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1) In previous chapters, growth by apical meristems was described.

In woody species, additional tissues are produced in the stem and root by other meristems, the __________________ ___________________ and the__________________________ ______________________. The new tissues themselves are ______________ ( ___________________ __________________) and ______________________ ( ________________ and ________________ ). They are the secondary tissues, and they constitute the plant's secondary body. Answer In previous chapters, growth by apical meristems was described. In woody species, additional tissues are produced in the stem and root by other meristems, the vascular cambium and the cork cambium. The new tissues themselves are wood ( secondary xylem) and bark (Secondary phloem and cork).They are the secondary tissues, and they constitute the plant's secondary body !) "ame at least three e#amples o$ woody plants that are trees and three that are shrubs. Answer Tree a) sycamores b) chestnuts c) pines %hrubs a) roses b) oleanders c) a&aleas

') (any herbs live $or several years. )ow do they respond to the bottlenec* o$ the limited conducting capacity o$ the $irst+year stem , Answer In some, the $irst year's leaves die during winter, and it the second year, the plant produces only as many leaves as it had during the $irst year. In other species, adventitous roots are produced that supply conducting capacity directly to the new section o$ stem being $ormed, thus bypassing older portions o$ the stem. (ost o$ these plants must remain low enough $or adventitous roots to reach the soil. These are o$ten rhi&omatous, such as irises, bamboo, and $erns.

-) .hich groups o$ plants have secondary growth , .hich never do , Answer The /udicots undergo secondary growth. (ost monocots can't undergo secondary growth. 0) Imagine a tree that has a radius o$ !1 cm and that produces a new layer o$ wood 1.0 cm thic* ( the outer radius o$ the new wood is !1. 0 cm and the inner radius is !1 cm). .hat is the cross+sectional area o$ the new layer o$ wood (2%A 3 4544646647545) , I$ each lea$ needs 1.1 cm! o$ wood to supply it with water, how many leaves can the tree have , I$ the tree produces a new ring o$ wood ne#t year that is again 1.0 cm thic*, how many leaves can the tree have ne#t year (assume that wood conducts water $or only 1 year, not ! years) , 8) .oody plants are almost always perennial plants, o$ten living $or many years. 9escribe some advantages o$ this with regard to a plant's ability to occupy a $avorable site. 9escribe some disadvantages with regard to how long a plant must survive pathogens and harsh conditions. Answer :nly those seeds that germinate in a suitable site are able to grow into adults and reproduce. :ther seeds may not be able to germinate because they do not encounter $avorable sites. It has to battle insects, $ungi, and environmental harshness 11, 111 times longer that a herb that germinates in April and lives $or 8 months. Its big si&e can easily be discovered by pathogens thus ma*ing it their target. ;) It must be di$$icult $or secondary growth to arise by evolution. )ow many times has it evolved in the -!1 million years that vascular plants have been in e#istence, )ow many o$ those have become e#tinct , Answer ' times in -!1 million years. ! two o$ those evolutionary lines become e#tinct. <) .hat is tha name o$ the vascular cambium that arises within vascular bundles, =etween vascular bundles, A$ter the two have $ormed, what is the shape o$ the vascular cambium , Is it a series o$ strips that are aligned up and down the trun* or root, or is it a complete cylinder , Answer .hat is tha name o$ the vascular cambium that arises within vascular bundles, Fasicular cambium. =etween vascular bundles, interfasicular cambium.A$ter the two have $ormed, what is the shape o$ the vascular cambium , Complete cylinder . Is it a series o$ strips that are aligned up and down the trun* or root, or is it a complete cylinder

, Complete cylinder .

