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PSCl 438 - llnal ro[ecL
8uslness lan


Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy,
San 8ernardlno
WlnLer 2013

Marlna u. Me[la Agullar

Cary W. Lawson, uA

PLAL1P? LlvlnC

non-dlsclosure and confldenLlallLy agreemenL
1he underslgned hereby agrees LhaL all flnanclal and oLher
lnformaLlon LhaL he/she wlll recelve concernlng PLAL1P? LlvlnC ls confldenLlal. 1he
lnformaLlon shall remaln Lhe properLy of PLAL1P? LlvlnC and shall be reLurned Lo PLLA1P?
LlvlnC prompLly upon requesL LogeLher wlLh all oLher coples.
8eclplenL acknowledges LhaL no remedy of law may be adequaLe Lo compensaLe
PLAL1P? LlvlnC for a verslon of Lhls agreemenL and reclplenL hereby agrees LhaL ln addlLlon Lo
any legal or oLher rlghLs may be avallable ln Lhe evenL of a breach hereunder, PLAL1P? LlvlnC
may seek equlLable rellef Lo enforce Lhls agreemenL ln any courL of compeLenL [urlsdlcLlon.


1hls documenL conLalns confldenLlal lnformaLlon. lL ls glven Lo you for lnformaLlon
purposes only. lLs conLenLs shall remaln Lhe properLy of PLAL1P? LlvlnC and shall be reLurned
Lo PLAL1P? LlvlnC when requesLed. 1hls buslness plan and does noL lmply an offerlng of

PLAL1P? LlvlnC

1able of ConLenLs
1.0 LxecuLlve summary..........................................6
1.1 Mlsslon sLaLemenL......................................7
1.2 vlslon sLaLemenL........................................7
1.3 Cb[ecLlves...........................................7
1.4 keys Lo success........................................8
2.0 company summary...........................................8
2.1 company ownershlp.....................................8
2.2 sLarL-up summary......................................8
2.3 legal requlremenLs......................................9
3.0 producLs/servlces..........................................10
3.1 vendors.............................................10
3.2 producLs/servlces......................................10
4.0 markeL analysls summary.....................................11
4.1 markeL segmenLaLlon...................................11
4.2 LargeL markeL segmenL sLraLegy.............................11
4.3 lndusLry analysls........................................12
3.0 sLraLegy and lmplemenLaLlon summary ..............................12
3.1 compeLlLlve edge......................................13
3.2 markeL sLraLegy.......................................13
3.3 launch markeLlng......................................13
3.4 sales sLraLegy.........................................14
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

3.4.1 sales forecasL.................................14
3.3 MllesLone...........................................13
3.6 SWC1 analysls.......................................13
6.0 web plan summary..........................................16
6.1 webslLe markeLlng sLraLegy................................17
6.2 webslLe developmenL requlremenLs...........................17
6.3 soclal medla.........................................17
7.0 managemenL summary.......................................18
7.1 personal plan.........................................18
8.0 flnanclal plan.............................................18
8.1 lmporLanL assumpLlons..................................18
8.2 break-even analysls....................................19
8.3 pro[ecLed proflL and loss..................................19
8.4 pro[ecLed cash flow.....................................19
9.0 references..............................................21

PLAL1P? LlvlnC


PLAL1P? LlvlnC


1.0 Lxecut|ve summary
PLAL1P? LlvlnC undersLands Lhe rlse ln Lhe senlor populaLlon, and Lhe lncrease of
lndlvlduals reLlrlng ln Lhe San 8ernardlno area. uue Lo Lhese rlslng numbers and due Lo Lhe
need for home servlces, PLAL1P? LlvlnC wlll provlde work ouL rouLlnes LhaL wlll be sulLable
for any space.
8esearch has shown LhaL senlor clLlzens who malnLaln physlcal acLlvlLy have more
lndependency and are less llkely Lo geL slck. Moreover, sLudles show LhaL senlor clLlzens LhaL
have llmlLed 8CM can slgnlflcanLly lmprove Lhelr moblllLy by lmplemenLlng a physlcal acLlvlLy
1he Mlsslon of PLAL1P? LlvlnC ls Lo encourage lndlvlduals Lo lmprove and malnLaln llfelong
well belng and flLness by offerlng Lhe safesL and hlghesL quallLy classes and programs
achlevable deslgned Lo meeL Lhe needs of each cllenL. Cur vlslon ls Lo be recognlzed as a
leader ln recreaLlonal and LherapeuLlc geronLology flLness, and Lo be able Lo serve more Lhan
10 lndlvlduals by Lhe end of Lhe flrsL year. 1hls wlll be done by provldlng programs and
servlces LhaL enhance lndependence ln a safe and dlverse envlronmenL, lmprovlng Lhe healLh
and wellness of lndlvlduals, and by developlng programs LhaL wlll be easlly accommodaLed ln
dlfferenL envlronmenLs.
1hls company wlll provlde servlces ln Lhe San 8ernardlno area, and wlll become llcensed
Lhrough Lhe San 8ernardlno CounLy as a sole proprleLorshlp.
PealLhy Llvlng guaranLees slgnlflcanL lmprovemenLs ln moblllLy and lndependence. Cur
servlces wlll lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo: yoga lessons, 8CM exerclses, swlm lessons (upon
pool avallablllLy), aeroblc exerclslng, body condlLlonlng, reslsLance Lralnlng, eLc.
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

