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A Step-By-Step Guide to Configuring a WebSphere Portal v6.1.0.3 6.1.!


Hunter Tweed WebSphere Portal Level 2 support Team Lead IBM Raleigh Lab

November 2!!" # $op%right International Business Ma&hines $orporation 2!!"' (ll rights reserved'

This guide des&ribes a &omprehensive pro&edure )or installing &on)iguring and building an IBM* WebSphere* Portal v+','!'-.+','/ &luster using0

IBM WebSphere (ppli&ation Server 1'!'!'/ 2 -23bit Red Hat 4nterprise Linu5 6'! update 7 8B2 v"', )p / Server IBM Tivoli 8ire&tor% Server v+', IBM HTTP Server +',

Table of Contents
( Step3B%3Step 9uide to $on)iguring a WebSphere Portal v+','!'-.+','/ $luster''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''', Table o) $ontents'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''2 Introdu&tion'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Be)ore %ou begin'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/ Install WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1 on the )uture Portal Primar% Node''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''+ Install the Primar% Portal Node''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',1 Install IBM Support (ssistant Lite''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''2Install the 8eplo%ment Manager'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''26 $on)igure the 8eplo%ment Manager'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-+ $on)igure the Primar% Portal node to an e5ternal database''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''6, :ederate and $luster the Primar% Node''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''6+ Install WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1 on the )uture Portal Se&ondar% Node''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/! Install the Se&ondar% Portal Node'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''+, Install IBM Support (ssistant Lite''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''++ :ederate and $luster the Se&ondar% Portal node'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''+1 $on)igure the Portal $luster )or Se&urit%''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''1, $on)igure the Portal $luster with an e5ternal web server'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''16 (ppendi5 ( 2 $reate a 8eplo%ment Manager pro)ile on the Primar% Portal node'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''7! (ppendi5 B 2 S;L S&ript to $reate 8B2 8atabases''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''76 (ppendi5 $ 2 (dding a <erti&al $luster member'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''77 (ppendi5 8 2 (dding a new se&ondar% node to an e5isting &luster'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"2 (ppendi5 4 2 Running IBM Support (ssistant Lite'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"+ (ppendi5 : 2 $ommon Problems'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"7

Building and &on)iguring a &luster &an be a ver% &omple5 tas=' >ou &an build portal &lusters in various wa%s' This arti&le provides a best pra&ti&e approa&h )or building a &luster environment using WebSphere Portal version +','!'-.+','/' This e5ample produ&es a two3node hori?ontal &luster as shown in :igure ,' >our environment might re@uire spe&ial &onsiderations but %ou should still )ollow this step3b%3step approa&h as an overall guide' Higher Versions of Portal (lthough this guide is spe&i)i&all% written )or -23bit Portal v+','!'-.+','/ and WS(S v1'!'!'/ the same approa&h will appl% to an% Portal v+','!'- version or higher and an% WS(S v1'!'!'5 version -2 or +63 bit' WebSphere Application Server v6.1.0.27 or higher >ou ma% also use W(S v+','!'21 and higher as well as long as %ou understand the )ollowing0 3 >ou have the option o) installing W(S v+','!'21 as part o) the Portal v+','!'-.+','/ installation so there is no need to manuall% install it be)orehand Aunli=e W(S v1B' There)ore the Primar% Node Se&ondar% Node and 8eplo%ment Manager installation steps ma% be slightl% di))erent )or %ou' 3 S&reenshots and paths within the 8eplo%ment Manager (dministrative &onsole ma% var% between W(S v+', and W(S v1' S&reenshots and paths in this guide are )rom W(S v1' Windows !ni" #ifferences This guide was written using Linu5 as the base operating s%stem however the steps.&on&epts listed in this guide are independent o) operating s%stem' That is %ou &an )ollow these same steps on an% operating s%stem and a&hieve the same result' The onl% signi)i&ant di))eren&e is that )or Windows %ou must use the bat&h )ile &ommands instead o) the CNID shell &ommands listed in this guide' :or e5ample0 !$%&0 '.startServer'sh WebSphereEPortal Windows' startServer'bat WebSphereEPortal or !$%&' '.$on)ig4ngine'sh &luster3node3&on)ig3&luster3setup Windows' $on)ig4ngine'bat &luster3node3&on)ig3&luster3setup

:igure , 2 Target Portal $luster

In the instru&tions )or &on)iguring Portal with the database and L8(P s&reens shots show valid e5amples' Cse values whi&h are appropriate )or %our database and L8(P'

Before you begin

This guide does $() &over the )ollowing0

Installing 8B2 Installing IBM Tivoli 8ire&tor% Server $on)iguring the &luster with Web $ontent Management $on)iguring the &luster with WebSphere Pro&ess Server $on)iguring a d%nami& &luster using WebSphere (ppli&ation Server D8 $reating multiple &lusters in a single &ell

:or more in)ormation on these and other topi&s please visit the IBM WebSphere Portal v+','! In)ormation $enter0 http0..publib'boulder'ibm'&,.inde5'FspG topi&H.&om'ibm'wp'ent'do&Ev+,/.wel&omeEmain'html

To per)orm the tas=s des&ribed in this do&ument %ou need basi& WebSphere Portal and WebSphere (ppli&ation Server =nowledge and administration s=ills' Some steps might re@uire the assistan&e o) another s%stem administrator su&h as the database administrator or L8(P administrator' The )ollowing re)eren&es to WebSphere Portal and WebSphere (ppli&ation Server )ile paths will be used throughout the guide0 I(ppServer rootJ 3 The root path o) the (ppServer dire&tor% )or e5ample0 .opt.WebSphere.(ppServer IPortalServer rootJ 3 The root path o) the PortalServer dire&tor% )or e5ample0 .opt.WebSphere.PortalServer IwpEpro)ileJ 3 The root path o) the wpEpro)ile dire&tor% )or e5ample0 .opt.WebSphere.wpEpro)ile IdmgrEpro)ileJ 3 The root path o) the dmgr pro)ile dire&tor% )or e5ample0 .opt.WebSphere.(!, Iplugin rootJ 3 The root path o) the WebSphere Plugin dire&tor% )or e5ample0 .opt.WebSphere.Plugins

Install WebSphere Application Server v7 on the future Portal Primary Node

In this se&tion %ou will install WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1'!'!'! on the )uture Portal primar% Node and upgrade it to v1'!'!'/' WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1 is NKT provided with the WebSphere Portal v+','/ bundle so %ou must obtain the installation media and li&ense elsewhere' 1. :rom the W(S v1 installation $8 or image laun&h the installer lo&ated in the W(S dire&tor%0 '.install 2. $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome S&reen0

3. (&&ept the li&ense and &li&= LNe5tL0

4. $li&= LNe5tL on the S%stems Prere@uisite $he&= s&reen0

5. #o not sele&t an% options &li&= LNe5tL'

6. Sele&t %our installation dire&tor% and &li&= LNe5tL0

7. #o not sele&t to &reate a pro)ile' $ote' The WebSphere Portal installer will &reate its own W(S pro)ile so there is no need to &reate a pro)ile here' I) %ou do &reate a pro)ile WebSphere Portal will not use it'

8. $li&= L>esL on the warning that pops up when %ou sele&t no pro)ile0


9. $he&= the option to &reate a repositor% )or $entrali?ed Installation Managers i) %ouLd li=e and &li&= Ne5t' In this guide the option is not &he&=ed0

10. Review the in)ormation on the summar% s&reen and &li&= LNe5tL to begin the installation' 11. ()ter the installation &ompletes un&he&= the option to &reate a new pro)ile and &li&= L:inishL to e5it the installation program' 12. 8ownload the WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1 Cpdate Installer0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH,7!MuidHswg26!2!66+ 13. 45tra&t the download into a temporar% dire&tor% and laun&h the installer lo&ated in the Itemp lo&ationJ.CpdateInstaller dire&tor%0 '.install


14. $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome S&reen0

15. (&&ept the li&ense and &li&= LNe5tL0


16. $li&= LNe5tL on the S%stem Pre3re@uisite &he&= s&reen' 17. Sele&t the path where %ou would li=e to install the W(S Cpdate Installer0

18. ()ter the installation &ompletes un&he&= the LLaun&hL button and &li&= :inish to e5it the installer' 19. 8ownload the W(S 1'!'!'/ )i5pa&= and the &orresponding N8O upgrade0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH,7!MuidHswg26!2-1!/ http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH,7!MuidHswg26!2-1!7 20. $op% the 1'!'!'/ )i5pa&= and the N8O upgrade to the ICpdateInstaller rootJ.maintenan&e dire&tor% where ICpdateInstaller rootJ is the lo&ation %ou sele&ted in step ,1' 21. Laun&h the W(S Cpdate Installer )rom the CpdateInstaller dire&tor% %ou set )rom step ,10 '.update'sh


22. $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome S&reen0

23. Sele&t the WebSphere (ppli&ation Server dire&tor% %ou wish to upgrade and &li&= LNe5tL0


24. Sele&t the LInstall Maintenan&e pa&=ageP option and &li&= LNe5tL0

25. Sele&t the dire&tor% that &ontains the 1'!'!'/ and N8O pa&=ages0


26. $he&= the bo5es )or the 1'!'!'/ and N8O pa&=ages and &li&= LNe5tL0

27. Kn the installation summar% s&reen &li&= LNe5tL to begin the upgrade' 28. ()ter the upgrade &ompletes &li&= L:inishL to e5it the update installer' 29. 8ownload the re@uired WebSphere (ppli&ation Server interim )i5es )or W(S v1'!'!'/ when using WebSphere Portal v+','!'-.+','/ )rom the WebSphere Portal Support site0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH+77MuidHswg26!2-,67


30. 8ownload the )i5es into a temporar% dire&tor%' This should in&lude the )ollowing interim )i5es0 PO"!-6PO",+"7 PO"2!61 PO"-"/2 PO"+21/ PO"1-2, PO"7-!2 PO"716, PO""171 PM!!+"2 31. $op% the )i5es into the ICpdateInstaller rootJ.maintenan&e dire&tor% where ICpdateInstaller rootJ is the lo&ation %ou sele&ted in step ,1' 32. Repeat steps 2,327 to install the interim )i5es' ANote that )or step 2+ %ou will sele&t to install the interim )i5es listed in Step -! not the 1!!/ and N8O )i5pa&=sB'


Install the Primary Portal Node

In this se&tion %ou will install the primar% Portal node' >ou will use the W(S v1!!/ that %ou installed )rom the previous se&tion as the base )or this Portal installation' (ll o) the steps in this se&tion will be done on the server %ou intend to use as %our primar% node' ,' Kpen a terminal window and enter0 ping where %ourserver'%our&ompan%'&om is %our a&tual )ull% @uali)ied hostname' 2' 4nter0 ping localhost to veri)% the Qlo&alhostP networ= settings are &on)igured properl% on %our ma&hine' -' :rom the IL3Setup $8 laun&h the WebSphere Portal installer0 '.install'sh 6' $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome s&reen'


/' (&&ept the li&ense agreement and &li&= LNe5tL0

+' Kn the installation t%pe s&reen sele&t L:ullL and &li&= LNe5tL $()*0 Sele&t (dministration to install onl% administrative portlets'


1' Sele&t to install to on top o) an e5isting W(S installation0

7' Sele&t the path o) the e5isting W(S installation0


"' Sele&t the desired path )or the WebSphere dire&tor% and &li&= LNe5tL $()*0 Both the pro)ile dire&tor% and the PortalServer dire&tor% will be &reated in this WebSphere dire&tor%'

,!' 4nter a node name and the )ull% @uali)ied hostname o) %our server and &li&= LNe5tL' $()*' The value )or node name will also be used as the &ell name in the standalone environment'


,,' Se&urit% is enabled )or Portal b% de)ault' 4nter a user I8 and password %ou wish to use' This I8 will be used to a&&ess both server, and WebSphereEPortal a)ter installation &ompletes'

