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The Ginott Model

Haim Ginott was a clinical psychologist and child therapist of the 1960s and 1970s. Ginott, author of several books on child psychology, is regarded as one of the leaders in controlling the behaviors of children. Ginott emphasized that parents needed to limit the unacceptable behaviors of children but, at the same time, safeguard and protect the childrens feelings and emotional well -being. The major theme of the Ginott model is that the overall classroom atmosphere should be dealt with, not individual behavior problems. To that end, teachers should address the class personally, using "I" statements. According to Ginott, Congruent Communication" should be used with students, which basically means dealing with students using non-aggressive language. Childrens self-esteem is greatly affected by their interaction with adults. Listed below are four of Ginotts axioms relating to how teachers can establish and maintain positive classroom discipline. 1. Learning always takes place in the present tense. This suggests that teachers must neither prejudge students nor hold grudges against them for previous misbehaviors. The effective teacher should correct students by directing them to proper behavior examples. 1. Teachers should always be respectful of student needs. Students should never experience any teacher belittling them. 1. If teachers want civil behavior, they should model it for students. 1. One of the best ways to improve student behavior is for the teacher to actively confer dignity on the students. Ginotts theory of "correcting by directing" hinges on redirecting the students behavior patterns to more acceptable ones. Ginott also felt that successful discipline happens when the student learns selfdiscipline. Students self-discipline happens when teachers build trust and mutual respect with their students. If the student trusts the teacher, then the student will most likely cooperate if problems arise. Also, so many times, students feel like they have no control over what happens. With a behavior contract, students can feel like they have a more active role in their own education. Contracts take the "bossing" out of discipline and promote mutual respect and understanding, hence, producing better behavior. Ginotts model promotes or provides students with intrinsic motivation, builds confidence of students and invites cooperation. Behavior contracts are a central theme in Ginotts behavior management plan. According to Ginott, when people in authority, such as classroom teachers, write certain terms into the behavior contract, that act alone is an expression of faith in the childs ability to achieve success. However, probably more important to the student is the fact that the teacher should feel obligated to uphold the bargain if the specified conditions are met. This gives students a feeling of partial control over and ownership of the outcomes of their behavior. Ginott introduced the term congruent communication, which he defined as harmonious communication between a teacher and student. According to Ginott, teachers should always endeavor to use congruent communication, which is the communication to students about situations and their actions not negative remarks about students themselves. Teachers using congruent communication do not preach or moralize to students, nor do they impose guilt or demand promises. Instead, effective classroom teachers confer dignity on their students by treating them as social equals

capable of making good decisions. Congruent communication invites cooperation, expresses anger appropriately and uses appreciative rather than evaluative praise. Chart 2: Examples of Congruent and Non-Congruent Communications

Congruent Communication Strengths

Non-Congruent Communication Strengths

Addresses the students action rather than the This type of communication allows and even students character. The class moves along emphasizes name calling and labels. Dont act

much better, Terry, when you raise your hand and I call on you.

like a clown when you walk up the hall knocking on each door Gary.

Invites cooperation between the teacher and student. Devin, would you please take our new student to the restroom? I would, but I am expecting his mother for a conference.

It denies students feelings and attacks the character of students. Greg, you have yet to complete one assignment this week! Yet, you

must spend a great deal of time coming up with these lame excuses. If you spent more time on your assignments and less time trying to get out of them, you would be a much more productive student.

Congruent communication accepts and acknowledges the feelings of both students and teachers. I realize, Martha, that you

would prefer not to speak at the tonight. Better yet, I think I will have you stay graduation. However, your parents would be in during your recess period so that you can so disappointed if you let this opportunity pass get a good start. by. You one day would also feel terrible about not seizing the opportunity.

Demands rather than invites cooperation Lee Ann, you will complete the assignments

Congruent communication uses brevity in noise in this room. Every day I remind you of correcting misbehavior Stacy, please put that the classroom rules, yet every day is the same away.

Shows students that the teacher can not maintain their own temper and therefore why should they? I am getting sick and tired of the

thing. I have to yell and holler at this class to get them quiet enough so that two or three of you can perhaps learn something.

Expresses anger appropriately. Victor, I am

Invades students privacy David, come here sorry that your aunt felt that I was mistreating for a minute. I need to look in your backpack. you. I do not remember ever calling you down Andys toy has disappeared and your desk is

for attempting to answer our Daily Oral Language answers. But, if I have, I will do my best to make sure that you do get an opportunity to respond with your answers occasionally.

next to his.

The Ginott Model of Discipline Written by John Andrius The Ginott Model of Co-operation Through Communication

Discipline is a series of little victories gained when teachers use sane messages; messages that address the situation rather than the students' character; messages that guide students away from inappropriate behavior towards behavior that is appropriate and lasting.

Ginott's Key Ideas.

Discipline is a series of little victories slowly acquired over time. The most important ingredient in classroom discipline is the teacher's self-discipline. The second most important ingredient is the use of sane messages when correcting misbehaving students. Sane messages are messages that address the situation rather than the students' character. Teachers when at their best, use congruent communication; communication that is harmonious with students' feelings about the current situation and themselves. Teachers at their worst, attack and label students' characters. Teachers should model the behavior they hope to see in their students. Inviting cooperation from students is vastly preferable to demanding it. Teachers should express anger but in appropriate (sane) ways.

Labelling students disables them. They tend to live up to the label. Sarcasm is usually dangerous and praise is often ineffective. Use both with great care! Apologies from students should be accepted only after there is a clear understanding that students intend to improve their behaviour. The best teachers help students to build their self-esteem and to trust their own experience. The teacher is a decisive, powerful element in the classroom. Teachers create and maintain the classroom environment. They have the power to humanize or dehumanize students. Their effectiveness depends on their ability to establish a productive educational climate. Children who are in constant emotional turmoil cannot learn.

