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Islam and ICT

In 1999, Islamic Internet Conference (MISIC'99) was held with the objective of utili in! the Internet to "resent and ac#uire $nowled!e on Islam, sharin! information amon! Muslims all over the !lobe, as well as establishin! "ersonal and or!ani ational networ$s% This event has become a &earl& "ro!ramme under the su"ervision of the Islamic Societ& of 'orth (merica (IS'(), and was renamed to )International Conference on Information Technolo!&)*% In essence, su""orts from ICT will enable the Islamic $nowled!e to be effectivel& transmitted to the ummah%

+elation between Islam and ICT

Information Technolo!& (IT) is defined as )the use of com"uters and telecommunications for the "rocessin! and distribution of information in di!ital, audio, video and other forms)% ,ased on this definition and the fact that -uran is neither a scientific te.t boo$ nor a technolo!ical )how/to) manual, those who are unfamiliar with Islam mi!ht be #uestionin! themselves about the relationshi" between IT and the boo$ revealed more than 1011 &ears a!o%

-uran 2 stresses the im"ortance of see$in! both divine and worldl& $nowled!e from the ver& first revelation3 )+ead in the name of &our 4ord who created 5 created man from a clot 6%%)

7nowled!e Cate!or&
The Islamic tradition has cate!ori ed $nowled!e into two cate!ories% The first cate!or& of $nowled!e is that rendered b& (llah to man throu!h revelation (wah&u)% This $nowled!e is re!arded as the hi!hest form of $nowled!e and eventuall& is made com"ulsor& on ever& Muslim to learn, com"rehend and im"lement%

The second t&"e of $nowled!e is that ac#uired b& humans via rational in#uir& based on e."erience and observation, which normall& concern with worldl& matter%

Technolo!ies 8ffered b& ICT

ICT offers various technolo!ies that can be used b& the humans in order to facilitate their routine activities% It is said that ICT will be chan!in! the wa& we wor$, communicate, stud&, do business and other as"ects of human life% 8ne of the !reatest benefits to be !ained from the use of ICT is Internet%

There are lots of Islamic sites have been develo"ed with the "ur"ose of "rovidin! and disseminatin! Islamic $nowled!e and information such as (l/Islam%Com (htt"399www%alislam%com), IslamiCit&%Com (htt"399www%islamicit&%com), :arf Information Technolo!& (htt"399www%harf%com), Islamweb%'et (htt"399islamweb%net), (nswerin! Islam (htt"399answerin!/islam%or!), (lim (htt"399www%alim%or!), Tal$ Islam (htt"399tal$islam%com), ;annah%Com (htt"399www%jannah%com), Islam8nline%'et (htt"399www%islamonline%net), Islam-(%Com (htt"399www%islam/#a%com) and man& more%

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