,2' <eri)% the in)ormation is a&&urate in the summar% s&reen and &li&= LNe5tL to begin the installation'


,-' Kn&e the installation )inishes un&he&= Laun&h :irst Steps and Laun&h the $on)iguration Wi?ard' $li&= L:inishL' ,6' <eri)% %ou &an a&&ess Portal in a web browser' The de)ault CRL is0 http0..%ourserver'%our&ompan%'&om0,!!-".wps.portal

(t this point %ou have su&&ess)ull% installed WebSphere Portal v+','!'- on WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1'!'!'/'


Install IB

Support Assistant !ite

In this se&tion %ou will install IBM Support (ssistant Lite )or WebSphere Portal AIS(LiteB' This step is optional but highl+ re&ommended' IS(Lite provides automati& log &olle&tion and s%mptom anal%sis support )or WebSphere Portal problem determination s&enarios' Installing this tool now &an save %ou time in the )uture i) %ou have an% problems with WebSphere Portal that re@uire %ou to &onta&t support' ,' <isit the website below and download IS(Lite )or WebSphere Portal v+', to a temporar% dire&tor%0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH+77MuidHswg26!!7++2 2' 45tra&t the downloaded ?ip )ile into the wpEpro)ile.PortalServer dire&tor%' This will &reate a dire&tor% &alled IS(Lite' -' The tool is installed and read% )or use' I) %ou have an issue with WebSphere Portal and re@uire remote te&hni&al support instru&tions )or using this tool &an be )ound in (ppendi5 8'


Install the "eployment


In this se&tion %ou will install the 8eplo%ment Manager' (ll o) the )ollowing steps will be &ompleted on the server %ou intend to use as %our deplo%ment manager' (lternativel% %ou &an use the e5isting W(S v1 installation to &reate a 8eplo%ment Manager pro)ile on the same server as %our primar% Portal node' I) %ou would li=e to do that instead please )ollow (ppendi5 ( then return to the L$on)igure the 8eplo%ment ManagerL se&tion' ,' :rom the W(S v1 installation $8 or image laun&h the installer )rom the W(S dire&tor%0 '.install 2' $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome S&reen0


-' (&&ept the li&ense and &li&= LNe5tL0

6' $li&= LNe5tL on the S%stems Prere@uisite $he&= s&reen0


/' #o not sele&t an% options &li&= LNe5tL'

+' Sele&t %our installation dire&tor% and &li&= LNe5tL0


1' Sele&t to &reate a ,anage-ent pro)ile'

7' :or Server T%pe sele&t 8eplo%ment Manager0


"' :or the L4nable (dministrative Se&urit%L s&reen chec. the bo5 to enable se&urit% and provide a user I8 and Password' !se the sa-e /ser %# and password +o/ specified for the WebSphere Portal installation.

,!' $he&= the option to &reate a repositor% )or $entraili?ed Installation Managers i) %ouLd li=e and &li&= Ne5t0


,,' Review the in)ormation on the summar% s&reen and &li&= LNe5tL to begin the installation' ,2' ()ter the installation &ompletes &li&= L:inishL to e5it the installation program' ,-' 8ownload the WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1 Cpdate Installer0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH,7!MuidHswg26!2!66+ ,6' 45tra&t the download into a temporar% dire&tor% and laun&h the installer lo&ated in the Itemp lo&ationJ.CpdateInstaller dire&tor%0 '.install


,/' $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome S&reen0

,+' (&&ept the li&ense and &li&= LNe5tL0

,1' $li&= LNe5tL on the S%stem Pre3re@uisite &he&= s&reen' -!

,7' Sele&t the path where %ou would li=e to install the W(S Cpdate Installer0

,"' ()ter the installation &ompletes &li&= :inish to e5it the installer' 2!' 8ownload the W(S 1'!'!'/ )i5pa&= and the &orresponding N8O upgrade0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH,7!MuidHswg26!2-1!/ http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH,7!MuidHswg26!2-1!7 2,' $op% the 1'!'!'/ )i5pa&= and the N8O upgrade to the ICpdateInstaller rootJ.maintenan&e dire&tor% where ICpdateInstaller rootJ is the lo&ation %ou sele&ted in Step ,7' 22' Laun&h the W(S Cpdate Installer )rom the CpdateInstaller dire&tor% %ou set )rom step ,70 '.update'sh


2-' $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome S&reen0

26' Sele&t the WebSphere (ppli&ation Server dire&tor% %ou wish to upgrade and &li&= LNe5tL0


2/' Sele&t the LInstall Maintenan&e pa&=ageP option and &li&= LNe5tL0

2+' Sele&t the dire&tor% that &ontains the 1'!'!'/ and N8O pa&=ages0


21' $he&= the bo5es )or the 1'!'!'/ and N8O pa&=ages and &li&= LNe5tL0

27' Kn the installation summar% s&reen &li&= LNe5tL to begin the upgrade' 2"' ()ter the upgrade &ompletes &li&= L:inishL to e5it the update installer' -!' 8ownload the re@uired WebSphere (ppli&ation Server interim )i5es )or W(S v1'!'!'/ when using WebSphere Portal v+','!'-.+','/ )rom the WebSphere Portal Support site0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH+77MuidHswg26!2-,67


-,' 45tra&t the ?ip )ile into a temporar% dire&tor%' This should in&lude the )ollowing interim )i5es0 PO"!-6PO",+"7 PO"2!61 PO"-"/2 PO"+21/ PO"1-2, PO"7-!2 PO"716, PO""171 PM!!+"2 -2' $op% the )i5es into the ICpdateInstaller rootJ.maintenan&e dire&tor% where ICpdateInstaller rootJ is the lo&ation %ou sele&ted in step ,7' --' Repeat steps 2232" to install the interim )i5es' ANote that )or step 21 %ou will sele&t to install the interim )i5es listed in Step -, not the 1!!/ and N8O )i5pa&=sB'

(t this point the 8eplo%ment Manager has been installed and the 8M9R pro)ile has been &reated'


Configure the "eployment


In this se&tion %ou will &on)igure the 8eplo%ment Manager and prepare it )or the )uture Portal &luster' (ll o) the )ollowing steps will be &ompleted on the server %ou intend to use as %our deplo%ment manager' ,' :rom a &ommand window navigate to IdmgrEpro)ileJ.bin 2' 45e&ute the )ollowing &ommand to start the 8eplo%ment Manager0

-' Kn&e the 8M9R is open )or e3business laun&h a web browser and a&&ess the 8M9R (dministrative $onsole0 http0..I%ourhostnameJ0"!+!.ibm.&onsole $()*' The de)ault port is "!+!' 6' 4nter the Cser I8 and Password %ou used during the 8eplo%ment Manager installation and &li&= LLog inL /' In&rease the HTTP $onne&tion timeouts )or the deplo%ment manager0 aB Navigate to S+ste- Ad-inistration 01 #eplo+-ent ,anager 01 Web 2ontainer )ransport 2hains bB :or ea&h entr% in the table AW$Inbound(dmin and W$Inbound(dminSe&ureB &omplete the )ollowing0 ,' $li&= HTTP Inbound $hannel 2' $hange Read Timeout to ,7! -' $hange Write Timeout to ,7! 6' $li&= KO /' Save &on)iguration &hanges


+' $hange the timeout re@uest period )or the Nava Management 45tensions ANMDB &onne&tor' aB Navigate to S+ste- Ad-inistration 01 #eplo+-ent ,anager 01 Ad-inistration Services 01 3,& connectors 01 S(AP2onnector 01 2/sto- Properties bB Sele&t the re@uestTimeout propert% and in&rease the value )rom 600 to 6000' &B Save &on)iguration &hanges' 1' Cpdate the ma5imum Nava heap si?e used b% the deplo%ment manager0 aB $li&= S%stem administration J 8eplo%ment manager J Nava and Pro&ess Management J Pro&ess 8e)inition J Nava <irtual Ma&hine' bB Spe&i)% 246 )or %nitial Heap Si5e and 1026 )or ,a"i-/- Heap Si5e' :or in)ormation about appropriate heap si?es see the do&umentation )or %our operating s%stem and the Per)orman&e 9uides lo&ated on the WebSphere Portal and Web $ontent Management Produ&t 8o&umentation page' $()*0 I) using a -23bit operating s%stem %ou will need to set the heap si?e to a lower si?e than a +63bit operating s%stem' &B $li&= KO and then save %our &hanges' 7' Kne signi)i&ant &hange to the wa% &lusters are &reated in Portal v+', is the se&urit% &on)iguration' The node will inherit the se&urit% settings o) the 8M9R when it is )ederated' I) %ou have been )ollowing the re&ommendations in this guide then %ou alread% have the Portal (dministrative Cser I8 &reated in the 8eplo%ment Manager &on)iguration AwpadminB' We will need to &reate a Portal (dministrative 9roup in the &urrent 8M9R se&urit% &on)iguration and add the Portal (dministrative Cser to it' These se&urit% settings will ultimatel% be used on&e our Portal node is )ederated' Navigate to !sers and 7ro/ps 01 ,anage 7ro/ps "' $li&= $reate

,!' $reate a group &alled wpsad-ins' 8o not use a di))erent group name' ,,' Navigate to !sers and 7ro/ps 01 ,anage !sers ,2' Sear&h )or the user %ou &reated during 8M9R pro)ile &reation'


,-' (dd the user to the wpsadmins group0 aB $li&= the blue lin= )or the user I8 LwpadminL in the table

bB Kn the ne5t s&reen &li&= the 9roups tab

&B $li&= the (dd button


dB Sear&h )or the group name %ou previousl% &reated in Step ,!'Highlight the group LwpsadminsL and &li&= L(ddL

eB ()ter the user is su&&ess)ull% added &li&= the L$loseL button

,6' Logout o) the 8eplo%ment Manager (dmin $onsole and &lose the browser' ,/' 4dit the soap'&lient'props )ile )rom the IdmgrEpro) dire&tor% in a te5t editor' ,+' $hange the &om'ibm'SK(P'timeout entr% to +!!!0


,1' Save the )ile ,7' Restart the 8M9R b% issuing the )ollowing &ommands in a terminal window )rom the IdmgrEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor%0
./ -user wpadmin -password wpadmin ./

(t this point %ou have su&&ess)ull% prepared the 8eplo%ment Manager pro)ile )or Portal )ederation'


Configure the Primary Portal node to an e#ternal database

In this se&tion Portal will be &on)igured to use an e5ternal database' :or the purposes o) this do&ument 8B2 will be used as the e5ternal database with T%pe 6 drivers' This ma% var% in %our environment' :or more in)ormation about other databases that &an be used with Portal please visit the WebSphere Portal v+','! In)ormation $enter )or &on)iguring e5ternal databases at this lin= and )ollow the instru&tions there as appropriate0 http0..publib'boulder'ibm'&,.inde5'FspG topi&H.&om'ibm'wp'ent'do&Ev+,/.&on)ig.linu5EremoteEdb'html In the environment used )or this guide + databases were &reated )ollowing the instru&tions in the In)ormation $enter0 R4L8B $KM8B $CS8B N$R8B :8BO8B LM8B In addition the database administrator user Qdb2inst,P will be used as the user I8 )or ea&h database' I) %ou &hoose to use 8B2 the &ontents o) the S;L )ile used to &reate and prepare the databases is in&luded in Appendi" 8.

