use closer to the center. At the very center we were
straight NewEra Dianetics, I believe. 'beIore time and I could look at the blueprint
Irom which it was built. Looking at that, the whole
What Happened to that Headache? thing became comical. I could snap my Iingers and
You may ask, 'What happened to the described it would be gone. I did just that and it looked so
head somatics oI yours? Running one heavily simple. Well to get to that point I needed the
charged chain on something disrelated to heads experienced guidance oI my R3X auditor, Robert
and injuries, a good deal oI the discomIort blew. I Ducharme.
Ieel reassured that more oI the same will
eventually take all the charge that wasn't
accessible on my case when addressed with

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Routine 3-X Series 2
Is the timetrack
fully erased
at Clear?
Or is it just
more flimsy
and delicate
and requires
more care
to process?
32 J ul y, 2009
Routine 3X Series 3
Table of Comparison Between Dianetics R3R and Routine R3X

What run
Charged incidents: Engrams, secondaries,
Charged incidents: Engrams, secondaries,
Style of auditing
Standard Dianetics (R3R and !e" Era
Dianetics (R3R# are rote $rocesses "ith
$recise commands and rules. %hey "ere
de&elo$ed to easily train auditors to handle
incidents. Earlier, 'R( had ad&ocated
)auditing *y definition) (+ook ,ne auditing
of early -./0s, "here. a more indi&idual
a$$roach "as used and much "as left to
auditor1s 2udgment.
3n R3X, auditor 2udgment is restored,
es$ecially in "hat $art or side of the
charged incident to e4$lore. %he auditor has
a num*er of $rocesses in the tool *o4 used
to flatten a contacted incident and all its
as$ects. ,ne "orks on the same incident
until it1s com$letely flat.
5rocesses used
6eter assessment: to find "hat somatic7$ain to
R3R: to run the chain held together *y that
somatic. %he o*2ecti&e is to find the *asic
incident 8uickly and erase that *asic engram
com$letely. 9When *asic is gone it1s all gone: is
the o$erating rule.
When running accidents, etc. (narrati&e R3R,
one flattens, ho"e&er, the one incident
com$letely, *ut only *y using R3R rote
R3X uses assessment (and also radionics to
find "hat to run. 3n R3X, one uses R3R
commands, Si4 Directions $rocess, running
incident from other $resent &ie"$oints than
self (o$$onents, hel$ers, *ystanders, etc.
R3R "ith s$ecial attention to effort,
emotion, thought, etc. contained in incident.
S$ecial elements in
incident, shock,
$ostulates, effort,
emotion, thought.
R3R is &ery mechanical (rote; $ro*a*ly to
make it easier to teach to ine4$erienced
students. #sking additional 8uestions is
3n R3X, each incident is flattened using
&arious $rocesses and tools; most "ere
actually first de&elo$ed *y 'R(. ,ne uses
them at a$$ro$riate moments "hile running
that incident.
<se of Correction
,ne can ask for an earlier *eginning or
earlier incident or use correction list ('3R
if things don1t run as e4$ected.
Correction lists are not used in R3X as they
*ecome unnecessary once incidents are fully
flattened . Should *y$assed charge re&eal itself
later, one uses the normal R3X techni8ues to
flatten "hate&er "as restimulated.
Running of
$ostulates, ser&ice
fac1s. etc.
#n im$ortant R3R ma4im is: )5ostulate off
e8uals erasure,) meaning: =ind the *asic
$ostulate in the *asic incident, and you ha&e
your E5. !o s$ecial attention or 8uestion is
used to unco&er it in normal R3R. 3n R3R#
it1s allo"ed to ask, )#nything you *ecome
a"are of>) at a &ery late stage.
'R( uses s$ecial R3R techni8ues to run
$ostulates. Ser&ice =ac1s can *e run earlier
similar "ith R3R (-.?@, as can e&il
intentions and $ostulates, as in E4$anded
Dianetics of -.?A.
3n R3X, $ostulates, command $hrases, and
ser&ice fac1s are carefully noted as one goes
along. %he auditor can ask for them if he
sus$ects their $resence. %hey are run at
a$$ro$riate times as a tool of flattening the
$resent incident. When "hat one is doing is
flat, these elements can *e addressed right
a"ay, usually *y re$eater techni8ue.

