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Patriotism to me is truly respecting our country and the brave men and women who have died protecting it. In my definition respect is honoring and showing high consideration for someone or something. Our government gives us many rights, rights that people in other countries do not have. I think part of respecting our country is respecting the rights we have here in the United States. I am in Boy Scouts. In Boy Scouts we do flag ceremonies. We also do flag retirement ceremonies. It is a ceremony where a flag is retired by it being burned in a fire and the ashes being buried. In both ceremonies a lot of respect is shown. I think every little bit of respect shown is deserved for our flag. I think part of patriotism is respecting our flag and everything it represents is part of patriotism. My great aunt gave me a butter knife. It is an old butter knife that belonged to my great uncle. He fought in World War II. He died while fighting in the war. The reason the butter knife is a keepsake is because when he died during the war he was buried there. The knife is something to remember him by because there is no grave to visit. My great aunt used to tell stories about him. I remember that she told stories and that they were about the trouble he would get in as a kid before she died. I never had much interest in hearing about him when I was little. When I think of him now I think how difficult it would be if I was his brother and found out that he had died overseas and there would be no grave to visit. Part of patriotism I think is honoring fallen soldiers. Too many men and women have died protecting our country, our flag, and what our flag stands for to not give respect to all three of them. That is what patriotism means to me.

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