rlclng of PLAL1P? LlvlnC servlces wlll be done on a case-by-case basls and wlll Lake lnLo
conslderaLlon dlsLance, and wheLher servlces are belng provlded Lo an lndlvldual or a group
of people. 1here wlll be a mlnlmum raLe for all cllenLs, and wlll ad[usL based on Lhe servlces
needed/requesLed by Lhe cusLomer.
We forecasL Lo break even before Lhe end of Lhe flrsL year, and begln obLalnlng slgnlflcanL
proflL afLer Lhe flrsL year and a half.
1.1 Mlsslon sLaLemenL
1o encourage lndlvlduals Lo lmprove and malnLaln llfelong well-belng and flLness
by offerlng Lhe safesL and hlghesL quallLy classes and programs achlevable
deslgned Lo meeL Lhe needs of each cllenL. 1o promoLe wellness, lndependency,
and overall healLh.
1.2 vlslon sLaLemenL
1o be recognlzed as a leader ln recreaLlonal and LherapeuLlc geronLology flLness,
and Lo be able Lo serve more Lhan 10 lndlvlduals by Lhe end of Lhe flrsL year.
1.3 Cb[ecLlves
o rovlde programs and servlces LhaL enhance lndependence ln a safe and
dlverse envlronmenL.
o lmprove Lhe healLh and wellness of lndlvlduals.
o uevelop programs LhaL wlll be easlly accommodaLed ln dlfferenL
o CreaLe ouLreach programs for LargeLed populaLlons.
o Manage flscal resources ln a responslble manner.
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

1.4 keys Lo success
o rovlde lnnovaLlve and pracLlcal flLness programs sulLable Lo all
o ALLend workshops ln order Lo malnLaln up Lo daLe lnformaLlon and provlde
Lhe besL servlces Lo cusLomers.
o rovlde schedule flexlblllLy Lo accommodaLe Lo Lhe needs of cllenLs.

2.0 Company summary
2.1 Company ownershlp
Sole proprleLorshlp. 1hls company wlll sLarL as a sole proprleLorshlp as lL wlll be
only employlng one lndlvldual, LhaL belng Lhe owner. 1hls wlll allow for a fasLer
esLabllshmenL and for Laxes Lo be flled along wlLh Lhe owner's.

2.2 SLarL-up summary
l. LsLabllshmenL
a. 1hls company wlll sLarL as a home buslness.
b. ConLacL Lhe 8uslness 8eglsLraLlon ulvlslon and obLaln an appllcaLlon
form from
ClLy of San 8ernardlno
Cfflce of Lhe ClLy Clerk
8uslness 8eglsLraLlon ulvlslon
300 norLh "u" SLreeL, Second lloor
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

San 8ernardlno, CA 92418
c. ay Lhe necessary fees and revlse Lo see lf Lhere are any speclal llcenses
or permlLs LhaL need Lo be sollclLed.
ll. LqulpmenL
a. 8eslsLance 8ands (10) $3.00ea $30.00
b. SLablllLy 8alls (3) $20.00ea $100.00
c. Lxerclse MaLs (10) $30.00ea $300.00
d. loam 8oxes (10) $13.00ea $130.00
e. 8all ump (1) $16.00ea $16.00

2.3 Legal requlremenLs
Wlll work Lo obLaln Lhe necessary llcenses Lo pracLlce ln Lhe sLaLe of Callfornla, such
forms lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo:
-Llcensure & CerLlflcaLlon AppllcaLlon: PS 200
-AppllcanL lndlvldual lnformaLlon: PS 213A
-AdmlnlsLraLlve CrganlzaLlon: PS 309
-1ransmlLLal AppllcaLlon for Crlmlnal 8ackground lnvesLlgaLlon: PS 322
-Crlmlnal 8ecord Clearance Submlsslons: CuP 323
-8equesL for Llve Scan Servlce: 8ClA 8016 ...Sample lorm
(lor correcL appllcaLlon rouLlng, please flll ln 8ClA 8016 C8l fleld wlLh A1226)
-Pome PealLh Agency Survey and ueflclencles 8eporL: CMS 1372(a)(b)