,' :rom the primar% Portal node ensure the WebSphereEPortal and server, servers are stopped b% e5e&uting the )ollowing &ommands )rom the terminal window in the IwpEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor%0
./stopSer !ebSphere"Porta# -user $admin user% -password $admin pwd% ./stopSer ser er& -user $admin user% -password $admin pwd%

2' 4nsure the database &lient is installed and &on)igured on the node' Sin&e we are using T%pe 6 drivers )or 8B2 all that is needed is to &op% the db2F&&'Far and db2F&&Eli&enseE&u'Far )iles )rom the 8B2 server to some dire&tor% on the primar% Portal server' -' 4nsure the remote 8B2 server is started'


6' :rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on) dire&tor% ma=e a ba&=up o) the )ollowing )iles0 w=pl&'properties w=pl&Edbt%pe'properties w=pl&E&omp'properties /' 4dit the w=pl&Edbt%pe'properties )ile and ma=e the )ollowing &hanges0
db'.(b(ri'.)cc.(*'(ri er db'.(b+ibrar,=/opt/ibm/db'/-..&/)a a/db')cc.)ar//opt/ibm/db'/-..&/)a a/db')cc "#icense"cu.)ar db'.0dbcPro ider1ame=wpdb0(*2"db'

$()*0 The entr% )or db2'8bLibrar% is an e5ample onl%' Please ensure this is a valid path on %our s%stem' +' 4dit the w=pl&E&omp'properties )ile and ma=e the )ollowing &hanges0
3eedbac4.(bT,pe=db' 3eedbac4.(b1ame=3db4db 3eedbac4.(bSchema=566(*A27 3eedbac4.(ataSource1ame=wpdb(S"3db4 3eedbac4.(b8r#=)dbc/db'///m,dbser 3eedbac4.(b8ser=db'inst& 3eedbac4.(bPassword=password #i4eminds.(bT,pe=db' #i4eminds.(b1ame=#mdb #i4eminds.(bSchema=#i4eminds #i4eminds.(ataSource1ame=wpdb(S"#mdb #i4eminds.(b8r#=)dbc/db'///m,dbser #i4eminds.(b8ser=db'inst& #i4eminds.(bPassword=password re#ease.(bT,pe=db' re#ease.(b1ame=re#db re#ease.(bSchema=re#ease re#ease.(ataSource1ame=wpdb(S"re#db re#ease.(b8r#=)dbc/db'///m,dbser re#ease.(b8ser=db'inst& re#ease.(bPassword=password communit,.(bT,pe=db' communit,.(b1ame=comdb communit,.(bSchema=communit, communit,.(ataSource1ame=wpdb(S"comdb communit,.(b8r#=)dbc/db'///m,dbser communit,.(b8ser=db'admin communit,.(bPassword=password


customi;ation.(bT,pe=db' customi;ation.(b1ame=cusdb customi;ation.(bSchema=customi;ation customi;ation.(ataSource1ame=wpdb(S"cusdb customi;ation.(b8r#=)dbc/db'///m,dbser customi;ation.(b8ser=db'inst& customi;ation.(bPassword=password )cr.(bT,pe=db' )cr.(b1ame=)crdb )cr.(bSchema=)cr )cr.(ataSource1ame=wpdb(S")crdb )cr.(b8r#=)dbc/db'///m,dbser )cr.(b8ser=db'inst& )cr.(bPassword=password

1' $op% the )ollowing )iles )rom the WebSphere Portal server to a temporar% dire&tor% on the 8B2 server0 IPortalServer rootJ.F&r.prere@'F&r.&on)ig.&ollation'Far IPortalServer rootJ.F&r.prere@'F&r.&on)ig.register$ollationC8:Template's@l 7' :rom the 8B2 server open a terminal window and &hange dire&tories to0 Idb2 instan&e homeJ.s@llib.)un&tion "' :rom the 8B2 server 45e&ute the )ollowing &ommand0 Far 35v) Itemporar% lo&ationJ.&ollation'Far $()*' In order )or the above &ommand to wor= %ou must have Fava installed on the 8B2 server and the N(<(EHKM4 environment variable set to the Fava root dire&tor%' ,!' :rom the 8B2 server edit the Itemporar% lo&ationJ.register$ollationC8:Template's@l )ile in a te5t editor' ,,' $hange all SCHEMA re)eren&es in this )ile to the value %ou set )or F&r'8bS&hema in w=pl&Edbdomain'properties' In this &ase the s&hema value is LF&rL'


,2' $hange the )ollowing line0

<-A+86 -A=2>A=?@'6A'BC<

<-A+86 -A=2>A=?&00BC<

,-' $hange the )ollowing line0

<=6T8=1S -A=2>A=?@'6A'B 5O= *DT (ATA<

<=6T8=1S -A=2>A=?&00B 5O= *DT (ATA<

,6' Save the register$ollationC8:Template's@l )ile ,/' :rom the 8B2 server &onne&t to the N$R database b% e5e&uting the )ollowing &ommand in a terminal window0
db' connect to )crdb using db'inst& using password


:rom the same terminal window e5e&ute the S;L s&ript b% running the )ollowing &ommand0
db' -t 3 $temporar, #ocation%/register2o##ation8(5Temp#ate.sq#

,1' 8is&onne&t )rom the N$R8B and restart the 8B2 instan&e' ,7' Swit&h over to the Primar% Portal node and )rom a terminal window &hange dire&tories to IwpEpro)ile rootJ.$on)ig4ngine ,"' 45e&ute the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ripts to validate the database properties0
./ ./ a#idate-database-dri er -(!asPassword=$password% a#idate-database-connection -(!asPassword=$password%

2!' 45e&ute the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript to trans)er the database )rom 8erb% to 8B20
./ database-trans3er -(Porta#AdminPwd=$password% -(!asPassword=$password%


2,' ()ter the database3trans)er &ompletes &hange dire&tories to IwpEpro)ileJ.bin and e5e&ute the )ollowing &ommand to start the Portal server0
./startSer !ebSphere"Porta#

22' <eri)% that %ou &an render Portal su&&ess)ull% in a web browser' http0..m%server'm%&ompan%'&om0,!!-".wps.portal (t this point %ou have su&&ess)ull% installed WebSphere Portal and &on)igured it to use an e5ternal database'


$ederate and Cluster the Primary Node

The ne5t step is to )ederate and &luster the WebSphere Portal node' The &lustering pro&ess has &hanged signi)i&antl% )rom Portal v+'! to v+',' >ou are no longer re@uired to manuall% e5e&ute the (ddNode &ommand to add the node to the 8eplo%ment Manager &ell' Instead a $on)ig4ngine s&ript has been &reated that does this among other things )or %ou' ()ter the )ollowing steps have been &ompleted %ou will have a one node &luster' ,' :rom the primar% node open a &ommand window and &hange dire&tories to the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine dire&tor%' 2' $olle&t )iles )rom the Portal node that will need to be added to the 8eplo%ment Manager )ile stru&ture' To &olle&t the )iles e5e&ute the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0
./ co##ect-3i#es-3or-dmgr -(!asPassword=$password%

This will &reate a ?ip )ile &alled )iles)or8mgr'?ip in the IwpEpro)ile rootJ.)iles)or8mgr dire&tor%' -' $op% the )iles)or8mgr'?ip )ile )rom %our primar% node to a temporar% dire&tor% on %our 8eplo%ment Manager server' 6' 45tra&t the )iles)or8mgr'?ip into a temporar% dire&tor% on the 8eplo%ment Manager server' /' 9e-ote #,79 onl+. :rom the temporar% dire&tor% on %our 8eplo%ment Manager &op% the (ppServer.lib.w=pl&'&omp'registr%'Far and wp'wire'Far into %our I(ppServer rootJ.lib dire&tor%' +' :rom the temporar% dire&tor% on %our 8eplo%ment Manager &op% the (ppServer.plugins.&om'ibm'ws'portlet&ontainer'deplo%tas=E+','!'Far and wp'base'Far )ile into %our I(ppServer rootJ.plugins dire&tor%' 1' :rom the temporar% dire&tor% on %our 8eplo%ment Manager &op% the (!,.&on)ig.'repositor%.metadataEw=pl&'5ml )ile into %our Idmgr pro)ileJ.&on)ig.'repositor% dire&tor%' 7' Stop the deplo%ment manager b% issuing the )ollowing &ommand )rom the Idmgr pro)ileJ.bin dire&tor%0
./ -user $admin user% -password $admin pwd%

"' Start the deplo%ment manager b% issuing the )ollowing &ommand )rom the Idmgr pro)ile rootJ.bin dire&tor%0

,!' Stop WebSphereEPortal and server, b% e5e&uting the )ollowing &ommands )rom the IwpEpro)ile rootJ.bin dire&tor%0
./stopSer !ebSphere"Porta# -user $admin user% -password $admin pwd% ./stopSer ser er& -user $admin user% -password $admin pwd%


,,' Kn the primar% node edit the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)'properties )ile and ensure all o) the )ollowing properties are set appropriatel% )or %our enviornment0
!as8serDd=$(ME= admin user D(% !asPassword=$(ME= admin password% Porta#AdminPwd=$password% !as=emote>ost1ame=$3u##, qua#i3ied hostname o3 (ME=% !asSoapPort=$soap port 3or (ME=: de3au#t is FFA.% Ser er1ame=!ebSphere"Porta# Primar,1ode=true 2#uster1ame=Porta#2#uster

$()*' This guide was written spe&i)i&all% )or Portal v+','!'- and higher' I) %ou are using WebSphere Portal v+','!'! +','!', or +','!'2 then %ou -/st leave the !as8serDd and !asPassword properties set to the standalone server admin values NKT the 8M9R values' $()*' :or the primar% node %ou -/st leave ServerName as WebSphereEPortal' 8o not &hange it to an% other value' ,2' 4dit IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)'properties and ensure all database user I8s and passwords are a&&urate' ,-' 4nsure that the operating s%stem time on the 8eplo%ment Manager server and the time on the primar% node are within / minutes o) ea&h other' This is ne&essar% )or Steps ,63,/ to &omplete su&&ess)ull%' ,6' In a terminal window )rom the primar% node &hange dire&tories to IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine


,/' (dd the node to the deplo%ment manager &ell b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0
./ c#uster-node-con3ig-pre-3ederation -(!asPassword=password

$()*' I) %ou are prompted to a&&ept an SSL &erti)i&ate t%pe > and press 4nter to &ontinue $()*0 This guide was written spe&i)i&all% )or Portal v+','!'- and higher' I) %ou are using WebSphere Portal v+','!'! +','!', or +','!'2 then %ou -/st spe&i)% 388MgrCserid and 388MgrPassword parameters when running the &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation tas=' :or e5ample0
./ c#uster-node-con3ig-pre-3ederation -((Mgr8serid=$(ME=8ser% -((MgrPassword=$password%

%,P(9)A$)0 I) %ou re&eive a BCIL8 :(IL48 )or the &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation s&ript %ou MCST do the )ollowing be)ore running the s&ript again0 ,' 45e&ute the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript to &lean up the W(S registr%0
./ -(!as=emote>ost1ame=$standa#one hostname% -(!asSoapPort=$standa#one soap port%

)or e5ample0
./ -(!as=emote>ost1ame=#oca#host -(wasSoapPort=&00@@

I) %our WasCserId and WasPassword values are di))erent )or the 8M9R and the standalone instan&e then %ou must also add the )ollowing to the $on)ig4ngine &ommand0 38WasCseridHIstandalone I8J 38WasPasswordHIstandalone passwordJ 2' Remove the node in &ase (ddNode portion o) the s&ript went through su&&ess)ull% -' Login to the 8M9R and do the )ollowing Athese ma% not e5ist depending on where the )ailure o&&urredB0 aB Remove all 4nterprise appli&ations bB Remove the WebSphereEPortal server de)inition &B Remove the N8B$ Provider in)ormation )or WebSphereEPortal


,+' ()ter the previous step &ompletes %our node will be part o) the deplo%ment manager &ell' The node is now using the 8eplo%ment Manager se&urit% &on)iguration and &ell name' The original W(S I8 that had been used in the standalone environment will no longer be used' 4dit the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)'properties )ile and ensure the )ollowing properties are all set &orre&tl%0
!as8serDd=$dmgr admin user id% !asPassword=$dmgr password% 2e##1ame=$dmgr ce## name%

,1' Cpdate the deplo%ment manager &on)iguration )or the new WebSphere Portal server b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0
./ c#uster-node-con3ig-post-3ederation -(!asPassword=$password%

