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N.K.A productions 57-59 Beak St, Soho London, W1F 9SJ Email:

uk Phone no: 020 7520 1100

Diary-The Good, the Bad and the Unlucky Date: 21.10.2013 What did I do today? With my group we had to discuss our ideas with Miss to see if it was good and improvements made to it. Also in this lesson I have started my film treatment, which gives a brief synopsis and a bio on the main characters. What did my team do today? With my team we worked together to finalize the name of the title also the company address, email and phone number. We all could have had random ones but it would be more professional if we had the same one. What am I going to do next? My Production team are going to set up a meeting to finalize the idea so it can be ready for storyboarding also to talk about the actors we could get. Date: 22.10.2013 What did I do today? What I did was come up with the names of the characters for example Sam fowler was one of the, also came up with some of my own ideas of the film. We are going to include a chase scene and a fight scene to make our film more intense and stylish. What did my team do today? We finalized how the film will pan out regarding filming also came up with the main characters names. Also we started to think how we would get the actors for the roles and release forms. What am I going to do next? our production team are going to finish the film treatment, and start to storyboard our plan of shots angles movement and editing processes. Date: 23.10.2013 What did I do today? I have finished my film treatment which is out of the way, so it is ready for storyboarding. What did my team do today? We discussed we what the characters backgrounds would be and come up with a brilliant ending which has both twist and a cliff-hanger. What am I going to do next?

We are going to have another meeting so we can discuss the script and start to audition actors. Date: 23.10.2013 What did I do today? I managed to get one person ready to audition just need some lines for him to learn for the audition. What did my team do today? I and my production have so far got one actor to audition, but we are going to the drama department to see if we can get actors to participate What am I going to do next? Me and my team are going to set up somewhere for the auditions for our film. Date: 25.10.2013 What did I do today? So far we have got three auditions done, but we need much more so we have a variety of talent. I also have videoed the auditions using my phone so I have evidenced it. What did my team do today? By using a short space in the corridor we managed to do three auditions so far, and we have started storyboarding it. What am I going to do next? I am going to start and finish storyboard and script, so I can move onto the budget form and location Reece. Date: 29.10.2013 What did I do today? I have finished the script, so I can finish the storyboard. I started the proposal for the film so I can get it out of the way. What did my team do today? The team have started the personal lis, and started to do their own versions of the script and storyboard. What am I going to do next? I need to finish the storyboard so I can start the location Reece and the personal list. Date: 31.10.13 What did I do today? I have finally completed the storyboard so I can move on to everything else like the personal I need and the budget form.

What did my team do today? We meet up and discussed the location we want to do, so we can do our location Reece. What am I going to do next? I am going to write up the personal form and produce a budget sheet. Date: 1.11.13 What did I do today? I have completed the personal sheet and the budget document, with this completed I know what our production team needs and the job roles that will be used. What did my team do today? Me and my team spoke together about the budget and thought realistically about how much it will cost if we were actually producing a film for the public. What am I going to do next? We need to get more auditions and start doing the locations Reece so we know what to expect. Date: 3.11.13 What did I do today? I started to write up the audition noes, this is to show how creative the auditions were and to see if the person is fit for the part. What did my team do today? The Team was working on their own drafts of the script, and we discussed the location Reece. I also made a couple of adjustments to the script. What am I going to do next? I am going to finish the actor audition notes and finalize storyboard. Date: 4.10.13 What did I do today? I have finished the audition notes, so I can see who we will be contacting and who we wont. What did my team do today? The team looked at my script to give me feedback. From that I found out that it is complex for a short film but it is still a great story. What am I going to do next? We are going to prepare to present our idea to the target audience and get feedback in two lessons time. Date: 6.10.13

What did I do today? I have been working on my presentation to present to the target audience on Friday, with our different ideas. What did my team do today? Our production team are working on the pitch as well, we are deciding who is going to say what and the different endings it will have. What am I going to do next? We are going to do the location Reece and the health and safety risk assessment. Date: 6.10.13 What did I do today? Today I have worked on the location Reece and the health and safety risk assessment. What did my team do today? Me and the production team when out to take snapshots of the locations we want for our film. Also with the location Reece, I have done a risk assessment showing the potential risk. What am I going to do next? Next is to present the pitch to the target audience. Date: 10.11.13 What did I do today? I completed the equipment list detailing what equipment I will need from start to finish of the production. What did my team do today? The team was getting on with their individual tasks like the personal form and budget sheet. What am I going to do next? I am going to write up the feedback for the pitch to the target audience and the amendments to the film treatment. Date: 11.11.13 What did I do today? I have written up the response notes from the presentation to the target audience. With this I have made changes to my film treatment. What did my team do today? The team is doing the same as me except Kieran is working on his location Reece. What am I going to do next? I am going to produce the shot list and shooting schedule Date: 12.11.13 What did I do today? I have produced the shot list and shooting schedule What did my team do today?

Didnt see the team; due to finishing off tasks for this production. What am I going to do next? I am going make improvements to the script and film treatment, also starting to print stuff off. Date: 14.11.13 What did I do today? I am finalizing my new treatment which has been improved, and the script. I am also starting to print the stuff off. What did my team do today? They were completing the shooting schedule and call sheets What am I going to do next? I am going to do plan for all personal, and a contingency plan. Date: 15.11.13 What did I do today? I completed the contingency plan and the plan for all personal. What did my team do today? I wasnt with the team today so I am not sure what they did. What am I going to do next? I am going to produce the call sheets for this production. Date: 18.11.13 What did I do today? I have finished the last task for the written part of this production which is Call sheet of the location. What did my team do today? Im not sure what the team did with their tasks but I think they are up to date as well. What am I going to do next? The next Stage now after finishing all the written of this unit its now time to get the footage for my film.

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