To reduce this turmoil Ginott advocates using congruent communication, a harmonious and authentic way of talking in which messages to students are matched to the students' feelings about situations and themselves.

Ginott claims that the principle of congruent communication is the crucial factor in determining classroom climate. Teachers must constantly endeavor to use it. When they do they convey an attitude of helpfulness and acceptance. Teachers are advised to be continually aware of the impact of their messages on students' self-esteem.

Congruent communication incorporates many of the different elements that we see included in Ginott's descriptions of teachers at their best and at their worst.

Teachers at their best.

Ginott wrote extensively about teachers at their best and at their worst. At their best, teachers use congruent communication, evident when they:

Send sane messages, addressing the situation rather than a student's character. Express anger appropriately. Invite cooperation. Accept and acknowledge student feelings.

Avoid labelling students. Correct students by directing them appropriately. Avoid the perils of praise. Are brief when correcting students. Are models of humane behavior. Teachers at their worst.

Teachers at their worst fail to use congruent communication. This occurs when they:

Are caustic and sarcastic. Attack a student's character. Demand, rather than invite, cooperation. Deny students' feelings. Label students as lazy, stupid, and so forth. Give long and unnecessary lectures. Lose their tempers and self-control. Use praise to manipulate students. Are poor models of humane behavior Ginott's special views on discipline

Ginott describes both appropriate and inappropriate disciplinary methods. He asserts that teachers use inappropriate discipline when they:

Lose their tempers ( e.g. shout, slam books, use verbal abuse). Call students names (e.g. "You are like pigs! Clean that up!"). Insult a student's character (e.g. "John, you are nothing but lazy!"). Behave rudely (e.g. "Sit down and shut up!").

Overreact (e.g. When a student accidentally drops something being handed out: "Oh for heaven's sake! Can't you do anything right?!!"). Are cruel (e.g. "Where were you when the brains were handed out?"). Punish all for the sins of one or a few (e.g. "Certain people were talking during the lesson, you will all be on detention!") Threaten (e.g. "If I hear one more voice, we will all stay back for ten minutes after school."). Deliver long lectures. (e.g. "It has come to my attention that several students think the trash can is a basketball hoop. We can throw things outside but in the classroom, ... etc, etc.") Back students into a corner. (e.g. "What are you doing? Why are you doing that? Don't you know any better? Apologize at once!") Make arbitrary rules. (Rules are made without any student input or discussion) In contrast, teachers who use appropriate discipline:

Recognize feelings. (e.g. "I can see that you are angry") Describe the situation. (e.g. "I can see paper all over the floor, it needs to be picked up.") Invite cooperation. (e.g. "Let's all help to pick up the paper.") Are brief. (e.g. "We do not throw paper.") Do not argue. (They stick to a decision, but remain flexible enough to change it if they are wrong. Arguing is always a losing proposition for teachers.) Model appropriate behavior (They show through example how they want students to behave.) Discourage physical violence. (e.g. "In our class we talk about our problems. We do not hit, kick, or pull hair.") Do not criticize, call names, or insult. (e.g. A student interrupts a teacher: "Excuse me. I will be with you as soon as I can.") Focus on solutions. (e.g. "I am seeing unsportsman-like conduct here. What can we do about it?") Allow face-saving exits. (e.g. "You may remain at your desk and read quietly, or you may sit by yourself at the back of the room.") Allow students to help set standards. (e.g. "What do we need to remember when we are using this paint?") Are helpful. (e.g. Mathew yells: "Roger and Joe are teasing me!" Teacher responds: "You sound upset. What would you like me to do?")

Limit and lessen conflicts. (e.g. Susan, crumpling her paper: "I am not going to do this assignment! It is too hard!" Teacher: "You feel this assignment is too difficult. Would you like me to go over a few problems with you?") Comments on Ginott's views

Ginott believes it is the teacher's job to provide an environment conducive to learning. An important part of this environment is the social-emotional atmosphere in the classroom. He believes that discipline problems diminish markedly if teachers show concern for students' feelings and recognize that their messages have a strong impact on students' feelings and self-esteem.

When teachers address the situation rather than the students' character, they communicate that:

They know what is going on, They know what they want changed, and They are aware of the students' feelings. Ginott's model emphasizes how teachers can deal positively with students' emotions and provide examples of good behavior by their own personal conduct. Most teachers find that student behavior improves and that they enjoy teaching more when they incorporate Ginnott's suggestions into their teaching styles.

However becoming adept in the use of Ginnott's techniques is often not enough. Many teachers find that when they are confronted by hostile, defiant students who refuse to work properly, something more is required. While teachers are, by and large, in sympathy with Ginnott point of view, most conclude that for hard-to-manage classes, Ginnott's suggestions fall far short of providing the help and answers they need.

Application of the Model

Sue will not work

Sue, a student in Ms. Lake's class, is quite docile. She never disrupts the class and has little social contact with other students. Despite Ms. Lake's best efforts, Sue rarely completes an assignment. She doesn't seem to care. She is simply there, completing very little work of consequence.

How would Ginott deal with Sue?

Ginott would advise teachers to use a number of gentle tactics to encourage Sue to do her work, such as:

Sane messages. ("Students are expected to complete all assignments.") Inviting cooperation. ("All students who finish their work may choose an activity to do with a friend.") Accepting and acknowledging Sue's feelings. ("Sue, I can tell you find it difficult to begin work on your assignment. How can I help you?") Correct by directing. ("You need to finish 10 problems within the next 30 minutes.") Focus on solutions. ("This cannot continue. What do you think we might be able to do about it?") Further information about this model may be found in the following references:

Ginott, H., 1971, Teacher and child, MacMillan, New York.

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