33 J ul y, 2009
Routine 3X Series 3
Table of Comparison Between Dianetics R3R and Routine R3X page 2

Addressing Shock
LRH first described the Shock moment (PAB
80, 195!" #t$s % moment of com&'ete o(er)he'm
of thet%n %nd bod*, the moment of +tter defe%t in
the incident! He described it %s more %bber%ti(e
th%n &%in %nd +nconscio+sness! He ne(er
de(e'o&ed % techni,+e to %ddress it direct'*!
(-ne co+'d %ss+me th%t +sing d%te.'oc%te is
b%sic%''* % techni,+e to &in&oint the e/%ct shock
moment, b+t it is not so st%ted b* LRH!"
0he shock moment is iso'%ted in the
incident (if there" %nd %ddressed %s %n
incident )ithin the incident! #t$s gi(en
s&eci%' %ttention %s it is )here the non1
s+r(i(%' &ost+'%tes +s+%''* %re m%de %nd
st+ck! 0he &rec'e%r is sent thro+gh the
shock re&e%ted'* %nd it$s %ddressed )ith the
other s&eci%' R23 techni,+es %s )e''!
R+nning incident
from s&eci%'
LRH +sed this techni,+e in e%r'* di%netics!
4o+ h%(e the &erson (ie) the incident from
other (ie)&oints &resent in incident, s+ch %s
o&&onent, %ggressor, he'&er, s+&&orter,
b*st%nder, etc!
0his techni,+e )%s re&'%ced b* r+nning the
item b* 5 f'o)s %s 5 different ch%ins!
#n R23 6S&eci%' 7Ps6 is +sed %s % too' to
f'%tten the incident cont%cted! #t c%n
&rod+ce s&ect%c+'%r res+'ts right there! A'so
higher (ie)&oints %re +sed, s+ch %s going
thro+gh the incident from % &%n1determined
(ie)&oint, from the (ie)&oint of being %
St%tic, %nd the 'ike!
8o+r 8'o)s
#n R2R, e%ch som%tic (s+ch %s 6&%in in the
neck6" is r+n b* 5 f'o)s %nd %s 5 se&%r%te
ch%ins9 64o+ getting % &%in in neck,6 64o+
c%+sing %nother &%in in the neck,6 6others
c%+sing others &%in in the neck,6 64o+
c%+sing *o+rse'f &%in in the neck!6
R23 concentr%tes on 8'o) one, b+t co(ers the
other f'o)s b* techni,+es s+ch %s S&eci%' 7Ps!
-nce f'o) one is h%nd'ed, the other 2 f'o)s %re,
ho)e(er, sc%nned %nd goes (er* ,+ick'* to :P!
8'o) one techni,+es t%ke ho+rs, the sc%nning of
f'o) ;, 2, 0 t%kes min+tes!
8inding e%r'ier
#n R2R, one %sks for <%n e%r'ier simi'%r
incident,= or <%n e%r'ier incident cont%ining
$P%in in the neck$!= :%r'ier is more b%sic %nd
'e%ds to b%sic on ch%in!
#n R23, one %sks for <%nother incident
cont%ining $&%in in the neck$!= >s+%''* it brings
+& %n e%r'ier one, b+t sometimes % '%ter one h%s
been restim+'%ted %nd sho+'d be f'%ttened right
%)%* or it co+'d constit+te b*&%ssed ch%rge!
0his ste&, ho)e(er, is not rote!
:P of %n incident
#n R2R, if %n incident goes more so'id, one %sks
for %n e%r'ier one on the ch%in! ?e%r &resent
time on % ch%in, one or t)o &%sses %re eno+gh to
determine this! #n R2RA one goes e%r'ier %fter
one time thro+gh if <more so'id= sho)s +& on
the meter (higher tone%rm &osition!"
-ne kee&s )orking on %n incident th%t is
er%sing, ho)e(er! #n r+nning n%rr%ti(e incidents,
the r+'e is %'so to stick to the incident %t h%nd
+nti' er%sed!
:%ch incident is f+''* f'%ttened %nd m%*,
e%r'* on, t%ke % )ho'e session to com&'ete!
-(er time, ho)e(er, it me%ns minim%' $side
effects,$ or b*&%ssed ch%rge %nd 'ess need
for r+nning co+nt'ess ch%ins! #t seems
effecti(e in &rod+cing good tone%rm %ction
%nd g%ins &er +nit of time!

:nd Phenomen% of %
#n R2R, one is 'ooking for the b%sic
&ost+'%te th%t ho'ds the )ho'e ch%in in
&'%ce! #t co+'d be <M* neck )i'' h+rt
fore(er= in o+r e/%m&'e +sed %bo(e!
@etting s+ch % &ost+'%te +s+%''* c%+ses th%t
the m%ss of the ch%in b'o)s, cognition %nd
7@#s! 0he need'e )i'' be f'o%ting! 0he
o&er%ting r+'e is, <Post+'%te off e,+%'s
#n R23! -ne goes for &erm%nent er%s+re of the
com&'%int (%s <&%in in the neck!=" :%ch incident
enco+ntered is f'%ttened com&'ete'* %s described
%bo(e! #n the &rocess, m%n* other re'%ted things
get f'%ttened %nd er%sed, s+ch %s &ost+'%tes, etc!
@etting %'' re'%ted %nd.or '%ter ch%rge o+t of the
)%* com&'ete'*, en%b'es the &rec'e%r to %ccess
(er* e%r'* tr%ck, often before the beginning of
this +ni(erse! #t sho+'d be noted, ne) PAs m%*
be r+n on % different gr%dient!
34 J ul y, 2009
Routine 3X Series 3
Table of Comparison Between Dianetics R3R and Routine R3X -- page 3
Early incidents
#ccording to 'R(, one has to access "hole
track (earlier li&es to get $ermanent results. %he
chain may, ho"e&er, reach "hat is kno"n as its
end $henomena at any $oint on the track.
What *y 'R( is descri*ed as 1+asic +asic1 (the
&ery first engram on the track is not contacted
*y R3R. 3t is addressed on the Clearing Course.
=latting later incidents com$letely o$ens the
"ay for going to &ery early areas of the track.
%he ideal is to contact the area "here the
indi&idual thetan "as formed *y s$litting off
from the theta *ody or Static. 3n this area one
finds a "hole host of essential and e4istential
$ostulates and decisions that can *e contacted
and $rocessed successfully.
E5 of action
R3R leads routinely to Dianetics Clear.
3f not, the E5 is 9a "ell and ha$$y human
*eing "ithout misemotions or somatics.:
R3X could *e called an unlimited techni8ue.
,ne can address somatics, dynamic a**erations,
etc., etc. ,ne can run "hate&er the $reclear
"ants to address, get rid of, or im$ro&e.
%he *ank and Clear
'R( states the timetrack is gone once the 5C
has gone Clear. %his is a $ro*lematic statement
in Scn as one kee$s addressing track "ith other
techni8ues, such as =alse 5ur$ose RD, im$lant
running, not to s$eak of rudiment chains. +efore
-.?@, R3R "as run on Clears. Some had
$ro*lems running it, most had not. #lso 9,%1s
"ith somatics: "as a $uBBle that ne&er "as
com$letely sol&ed in Scn
#lthough the state of Clear is recogniBed in R3X
as 9Cause o&er mental matter, energy, s$ace and
time as to self (first dynamic,: it does not state
that the time track is erased. Running R3X does
not seem to cause case $ro*lems for Clears. ,n
the contrary, one often finds charge o&erlooked
in R3R and once and for all gets rid of chronic
somatics and com$laints.
Run after Clear>
Ces. #s long as the $reclear has items
suita*le for R3X.
What a*out +%1s>
!ot in R3R. #ddressed "ith !e" Era
Dianetics for ,%1s (!,%S. %he +%1s can
*e run on their engrams, according to
!,%S, using incident running.
When the underlying 5C incident that holds the
+%1s in $lace is handled, they a$$arently *lo".
3ndi&idual +% engrams can *e addressed in
resisti&e situations: %he +% is run through its
engram. %his is &ery rarely necessary.
Session setting
=ormal model session set u$, using an eD
(as successfully *een deli&ered *y $hone
for many years.
<se of rudiments
Ces, $art of model session is to fly the
rudiments *efore R3R is *egun.
Rudiments can *e addressed using R3X
techni8ues *ut are only addressed "hen they
constitute a ma2or issue. %"o "ay comm can *e
used at any time.
<se of ha&ingness
Ces. De$ending on circumstances it1s used
after com$leting a chain and at session end.
Ces. De$ending on circumstances it1s used
after com$leting a chain and at session end.
Easy to learn
Ces. 3t seems to *e one of its main &irtues.
3t1s highly formaliBed and "orks in that
form. %his has led to its great $o$ularity, a
definite &irtue.
# $er8uisite to running R3X is kno"ledge of
R3R. 3t is easy to learn, ha&ing that *ackground.
%here is only a handful of $ractitioners of R3X.
%here are at this stage no training facilities.
#lso, the di&ergence from standard tech has
made it difficult to acce$t *y formally trained
R3R auditors.
Who can run it> 3n standard tech, the use of R3R (or R3R#
is &ery restricted. 3t is only su$$osed to *e
run after grade E and not after Clear. 3n the
-.?0s it "as run as a *eginning le&el, *ut
not all could run it so its use *ecame o&erD
%here are techni8ues, such as lock scanning,
that can *e used at an entry le&el. #lso narrati&e
incidents run "ell early on. !ot all can run R3X,
coming off the street. ,nce a $reclear can run
dee$ *ack track, he is in $osition for &ery life
changing gains, ho"e&er.
35 J ul y, 2009
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

