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Quantum Numbers Worksheet

1) What are quantum numbers? 2) What information does the first three quantum numbers indicate? 3) What does the fourth quantum number indicate? 4) What does the principal quantum number indicate? 5) The letter n is used to desi!nate the principal quantum number "True or #alse)$ %) What does the orbital quantum number indicate? &) 'rbitals (ith different shapes occup) different re!ions$ These re!ions are called *****$ +) The quantum numbers desi!nated in ascendin! order use the letters *****$ ,) What is the shape of the s orbital? 1-) What is the shape of the p orbital? 11) .n the nth principal ener!) le/el orbitals of *****$ 12) What does the ma!netic quantum number indicate? 13) There is onl) one orientation of the s orbital "True or #alse)$ 14) 0o( man) possible orientations are there for the p orbital?

"a) What are these orientations called? 15) What does the spin quantum number indicate? 1%) The first three quantum numbers completel) indicate *****$ 1&) 0o( man) electrons can the first principal ener!) hold? 1+) 0o( man) electrons can the second principal ener!) le/el hold? 1,) The third principal ener!) le/el can hold 1+ electrons$ What orbitals are found in the third principal ener!) le/el?

2-) The fourth principal ener!) le/el can hold 32 electrons$ What orbitals are found in the fourth principal ener!) le/el?

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