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A holiday to remember.

The sands of mother earth embraced my feet and the breeze breathing to my face; here I stood at the grounds of Goa enjoying every moment life offered to me. I took a walk along the beach feeling lazy and sluggish after a hard week at work. Though I am at Goa on work purpose, it still feels good to have the beach right at your footsteps. Being an interpreter is not an easy thing. I interprete documents for the Embassy and many Embassy expatriates love working with me because I am always keep up to their due date. I am punctual which most people my age do not. I kept on walking until I came to the rocky portion of the sea. The rocks reminded me of Poseidon, the Greek God of the sea. As I was enjoying the view, my eye fell on a figure that was standing on the rock. In a glance, I thought he was going to jump into the sea. I stopped breathing for a while. Many words ran in my mind should I scream? Should I walk away? Should I just stand here and watch? These words were being to tire me. Finally, I decided to scream and when I opened my mouth, I heard a cheer near the rock. His friends were cheering him and he took a dive into the sea. He swam out of the sea with his friends still cheering on him. I was dumbfounded. He was the best looking of all creations that i have ever seen. Not to mention his smile that he threw at me when he walked passed me. It was like seeing a Greek God walking right beside me. I took quick steps walking behind him but was aware not to scare him away. He moved fast and before I knew it, I lost him. Looked around but he was no where to be found. I sighed and walked back to my chalet. In the chalet, I kept thinking about the Greek God. Such mesmerizing eyes and enchanting smile. My phone rang as I was still in dreamland. I grabbed my cell phone and it flashed Doris. Thats my best friend. hello, I said with a smile. Hey Raksha, you seem to be all excited. Is there something i need to know, she began with the usual tone in her voice. So, I started telling her all about the Greek God. She was as excited as I was. I dozed off to sleep as soon as the conversation with Doris ended. She wanted to join me in Goa but I told her that my job would be done in two days and we can take the rest of the week off. She agreed and finally we decided she flies in two days time. That would be Wednesday. The next morning, i got up and dressed to meet Mr. Kanduni, the Expatriate from Maldives that was settled in Goa. He wanted me to translate a legal document that was in Hindi to English and i had two days to finish that. I left my chalet at half past nine and took a cab to The Old Secretariat, a building where many government offices are. I walked into one of the offices as i saw Mr. Kanduni waving towards me. My meeting with him took about an hour and a half. I listened to every detail he was saying with much of my attention but it was all in vain because i could not get the Greek God out of my mind. I was thankful the meeting finally ended and i took a cab to Coffee and Spice, a small restaurant near my chalet. I wanted to have a cup of coffee and some samosa. Ajay, the waiter served me the samosa. I reached out to the chilli sauce and walked in the Greek God smiling towards me. As soon as i saw him, i dropped the chilli sauce bottle on the floor shattering into pieces and the sauce all over the floor and on me. Need any help? i heard his deep voice. I smiled as i was cleaning the mess with Ajay. Im Arjun, he continued. Raksha, i replied. That is where my bonding with Arjun started. I spent time with Arjun as well as completing my task. I passed my papers to Mr. Kanduni right on time and he was more than glad. Now, it was time to spend with Arjun and his friends. After all, i am in a holiday. Doris flew in on Wednesday, joining me and my holidays with Arjun. We were with each other

almost all day long. The only time i was not with him was when i went to bed. Days just went by and i knew i needed to fly back to Mumbai. Before i leave, i need to tell Arjun how i feel about him. it was a Saturday night. The final night i would be in Goa before i fly off the following day. Arjun and i took a walk along the beach. Eaten by silence at first, we did not utter a word. We were lost in our own thoughts. Suddenly, it started to pour; Arjun and I ran towards a shaded tree. We were getting soaked in a way though we were under a shed. This was the only chance i have. I gathered my guts and said Arjun.... i heard a Hmmm from him. his eyes were shut enjoying the rain drops and the soothing breeze. I love you, i blurted. Arjun opened his eye lids in a state of shock. But Raksha, Im married!...........

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