From Rons Org

Russlnn Sprlng
Trnlnlng Cnmp
In April, 2oou, a training camp was held near Moscow by Rons Org. Like
Many times before, it was conducted under the leadership of Erica and Max
Hauri of RO, Switzerland.
Graduation Ceremony
Tr's done as part of the training
The above pictures are from the RO Magazine, Floating Needle
and is brought with their permission. (website:
36 J ul y, 2009
To describe my experiences oI R3X, I think it`s
best to put them in the context oI my present-liIe
experiences oI dia netics and scientology.To
describe my experiences oI R3X, I think it`s best
to put them in the context oI my present-liIe
experiences oI dianetics and scientology.
I walked into London org on a summer day in
1984, having just leIt Ireland to seek a new Iuture
abroad (as many oI my generation did). I bought
the dianetics book and gulped it down over a
weekend. What I read made sense to me and
seemed quite Iamiliar. When I got to the end oI the
book and read about 'building a better bridge, I
knew that`s what I wanted to do. It wasn`t long
beIore I had done the 'dianetics workshop and
had signed up as staII Ior London Day org. I had
some student auditing on objectives and went
whole-track Ior the Iirst time on my Iirst proper
metered auditing, when running rudiments Ior a
conIessional. It was pretty unreal to me then but I
misunderstood word whenever you had a question
went earlier similar to an incident in a space-ship
meant that people were aIraid to question the tech
and blewsome charge.
or talk naturally about it. I didn`t like the almost
compulsory hand clapping Ior Hubbard at events
I had some success as a Iill-in dianetics auditor
and the setting aside oI an oIIice Ior him, which
and got sent down to St Hill to train as a
served as a kind oI shrine. There was also an
'proIessional metered wordclearer. At St Hill I
assumption that Hubbard was right in everything
had more conIessionals Irom student auditors. It
and the tech couldn`t be improved on, that I didn`t
was at the time when they were training auditors
Ior the Ialse purpose rundown (FPRD) and hence
they needed a lot oI training on conIessionals.
8olo AuditinginFreezone
The auditing went well and I met a lot oI good and
Anyhow, I got to a stage where I Ielt that the Iirst
well-meaning people in St Hill. I never liked the
dynamic deprivations I had to endure were no
herd mentality I observed there though. I Ielt the
longer worth it and so I blewstaII. I meant to pay
combined eIIect oI rules on no verbal tech, not
oII my Ireeloader bill and get back on public lines
talking about your case, and being told to Iind the
Routine 3-X Series 1
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Routine 3X Auditing
- My Experience
By Kelvar, United Kingdom
37 J ul y, 2009
and I did pay oII some oI it. I read the Russell boundless potentiality oI static to a state where
Miller biography oI Hubbard and decided there you impose limitations on yourselI, in order to
was some truth in it. I had always wondered why have a game. I always see this in terms oI
there was so little inIormation available about polarities, oI deciding to take one side oI a polarity
Hubbard`s early liIe and this Iilled in some oI the in preIerence to the other, and this results in an
gaps. I still had a tremendous admiration Ior actual GPM, with a dwindling spiral oI
Hubbard and what he had achieved, but I knew causativeness. Robert runs the actual GPM in a
that he had Ieet oI clay. I did some oI the exercises similar way to running an incident and once the
in the SelI-analysis book and discovered the later charge has been taken oII, they run very
Ireezone and was encouraged to do solo auditing. smoothly. I was a little scared when Iirst running
I always Ielt that I could do auditing on my own iI I an actual GPM, as I had read about the problems
knew enough about it and hence it wasn`t long Hubbard had with them in the early sixties, but it`s
beIore I was running o/ws solo and I graduated to clear to me nowthat they are only dangerous iI you
running NED solo. This went well initially but I don`t Ilattenall oI the charge on them.
soon got to a stage where I wasn`t getting much
The eIIect oI running these chains and GPMs is to
more Irom it. I started running some NOTs style
have a more detached view oI liIe. The Hindus
entity processes and Iound that what worked best
talk about liIting the veil oI Maya (illusion) when
(especially on the bigger entities) was running the
becoming enlightened. Your perspective on liIe
incident that was binding us together.
changes and you become more causative and more
able to help other people. It seems to me that you
R3X withRobert Ducharme
only beneIit Irom negative gain processing iI you
I had heard about R3X Irom time to time and
take on a greater level oI responsibility. You still
eventually decided to give it a try. What struck me
have problems in liIe but you become able to deal
was the amount oI charge that was still in incidents
with them better because you can be more
that I had run on NED. I soon realised that NED
objective. You become lighter and more able to
only takes the surIace charge oII and that there are
shiIt viewpoints and see both sides oI an
layers oI hidden charge under that that are taken
argument. You see liIe as a kind oI divine comedy
oII by the special attention commands. It also
and don`t take it too seriously. I suppose this is the
became apparent that the real 'rock oI the
result oI all eIIective processing but R3X is the
incident lies in the shock moment, which is only
most eIIective processing I have yet encountered
available once the other layers oI charge are taken
and hence it is especially appropriate. It seems to
oII. Once the charge has been taken oII the later
me that Hubbard would have had a lot easier time
incidents, it`s possible to go back much Iurther
oI it iI he had just concentrated on perIecting
than with NED, to the real basics oI the chain.
dianetics and that a lot oI the problems with the
These occur in what Robert calls the 'pre-MEST
upper bridge are due to dianetics not having been
area and usually relate to the separation Irom
Iully developed.
Heaviest ncident
The8hift andGPM
The heaviest incident I have run yet was in the
Robert also runs the 'shiIt moment once the
between-lives period between my present and my
shock moment on the basic incident has been run.
last liIetime. I will relate something oI this, as it
It is then apparent that the whole chain is the result
has relevance to the history oI scientology. I
oI a decision taken to individuate Irom the
should state, Iirst oI all, that I had never beIore run