,7' $reate the &luster de)inition and add the WebSphereEPortal server as a &luster member b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0
./ c#uster-node-con3ig-c#uster-setup -(!asPassword=$password%

,"' 4nsure that the &luster de)inition was &reated &orre&tl% b% logging into the 8M9R (dmin $onsole and browse to Server 3J $lusters 3J WebSphere (ppli&ation Server $lusters' (n entr% )or %our Portal &luster should be present'

2!' <eri)% Portal is )un&tional b% a&&essing it in %our web browser0 http0..m%server'm%&ompan%'&om0,!!-".wps.portal


Install WebSphere Application Server v7 on the future Portal Secondary Node

In this se&tion %ou will install WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1'!'!'! on the )uture Portal se&ondar% Node and upgrade it to v1'!'!'/' WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1 is NKT provided with the WebSphere Portal v+','/ bundle so %ou must obtain the installation media and li&ense elsewhere' ,' :rom the W(S v1 installation $8 or image laun&h the installer )rom the W(S dire&tor%0 '.install 2' $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome S&reen0


-' (&&ept the li&ense and &li&= LNe5tL0

6' $li&= LNe5tL on the S%stems Prere@uisite $he&= s&reen0


/' #o not sele&t an% options &li&= LNe5tL'

+' Sele&t %our installation dire&tor% and &li&= LNe5tL0


1' #o not sele&t to &reate a pro)ile' $ote' The WebSphere Portal installer will &reate its own W(S pro)ile so there is no need to &reate a pro)ile here' I) %ou do &reate a pro)ile WebSphere Portal will not use it'

7' $li&= L>esL on the warning that pops up when %ou sele&t no pro)ile0


"' $he&= the option to &reate a repositor% )or $entrali?ed Installation Managers i) %ouLd li=e and &li&= Ne5t' In this guide the option is not &he&=ed0

,!' Review the in)ormation on the summar% s&reen and &li&= LNe5tL to begin the installation' ,,' ()ter the installation &ompletes un&he&= the option to &reate a new pro)ile and &li&= L:inishL to e5it the installation program' ,2' 8ownload the WebSphere (ppli&ation Server v1 Cpdate Installer0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH,7!MuidHswg26!2!66+ ,-' 45tra&t the download into a temporar% dire&tor% and laun&h the installer lo&ated in the Itemp lo&ationJ.CpdateInstaller dire&tor%0 '.install


,6' $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome S&reen0

,/' (&&ept the li&ense and &li&= LNe5tL0

,+' Kn the s%stem prere@uisite s&reen &li&= LNe5tL' //

,1' Sele&t the path where %ou would li=e to install the W(S Cpdate Installer0

,7' ()ter the installation &ompletes &li&= :inish to e5it the installer' ,"' 8ownload the W(S 1'!'!'/ )i5pa&= and the &orresponding N8O upgrade0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH,7!MuidHswg26!2-1!/ http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH,7!MuidHswg26!2-1!7 2!' $op% the 1'!'!'/ )i5pa&= and the N8O upgrade to the ICpdateInstaller rootJ.maintenan&e dire&tor% where ICpdateInstaller rootJ is the lo&ation %ou sele&ted in step ,1' 2,' Laun&h the W(S Cpdate Installer )rom the CpdateInstaller dire&tor% %ou set )rom step ,10 '.update'sh


22' $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome S&reen0

2-' Sele&t the WebSphere (ppli&ation Server dire&tor% %ou wish to upgrade and &li&= LNe5tL0


26' Sele&t the LInstall Maintenan&e pa&=ageP option and &li&= LNe5tL0

2/' Sele&t the dire&tor% that &ontains the 1'!'!'/ and N8O pa&=ages0


2+' $he&= the bo5es )or the 1'!'!'/ and N8O pa&=ages and &li&= LNe5tL0

21' Kn the installation summar% s&reen &li&= Ne5t to begin the upgrade' 27' ()ter the upgrade &ompletes &li&= L:inishL to e5it the update installer' 2"' 8ownload the re@uired WebSphere (ppli&ation Server interim )i5es )or W(S v1'!'!'/ when using WebSphere Portal v+','!'-.+','/ )rom the WebSphere Portal Support site0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH+77MuidHswg26!2-,67


-!' 45tra&t the ?ip )ile into a temporar% dire&tor%' This should in&lude the )ollowing interim )i5es0 PO"!-6PO",+"7 PO"2!61 PO"-"/2 PO"+21/ PO"1-2, PO"7-!2 PO"716, PO""171 PM!!+"2 -,' $op% the )i5es into the ICpdateInstaller rootJ.maintenan&e dire&tor% where ICpdateInstaller rootJ is the lo&ation %ou sele&ted in step ,1' -2' Repeat steps 2,327 to install the interim )i5es' ANote that )or step 2+ %ou will sele&t to install the interim )i5es listed in Step -! not the 1!!/ and N8O )i5pa&=sB'


Install the Secondary Portal Node

In this se&tion %ou will install the se&ondar% Portal node' >ou will use the W(S v1!!/ that %ou installed )rom the previous se&tion as the base )or this Portal installation' (ll o) the steps in this se&tion will be done on the server %ou intend to use as %our primar% node' ,' Kpen a terminal window and enter0 ping where %ourserver'%our&ompan%'&om is %our a&tual )ull% @uali)ied hostname' 2' 4nter0 ping localhost to veri)% the networ= settings are &on)igured properl% on %our ma&hine' -' :rom the IL3Setup $8 laun&h the WebSphere Portal installer0 '.install'sh 6' $li&= LNe5tL on the Wel&ome s&reen'

/' (&&ept the li&ense agreement and &li&= LNe5tL0 +,

+' Kn the installation t%pe s&reen sele&t L:ullL and &li&= LNe5tL $()*0 Sele&t (dministration to install onl% administrative portlets'


1' Sele&t to install to on top o) an e5isting W(S installation0

7' Sele&t the path o) the e5isting W(S installation0


"' Sele&t the desired path )or the WebSphere dire&tor% and &li&= LNe5tL $()*0 Both the pro)ile dire&tor% and the PortalServer dire&tor% will be &reated in this WebSphere dire&tor%'

,!' 4nter a node name and the )ull% @uali)ied hostname o) %our server and &li&= LNe5tL' $()*' The value )or node name will also be used as the &ell name in the standalone environment'


,,' Se&urit% is enabled )or Portal b% de)ault' 4nter the sa-e user I8 and password %ou used )or the Primar% node installation'

,2' <eri)% the in)ormation is a&&urate in the summar% s&reen and &li&= LNe5tL to begin the installation' ,-' Kn&e the installation )inishes un&he&= Laun&h :irst Steps and Laun&h the $on)iguration Wi?ard' $li&= L:inishL' ,6' <eri)% %ou &an a&&ess Portal in a web browser' The de)ault CRL is0 http0..%ourserver'%our&ompan%'&om0,!!-".wps.portal


Install IB

Support Assistant !ite

In this se&tion %ou will install IBM Support (ssistant Lite )or WebSphere Portal AIS(LiteB' This step is optional but highl+ re&ommended' IS(Lite provides automati& log &olle&tion and s%mptom anal%sis support )or WebSphere Portal problem determination s&enarios' Installing this tool now &an save %ou time in the )uture i) %ou have an% problems with WebSphere Portal that re@uire %ou to &onta&t support' ,' <isit the website below and download IS(Lite )or WebSphere Portal v+', to a temporar% dire&tor%0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH+77MuidHswg26!!7++2 2' 45tra&t the downloaded ?ip )ile into the wpEpro)ile.PortalServer dire&tor%' This will &reate a dire&tor% &alled IS(Lite' -' The tool is installed and read% )or use' I) %ou have an issue with WebSphere Portal that re@uires support instru&tions )or using this tool &an be )ound in (ppendi5 8'


$ederate and Cluster the Secondary Portal node

This se&tion &overs adding the se&ondar% node to the 8eplo%ment Manager &ell and adding its WebSphereEPortal server as a se&ondar% member to the previousl% &reated &luster' Kn&e this se&tion is &ompleted %ou will have a )un&tional two3node &luster using the de)ault <MM se&urit% &on)iguration and &on)igured to an e5ternal database' ,' 4nsure the database &lient is installed and &on)igured on the se&ondar% node' :or 8B2 with T%pe 6 drivers &op% the db2F&&'Far and db2F&&Eli&enseE&u'Far )iles )rom the 8B2 server to some dire&tor% on the se&ondar% Portal server' 2' :rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on) dire&tor% ma=e a ba&=up o) the )ollowing )iles0 w=pl&'properties w=pl&Edbt%pe'properties w=pl&E&omp'properties -' $op% the w=pl&E&omp'properties and w=pl&Edbt%pe'properties )rom Node, to Node2 to ensure the same database &on)iguration' $()*' 4nsure that the value o) db2'8bLibrar% and derb%'8bLibrar% in w=pl&Edbt%pe'properties &ontain valid dire&tor% paths )or this node' 6' Kn the se&ondar% node edit the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)'properties )ile and ensure all o) the )ollowing properties are set appropriatel% )or %our enviornment0
!as8serDd=$(ME= admin user D(% !asPassword=$(ME= admin password% Porta#AdminPwd=$password% !as=emote>ost1ame=$3u##, qua#i3ied hostname o3 (ME=% !asSoapPort=$soap port 3or (ME=: de3au#t is FFA.% Primar,1ode=3a#se 2#uster1ame=Porta#2#uster

$()*' This guide was written spe&i)i&all% )or Portal v+','!'- and higher' I) %ou are using WebSphere Portal v+','!'! +','!', or +','!'2 then %ou -/st leave the !as8serDd and !asPassword properties set to the standalone server admin values NKT the 8M9R values' $()*' 4nsure that the value )or $lusterName mat&hes the value )or $lusterName on the primar% node'


/' Stop WebSphereEPortal and server, b% e5e&uting the )ollowing &ommands )rom the IwpEpro)ile rootJ.bin dire&tor%0
./stopSer !ebSphere"Porta# -user $admin user% -password $admin pwd% ./stopSer ser er& -user $admin user% -password $admin pwd%

+' 4nsure the 8M9R is ST(RT48 b% running the )ollowing &ommand )rom the IdmgrEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor%'

1' In a &ommand window )rom the se&ondar% node &hange dire&tories to IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine 7' (dd the node to the deplo%ment manager &ell b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0
./ c#uster-node-con3ig-pre-3ederation -(!asPassword=password

$()*' I) %ou are prompted to a&&ept an SSL &erti)i&ate t%pe > and press 4nter to &ontinue $()*0 This guide was written spe&i)i&all% )or Portal v+','!'- and higher' I) %ou are using WebSphere Portal v+','!'! +','!', or +','!'2 then %ou -/st spe&i)% 388MgrCserid and 388MgrPassword parameters when running the &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation tas=' :or e5ample0
./ c#uster-node-con3ig-pre-3ederation -((Mgr8serid=$(ME=8ser% -((MgrPassword=$password%

%,P(9)A$)0 I) %ou re&eive a BCIL8 :(IL48 )or the &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation s&ript %ou MCST run the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript to &lean up the W(S registr%0
./ -(!as=emote>ost1ame=$standa#one hostname% -(!asSoapPort=$standa#one soap port%

)or e5ample0
./ -(!as=emote>ost1ame=#oca#host -(!asSoapPort=&00@@

"' ()ter the previous step &ompletes %our node will be part o) the deplo%ment manager &ell' (s a result this node is now using the 8eplo%ment Manager se&urit% &on)iguration and &ell name' The original W(S I8 that had been used in the standalone environment will no longer be used' 4dit the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)'properties )ile and ensure the )ollowing properties are set &orre&tl%0


!as8serDd=$dmgr admin user% !asPassword=$dmgr password% 2e##1ame=$dmgr ce## name%

,!' Cpdate the deplo%ment manager &on)iguration )or the new WebSphere Portal server b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0
./ c#uster-node-con3ig-post-3ederation -(!asPassword=password