>) Imagine a tree that is growing in springtime. All woody parts that were present last year have a vascular cambium, but all o$ the twigs that are brand new have ?ust primary growth with vascular bundles. .hen will a vascular cambium $orm in these twigs, .ill it connect to the old, pre+e#isting vascular cambium, or will it remain separate, 9escribe how this occurs Answer @ascular 2ambia must be e#tended each year. The tips o$ roots and stems initially contain only primary tissues A however at some time a$ter meta#ylem and metaphloem have matured, a vascular cambiium arise, and that portion o$ the root or stem then contains both primary and secondary tissues. 9uring the ne#t growing season , the apical meristem e#tends the a#is beyond this pointA a new segment o$ vascular cammbiumm $orms within it and ?oins at its base to the top o$ the vascular cambium $ormed in the previous season. The vascular cambium within a tree consists o$ segments o$ distinct ages, those near the ground being the oldest and those closer to the tips o$ the a#es being younger. 11) Bigure <+' is comple# but easy to understand. Bigure < +'b shows a tree tun*, and this year is its $ourth year o$ growth. A transverse section at the base o$ Bigure <+'b would show how many layers (growth rings) o$ wood (circle one 1, !, ', -) , .ould a transverse section through the top o$ Bigure < + 'b show any layer o$ wood this year , .ould it show a layer o$ wood at the end o$ ne#t year, .ould there be any transverse section that does not show the pith and primary #ylemA that is, are pith and primary #ylem ever lost or destroyed by the $ormation o$ wood , The orange layer is labeled C Drovascular tissueC in the top right o$ Bigure <+'b, but what is it labeled in the middle and lower right diagrams , Answer Bigure <+' is comple# but easy to understand. Bigure < +'b shows a tree tun*, and this year is its $ourth year o$ growth. A transverse section at the base o$ Bigure <+'b would show how many layers (growth rings) o$ wood (circle one 1, !, ', -) , .ould a transverse section through the top o$ Bigure < + 'b show any layer o$ wood this year , Yes.ould it show a layer o$ wood at the end o$ ne#t year, Yes .ould there be any transverse section that does not show the pith and primary #ylemA that is, are pith and primary #ylem ever lost or destroyed by the $ormation o$ wood ,None The orange layer is labeled C Drovascular tissueC in the top right o$ Bigure <+'b, but what is it labeled in the middle and lower right diagrams , Secondary xylem

11) .hat are the two types o$ cells in the vascular cambium , 2an either type be converted into the other , Answer Busi$orm initials and ray initials are that two types o$ cells in the vascular cambium. "o. 1!) Eoo* at Bigure <+8. Dart (a) shows the lower hal$ o$ a $usi$orm initial (actually most $usi$orm initials would be much taller than this), and part (b) shows the same cell a$ter it has divided and one o$ the daughter cells is developing into a #ylem cell. 9id the $usi$orm initial divide with a periclinal wall or an anticlinal wall as it went $rom part a to part b , Dart (d) shows that the same $usi$orm initial has now produced a second cell that is developing into a phloem cell. .as the phloem cell produced by a periclinal or anticlinal division o$ the $usi$orm initial, Dart ($) shows the $usi$orm initial dividing and $orming a second $usi$orm initial. Is this division occurring by a periclinal wall or anti clinal wall,

Eoo* at Bigure <+8. Dart (a) shows the lower hal$ o$ a $usi$orm initial (actually most $usi$orm initials would be much taller than this), and part (b) shows the same cell a$ter it has divided and one o$ the daughter cells is developing into a #ylem cell. 9id the $usi$orm initial divide with a periclinal wall or an anticlinal wall as it went $rom part a to part b , periclinal wall Dart (d) shows that the same $usi$orm initial has now produced a second cell that is developing into a phloem cell. .as the phloem cell produced by a periclinal or anticlinal division o$ the $usi$orm initial, periclinal Dart ($) shows the $usi$orm initial dividing and $orming a second $usi$orm initial. Is this division occurring by a periclinal wall or anti clinal wall, anticlinal wall

1') Are $usti$orm initials parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells or sclerencyma cells, 9o they have chloroplasts, chromoplasts, or proplastids , Answer Darenchyma .They have proplastids.