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38 J ul y, 2009
any incidents where I was an important historical was powerless to prevent it as it was agreed on by
person, such as Jesus or Napoleon and iI such an the Council at the time. I nevertheless identiIied
incident did come up I would have examined it strongly with Earth and was aIIected by what
very careIully and suspected dub-in. I thereIore happened. The thing that struck me most was that
was very suspicious about some oI the aspects oI this was an incident that had a proIound eIIect on
this series oI incidents, but in the end had to accept the physical mass oI the planet and it was that
them, as otherwise I would have been not-ising the aspect that had the most charge. The Iorce oI the
incidents. I also acknowledge the Iact that some explosions is still held in the memory oI rocks and
oI this could be out-reality Ior some people and materials that Iorm the planet and it is this that
some have diIIerent recalls oI these incidents. made this incident such a powerIul one in Earth
This is ok because reality depends on the terms. I was also aware oI the energy grid around
viewpoint assumed and besides, iI anyone really the Earth, which is described in the L Kin books,
knew the Iull truth oI their timetrack, they would and this also holds the memory oI the incident and
probably no longer be a part oI the MEST is part oI the between-lives implantingthat occurs.
Because oI my senior position at the time oI the
In my last liIetime I was acquainted with Hubbard, original OT3 incident, I had still enough residual
as he spent some time in Ireland in the late IiIties. power to be able to protect Hubbard while he ran
When he was running the OT3 incident in 1967 I the incident. It seemed to me that Zenu was
got a telepathic message to go and help him. My conIined to this planet as punishment Ior what he
mother (who also knew Hubbard) and I leIt our had done and is still here acting as a kind oI
bodies and went to assist him. We were part oI a 'caretaker Ior the planet. He didn`t want
group oI about 20 spirits doing so. My impression Hubbard to run the incident because he uses it to
was that Hubbard didn`t actually realise that he control Earth by instilling Iear intothe inhabitants.
was receiving this help. He was Iully engaged in
A remarkable thing occurred when I got back to
running the incident, which had a lot more Iorce in
running the between-lives incident. It is part oI
it then than it has now. As it is mainly a third and
the R3Xprocedure Ior heavy incidents like this to
Iourth dynamic engram (though it also eIIects the
run it Irom all relevant viewpoints. I thereIore ran
higher dynamics and especially the seventh), the
it Irom the viewpoint oI Hubbard also. When I
Iact that many people have nowbeen through this
had Ilattened it, I suddenly became aware oI
has reduced its Iorce considerably. My job was to
Hubbard`s presence in the room with me and had
keep Zenu away, so that Hubbard could get on
the Ieeling that he wanted me to pass a message on
with running the incident. There was huge charge
to Robert. The message was to congratulate
on this incident Ior me and it soon became
Robert on the work he is doing with R3X and to
apparent that a lot oI it was coming Irom my own
say that he approves oI it. Robert then had a
restimulation oI the OT3 incident. We thereIore
question Ior Hubbard. He wanted to knowwhy he
had to run out the OT3 incident Iirst, as my
(Hubbard) hadn`t developed R3X, since he had
personal case.
discovered most oI the technology that went into it
and all Robert has done is to compile it into a
workable Iorm. When he heard this question,
I was a member oI the Galactic Council at the time
Hubbard gave one oI the big laughs that anyone
oI the OT3 incident and I had special
who has listened to his taped lectures is Iamiliar
responsibility Ior Earth. I objected to Earth being
with, and replied 'oh, but that was your job,
used as a dumping ground Ior Zenu`s enemies, but
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Routine 3-X Series 1

39 J ul y, 2009
thenget a shiny newone? II you are in perIect physical health as is your Iamily and
all oI your Iriends, you can skip this article and go out and
Such a viewpoint is actually quite understandable. It is run a little marathon you have acquiredall the knowledge
nicely relaxed and unconcerned. Only it`s not all too that managing a body requires; and you have applied it
economical. It takes 20 years on average to get a body Iully well andskillIully. My congratulations!
operational and iI it
is true that our time II all is not so well,
t o e l i m i n a t e or iI you have real
aberration on this trouble health-
planet is limited, wise, or are aware
then we better apply oI people in health
good maintenance to t roubl e around
the 'carbon-oxygen- you, I might be
machines we have able to help you to
nowto get an above- look at things in a
average mileage out new unit oI time
oI them. a n d m a y b e
provide you with
Thi s i s not s o some inIormation
diIIerent to getting that you haven't
an annual technical seen beIore. The
check-up on our car, world goes on and
or to buying extra so does science
clean Iuel to make its and sometimes the
motor last longer. surprises we get
We want t o be are good ones!
working with people
t o mo v e t h e m Today, several
toward sanity beIore health problems
they have blown up p r e v i o u s l y
Planet Earth, the t hought t o be
playing Iield shared hopeless, are now
by all. Losing time reversible. I'll give
with health problems is not really a game worth playing in some reIerences, enough to start your own research,
such a situation, is it? throughout this article.
With nuclear war and irreversible man-made global
warming (or cooling?) just around the corner, we are not
just happily out Ior a walk. There is a race going on, a
pretty grim race aberration against sanity and iI we
First, why would we want to spend any time with care Ior
don't win it soon, we may well be out oI a planet Ior our
the body at all? Why not just use it until it Ialls apart, and
A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