,,' 4nsure the Node(gent is started on this node b% running the )ollowing &ommand )rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor%0 ' ,2' Spe&i)% the name o) the )uture se&ondar% &luster member' 4dit the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine.w=pl&'properties )ile and &hange the )ollowing propert%0
Ser er1ame=$name o3 new c#uster member%

$()*' When %ou open the properties )ile %ou should see WebSphereEPortalEnodename' >ou &an use this value i) %ou li=e' Ktherwise %ou &an &hange this to an%thing 4D$4PT LWebSphereEPortalL' 8K NKT use the value o) LWebSphereEPortalL )or %our se&ondar% &luster member' ,-' 4nsure that the operating s%stem time on the 8eplo%ment Manager server and the time on the primar% node are within / minutes o) ea&h other' This is ne&essar% )or Steps ,2 to &omplete su&&ess)ull%' ,6' (dd this newl% )ederated WebSphereEPortal server as a &luster member to the e5isting &luster b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0 ' c#uster-node-con3ig-c#uster-setup -(!asPassword=password $()*' This will automati&all% add a se&ondar% &luster member to %our e5isting &luster based on whatever value %ou set )or ServerName in step ,!' In this e5ample the de)ault value was used' The node name is wpNode2 so our &luster member will be &alled WebSphereEPortalEwpNode2' ,/' (llow :0 -in/tes )or ear e5pansion to &omplete on the se&ondar% node' :ailure to do so ma% result in several appli&ations being unavailable on this node'


,+' Start the new &luster member WebSphereEPortalEnodename )rom the wpEpro)ile.bin dire&tor%0 '.startSer !ebSphere"Porta#"nodename ,1' To veri)% that the &luster was &reated su&&ess)ull% log in to the 8M9R (dministrative $onsole and browse to0
Ser ers -% 2#usters -% !ebSphere App#ication Ser er 2#usters -% ClusterName -% 2#uster Members

(n entr% )or WebSphereEPortalEnodename should be available'

$()*0 In this e5ample the WebSphereEPortalEwpNode2 server is a new server in this &on)iguration' The original WebSphereEPortal server )rom the se&ondar% node gets removed during the &luster3node3&on)ig3&luster3setup $on)ig4ngine s&ript' (s a result new port numbers have been assigned to the WebSphereEPortalEnodename server' To &he&= what ports are in use with this server navigate to0
Ser ers -% Ser er T,pes -% App#ication Ser ers -% !ebSphere"Porta#"nodename -% Ports

The W$Ede)aulthost is the port used to a&&ess Portal' The de)ault port in this &ase is ,!!/!' I) %ou need to &hange these port numbers %ou &an do so )rom this s&reen' (lternativel% $on)ig4ngine s&ripts are provided to modi)% port numbers' 8etails &an be )ound in Step " o) the In)ormation $enter instru&tions )ound here0 http0..publib'boulder'ibm'&,.inde5'FspG topi&H.&om'ibm'wp'ent'do&Ev+,/.install.linu5EinstEwpE&lus'html


,7' <eri)% )un&tionalit% o) the se&ondar% node b% a&&essing it in a web browser0 http0..m%&ompan%'m%server'&om0,!!/!.wps.portal (t this point %ou have su&&ess)ull% built a two3node WebSphere Portal &luster using a remote database and <MM )ile )ederated se&urit%'


Configure the Portal Cluster for Security

This se&tion &overs &hanging the se&urit% &on)iguration )rom the de)ault user registr% to a standalone L8(P Server' :or more details about L8(P.Se&urit% &on)iguration please re)er to the In)ormation $enter0 http' p/ infocenter wpdoc v6r1 inde".;sp< topic= co-.ib-.wp.ent.doc>v614 install lin/">cfg>wp>/reg>cl/ Se&urit% &on)iguration has &hanged signi)i&antl% in Portal v+','!'5' The Ldisable3se&urit%L s&ript )rom Portal v/','5 and v+'!'5 no longer e5ists' Instead a single $on)ig4ngine s&ript is e5e&uted to &hange )rom one user registr% to another or to update an e5isting user registr%' There are several di))erent options )or se&urit% &on)iguration and we en&ourage %ou to review all options in the In)ormation $enter )rom the lin= above to determine what is best )or %our environment' In this guide we will &on)igure se&urit% in our &luster to a standalone ldap server using IBM Tivoli 8ire&tor% Server v+',' ,' :rom the primar% node edit the wpEse&urit%Eids'properties )ile in the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine.&on)ig.helpers dire&tor%' 2' Modi)% the )ollowing properties in this helper )ile to mat&h %our L8(P &on)iguration' The values used in this guide are listed below0,#dapser standa#one.#dap.port=@F. standa#one.#dap.bind(1=uid=wpbindCcn=usersCdc=ibmCo=com standa#one.#dap.bindPassword=wpbind standa#one.#dap.#dapSer erT,pe=D(S standa#one.#dap.userDdMap=G/uid standa#one.#dap.groupDdMap=G/cn standa#one.#dap.groupMemberDdMap=ibm-a##Eroups/member:ibma##Eroups/uniqueMember standa#one.#dap.user5i#ter=?H?uid=I B?ob)ectc#ass=inetOrgPersonBB standa#one.#dap.group5i#ter=?H?cn=I B?ob)ectc#ass=groupO38nique1amesBB standa#one.#dap.ser erDd=uid=wpbindCcn=usersCdc=ibmCo=com standa#one.#dap.ser erPassword=wpbind standa#one.#dap.rea#m=Porta#=ea#m standa#one.#dap.primar,AdminDd=uid=wpadminCcn=usersCdc=ibmCo=com standa#one.#dap.primar,AdminPassword=wpadmin standa#one.#dap.primar,Porta#AdminDd=uid=wpadminCcn=usersCdc=ibmCo=com standa#one.#dap.primar,Porta#AdminPassword=wpadmin standa#one.#dap.primar,Porta#AdminEroup=cn=wpsadminsCcn=groupsCdc=ibmCo=com standa#one.#dap.base(1=dc=ibmCo=com

12*ases=cn=groupsCdc=ibmCo=com*ases=cn=usersCdc=ibmCo=com,Member=uid=dumm, standa#one.#dap.personAccountParent=cn=usersCdc=ibmCo=com standa#one.#dap.groupParent=cn=groupsCdc=ibmCo=com standa#one.#dap.personAccount=dnProperties=uid

$()*' The properties in the L(dvan&ed PropertiesL se&tion o) the helper )ile were not modi)ied )rom the de)aults in this e5ample' -' :rom a terminal window &hange dire&tories to the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine dire&tor% and e5e&ute the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript to validate the properties0 '
a#idate-standa#one-#dap -(parentProperties=$wp"pro3i#e%/2on3ig6ngine/con3ig/he#pers/wp"securit,"ids.p roperties -(sa eParentProperties=true -(!asPassword=$password%

$()*' B% using the

-(parentProperties=$wp"pro3i#e%/2on3ig6ngine/con3ig/he#pers/wp"securit,"ids.p roperties -(sa eParentProperties=true )lags $on)ig4ngine will automati&all% save the

properties )rom the helper )ile into the w=pl&'properties )ile' $()*' WasPassword should be the c/rrent W(S password NKT %our intended L8(P user password'

6' 45e&ute the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript to modi)% the se&urit% settings )rom the de)ault <MM )ile se&urit% settings to the new L8(P settings0 ' wp-modi3,-#dap-securit, $()*' This s&ript will automati&all% &hange WasCserId Portal(dminId and Portal(dmin9roupId in w=pl&'properties to mat&h that o) standalone'ldap'primar%(dminId standalone'ldap'primar%Portal(dminId and standalone'ldap'primar%Portal(dmin9roup'


/' Restart the 8M9R all Node(gents and all $luster Members' +' In the w=pl&'properties on the se&ondar% node edit the )ollowing properties to re)le&t %our L8(P values0
!as8serid !asPassword Porta#AdminDd Porta#AdminDdPwd Porta#AdminEroupDd

1' $op% the wpEse&urit%Eids'properties )rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine.&on)ig.helpers dire&tor% on %our Primar% node to the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine.&on)ig.helpers dire&tor% on the se&ondar% node' 7' :rom the se&ondar% node &op% the &ontents o) the helper )ile into the main w=pl&'properties )ile b% running the )ollowing &ommand Aall on one lineB0 ' -(parentProperties=$wp"pro3i#e%/2on3ig6ngine/con3ig/he#pers/wp"securit,"ids.p roperties -(sa eParentProperties=true -(!asPassword=$+(AP Password% "' Cpdate the Portal se&urit% in)ormation on the se&ondar% node b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript )rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine dire&tor% on %our se&ondar% node0
./ enab#e-)cr-securit, -(!asPassword=$+(AP password%

,!' Restart the se&ondar% nodeLs WebSphereEPortal server b% e5e&uting the )ollowing &ommands )rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor% on the se&ondar% node0
./stopSer !ebSphere"Porta#"nodename -user $!AS user D(% -password password ./startSer !ebSphere"Porta#"nodename


Configure the Portal Cluster %ith an e#ternal %eb server

This se&tion des&ribes how to &on)igure the Portal &luster with an e5ternal web server' :or more details about web server &on)iguration please visit the WebSphere Portal Server In)ormation $enter at this lin=0 http0..publib'boulder'ibm'&,.inde5'FspG topi&H.&om'ibm'wp'ent'do&Ev+,/.install.linu5EprepEihs'html In this guide we will &on)igure the Portal &luster with IBM HTTP Server v+',' ,' :rom $8 IL3,- navigate to RIHSR and run the )ollowing &ommand0

$()*' The $8.image that &ontains the IHS installer will var% on ea&h operating s%stem' The title o) the $8.image is Q4dge $omponents )or WebSphere (ppli&ation Server Networ= 8eplo%mentP' 2' Kn the Wel&ome s&reen &li&= Ne5t'


(&&ept the li&ense agreement and &li&= Ne5t'

-' Sele&t the installation path )or the web server and &li&= Ne5t'


6' $hange the port numbers i) needed and &li&= Ne5t'

/' $reate a user I8 and password to be used )or authenti&ation to the IBM HTTP (dministration server and &li&= Ne5t'


+' !ni" onl+' Sele&t to setup an IBM HTTP (dministration Server i) %ouLd li=e' :or this guide this option was /nchec.ed' $li&= Ne5t'

1' Sele&t the &he&=bo5 to install the Web Server plugin as part o) the Web Server installation' Sele&t a web server de)inition value and ensure the hostname is &orre&t )or this server' $li&= Ne5t'


7' Kn the summar% s&reen ensure ever%thing is &orre&t and &li&= Ne5t to begin the installation'

"' Kn&e the installation )inishes &li&= :inish to e5it the installer' ,!' Navigate to Iplugin rootJ.bin and )ind the &on)igurewebservername'sh s&ript where webservername is the web server de)inition name %ou de)ined on step 7' In this &ase we used webserver, so our s&ript is &alled0 &on)igurewebserver,'sh ,,' $op% the &on)igurewebserver,'sh s&ript )rom the Iplugin rootJ.bin dire&tor% to the IdmgrEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor% on %our 8eplo%ment Manager server' ,2' 4nsure that the 8M9R is running' ,-' In a &ommand line )rom the IdmgrEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor% run the )ollowing &ommand0 '.con3igurewebser er&.sh -user $was"admin"user% -password password $()*' This s&ript will &reate the web server de)inition in the 8M9R &on)iguration and map all o) the installed appli&ations to the web server' 1"

,6' Regenerate the web server plugin b% per)orming the )ollowing steps0 ,' Login to the 8M9R (dmin $onsole 2' Navigate to Servers 3J Server T%pes 3J Web Servers -' Sele&t the $he&=bo5 )or the new web server de)inition 6' $li&= the Q9enerate Plug3inP button $()*' This will be written to the IdmgrEpro)ileJ.&on)ig.&ells.I&ellnameJ.nodes.InodenameJ.servers.webserver,.plugin3 &)g'5ml )ile' ,/' $op% the plugin3&)g'5ml )ile to the remote web server at the )ollowing dire&tor% overwriting the e5isting one0 IpluginErootJ.&on)ig.webserver, ,+' Restart the 8M9R web server and &luster' ,1' <eri)% that %ou &an a&&ess the Portal &luster via the web server0 http0..m%webserver'hostname'&om.wps.portal

