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coeur => heart

Vocabulaire corps humain anglais

colonnes vertébrales => spine, vertebral column, spinal column
Français => Anglais
côtes => ribs
La tête (head)
poitrine, thorax => chest
tête => the head
coeur => heart
skull => crâne
estomac => stomach
poil, cheveux => hair
abdomen => abdomen
cerveau => the brain
la taille => waist
front => the forehead
nombril => bellybutton
tempe => temples
téton => nipple
ride => a wrinkle
seins => breasts
nez => nose

narines => nostrils les bras (arms)

joues => cheeks bras => arms

oreilles => ears aisselle => armpit

lobe d’oreille => earlobe poignet => wrist

yeux => eyes avant bras => forearm

paupière => eyelid coude => elbow

pupille => pupil poing => fist

cils => eyelashes main => hand

sourcils => eyebrows doigt => finger

bouche => the mouth ongle => nail, fingernail

gencives => gum pouce => thumb

gorge => throat paume => palm

pomme d’Adam => Adam’s apple le majeur => middle finger

lèvre => a lip l’auriculaire (le petit doigt) => the little finger

langue => the tongue phalange => knuckle

une dent => a tooth

Le bas du corps (lower body)
des dents => teeth
jambes => legs
menton => chin
hanche => hip
barbe = beard
tibia => tibia, shin, shinbone
cou => neck
fesses => buttocks

Le buste (trunk) cuisse => thigh

squelette => skeleton genou => knee

os => bone mollet => calf

chair => flesh cheville => ankle

peau => skin pied => foot

épaule => shoulder talon => heel

omoplate => shoulder blade gros orteille => big toe

dos => back les pieds => feet

nu => naked

entrejambe => crotch

pénis => penis

vagin => vagina

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