A 8piritual Look
By Heidrun Beer, Austria
at Body Health, #1
lt ta|cs ! ,cars aa acrac ta ct a |a1, la||, acratiaaa|.
ll it is trac c aa|, |ac |imitc1 timc ta c|imiaatc a|crratiaa,
t|ca c |cttcr a|, aa1 maiatcaaacc ta t|c car|aa-ax,ca-
mac|iacs c |ac ta ct aa a|ac-acrac mi|cac aat al t|cm.
40 J ul y, 2009
next incarnation. at the original environment in which the human body
evolved, identiIy the body`s behavior patterns in that
So we better keep our vehicles in shape, because who environment, and do our best to reconstruct both in our
wants to go shopping Ior a newcar, and then break it in Ior modern world (easily said, but maybe not quite as easily
20 years in the middle oI an ongoing race, iI there is a done!)
chance to Iinish and Iinish as a winner! iI we just
upgrade our technical maintenance know-howand invest a OI course, we have some extra work iI there are repair
little time into polishingthe machinery? actions necessary, but even then whenever it seems to get
too complicated and impossible to overlook, we can
simpliIy things by bringing to mind how our bodies
originally lived and emulating, as much as possible, that
environment. Fresh and clean air and water, lots oI moving
around, physical work outdoors well balanced with indoor
Now, it is not really necessary to go back to university and
activities, healthy sleep, exposure to sunshine, natural
study medicine in order to understand a physical body and
Ioods mostly Irom plant sources and much oI it raw,
locate the roots oI any diIIiculties. There are plenty oI
absence oI noise, not too high a concentration oI people,
books out there which are written Ior educated lay people.
close interaction with nature and a lot will get better,
And even these may have too many pages, because the
eveniI we are not aimingat a speciIic disease.
roots oI most health problems are very, very simple.
We are using a machine that has genetically evolved Ior a
U8NG OUR EX8TNG TRANNG diIIerent Iuel and activity pattern than is available to it in
the typical Western environment (our environment). For
several millions oI years (the archeologists still keep Now, this is the big picture. In order to successIully handle
making that Iigure larger) the direct ancestors oI the an individual case, we have to look at the big picture's
human body have been walking all day in a clean and individual pixels (dots). Without being or becoming
unpolluted environment, which supplied them with lots oI medical doctors, we can use our Iundamental training to
oxygen and burned lots oI calories. They were eating raw start the work: spot the exact time track oI symptoms, or
Iood mostly coming Irom plant sources, as there were even more generally, look at the situation exactly as-is,
relatively Iew hamburger restaurants and other junk Iood that means, with all its various component parts in space as
stores in the wilderness in the millennia beIore McDonalds well as in time, without suppressing or invalidating any oI
opened their Iirst branchin1940. its content.
Every step oI deviation Irom this original liIestyle-design We are talking about the most basic auditor training.
contributed to the current epidemics oI diseases like Students learn it when they are Iirst trained to run
obesity, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, strokes, heart rudiments, it is Iundamental.
attacks and all the like. Sedentary liIestyle, eating more
calories than are burned, Iood mostly cooked rather than
raw, too much animal Iood and too little plant-based Iood,
over-processed Iood with unnatural Iats destructive to
cells, loads and loads oI sugar, toxic Iood additives,
pollution oI air and water the list could go on Iorever.
Add smoking to all that, and bodies that could live Ior 120
This brings us to the Iirst major non-optimum situation
years start todeteriorate at 60 or evenearlier yet.
that we Irequentlyencounter.
Long story short most health problems (one exception is
Many spiritually oriented people, Scientologists included,
the genetic ones) come Irom our deviations Irom the
tend to look down on the physical universe and the
human body's original design. Simple logic tells us that
physical body. Somehow they believe that the spiritual
going back to the original design should solve the
being is too grand to deal with this kind oI low liIe.
problems once more.
Whenever we hear (or use) expressions like "it is only a
body!" or "must you bring it down to a MEST level?" we
We don't need a doctor to realize that. We just need to look
are dealing with a pattern oI invalidation (making smaller,

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A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1
41 J ul y, 2009
making less oI), most probably an automatic pattern oI Scientology, or "astral matter" by the more mainstream
whichwe are nolonger aware. spiritual movements.
We are looking at out-rudiments being actively created on Now comes the surprise: according to modern physics,
a daily basis. Invalidation, one oI the six rudiments, being even the solidity oI physical matter is an illusion. II we
created daily! Additionally, there is a group agreement look at it with an enlargement Iactor greater than an
about it in most cases, so we also have the Iactor oI "mutual electron microscope, matter dissolves into diIIuse clouds
out rudiments", where an out rudiment is no longer oI electricity, separated by huge amounts oI empty space.
perceived as such because the whole group agrees that it is The Iact that a baseball bat appears so solid to the skull
actually OK. What kind oI liIe can ever Iunction well with which it crushes, comes only Irom the Iact that they both
such a pattern in place? Not any, inmyopinion! vibrate on a similar level and thereIore cannot permeate
As a result oI this out-rudiment oI many decades,
we see so many physically sick Scientologists
today. Their bodies have been "told" so long that
they are not important, and have been denied
attention, duplication and care Ior so long, that they
are now developing the most massive diseases. We
like to think that a healthy mind also has a healthy
body, but how healthy is a mind when it Ilows out
invalidation all the time, streams and streams oI
OK, now let's have a look at this apparent split
between the physical and the spiritual worlds. It
looks like a pair oI opposites, like love and hate,
black and white, a classic dichotomy or polarity.
Would you be surprised iI instead oI this two-valued
view, I show you a whole scale oI values, like the
shades oI grey in our laser printer, replacing the
blackand white?
II we think oI the states oI aggregation Ior a
moment, we have solid, liquid and gaseous. The
maybe best example would be water, because we
experience it in all three states oI aggregation as
each other (occupy the same space). So we have no actual
ice cubes or icicles iI it is solid, liquid when we drink it or
solids at the physical level at all, but only vibrating energy
swim in it or sail on it, and gaseous in the kitchen when we
physical matter is an illusion or better, a creation
cookor operate our water distiller.
energy clouds Iorming into patterns Ior us to build the
stage Ior our games!
The gaseous state is not the "thinnest" state oI matter
though. Science is already talking about a Iourth state,
There are energy vibration categories above that, with
called a "plasma", where the bonding between positive and
similar scales in them. The whole non-physical world, the
negative components in an atom begins to disappear, but
"aIterliIe", where we exist between our physical
the scale goes on. Next, the so-called "subtle matter"
incarnations, is sorted into such layers and sub-layers.
Iollows, which is the substance oI mental image pictures
They too build the stages Ior the movies that their residents
and dreams called "mental matter/energy" in
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