1-) Eoo* at Bigure <+<. @ascular cambum is not presentA it was located $ar above the top o$ the micrograph but you can see there are si# rows o$ wood cells. )ow many $usi$orm initials were involved in producing the wood visible in this $igure , Eoo* at all the cells in

any particular row. .ere all the cells o$ the row made by divisions o$ one $usi$orm initial or by many di$$erent $usi$orm initials , Answer Eoo* at Bigure <+<. @ascular cambum is not presentA it was located $ar above the top o$ the micrograph but you can see there are si# rows o$ wood cells. )ow many $usi$orm initials were involved in producing the wood visible in this $igure , cambium cells Eoo* at all the cells in any particular row. .ere all the cells o$ the row made by divisions o$ one $usi$orm initial or by many di$$erent $usi$orm initials , !ne.

10) Are ray initials longer or shorter than $usi$orm initials, 2an they undergo both periclinal and anticlinal divisions or ?ust one or the other , Answer %horter. Dericlinal. 18) Fay initials are typically grouped together in short vertical rows only one cell wide ( __________) , two cells wide ( ___________ ) or many cells wide ( ____________) . Answer Fay initials are typically grouped together in short vertical rows only one cell wide ( uniseriate) , two cells wide ( biseriate) or many cells wide (multiseriate) .

1;) True or $alse Typically a vascular cambium never has large regions o$ only $usi$orm initials or ray initials. Answer True 1<) .hat $raction o$ cells $ormed to the interior o$ the vascular cambium develop into secondary #ylem, *nown as woodless than hal$, e#actly hal$, or more than hal$ cells , Answer (ore than hal$ 1>) In gymnosperms (coni$ers li*e 2hristmas trees)A what types o$ cells occur in the a#ial system ( the cells produced by $usi$orm initials) , .hich are very rare ( )int Table < +!) , .ood o$ gymnosperms is called ___________________ because a certain type o$ cell is absent $rom their a#ial system. .hich type o$ cell is that , Answer

Tracheids, $ibers and parenchyma are present.Bibers and parenchyma are rare. !1) In basal angiosperms and eudicots, what types o$ cells occur in the a#ial system, .hat is the only type o$ cell present in the rays o$ eudicots, The wood o$ eudicots is called _____________ because it has the type o$ cell lac*ing in gymnosperms. .hich type o$ cell is that , !1) .hat types o$ cells are derived $rom $usi$orm initials, .hat types o$ cells are derived $rom ray initials, Is is theoretically possible to have a vascular cambium without ray initials or without $usi$orm initials , Answer

!!) Eoo* at the woods o$ Bigure < + 1'. In part (b), all vessels have about the same diameter and are narrow, but the wood in part (c) has some very wide vessels ( in the early wood) and some narrow ones ( in the late wood , both types produced in the same year). The answer is not in the te#t, but would you thin* that these two species have di$$erent water conducting needs , Is it possible that one species lives in areas with very rainy spring times and the other lives in an area that is rather dry all the time , Answer

!') .hat is a growth ring, )ow does early wood di$$er $rom late wood, 9o all species o$ wood show strong di$$erences between these two phases o$ a growth ring ,

!-) .hy do some people pre$er the term C growth ring C rather than C annual ringC , .hat can sometimes happen i$ a summer is unusually cool, 9o you thin* this occurs more $reGuently in 2ali$ornia or in Alas*a , Answer =ecause they are not truly annual rings. I$ a summer is unusually cold a tree may $ail to grow and produce a ring. Hes it $reGuently occurs. !0) I$ especially wide vessels are produced early in the growing season and only narrow , sparse vessels are produced later, the wood is said to be __________________ porousA however, i$ vessels have similar si&e and abudance throughout a growth ring , the wood is _________________ porous. "ame three e#amples o$ each type. Answer

!8) .hat changes occur as sapwood is converted to heartwood, Answer !;) .hat is a tylosis, )ow does $ormation o$ tyloses slow the spread o$ $ungi in wood , .hy doesn't a tree ma*e tyloses in vessels that are still conducting water , Answer Tylosis is a plug $ormed when wood parenchyma cells ad?acent to vessels push bubbles o$ protoplasm through the pits into the vessel. Thses wood parenchyma cells produce aromatic substances that inhibit growth o$ bacteria and $ungi. >u1>;<><><>>1<1<

