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Other NUT Conference news

In a busy five days the NUT agreed to:

• Campaign for abolition of OFSTED

• Oppose Academy and Trust School status
• Campaign for 4-month sabbatical leave every five years of teaching
• Support a billboard campaign at the next general election aimed at
reducing class sizes as well as child poverty
• Push for a proper teachers’ contract
• Oppose privatisation of Pupil Referral Units
• Develop a Charter for Education in response to the impact of
recession on young people’s lives
• Oppose the slogan ‘British Jobs for British Workers’
• Work wholeheartedly to stop the progress of the British National
• Boycott Israeli goods from the Occupied Territories
• Support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender rights at work, for
staff and students
• Establish a Black Members’ Section of the NUT to ensure that we
practice positive discrimination

In addition NUT Conference agreed to hear speakers from Visteon in

Enfield, whose jobs had been cut at 6 minutes notice. Previously
employed by Ford, they are also left without pensions, which is
outrageous for workers with up to 40 years service. We held collections
for their families.

The biggest fringe meeting of 226 people heard tributes to Blair Peach,
and pledges to fight the Nazi BNP.

Taken from: -

Hand in Hand
Moving Forward Together
The Newsletter of the Harrow Teachers’ Association
Conference Special (With thanks to Ealing NUT) Summer Term 2009

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