0a ,aa trcat ,aar |a1, as aa aa|ra|ca |arsc:
Baa, siritaa||, aricatc1 ca|c, cicata|aists iac|a1c1,
tca1 ta |aa| 1aa aa t|c |,sica| aaicrsc aa1 t|c
|,sica| |a1,. amc|a t|c, |c|icc t|at t|c siritaa|
|cia is taa raa1 ta 1ca| it| t|is |ia1 al |a |ilc
42 J ul y, 2009
play. Interestingly enough, they too appear solid to their
residents while they perceive the physical world as Ioggy
and cloudy and kind oI unreal. It seems that the vibration One sliding scale instead oI two separated worlds! It
level to which we are "tuned" is the only Iactor that would be entirely arbitrary to NOT apply the perception
determines the apparent solidity oI our environment, and skills that we trained with the more subtle category oI
that in reality they are all equallynon-solid! MEST (mental matter and energy) to the more solid
category oI MEST (physical matter and energy). They are
We are inhabiting only one oI many realities, only one oI just diIIerent parts oI the same scale; why not apply the
many levels oI solidity. Each oI them presents us with the tools we have practiced Ior such a long time, iI they can be
overall task to understand its speciIic challenges and solve oI use in the next lower Iloor oI the same building?
its speciIic assignments.
On the physical level, one
oI these assignments is
how to take care oI the
A body`s systems are
8CALEOF combined Irom solid,
liquid and gaseous
components plus the
electric energy that is
active in the nerves and
A rough analogy with
br ai n pl us t he
physical matter would be
impressions that are
mental matter (solid), the
made on i t I r om
stuII Irom which images
'above, Irom the
and ridges (solid energy
spiritual being and its
remnants) are made; then
pictures, thoughts,
mental energy or emotions
emotions, and most
(liquid, moves in streams);
i mp o r t a n t l y : i t s
a nd t hought e ne r gy
intentions that tell the
(gaseous). This is oI course
body what to do.
an arbitrary comparison,
Basically we have a
but it serves to demonstrate
that we don't have two-
machi ne wi t h an
v a l u e d s y s t e m s
electrical 'interIace
(polarities), we have multi-
t o t h e c a p t a i n ` s
valued systems (scales) on
both sides oI the apparent
split between spirit and
We are used to watch
what we call 'body
language, and oI course we listen to the words that come
out oI its mouth and to the messages and emotions that the
There is not even a real split between the non-maniIested
genetic entity emanates; many oI us have run some oI the
(static or "the void"), and the maniIested (scales within
genetic entity`s incidents in session but there is an
scales oI solidity in the existing worlds, both physical and
additional language that we also need to learn, which is the
beyond). II we could see the non-maniIested as the
body`s original language on the cellular level.
ultimate upper level oI one uniIied scale oI maniIestation
(solidity) levels, we are back to a one-ness with many
Feelings, images, energy Ilows are used by the genetic
layers, or "shades oI grey", with static ("the void") at the
entity to communicate with the spiritual being. They are
topandsolidphysical matter at the bottom.
the messages designed Ior the 'captain. But internally,

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A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1
43 J ul y, 2009
when body parts communicate with body parts, we have oI it is that we have talked to the body in its native
no spoken words and no mental images. Their language language, the language oI its cells, instead oI using the
uses solid and liquid 'words hormones and minerals electric interIace in the brain. We have learned to
and other molecules called transmitters. All oI these understand it and talk to it in the most direct and most
express the body`s condition. There are hundreds oI them, intimate way. Really giving it a magnesium drink in the
all very preciselytunedtothe cells`perception machinery. example above is much more than saying 'calm down!, it
is saying 'I understand you, and I am taking care oI you.
II we really want to listen to a body into a body, not to the Here is what you need right now. I will continue to make
output that it directs to the 'captain, the spiritual being , sure that you get what you need whenever you needit.
we need to perceive and understand directly the molecules
that the body`s cells use to communicate with each other. Such a message has more than an immediate value. It
What doctors do with blood or urine or tissue samples is reassures the body that it has a caring partner. You will
listening to the body`s language on a level oI solid and know Irom your Iriendships or marriage that such a
liquid matter. II we can use their equipment and training to certaintyalone can make a world oI a diIIerence.
duplicate what our body`s component parts are saying, we
have opened an important communication channel to our
precious physical vehicle.
Equipped with the language that really duplicates a body,
we can nowthink about auditing it.
In talking to a body, similar principles apply. Yes, it will
respond to the intentions and energy Ilows coming Irom
What does auditing do? It spots masses oI negative energy
the spiritual being via the brain that`s what it is made Ior
together with their embedded images, emotions and
but much lower down on the 'scale oI solidity, there is
postulates, and dissolves them. We are talking about the
this other language oI molecules that are circulating within
energetic residues oI old trauma, oI losses, Iailures, errors
and between the cells, the body`s inner language that its
and crimes. These residues are located on the mental level,
component parts use tocommunicate witheachother.
above the physical matter band on the scale oI solidity.
ThereIore the necessary clean-up work is done with the
We can use this language too. We can say to the body 'calm
tools oI locating, perceiving and dissolving mental matter
down! by intention, but doing that, we have not Iully
and energy, as we have trained them on our auditing
listened Iirst to what it is saying. Bad communication!
Why would it be nervous? Maybe it has an awareness oI it
sometimes it expresses this by asking us Ior very speciIic
II aIter that we Iind our body still in trouble, though we
Ioods, or Ior a nap, or Ior an hour oI sunshine , but this
have dissolved all the material that could inIluence it
awareness is not always working or reliable or complete.
negatively 'Irom above engrams, negative postulates,
the case oI entities etc. , we may have to step down a Iew
We can work around this uncertainty by listening to the
levels on the scale oI solidity, and search on the solid,
body on the molecular level on the solid and liquid level
liquidandgaseous levels oI physical matter as well.
where it mostly exists. We get a blood sample taken and
analyzed, and here is our explanation: a magnesium
Actually we are looking Ior a similar kind oI material:
deIiciency! Now our chances are good to give an
toxic residues oI past trauma or losses or errors or crimes
intelligent answer. Ordering the body by intention to calm
(oIten 'only oI omission). II they happened on the
down may be an impressive circus trick, but it isn`t very
physical level, they will also leave some oI their residues
insightIul. II we have understood that magnesium is
on the physical level! Aloss on the physical level may have
missing, we can say 'calm down! much more eIIiciently
been a time oI hunger. Less visible but oIten much more
by Ieeding it magnesium. We give the body what it really
serious, because easily overlooked and going on Ior a long
needs (a missing mineral), not what we, having no real
time, can be deIiciencies oI vitamins, minerals and trace
inIormation, think needs to be applied (a beam oI
elements, or the absence oI important (but little known)
elements like dietary Iibre. Trauma on the physical level
would be injuries, accidents and acute illness. At crimes
This may look like a mechanical approach, but the essence
we needto look in more detail (see below).
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A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