In this guide %ou saw how to build a )ull% )un&tional WebSphere Portal v+','!'-.+','/ &luster using an e5ternal database and a L8(P )or se&urit%' >ou also saw how to &on)igure a web server to allow )or load balan&ing'


Appendi# A & Create a "eployment node'

anager profile on the Primary Portal

In this se&tion %ou will &reate a deplo%ment manager pro)ile on that same server that &ontains %our WebSphere Portal primar% node' This is an optional se&tion and is meant to be an alternative to installing the 8eplo%ment Manager on a separate server' (ll o) these steps will be &ompleted on the server %ou intend to use as both %our Primar% Portal Node and 8eplo%ment Manager' ,' Laun&h a terminal window and navigate to the I(ppServer rootJ.bin.Pro)ileManagement dire&tor%' 2' Laun&h the Pro)ile Management Tool0 '.pmt'sh -' Kn the Wel&ome S&reen &li&= the button )or QLaun&h Pro)ile ManagementP0

6' $li&= the button )or Q$reateP to &reate a new pro)ile0


/' Kn the L4nvironment Sele&tionL s&reen sele&t LManagementL and &li&= Ne5t0

+' Kn the LServer T%peL s&reen sele&t L8eplo%ment ManagerL and &li&= Ne5t0


1' Kn the LPro)ile $reation KptionsL s&reen %ou &an sele&t either T%pi&al or (dvan&ed' In this e5ample we use LT%pi&alL' $li&= Ne5t0

7' Kn the L(dministrative Se&urit%L s&reen sele&t the &he&=bo5 to enable se&urit% and enter the sa-e &redentials %ou used )or the WebSphere Portal installation' $li&= Ne5t'



Kn the summar% s&reen review the in)ormation and &li&= $reate'

,!' When the pro)ile &reation &ompletes un&he&= the bo5 )or LLaun&h :irst StepsL and &li&= :inish' (t this point the 8eplo%ment Manager pro)ile has been &reated on the same server as %our primar% node' >ou &an &ontinue building %our &luster starting at the L$on)iguring the 8eplo%ment ManagerL se&tion'


Appendi# B & S(! Script to Create "B) "atabases

The )ollowing se&tion &ontains the &ontents o) the S;L s&ript used to &reate the WebSphere Portal 8B2 databases' To use this s&ript &omplete the )ollowing steps0 ,' $op% the &ontents o) this se&tion into a te5t )ile 2' 4dit the database names user names and passwords in the )ile to mat&h those o) %our intended environment' #o $() &hange the N$R bu))erpool or tablespa&e names' These -/st be the values listed here' -' Save the )ile as a 's@l )ile A)or e5ample $reate8atabases's@lB 6' $op% the )ile to a temporar% dire&tor% on the 8B2 server' /' (s the database administrator e5e&ute the s&ript0 db2 3tv) Itemporar% lo&ationJ.$reate8atabases's@l This s&ript does all o) the )ollowing0

$reates and updates si5 databases A%ou ma% &hange these namesB0 reldb &omdb &usdb' F&rdb lmdb )db=db $reates bu))erpools )or F&rdb' #( $() &hange these names0 I$MLS:R4;BP6 I$MLS<KL(TIL4BP6 I$MLSM(INBP-2 $MBM(IN6' $reates tablespa&es )or F&rdb' #( $() &hange these names0 I$ML:;-2 I$MLN:-2 I$M<:;!6 I$MS:;!6 $MBIN<!6 I$MLSS>STSP($4-2 I$MLSS>STSP($46


2=6AT6 (* re#db using codeset 8T5-F territor, us PAE6SDJ6 F&.': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E app#heaps; K0.6: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E app"ct#"heap"s; &0'K: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E stmtheap @'A6F: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E dbheap 'K00: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E #oc4#ist &000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E #og3i#si; K000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E #ogprimar, &': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E #ogsecond '0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E #ogbu3s; @': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E a g"app#s 9: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db 8SD1E #oc4timeout @0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= re#db using A8TO"MAD1T o33:


2=6AT6 (* comdb using codeset 8T5-F territor, us PAE6SDJ6 F&.': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E app#heaps; K0.6: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E app"ct#"heap"s; &0'K: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E stmtheap @'A6F: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E dbheap 'K00: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E #oc4#ist &000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E #og3i#si; K000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E #ogprimar, &': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E #ogsecond '0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E #ogbu3s; @': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E a g"app#s 9: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb 8SD1E #oc4timeout @0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= comdb using A8TO"MAD1T o33: 2=6AT6 (* cusdb using codeset 8T5-F territor, us PAE6SDJ6 F&.': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E app#heaps; K0.6: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E app"ct#"heap"s; &0'K: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E stmtheap @'A6F: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E dbheap 'K00: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E #oc4#ist &000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E #og3i#si; K000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E #ogprimar, &': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E #ogsecond '0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E #ogbu3s; @': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E a g"app#s 9: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb 8SD1E #oc4timeout @0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= cusdb using A8TO"MAD1T o33: 2=6AT6 (* )crdb using codeset 8T5-F territor, us PAE6SDJ6 F&.': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E app#heaps; K0.6: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E app"ct#"heap"s; &0'K: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E stmtheap @'A6F: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E dbheap 'K00: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E #oc4#ist &000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E #og3i#si; K000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E #ogprimar, &':


8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E #ogsecond '0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E #ogbu3s; @': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E a g"app#s 9: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb 8SD1E #oc4timeout @0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= )crdb using A8TO"MAD1T o33: 2=6AT6 (* #mdb using codeset 8T5-F territor, us PAE6SDJ6 F&.': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E app#heaps; K0.6: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E app"ct#"heap"s; &0'K: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E stmtheap @'A6F: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E dbheap 'K00: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E #oc4#ist &000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E #og3i#si; K000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E #ogprimar, &': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E #ogsecond '0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E #ogbu3s; @': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E a g"app#s 9: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb 8SD1E #oc4timeout @0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= #mdb using A8TO"MAD1T o33: 2=6AT6 (* 3db4db using codeset 8T5-F territor, us PAE6SDJ6 F&.': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E app#heaps; K0.6: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E app"ct#"heap"s; &0'K: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E stmtheap @'A6F: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E dbheap 'K00: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E #oc4#ist &000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E #og3i#si; K000: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E #ogprimar, &': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E #ogsecond '0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E #ogbu3s; @': 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E a g"app#s 9: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db 8SD1E #oc4timeout @0: 8P(AT6 (* 25E 5O= 3db4db using A8TO"MAD1T o33: 2O1162T TO )crdb 8S6= db'inst& 8SD1E password: 2=6AT6 *8556=POO+ D2M+S5=6L*PK SDJ6 &000 PAE6SDJ6 K 7: 2=6AT6 *8556=POO+ D2M+S-O+ATD+6*PK SDJ6 F000 PAE6SDJ6 K 7:


2=6AT6 *8556=POO+ D2M+SMAD1*P@' SDJ6 F000 PAE6SDJ6 @' 7: 2=6AT6 *8556=POO+ 2M*MAD1K SDJ6 &000 PAE6SDJ6 K 7: 2=6AT6 =6E8+A= TA*+6SPA26 D2M+5L@' PAE6SDJ6 @' 7 MA1AE6( *M SMST6M 8SD1E ?ND2M+5L@'NB *8556=POO+ D2M+SMAD1*P@': 2=6AT6 =6E8+A= TA*+6SPA26 D2M+15@' PAE6SDJ6 @' 7 MA1AE6( *M SMST6M 8SD1E ?ND2M+15@'NB *8556=POO+ D2M+SMAD1*P@': 2=6AT6 =6E8+A= TA*+6SPA26 D2M-5L0K PAE6SDJ6 K 7 MA1AE6( *M SMST6M 8SD1E ?ND2M-5L0KNB *8556=POO+ D2M+S-O+ATD+6*PK: 2=6AT6 =6E8+A= TA*+6SPA26 D2MS5L0K PAE6SDJ6 K 7 MA1AE6( *M SMST6M 8SD1E ?ND2MS5L0KNB *8556=POO+ D2M+S5=6L*PK: 2=6AT6 =6E8+A= TA*+6SPA26 2M*D1-0K PAE6SDJ6 K 7 MA1AE6( *M SMST6M 8SD1E ?N2M*D1-0KNB *8556=POO+ 2M*MAD1K: 2=6AT6 SMST6M T6MPO=A=M TA*+6SPA26 D2M+SSMSTSPA26@' PAE6SDJ6 @' 7 MA1AE6( *M SMST6M 8SD1E ?Nicm#ss,stspace@'NB *8556=POO+ D2M+SMAD1*P@': 2=6AT6 SMST6M T6MPO=A=M TA*+6SPA26 D2M+SSMSTSPA26K PAE6SDJ6 K 7 MA1AE6( *M SMST6M 8SD1E ?Nicm#ss,stspaceKNB *8556=POO+ D2M+S-O+ATD+6*PK: (DS2O1162T )crdb: T6=MD1AT6:



Appendi# C & Adding a *ertical Cluster member

()ter &reating %our &luster %ou ma% need to add additional members to the &luster' This se&tion will des&ribe how to properl% add a verti&al &luster member to %our &luster' ,' :rom a &ommand window navigate to I(ppServer!,.bin 2' 45e&ute the )ollowing &ommand0 ' -' Kn&e the 8M9R is open )or e3business laun&h a web browser and a&&ess the 8M9R (dministrative $onsole0 http0..I%ourhostnameJ0"!+!.ibm.&onsole 6' Navigate to Servers 3J $lusters 3J WebSphere (ppli&ation Server &lusters 3J PortalCluster 3J $luster Members

/' $li&= LNewL


+' Kn the ne5t s&reen enter the )ollowing in)ormation0 Member Name 3 The new member name A)or e5ample WebSphereEPortalE-B $()*' #o not /se an+ na-e that contains a space Sele&t Node 2 Sele&t a node that is part o) %our &luster 9enerate Cni@ue HTTP Ports 2 4nsure this is &he&=ed

1' $li&= Q(dd MemberP 7' $li&= QNe5tP


"' Review the summar% s&reen and &li&= :inish'

,!' Save the &hanges ,,' Navigate to Server T%pes 3J WebSphere (ppli&ation Servers 3J WebSphere_Portal_ 3J Ports and note the )ollowing two port values0 W$Ede)aulthost W$Ede)aulthostse&ure

,2' Cpdate the <irtual Hosts to in&lude these two ports i) the% are not alread% present0 aB Navigate to 4nvironment 3J <irtual Hosts 3J de)aultEhost 3J Host (liases bB $li&= QNewP &B Set Hostname to S dB Set Port to the value o) W$Ede)aulthost eB $li&= QKOP )B Repeat a3e )or W$Ede)aulthostEse&ure gB Save &hanges


,-' 4nable 8%nami& Repli&ation on the new &luster member' aB Navigate to Server )+pes 01 WebSphere Application Servers 01 WebSphere_Portal_3 01 2ontainer Services 01 #+na-ic 2ache Service bB Set $a&he Si?e to -!!! entries &B $he&= the 4nable $a&he Repli&ation Bo5 dB Sele&t QNot SharedP )rom the Repli&ation T%pe drop3down menu eB $li&= QKOP and save &hanges'

