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Definition: The group of organs that break down food

and absorb the nutrients used by the body for fuel.

The organs in the digestive system, in the order in
which food travels through them, are:

* Mouth
* Esophagus
* Stomach
* Small Intestine
* Large Intestine
* Rectum
* Anus

Parts of food which cannot be broken down, digested, or

absorbed are excreted as bowel movements.
The first
step of
digestion. .
Is the mouth!
The mouth starts
it off by chewing
the food &
breaking down
carbohydrates .
Is the second step
of digestion, after
the food has been
chewed it gets
swallowed it goes
down into the
esophagus & from
there the food is
on it’s way to the
stomach. .
Has enzyme
pepsin which is
excreted and
mixes with the
acid in the
stomach to
begin the
digestion of

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