44 J ul y, 2009
compared with a human body`s ideal scene, as deIined by
We have seen various approaches to these things. In our its genetic design and majority oI its history, a lot oI
materialistic western culture, most approaches are wrongnesses happened, and the residues oI acidic waste
physical alone the mental/spiritual component is materials, heavy metals and chemical pollutants now
missing. Other approaches are mental/spiritual alone the accumulated inthe body bear witness to it!
physical component is missing. Both are incomplete! The
approach that we want is not new, it exists already, it is The one overt that we never looked at in our history oI
called 'holistic looking at, and dealing with the whole auditing, appears to be the most signiIicant now: having
composite being; composed not only Irom the main spirit, remained in tune with the group mind not having
his mind and various spiritual entities around him, but also inspected its activities having been nave, uncritical
the physical vehicle that he uses to interact with the Iollowers instead oI critically scrutinizing it and detaching
physical world. Irom it where necessary not Iinding our own, educated
andresponsible ways oI taking care oI the body.
An especially important part oI auditing our physical
component part is an oIten vast collection oI crimes, called
Suddenly the amount oI necessary 'processing actions
overts in Scientologese, and here especially the 'passive
looks enormous. But there is no need to go into overwhelm
crimes, that have led to enormous accumulations oI toxic
about it. We just do what we always did, we do what we
waste. Many oI us are not aware oI having done anything
practiced in our auditor training: We Iind the biggest item,
wrong with the body. We just did what everybody else did
spot the remains oI it now the physical, not the
we were parts oI a group mind and acted in tune with the
mental/spiritual remains, the toxic physical residues
group mind. We receivedour inIormationabout what to eat
located in the physical body ; we dissolve and remove
and how to live Irom the group mind. We were embedded
them. Then we Iind the next biggest item, locate the toxic
in it andIelt saIe.
residues, dissolve and remove them. We call such a
program 'processing iI it is done on the mental/spiritual
It was the group mind who made the errors in diet and
level. On the physical level, it has a name like
liIestyle, the group mind who made it OKIor us, by going
'detoxiIication program or 'master cleanse or similar.
with the 'mainstream, to damage our body and yet we
The principle is the same: locate the toxic residues,
have to deal with the consequences on a totally individual
dissolve them, remove them. Seen as a whole, we correct
basis! The group mind doesn`t have a hip to break because
all the errors oI the past, both mental/spiritual and
dietary errors led to brittle bones. It doesn`t have kidneys
physical, until we have a completelycleanslate.
to develop the most painIul colics because the inIormation
about howmuch to drink wasn`t properly distributed to the
We repeat this until all items are handled, and add
individual group members, and it doesn`t have eyes whose
processing on the mental/spiritual level where indicated
retina selI-destructs because it was too lazy or dull to Iind
(quite a lot oI charge may come into viewas we realize the
out about the importance oI dark green leaIy vegetables Ior
extent oI our omissions!) Except Ior some unavoidable
eye health.
natural wear, both body and spirit are Iresh and new aIter
such a program in other words, they are not suIIering the
Somehow the group mind is never there to be held to
aIter-eIIects oI a negative past anymore, they are
account when there are problems. We cannot bring it to
completely in present time. Now we have taken care oI
trial, we cannot send it to jail, we cannot put it on lower
every single part oI the package. Now we have looked at
conditions, we cannot punish it and most important: we
all the pieces in the puzzle. Nowwe have done a complete
cannot make it repair the damage it caused! Always 'the
buck stops here, at the personal level oI responsibility.
And oIten it is very late when we Iind out about that. We ate
the same solids, drank the same liquids and inhaled the
same smoky gases that most other 'cells oI the same
group mind consumed. Because there was no Iriction with
Let's recall some Iamiliar guidelines Irom the Scientology
the group mind, we didn`t perceive any wrongness. But:
universe regarding body maintenance.