!<) The thic*ness o$ sapwood is some indication o$ how long a growth ring o$ wood is able to $unction. Eoo* at Table < +'. About how long does wood o$ catalpa $unction, )ow about wood o$ wild blac* cherry or honey locust , Answer 2atalpa 1+! years .ild blac* cherry 11 + 1! years

!>) =ecause secondary phloem is $ormed $rom the vascular cambium ?ust as secondary #ylem is, it too has an ________________ system and a _______________ system. .hy do this si&e, shape, and number o$ phloem rays match those o$ #ylem rays , Answer A#ial and radial system. It matches o$ those o$ #ylem rays because they are both produced by the same ray initial. '1) In a cross+section o$ a tree, where are the oldest growth rings ++++++ in the outer region or nearer to the pith, .here is the oldest secondary phloem+++ near the outside o$ the tree or near the cambium , Answer

'1) .hat causes the outermost tissues o$ a woody stem or root to become pushed outward and e#panded , Answer

'!) The layer o$ cells that produces cor* has a technical name and an ordinary name. Iive each name. Answer

'') Deriderm consists o$ at least two types o$ cells. %ometimes a third is present. .hat are these three types o$ cell, Answer

'-) .hy does a layer o$ periderm o$$er only temporary protection,, .hen the plant ma*es a new layer o$ cor* cambium, does it m*e the new layer to the outer side o$ the $ailing or to the inner side o$ it, deeper in the secondary phloem, Answer

'0) In which tissues does the $irst cor* cambium $orm, .hen does it usually arise, In which tissues do later cor* cambia $orm , Answer

'8) Are germaniums herbs or woody plants , 9o they ever $orm bar* ( )int Bigure < +!') , Answer .oody plants. Hes, they do $orm bar*s.

';) .hat type o$ plant produces the cor* used $or wine bottles and cor* boards +++ pines, oa*s, maples, eucalyptus, or none o$ these ( )int Bigure < + !0) Answer :a*

'<) .hat is the $unction o$ lenticels, )ow are intercellular spaces important $or this

$unction, Answer Eenticels becomes the pathway o$ o#ygen. Intercellular spaces are very important because it penetrates the cor* layer, creating a di$$usion pathway $or o#ygen.

'>) 9o roots $orm wood and bar*, or are these secondary tissues present only in stems , Answer Hes, roots $orm wood and bar*

-1) 9escribe the anomalous secondary growth in roots o$ sweet potatoes. .hat is the selective advantage o$ this unusual type o$ secondary growth , Answer

-1) 9escribe the $ormation o$ included phloem. )ow did the included phloem o$ Iresine in Bigure <+'1a become surrounded by #ylem , Answer

-!) 9escribe the secondary growth o$ monocots li*e Joshua trees and dragon trees. .hat aare secondary vascular bundles, Answer

-') 9escribe the growth o$ a plam seedling. Bor the $irst $ew years o$ li$e, the seedling becomes wider, but without secondary grwoth, how is it able to do this, /ach adventitious roots add something. .hat is it, I$ the palm stem has 111 vascular bundles and then $orms $ive new adventitous roots with eight bundles each, how many vascular bundles can the stem have above these new adventitous roots, .ould the stem be wider or narrower above these adventitious roots , Answer

--) .hy can a monocot li*e an iris branch and increase its number o$ leaves , Is the $act that the shoot is a rhi&ome with adventitious roots important, Is water transported $rom one end o$ the shoot to the other, Answer

-0) .hat is the name o$ the analysis o$ tree rings, )ow is that used to study past climates , )ow is it used to establish the date when ancient buildings and ships were constructed , Answer

-8) In tree ring analysis, what is $loating seGuence, .hy has the seGuence $or the (iddle /ast been $loating, whereas we *now the e#act dates o$ each ring in the seGuences $or "orth America and /urope, .hat is so important about the volcanic eruption in 18!< bce, 9o you thin* it is possible that the unusual ring in "orth American tree sGuences was produced by a volcanic eruption in "orth America and the unusual ring in the (iddle /ast seGuence was caused by a di$$erent phenomenon that occured in di$$erent year, I$ so, then has the $loating seGuence been anchored , Answer

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