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N.K.A productions 57-59 Beak St, Soho London, W1F 9SJ Email:

uk Phone no: 020 7520 1100 Date: 03/11/2013

Budget- The Good, the Bad and the Unlucky

This budget will show all the equipment and services we will acquire to make this film production. Equipment/Service Price Per Day Days Needed 15 10 15 15 15 10 10 10 15 5 5 Sub Total 12,750 19,000 12,750 16,500 10,500 5,000 2,000 1,500 6,000 9,000 2,750

Camera and operator 850 Actors/Talent Boom microphone and operator. Lighting equipment Sound equipment Props Costumes Runner Shooting tape stock Location Fees Editing 1,900 850 1,100 700 500 200 150 400 1,800 550

Total of 97,750
I have prepared a budget for a film production, this document is used to secure financing for the film and lead to pre-production and production of the film. Multiple drafts of the budget may be required to write down costs. This is used because the budget can change from time to time, but at the moment our production team would like to keep it at under 100,000. Because this is a short film production we have to keep the price as low as possible, the budget might be a little steep but however it is crucially important we secure this plan. The only way this budget could increase is if we need more retakes which might add on more days to the production. This would increase all of the above, but to make this film a masterpiece the actors would have to be paid a little extra for other days.

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