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Molly Cubba Ms. Gardner English 10H 1 24 January 2014 In Your Own Eyes Eyes can tell a story; a story about your life, a story about your struggles, a story about your happiness. Because waking up in the morning is not possible without your eyes, because the simplest of actions can show your emotions, because your eyes are the only way to let the tears out, because it is a powerful thing to smile with your eye; eyes can tell a lot about not only your intensions but your heart. I never thought that I would end up not being able to see anything without a little help. Sitting in my 4th grade class, struggling to see what my teacher just wrote on the board: I cant see that. and What does that say? were my words spoken most often. Before I got contacts I couldnt even tell you someone was even if they were two feet in front of me. The constant strain of trying to read things from clocks in school to signs on roads got to the point that it was unbearable. I have always had my own thoughts and opinions on random things, but I never seemed to comprehend if my contacts helped me not only to see things crystal clear literally or if they were also helping create sharper images in my mind. I never could figure out if I was psyching myself out or if as I was growing up; new knowledge for new perspectives shot through my eyes and slowly piled up inside my thoughts. My life went from not being able to see a simple road sign to not wanting to see the heartbreak and only wanting to see the sunshine. It became more than just putting a piece of plastic on my eye.

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Not many people have identical colored eyes; not many people have identical personalities. Everyone has different ideas about things; not everyone is going to have the same opinion, but it shapes who we are. My contacts allow me to be able to see what is in front of me. We are always striving to be one step ahead. It is amazing that something in our bodies can be so intelligent that when we see something, our brain flips it, then that image is projected in front of us. After many attempts with no success, I came to realize the sit and stare method does not get you anywhere. Your eyes are not effective unless used in unison with your brain. Processing things that you see will help you to understand what you are looking at. The eye is one of the most complex wonders of the human body which is also linked to one of the most important things in your body: your brain. The eye connects the outside world to your mind, your thoughts, and your memories. Your eyes are like a camera aperture; the iris only lets in certain amounts of light. As a camera captures great moments and memories and stores them in the roll, your eyes capture those same great times and put them in a special place in your mind. The most disturbing, torturous memories tend to lurk among in my dreams and thoughts. I witnessed some things that have only made me enjoy closing my eyes rather than opening: it is the only escape. From family members with cancer, to second moms health decline rapidly, memories flood life like a tsunami; you can only blame your eyes. The eye is the link. I will never forget the abrupt shaking of my moms hand as she struggled to wake me up; something bad had happened. I didnt want to see the pain, physical and mental. Yours eyes can show how strong you are. Walking through the Emergency Room, an occasional beep of a heart monitor, a consistent tap, tap, tap of your shoes on the linoleum, a

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numb feeling in your mind; you never really appreciate your life until you watch someone else take their last breath. Some things will always be images in your mind, but maybe that is not such a bad thing. It gives you knowledgeit gives you strength. My eyes have always been my most important feature because I was always so shy that I would never want to talk; I would always glance around at people and simply make eye contact instead of speaking. All my learning has come from the things I see. The most powerful feeling in the world, however, is when a lady walks over to you, looks you in the eye and says, I only feel goodness radiate off of you. A connection is worth a thousand words, it reaches a deeper level, which can only be met through the eyes. To look, to daydream, to sleep, to cry, to love, to appreciate, to learn, to take-in; your eyes can be one of the most useful part of your body. Everything you experience, good or bad, can be a real eye-opener. And in the end, your story wraps up nicely because you have all the understanding you need to succeed.

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Works Cited "Farsightedness (Hyperopia)-Topic Overview." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. "The Human Body-God's Masterpiece." - Answers in Genesis. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. "Vision: A Collaboration of Eyes and Brain." Vision: A Collaboration of Eyes and Brain. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. "What Contact Lenses Are Made Of." N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.

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