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GRAMTICA (GRAMMAR) www.english4allages.



1.- FILL IN THE BLANKS.- Fill in the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Used to forms of the verbs in brackets.

a) We HEARD (hear) about the fire while we WERE DRIVING (drive) along the road. b) When m !arent" were ounger# the $%ED &' &RAVE( (travel) a lot . &he don)t travel now *) All the *hildren WERE %H'$&ING ("hout) when the headma"ter +A,E IN ( *ome in) d) -.. While the WERE %(EE/ING ("lee!)# thieve" +A,E(*ome) and %&'(E ("teal) their mone e"terda e) &he a**ident HA//ENED (ha!!en) before we ARRIVED (arrive) f) I *ouldn)t "lee! at all. &he rain WA% 0A((ING ( fall) heavil all night long. g) He 0E(( '00 ( fall) off the ladder while he WA% /AIN&ING ( !aint) the *eiling. h) We live in Nottingham now# but we $%ED &' (IVE in (eed". i) Who WA% DRIVING (drive) when it %&AR&ED &' %N'W ("tart) to "now1 2) ,an !eo!le WERE &RAVE((ING (travel) on the "hi! when it E3/('DED (e4!lode) 5) DID 6'$ $%E &' EA& ( ou# eat) a lot of "weet" when ou WERE (be) a *hild1

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