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E-Safety posters analysis and evaluation

In computer science this term we learnt about poster design and how to make our graphic creation more affective and appealing. We designed and produced our own E-Safety posters. Once we had finished the posters we went round and looked at each others work, responding with kind but constructive feedback. So far we have been doing this for approximately 3 weeks and this is what I have learnt:

The eight rules of graphic design

Along with software, the eight rules of graphic design are one of the most crucial part of quite obviously, graphic design. This is version one of a series of posters to do with popular internet memes. It involves a clear colour scheme and little writing, corresponding with the rules, have a a clear colour scheme and 2 thirds image, 1 third text. I used the simplicity of the poster to my advantage and only used a straight forward font. Although it looks good and nothing clashes, I didnt think it Was a good poster as it didnt Have a clear enough meaning and the slogan needed changing as it didnt fit my aim. Now behold! The new and improved version 2! I used a blue filter to make the text match the image of G.L.A.D.O.S. Based around popular gaming meme The cake is a lie

referring to the game series Portal where you are promised a cake once you complete and destroy the A.I system G.L.A.D.O.S, who takes over Aperture science tm where you are and she tries to kill you, version 2 worked well with a great colourful colour scheme which matched and complemented the pictures, little text and catchy slogan.

Testing the limits

This is an example of a bad poster which disobeys the Eight rules but still works quite well. Although it doesnt have a colour scheme it does have a catchy slogan and the eye Catching green daws the reader in.

Understanding bad aspects

The colours are eye catching but they dont complement the others

The background has too much going on and draws the reader away from the

A good font and it doesnt look boring

Rules that dont exist but should

Dont write on images Dont have a poster on a poster Dont use over used slogans Dont use times new roman, calibre, etc. Dont keep trying if your poster doesnt look good. Get feedback and try again you cant fail if you FORSOK IGEN!

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