,6' :rom the Portal node that %ou &reated the verti&al &luster member on open a terminal window and &hange dire&tories to the IwpEpro)ile rootJ.$on)ig4ngine dire&tor%' ,/' 45e&ute the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript to remove server3s&oped entries )rom the new &luster member0 %,P(9)A$)' :ailure to do this step will result in an inoperable verti&al &luster member
./ c#uster-node-con3ig- ertica#-c#uster-setup -(Ser er1ame=WebSphere_Portal_3 -(!asPassword=password

where ServerName is set to %our new verti&al &luster member name' In this &ase WebSphereEPortalE- is m% new verti&al &luster member' ,+' S%n&hroni?e the nodes and restart the 8M9R nodeagents and &luster members' ,1' <eri)% %ou &an a&&ess %our new &luster member in a CRL using the port de)ined )or W$Ede)aulthost in step ,,0 http0..hostname0,!!/!.wps.portal


Appendi# " & Adding a ne% secondary node to an e#isting cluster

>ou ma% need to add a new node to %our &luster in the )uture' In this se&tion we will add a new node to an e5isting &luster that alread% has standalone L8(P se&urit% enabled' ,' Install %our new Portal )ollowing the se&tion LInstall the Se&ondar% Portal nodeL' $()*' (t this point %ou have a standalone Portal server using the de)ault <MM )ederated )ile registr% se&urit%' 2' $op% the wpEse&urit%Eids'properties )rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine.&on)ig.helpers dire&tor% on %our Primar% node to the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine.&on)ig.helpers dire&tor% on the se&ondar% node' -' :rom the se&ondar% node &op% the &ontents o) the helper )ile into the main w=pl&'properties )ile b% running the )ollowing &ommand Aall on one lineB0 ' -(parentProperties=$wp"pro3i#e%/2on3ig6ngine/con3ig/he#pers/wp"securit,"ids.p roperties -(sa eParentProperties=true $()*' I) %ou did not use a helper )ile when setting up se&urit% then manuall% update the standalone'ldap values in the w=pl&'properties )ile to mat&h those o) %our e5isting nodes' 6' 4nsure the database &lient is installed and &on)igured on the se&ondar% node' :or 8B2 with T%pe 6 drivers &op% the db2F&&'Far and db2F&&Eli&enseE&u'Far )iles )rom the 8B2 server to some dire&tor% on the se&ondar% Portal server' /' Stop WebSphereEPortal and server, b% e5e&uting the )ollowing &ommands )rom the IwpEpro)ile rootJ.bin dire&tor%0
./stopSer !ebSphere"Porta# -user $admin user% -password $admin pwd% ./stopSer ser er& -user $admin user% -password $admin pwd%

+' 4nsure the 8M9R is ST(RT48 b% running the )ollowing &ommand )rom the IdmgrEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor%'


1' :rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on) dire&tor% ma=e a ba&=up o) the )ollowing )iles0 w=pl&'properties w=pl&Edbt%pe'properties w=pl&E&omp'properties 7' $op% the w=pl&E&omp'properties and w=pl&Edbt%pe'properties )rom the primar% node to the new node to ensure the same database &on)iguration' $()*' 4nsure that the values )or db2'dbLibrar% and derb%'8bLibrar% in w=pl&Edbt%pe'properties &ontain valid dire&tor% paths )or this node' "' :rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on) dire&tor% edit the w=pl&'properties )ile and &hange the )ollowing entries0
!as8serid=$(ME= 8ser D(% !asPassword=$(ME= password% Porta#AdminPwd=password !as=emote>ost1ame=$3u##, qua#i3ied hostname o3 (ME=% !asSoapPort=$soap port 3or (ME=: de3au#t is FFA.% Primar,1ode=3a#se 2#uster1ame=Porta#2#uster

$()*' 4nsure that the value )or $lusterName mat&hes the value )or $lusterName on the primar% node' ,!' In a terminal window )rom the se&ondar% node &hange dire&tories to IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine


,,' (dd the node to the deplo%ment manager &ell b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0 ' c#uster-node-con3ig-pre-3ederation
-(!asPassword=$(ME= password%

$()*' 4nsure that the time on the 8eplo%ment Manager server and the time on the primar% node are within / minutes o) ea&h other' :ailure to do so &an &ause this step to )ail' This will also &reate the Node(gent server )or %ou on %our node' $()*' I) %ou are prompted to a&&ept an SSL &erti)i&ate t%pe > and press 4nter to &ontinue $()*0 This guide was written spe&i)i&all% )or Portal v+','!'- and higher' I) %ou are using WebSphere Portal v+','!'! +','!', or +','!'2 then %ou -/st spe&i)% 388MgrCserid and 388MgrPassword parameters when running the &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation tas=' :or e5ample0
./ c#uster-node-con3ig-pre-3ederation -((Mgr8serid=$(ME=8ser% -((MgrPassword=$password% -(!asPassword=$#oca# !AS password%

,2' ()ter the previous step &ompletes %our node will be part o) the deplo%ment manager &ell' (s a result this node is now using the 8eplo%ment Manager &ell name' 4dit the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine.w=pl&'properties )ile and ensure the )ollowing propert% is set &orre&tl%0
2e##1ame=$dmgr ce## name%

,-' Cpdate the deplo%ment manager &on)iguration )or the new WebSphere Portal server b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0 ' c#uster-node-con3ig-post-3ederation -(!asPassword=password ,6' 4nsure the Node(gent is started on this node b% running the )ollowing &ommand )rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor%0


,/' Spe&i)% the name o) the )uture se&ondar% &luster member' 4dit the IwpEpro)ileJ.$on)ig4ngine.w=pl&'properties )ile and &hange the )ollowing propert%0
Ser er1ame=$name o3 new c#uster member%

$()*' When %ou open the properties )ile %ou should see WebSphereEPortalEnodename' >ou &an use this value i) %ou li=e' Ktherwise %ou &an &hange this to an%thing 4D$4PT LWebSphereEPortalL' 8K NKT use the value o) LWebSphereEPortalL )or %our se&ondar% &luster member'

,+' (dd this newl% )ederated WebSphereEPortal server as a &luster member to the e5isting &luster b% e5e&uting the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0 ' c#uster-node-con3ig-c#uster-setup -(wasPassword=$password% $()*' This will automati&all% add a se&ondar% &luster member to %our e5isting &luster based on whatever value %ou set )or ServerName in step ,!' In this e5ample the de)ault value was used' The node name is wpnode- so our &luster member will be &alled WebSphereEPortalEwpnode-'


,"' (llow :0 -in/tes )or ear e5pansion to &omplete on the se&ondar% node' :ailure to do so ma% result in several appli&ations being unavailable on this node' 2!' Be&ause the se&urit% &on)iguration )or the Portal node &hanged when we )ederated the node we need to update the Portal &on)iguration to re)eren&e the new Portal (dmin I8 and group b% running the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript0 ' wp-change-porta#-admin-user -(newAdminDd=$3u## (1 o3 Porta#
admin D(% -(newAdminPwd=$new password% -(newAdminEroupDd=$3u## (1 o3 Porta# Admin Eroup D(% -(s4ip.#dap. a#idation=true

$ote' The 38s=ip'ldap'validationHtrue )lag &an be used i) the s&ript )ails during ldap validation'

2,' Start the new &luster member WebSphereEPortalEnodename )rom the IwpEpro)ileJ.bin dire&tor% o) the new node0 '.startSer !ebSphere"Porta#"nodename 22' <eri)% %ou &an a&&ess %our new &luster member in a CRL0 http0..hostname0,!!/!.wps.portal


Appendi# + & ,unning IB

Support Assistant !ite

(t some point %ou ma% run into a )ailure when e5e&uting WebSphere Portal and re@uire assistan&e )rom IBM Remote Te&hni&al Support' In order to save time with troubleshooting %our issue IBM Support strongl% re&ommends %ou use IS(Lite to &olle&t the logs and &on)iguration in)ormation )rom %our s%stem' These instru&tions assume %ou alread% installed the IS(Lite tool )rom earlier in this guide' To wat&h a video demonstration o) the tool please visit the WebSphere Portal Wi=i at this CRL0 http0..www3,!'lotus'&om.ldd.portalwi=i'ns).d5.demo3isalite3)undamentals3version3,'-'-3)or3ibm3 websphere3portal ,' Kpen a &ommand prompt and &hange dire&tories to IwpEpro)ile rootJ.PortalServer.IS(Lite' 2' Laun&h the tool b% e5e&uting the )ollowing &ommand0 runIS(Lite'bat -' When the tool laun&hes %ou should see a window similar to the )ollowing0


6' 45pand WebSphere Portal and sele&t %our problem t%pe' I) %ou are unsure o) what %our problem t%pe is sele&t one o) the )ollowing0 WebSphere Portal 01 7eneral 01 Portal 7eneral ProbleWebSphere Portal 01 7eneral 01 Portal 7eneral ?ile 2ollection /' In the Kutput :ilename )iled spe&i)% the path and name o) the ?ip )ile that will be &reated b% the tool' I) %ou have a PMR number please use in&lude this number in the ?ip name' :or e5ample0 $0.temp.,2-6/',2-'!!!'PortalProblem'?ip +' $li&= the button )or Q$olle&t 8ataP 1' >ou will re&eive several prompts as the s&ript runs' (nswer all @uestions %ou see as a&&uratel% as possible' This in&ludes PortalServer and (ppServer root W(S &redentials and whether or not the server is part o) a &luster' $ote' I) %ou sele&ted the @Portal 7eneral ?ile 2ollectionA problem t%pe %ou will not see these prompts' This option is onl% available in versions ,'-'- and higher and re@uires minimal user intera&tion' 7' Sele&t to :TP the logs when prompted' I) %ou &hoose not to do so here or are unable to do this %ou &an do so manuall% )ollowing the instru&tions in this lin=0 http0..www3!,'ibm'&'wssGrsH+77MuidHswg2,2!,/1,


Appendi# $ & Common Problems

This se&tion will dis&uss &ommon problems en&ountered when building &lusters and the troubleshooting steps and.or resolutions to them' P9(8B*,' (ll or an% $on)ig4ngine s&ript )ails immediatel% with e5&eptions su&h as0
2reated con3ig Ser ice ProO,/ ice.2on3igSer iceProO,P@6K&@6K& 26++/ dmgr2e## 1O(6/ wp1ode& ice6Oception/ )a A(M100''6/ Access is denied 3or the reso# e operation on 2on3igSer ice M*ean because o3 insu33icient or empt, credentia#s. . . . =egistr, cou#d not be #oaded 3rom !AS using current connection in3ormation. P#ease eri3, ,our !AS connection properties and retr, the operation. 2urrent input/ !as8serDd/ uid=wpadminCcn=usersCdc=ibmCo=com !asPassword/ PASS!O=("=6MO-6( !as=emote>ost1ame/ m,(mgrSer !asSoapPort/ FFA. 2e##1ame/ dmgr2e## 1ode1ame/ wp1ode&

2A!S*0 The $on)ig4ngine registr% is stored within the W(S &on)iguration' 4a&h time $on)ig4ngine is e5e&uted it must &onne&t to the W(S &on)iguration and retrieve the registr%' This depends on the )ollowing0 ,' The )ollowing values being &orre&t in w=pl&'properties0
!as8serDd !asPassword !as=emote>ost1ame !asSoapPort 2e##1ame 1ode1ame

So that the )ollowing senten&e would be valid0 Q$onne&t to the !as=emote>ost1ame at !asSoapPort using !as8serid and !asPassword to veri)% the 2e##1ame and 1ode1ame are valid'P 2' I) in a &luster the 8M9R must be running' 9*S(B!)%($' 4nsure the properties listed in the Q$auseP are &orre&t and i) in a &luster ensure the 8M9R is running' ()ter %ou have done this e5e&ute the $on)ig4ngine tas= again' ,!!

P9(8B*,0 ()ter &reating a &luster with m% primar% node I &annot a&&ess Portal in a web browser' I see the )ollowing message in the web brower0
A !ebEroup/-irtua# >ost to hand#e /wps/porta# has not been de3ined.