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A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1
45 J ul y, 2009
are individually treated by the typical doctor, will
Some speciIic instructions are Iound in the New Era disappear simultaneously.
Dianetics course (NED). We have learned there that in case
oI an accident, the doctor comes Iirst, and only then the
contact assist or Dianetics assist. We remember the We can go to the doctor with the occasional leItovers, iI
reIerences to nutritional deIiciencies, also in the NED there are any, aIter we have optimized our nutrition and
material. We remember Hubbard's recommendation oI liIestyle and allowed ourselves enough time Ior the
Adelle Davis' nutritional manuals (in the meantime, there changes totake eIIect.
are more modern books on the market which he would
probably preIer). OI course we do need medical intervention when the
damage is already liIe-threatening, or so extreme that
Then we have the ethics materials, where Iirst dynamic central Iunctions are no longer in place. We also have to
ethics conditions are applied which include the conIront the possibility that Ior some bodies it might be
especially useIul danger condition, a series oI steps which, simply too late. But this conclusion should never be made
when intelligently done, will handle most, iI not all, health beIore every attempt has been made to repair the damage.
More generally there is Hubbard's principle that "that oI
which we know the technology, cannot negatively
Much has changed in mainstream medicine. And then we
inIluence us" Iound on the PTS/SP course. This is a
have the additional big topic oI alternative medicine, the
powerIul principle, which is quickly said in one short
pioneer work which is too new to be established in the
sentence, but may involve months or even years oI study in
mainstream, but expected to appear in the medical training
the area that we want to master. This time is well spent,
oI the next generation oI doctors.
because our body is the vehicle that is central to all our
activities andgames onthe physical plane.
There is a Iactor that Hubbard calls a "cultural lag". He is
talking about the time that passes between the moment
where a discovery is made, and the moment where it
arrives in the mainstream as a standard part oI a culture.
II an issue is time-critical and health matters oIten are ,
Does this mean that we Iinally do have to go back to
we need to bypass the cultural lag. We need to build on
university and study medicine? I don't think so. Medical
school medicine as a Ioundation, while also looking at
doctors have to study every single leaI on the big tree oI
cutting edge medical discoveries solutions that apply to
possible reactions to a non-optimum environment,
situations that school medicine can not handle (yet).
liIestyle and nutrition. They have to be able to spot
individual symptoms, trace them back to their individual
This is a short paragraph, but it is most essential. You don't
causes, and prescribe individual medicines an
want to lose your precious husband, mother or child to a
enormously large body oI data, which is made even larger
Iactor as silly as a cultural lag not at the time oI the
by special subjects like dentistry, radiology, gynecology or
internet, where a newtechnology, an important Iield study
or other discovery can appear in the search machines a Iew
minutes aIter they have beenpublished!
But iI we look at the root oI this tree oI possible symptoms,
there are only very IewIactors that we need to optimize. II
a tree's roots are watered and Iertilized well, ten million CHELATON THERAPY
leaves will stop to wilt and turn green again. We don't have
to look at every single one oI these leaves. We just tend the
One especially promising technology is in Iact known Ior a
root, like every good gardener does, we adjust diet,
while. It is called "Chelation Therapy" and eIIective in
exercise and environment, we go through a thorough
cleaning away the blockages which accumulate in arteries
clean-up program, and all the individual diseases which
over the years. There is a multitude oI health problems
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

46 J ul y, 2009
connected with clogged up arteries loss oI hearing, loss
oI eyesight, high blood pressure, reduced Iunction in many
organs, erectile dysIunction, smoker`s legs, dementia, and
most oI all, a lack oI blood supply to the heart, which leads
There is also major good news in the area oI diabetes and
to sudden heart Iailure as well as the probably best known
cancer. But what is really encouraging: the simple
heart inIarct or a similar blood clot incident in the brain,
operation oI changing diet and liIestyle, by going back to
where it is called a stroke.
the versions that were originally designed by evolution,
will make many oI these problems disappear without any
medical or surgical intervention and iI it is done early
School medicine surgery will oIten replace blocked blood
enough, we may remain healthy in the Iirst place and have
vessels leading to the heart with clean ones, but what about
to Iind better games to play than sitting in the doctor's
the rest oI the blood vessels where the blockages continue
oIIice or Iinding the moneyIor surgery, etc. etc.
to build up? Isn't it signiIicant that within 3 to 5 years aIter
a heart bypass operation, a high percentage oI bypass
patients develop dementia?
The website gives not only detailed
insight into cancer biology and precise dietary instructions
Ior cancer patients, it also explains howto prevent cancer,
Chelation therapy removes the blockages in all arteries, so
and it lists 400 alternative therapies which have a
that many problems will disappear at the same time. It also
theoretical background logical enough and central enough
reaches the small capillaries in the extremities which no
to the cancerous process to be worth a try, together with
surgeon can repair with the eIIect that the terrible open
their success statistics.
wounds mostly on the legs oI diabetics and smokers,
which lead to so many amputations, will heal and the
The book "Death to Diabetes" by Dewayne McCulley tells
amputation becomes unnecessary.
how to get rid oI diabetes entirely something that the
medical proIession considers impossible! In an e-book by
Matt Traverso we Iind extensive theory and to-do-lists
More than 50 oI deaths worldwide, many oI them
how to reverse Alzheimer's disease also a condition that
premature, are caused by this one situation: clogged up
conventional medicine considers hopeless. There are also
arteries. This condition, together with a second very
many other very promising books about Alzheimer`s and
unhealthy condition, a wrong body pHcaused by too many
brain health on the market.
Iood materials that cause acidic reactions instead oI the
healthier alkaline reactions (meat, grains, sugar, dairy
The website, run by Dr. Joseph
products), is at the center oI a whole complex oI
Mercola, a Iully trained medical doctor who has
symptoms, called 'Metabolic Syndrome.
specialized on natural health, not only oIIers a lot oI
precious dietary supplements, it also has a huge archive oI
educational material, either written by Dr. Mercola
Its key symptoms are high blood sugar (diabetes), high
himselI or commented by him. Enter any keyword you are
blood pressure, obesity and a derailed Iat metabolism. It is
interested in, and the site will come up with a list oI
a real killer condition. Doctors Iight it with the heaviest
intelligent articles.
drugs which in turn cause other physical problems, but
simply by correcting our diet, by taking out the acidic
Now, iI all these things are so well known and so easy to
components and making it mostly plant based with a high
Iind, howcome that there are still so many sick people?
percentage oI rawvegetables and Iruits, plus establishing a
smart exercise pattern (neither too lax nor too ambitious),
we can slip out oI that crazy swirl, stabilize ourselves Iirst
Read more in the second part oI this article in the
and then make sure that we helpothers out oI it as well.
upcoming issue oI Ivy!

IVy on the web also a membership forum

A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1
47 J ul y, 2009
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This is also an "Open Space" conference, which means that we're co-creating the conference. f there are
subjects you would like to speak about or that you would like discussed, or an activity you would like to see
happen, we invite you to take a lead and propose or lead them. An Open Space Conference means you
can participate from a level of cause.
For people coming from out of town we will help you find inexpensive hotel accommodation.
The conference will take place in Valby, a suburb of Copenhagen
Saturday will be from 10.00 17.00,
Sunday 10.00 16.00
Each evening we go out and eat together.
Monday will also have informal arrangements.
The price is only 250 DKK. (about 35 Euro or 30 GB)
including lunch and refreshments both days.
You can pay on arrival.
Further information on the web at:

Or contact for info and reservation:
Antony Phillips
Jernbanevej 3F 4th, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Phone: +45 45 88 88 69
Arrcnd VJ's 2009
Opcn Confcrcmcc
ln Copcnhngcn,
Augusr 22 nnd 23
49 J ul y, 2009

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