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Time management

Introduction This play is all about two employees, one who is very punctual & another who is very lazy. The play starts from the entry of the lazy employee who again came late in the office. The employee 1 is then called by his boss & have to justify himself in front of boards members. Because of his weak performance from last 2 month in the organization the company lost the contract & the board decided to transfer him to another section, his I increment has also been deducted because of his negligence & not completing the work on time. This is the major reason for the loss of the million dollar contract. On the other hand there is another employee which is very well disciplined, punctual & committed to his work. This employee is very good at managing time, finishes work on time & his performance was outstanding. Because of his work his manager and board of directors were impressed. They decided to promote him to the post of senior manager. Characters 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Rahul Chopra Jaspreet kaur Sahil kumar Kanak lata Ishan S Chopra

Scene 1 Narrator: - Scene 1 is all about the conversation between the employee one & the manager. Manager is discussing the matter and communicating to him that because his poor time management i.e. is coming late to the office, not completing his work on time and monitory loss. All these king of issue make board to take action against him. A negative motivation technique. Employee 1:- Oh! God I am 30 minute late again. The boss is not going to spare me today. Manager: - Hello, Raj speaking there. Employee1: - Yes Sir I m speaking. Manager: - come to my cabin, need to talk on important issue. Employee 1: - Ok sir I am coming [Know he is thinking, Something is not going to be good today again] Employee 1: - sir may I come in.

Manager: - yes come in, have a seat. Employee1: - Sir you want to discuss some important issue. Manager: - The issue is very serious one and i guess you already know that i am going to talk on which issue. You are late again. Employee 1: - yes sir, I know sir, sorry sir. Manager: - No. This time I am not going to accept your apology. Its your routine. Your performance is also no so good from last 2 months. Your lots of assignments are also pending. And we were very much near to lost one of the most valuable contracts. So i am really very sorry to say but the board has given me a task communicates it to you that you are transferred in sales section. [Employee 1 is not happy, he is tensed] Scene 2 Narrator: - Scene 2 is all about the discussion among the higher officials. Discussing about the problems that why there companies performance is going down. And finding solutions for this. Chief Manager: - Guys these days lots of things were happening in the organization. From last 2 months our productivity & sales are not stable it going in a zigzag manner. Chief hr manager: - yes and our profits were also reduced comparatively to the last quarter Chief Manager: - we must take some measures to stabilize our performance. Hr manager: - We have taken reports various departments & analysed it what we got is that we have problem in our human resource. 19 % of our employees are not working up to the standards. Chief Manager: - Why can you explain manager. Manager: - one of the major reasons is that they are not good at time management. Most of them are coming late in their offices and not finishing their work on time. Chief Manager: - Ok we have come to a solution for this. Identify them and transfer them in some other section where the work is less important. Replace them with the good ones. Chief hr manager: - And yes give then one extra increment too to keep them motivated.

Scene 3 Narrator: - Scene 3 is all about the conversation between the employee2 & the manager. Manager is discussing the matter and communicating to him that because his good time management i.e. is coming office on time, completing his work on time and his quality work helping organization in getting new contracts. All these king of things make board to promote him. A king of Positive motivation technique.

Employee 2: - AAha! Still 15 minute left. I can relax and then can start my work. Driving vehicle today is not an easy task. Manager: - Hello, Raj speaking there. Employee: - yes sir I am speaking. Manager: - Come to my cabin, need to discuss some important matter. Employee 1: - sir may I come in. Manager: - yes come in, have a seat. Employee 2: - Sir you want to discuss some important matter, which matter it is sir? Manager: - no matter I have with me to discuss. I have good news for you. Employee2:- good news! What sir. Manager: - Because of your discipline, punctuality, finishing work on time, I mean your management of time is perfect. We need men like you in our organization. So the board have decided that we must promote you to the post of manager from assistant manager and your 1 increment is also added in your additional fringe benefit. Employee2:- yes! Thank sir this is really great news. My Parents will also be happy after listening this good news.

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