6rror K0K/ 1o target ser #et con3igured 3or uri/ /wps/porta#

2A!S*0 The &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation s&ript )ailed at some point and the 8eplo%ment Manager was not properl% &leaned up be)ore e5e&uting the s&ript again' :ailure to remove the enterprise appli&ations )rom the 8M9R will &ause the target mappings between the appli&ation and the WebSphereEPortal server to be&ome bro=en' 9*S(B!)%($' Remove the node )rom the &luster and per)orm the )ollowing steps in the 8M9R0 Remove all 4nterprise appli&ations Remove the WebSphereEPortal server de)inition Remove the N8B$ Provider in)ormation )or WebSphereEPortal Start with &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation and add the node ba&= to the 8M9R'


P9(8B*,' L&luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederationL )ails with invalid &redentials when stopping all servers0 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
action-c#uster-node-3ederation/ QechoR 5ederating node N!ebSphere"Porta#N to Nm, using port NFFA.N QechoR 2a##ing add1ode with the 3o##owing credentia#s / -username wpadmin -password ?Password=emo edB -inc#udeapps QeOecR A(M80&&6D/ Too# in3ormation is being #ogged in 3i#e QeOecR 2/S!ebSphereSwp"pro3i#eS#ogsSadd1ode.#og QeOecR A(M80&'FD/ Starting too# with the wp"pro3i#e pro3i#e QeOecR 2!P7D0@0.D/ A## signers 3rom remote 4e,store a#read, eOist in #oca# 4e,store. QeOecR A(M8000&D/ *egin 3ederation o3 node node& with (ep#o,ment Manager at QeOecR m, QeOecR A(M8000&D/ *egin 3ederation o3 node node& with (ep#o,ment Manager at QeOecR m, QeOecR A(M8000.D/ Success3u##, connected to (ep#o,ment Manager Ser er/ QeOecR m, QeOecR A(M80909D/ Ser ers 3ound in con3iguration/ QeOecR A(M80906D/ Ser er name/ ser er& QeOecR A(M80906D/ Ser er name/ !ebSphere"Porta# QeOecR A(M8'0&0D/ Stopping a## ser er processes 3or node node& QeOecR A(M800'A6/ An error occurred during 3ederation A(M100''6/ Access is denied 3or QeOecR the stop operation on Ser er M*ean because o3 insu33icient or empt, QeOecR credentia#s.: ro##ing bac4 to origina# con3iguration. QeOecR A(M80'&&D/ 6rror detai#s ma, be seen in the 3i#e/ QeOecR 2/S!ebSphereSwp"pro3i#eS#ogsSadd1ode.#og QeOecR A(M80&&@6/ Program eOiting with error/ QeOecR QeOecR )a A(M100''6/ Access is denied 3or QeOecR the stop operation on Ser er M*ean because o3 insu33icient or empt, QeOecR credentia#s.C resu#ting 3rom/ A(M100''6/ Access is denied 3or the QeOecR stop operation on Ser er M*ean because o3 insu33icient or empt, QeOecR credentia#s. QeOecR A(M8K&&@6/ -eri3, that username and password in3ormation is correct. D3 QeOecR running too# 3rom the command #ineC pass in the correct -username QeOecR and -password. A#ternati e#,C update the $connt,pe%.c#ient.props QeOecR 3i#e. QeOecR A(M8&'&&D/ To obtain a 3u## trace o3 the 3ai#ureC use the -trace option. QeOecR A(M80'&&D/ 6rror detai#s ma, be seen in the 3i#e/ QeOecR 2/S!ebSphereSwp"pro3i#eS#ogsSadd1ode.#og Target 3inished/ action-c#uster-node-3ederation Target 3inished/ c#uster-node-con3ig-pre-3ederation


2A!S*0 This e5&eption will o&&ur during the &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation s&ript i) the )ollowing two &onditions are met0 3 The 8M9R &redentials are di))erent )rom the lo&al W(S &redentials 3 The servers on the node AWebSphereEPortal and server,B are running 9*S(B!)%($' To resolve this issue %ou must manuall% stop WebSphere Portal and server on the node prior to running this s&ript'


P9(8B*,' When I e5e&ute L&luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederationL a se&ond time the $on)ig4ngine s&ript )ails immediatel% with this e5&eption0 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
=egistr,S,nchroni;ed/ 3a#se =egistr, out o3 s,nc with !ebSphere... s,nchroni;ing... Q&'/0A/0. &6/'@/&F.K9. 26TR!P7D00K&! Q&'/0A/0. &6/'@/&F.6&9 26TR ss#.disab#e.ur#.hostname. eri3ication.2!P7D00'AD 2reated admin c#ient/'F@A'F 2reated con3ig Ser ice ProO,/ ice.2on3igSer iceProO,PK@AKK@AK 26++/ 1odoTest 1O(6/ 1odoTest 26++/ 1odoTest )a a.#ang.Arra,DndeOOutO3*ounds6Oception/ Arra, indeO out o3 range/ 0 at,.Admin2on3ig=egistr,.create1ew=egistr,?Admin2on3ig=egistr ,.)a a/'@0B at,.=esource! e=esourceToAdmin2on3ig?=esource !idget.)a a/@60B .+oca# registr, is out o3 the s,nc with the app#ication ser er. S,nchroni;ation must be per3ormed be3ore an, con3iguration can continue. P#ease eri3, ,our !AS connection properties and retr, the operation. 2urrent input/ !as8serDd/ wasadmin !asPassword/ PASS!O=("=6MO-6( !as=emote>ost1ame/ m, !asSoapPort/ FFA. 2e##1ame/ m,1ode 1ode1ame/ m,1ode

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2A!S*0 This e5&eption o&&urs be&ause o) a uni@ue &ondition within the &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3 )ederation s&ript' (t the end o) ever% $on)ig4ngine s&ript an attempt is made to s%n&hroni?e the $on)ig4ngineLs registr% with the W(S &on)iguration' I) &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation )ails this attempt to s%n&hroni?e the registr% at the end )ails as well be&ause o) a mismat&h between the WasRemoteHostName and $ellName properties in w=pl&'properties' Kn an% subse@uent $on)ig4ngine s&ript an attempt to s%n&hroni?e the registr% is made at the ver% beginning' The mismat&h between the WasRemoteHostName and $ellName still e5ists as it is needed )or &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation so the s%n&hroni?ation &ontinues to )ail' 9*S(B!)%($' To resolve this problem %ou must run the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript be)ore e5e&uting &luster3node3&on)ig3pre3)ederation0 '.$on)ig4ngine'sh 38WasRemoteHostNameHIstandalone hostJ 38WasSoapPortHIstandalone soap portJ The interim )i5 PM!2"21 was &reated to address this issue but it will onl% prevent the error )rom o&&urring again' I) %ou have %ou not applied PM!2"21 and %ou hit this error %ou must still run the a)orementioned $on)ig4ngine s&ript then appl% PM!2"21' ,!6

P9(8B*,' ()ter &reating m% verti&al &luster member I &annot a&&ess it in a web browser' I see L6!6 Initiali?ation o) one or more servi&es )ailed'L In the S%stemKut'log the )ollowing e5&eption &an be seen re)eren&ing m% old I80 60P5(00&66/ Dnitia#i;ation o3 ser ice 3ai#ed. 60PS*0&0A6/ 6Oception occurred whi#e retrie ing the identit, o3 the domain admin user/admingroup uid=wpsadminCo=de3au#t!DM5i#e*ased=ea#m. 2A!S*0 This e5&eption o&&urs i) the L&luster3node3&on)ig3verti&al3&luster3setupL s&ript was not e5e&uted &orre&tl% i) at all' When %ou initiall% &reate a &luster a server template is made o) the )irst &luster member Ain our &ase the WebSphereEPortal server )rom the primar% nodeB in&luding all o) its resour&es' (t the time this server has all o) its resour&es stored at the server s&ope' Kne o) these resour&es is a Resour&e 4nviornment Provider &alled WP (&&ess$ontrol8ataManagementServi&e' This is where the Portal (dministrator I8 is stored' ()ter the &luster is &reated these resour&es are &opied to the &luster s&ope' I) %ou were )ollowing the steps o) this guide at the time this is done the I8 is uidHwpsadmin oHde)aultWIM:ileBasedRealm' L&luster3node3&on)ig3&luster3setupL subse@uentl% removes an% le)tover resour&es )rom the server s&ope' When %ou run the Portal $on)ig4ngine s&ripts to &hange se&urit% the I8 is updated in WP (&&ess$ontrol8ataManagementServi&e at the &luster s&ope' When %ou &reate a new verti&al &luster member a new server is &reated based on the a)orementioned template' This results in a new server that has resour&es de)ined at the server s&ope mat&hing the resour&es that e5isted at the time the &luster was initiall% &reated' In other words %ou have a new &luster member that has WP (&&ess$ontrol8ataManagementServi&e de)ined at the server s&ope (N8 at the &luster s&ope' The &luster s&ope has the &orre&t L8(P I8T the server s&ope has the original I8' The server s&ope is what is being read when this &luster member starts up' The &luster3node3&on)ig3verti&al3&luster3setup s&ript removes all o) the server s&oped resour&es )rom the verti&al &luster member' 9*S(B!)%($0 4nsure %ou have &orre&tl% e5e&uted the &luster3node3&on)ig3verti&al3&luster3setup and passed in the &orre&t ServerName0
./ c#uster-node-con3ig- ertica#-c#uster-setup -(Ser er1ame=$new member name% -(!asPassword=$password%

This &ommand is case0sensitive. 38serverName is NKT the same as 38ServerName'


P9(8B*,' ()ter updating se&urit% in the &luster se&ondar% nodes throw Cser I8 e5&eptions )or the N$R appli&ation during startup0 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Q&&/&6/0. &0/9./KF/99@ 6STR 000000@0 App#icationMg A app#ication/ )crear . Q&&/&6/0. &0/9./90/&6& 6STR 000000@0 ser #et 6 #et.Ser #et!rapper init S=-60&006/ 8ncaught init?B eOception created b, ser #et DnitSer #et in app#ication )crear/ )a aO.ser #et.Ser #et6Oception/ )a aO.)cr.=epositor,6Oception/ 8nab#e to initia#i;e =epositor,5actor, due to eOception o3 t,pe/ )a a.securit,.Pri i#egedAction6Oception with message/ 60PSE000'6/ =equested Member does not eOist.uid=wpadminCo=de3au#t!DM5i#e*ased=ea#m/nu##. at #et.init?DnitSer #et.)a a/9AB at )a aO.ser #et.EenericSer #et.init?EenericSer #et.)a a/'K&B . 2aused b,/ )a aO.)cr.=epositor,6Oception/ 8nab#e to initia#i;e =epositor,5actor, due to eOception o3 t,pe/ )a a.securit,.Pri i#egedAction6Oception with message/ 60PSE000'6/ =equested Member does not eOist.uid=wpadminCo=de3au#t!DM5i#e*ased=ea#m/nu##. at,5actor,.init?=epositor,5actor,.)a a/@0FB at,5actor,.get=epositor,?=epositor,5actor,.)a a/660B !S-=0'00D/ Starting

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2A!S*' There is an additional $on)ig4ngine step that needs to be e5e&uted on se&ondar% nodes a)ter enabling se&urit% in a &luster0 '.$on)ig4ngine'sh enable3F&r3se&urit% :ailure to run this step will result in this issue )or all se&ondar% nodes'


9*S(B!)%($' $omplete the )ollowing steps to &orre&t this issue0 ,' $op% the se&urit% properties in w=pl&'properties )rom the primar% node to all se&ondar% nodes 2' 45e&ute the )ollowing $on)ig4ngine s&ript to &omplete the se&urit% &on)iguration0
./ enab#e-)cr-securit, -(!asPassword=$password%

$()*' This onl% applies to v+','!'- or higher' In lower +','!'5 versions %ou must run a di))erent s&ript on the se&ondar% nodes0 ' wp-change-porta#-admin-user -(newAdminDd=$3u## (1 o3 Porta#
admin D(% -(newAdminPwd=$new password% -(newAdminEroupDd=$3u## (1 o3 Porta# Admin Eroup D(% -(s4ip.#dap. a#idation=true


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