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1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

Head : Face: Mouth: Eyes: Teeth: Nose: Neck: Shoulders: Chest: Back: Arm: Hand:

I have a head ache You have a perfect face I would like to kiss your mouth I have green eyes You have a very White teeth He has a big nose I play rugby and i have a strong neck I have my left shoulder injured My father has a hairy chest I have a big back I lost my arm in the war, now i use a prosthesis Give me your hand

13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30)

Waist: Leg: Feet: Tongue: Ears: Hand: Heart-Mouth

Nose: Hands: Mouth: Eyes: Fingers: Hair: Eyebrows: Teeht:

Put your hand in the waist His legs are like soccer players legs Please wash your feet! To have something on the tip of your tongue To be all ears To give someone a hand To have your heart in your mouth
My nose is big My hands were clean My mouth is red My eyes are blue My fingers are short My hair is chocolate My eyebrows are long My teeth are white

Stomachache: He has a stomachache She has an earache Head: She has headache

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)

Head - Cabeza Hair - Cabello/vello Face - Cara/rostro Forehead - Frente Eye/eyes - Ojo/Ojos Eyebrow / eyebrows- Ceja/cejas Eyelid - Prpado Eyelashes - Pestaas Ear / ears - Oreja / orejas Nose - Nariz Cheek / cheeks - Mejilla/mejillas Mouth - Boca Lips - Labios Tooth / teeth - Diente / dientes Tongue Chin - Quijada, barbilla

to have a headache to get a hair cut I need a facecloth to be face to face keep your ayes open to pluck ones eyebrows the eye shadow is for eyelids macara for the eyelashes you have an ear infection to have a nose job your cheeks are blushed close your mouth to eat put some lip gloss on your lips brush your teeth I just bit my tongue I cut my chin while shaving

17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35)

Neck - Cuello Body - Cuerpo Shoulder Hombro Elbow / elbows - Codo / codos Arm / arms - Brazo / brazos Hand / hands - Mano / manos Finger / fingers - Dedo / dedos mano Fingernails - Uas Chest - Pecho Stomach - Estmago Back - Espalda Leg / legs - Pierna / piernas Knee / knees Rodillas Foot / feet - Pie / pies Ankles - Tobillos Toes - Dedos del pie Toenails - Ua del dedo del pie He sucks his finger I have a pain on my leg

it hurts when I turn my neck shake you body do I need shoulder pads? your elbows look dry put your arms straight let me see your palm keep your fingers crossed I will clip my nails I feel some chest pain to have a stomachache lay on your back I broke my leg seat on your knees I have big feet to twist ones ankle Something bit me on my toe I will clip my nails

Head - Cabeza to have a headache/tener dolor de cabeza Hair Face - Cabello/vello (to get a hair cut/tener un corte de pelo) - Cara/rostro (I need a facecloth/necesito una toalla de cara) - Frente (to be face to face/estar frente a frente)


Eye/eyes - Ojo/Ojos (keep your ayes open/mantn los ojos abiertos) Eyebrow / eyebrows - Ceja/cejas (to pluck ones eyebrows/depilarse las sejas) Eyelid - Prpado (the eye shadow is for eyelids/la sombra de ojos es para prpados) Eyelashes - Pestaas (macara for the eyelashes/rimel para las pestaas) Ear / ears - Oreja / orejas (you have an ear infection/tienes infecci de odos) Nose - Nariz (to have a nose job/arreglarse la narz) Cheek / cheeks - Mejilla/mejillas (your cheeks are blushed/tus mejillas estn ruborizadas)

Mouth - Boca (close your mouth to eat/cierra la boca al comer) Lips - Labios (put some lip gloss on your lips/ponte algo de brillo a los labios) (brush your teeth/cepilla tus dientes)

Tooth / teeth - Diente / dientes

Tongue - Lemgua (I just bit my tongue/acabo de morderme la lengua) Chin - Quijada, barbilla (I cut my chin while shaving/me cort la barbilla al afeitarme) Neck - Cuello (it hurts when I turn my neck/me duele cuando giro el cuello) Body - Cuerpo (shake you body/sacude tu cuerpo) Shoulder / shoulders - Hombro / hombros (do I need shoulder pads? / necesito hombreras? Elbow / elbows - Codo / codos (your elbows look dry/tus codos se ven secos) Arm / arms - Brazo / brazos (put your arms straight/pon los brazos rectos) Hand / hands - Mano / manos (let me see your palm/djame ver la palma de tu mano) Finger / fingers cruzados) - Dedo / dedos de la mano (keep your fingers crossed/mantn tus dedos

Fingernails - Uas (I will clip my nails/me cortar las uas) Chest - Pecho (I feel some chest pain/siento poco de dolor de pecho) Stomach - Estmago (to have a stomachache/tener dolor de estmago) Back - Espalda (lay on your back/acustate de espaldas) Leg / legs - Pierna / piernas (I broke my leg/me romp la pierna) Knee / knees - Rodillas (seat on your knees/sintate de rodillas) Foot / feet - Pie / pies (I have big feet/tengo pies grandes) Ankles - Tobillos (to twist ones ankle/torcerse el tobillo) Toes - Dedos del pie (Something bit me on my toe/algo me pic en el dedo del pie) Toenails - Ua del dedo del pie (I will clip my nails/me cortar las uas)

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