PLAL1P? LlvlnC

3.0 roducts]Serv|ces
3.1 vendors
PealLhy llvlng focuses on Lhe wellbelng of every cllenL, and wlll emphaslze on
lncreaslng lndependence ablllLy by provldlng Lhe necessary Lools Lo do so.
PealLhy llvlng wlll offer paymenL plans Lo accommodaLe Lo cosLumers and wlll
provlde excellence ln quallLy and experLlse ln physlcal acLlvlLy.
3.2 roducLs/servlces
We provlde lndlvldual and personallzed exerclse rouLlnes and/or group workouL
sesslons for lndlvlduals of all ages and physlcal ablllLles.
PealLhy Llvlng guaranLees slgnlflcanL lmprovemenLs ln moblllLy and lndependence.
Cur servlces wlll lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo:
- ?oga lessons
- 8CM exerclses
- Swlm lessons (upon pool avallablllLy)
- Aeroblc exerclslng
- 8ody condlLlonlng
- 8eslsLance Lralnlng

PLAL1P? LlvlnC


4.0 Market ana|ys|s summary
1he consumer base for PLAL1P? LlvlnC wlll be ouLreachlng Lo Lhe consumer Lhrough onllne
adverLlslng, flyers, and word of mouLh. Moreover, PLAL1P? LlvlnC wlll accepL paymenL
plans Lo accommodaLe for Lhe flnanclal slLuaLlon of all cllenLs. We wlll LargeL Lhe aglng
populaLlon ln Lhe San 8ernardlno area, and wlll go ln-home vlslLs.

4.1 MarkeL segmenLaLlon
1he populaLlon base ln San 8ernardlno ls aglng, and more lndlvlduals are opLlng Lo
sLay ln Lhelr own homes longer. Cur prlmary markeL segmenL lncludes Lhose cllenLs
Lyplcally ln an older age brackeL wlsh Lo sLarL, lncrease and/or malnLaln physlcal

4.2 1argeL markeL segmenL sLraLegy
8ecause PLAL1P? LlvlnC wlll focus on senlor clLlzens, our agency wlll reach ouL by
puLLlng flyers ln Senlor CenLers, hyslcal 1herapy CenLers. We wlll also focus on Lhose
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

markeL segmenLs LhaL requlre only home-based servlces wlll greaLly decrease

4.3 lndusLry analysls
PLAL1P? LlvlnC undersLands Lhe rlse ln Lhe senlor populaLlon, and Lhe lncrease of
lndlvlduals reLlrlng ln Lhe San 8ernardlno area. uue Lo Lhese rlslng numbers and due
Lo Lhe need for home servlces, PLAL1P? LlvlnC wlll provlde work ouL rouLlnes LhaL
wlll be sulLable for any space.
8esearch has shown LhaL senlor clLlzens who malnLaln physlcal acLlvlLy have more
lndependency and are less llkely Lo geL slck. Moreover, sLudles show LhaL senlor
clLlzens LhaL have llmlLed 8CM can slgnlflcanLly lmprove Lhelr moblllLy by
lmplemenLlng a physlcal acLlvlLy program.

S.0 Strategy and |mp|ementat|on summary
rlclng of PLAL1P? LlvlnC servlces wlll be done on a case-by-case basls and wlll Lake lnLo
conslderaLlon dlsLance, and wheLher servlces are belng provlded Lo an lndlvldual or a group
of people. 1here wlll be a mlnlmum raLe for all cllenLs, and wlll ad[usL based on Lhe servlces
needed/requesLed by Lhe cusLomer.

PLAL1P? LlvlnC

3.1 compeLlLlve edge
1he key facLor consldered by boLh consumers and referrlng professlonals when
acqulrlng our servlces ls LrusL ln Lhe professlonal repuLaLlon, rellablllLy and quallLy of
servlces provlded by Lhe home healLh Agency.
PLAL1P? LlvlnC wlll provlde excellence ln servlce, paymenL plan, and flexlble Llme
avallablllLy. Also, we wlll work wlLh our cllenLs Lo seL goals and puL LogeLher plans Lo
achleve Lhem. PLAL1P? LlvlnC sLands ouL from oLher home healLh servlces because
we offer Lhe opporLunlLy Lo decrease dependablllLy and lncrease quallLy of llfe.

3.2 markeL sLraLegy
WheaLland PealLh Servlces wlll focus on Lhe San 8ernardlno ClLy and surroundlng
areas. WlLhln Lhls geographlcal area we wlll LargeL Lhe followlng programs (Lhe
second one belng an lnsLrumenLal servlce LhaL wlll only be avallable upon requesL,
and afLer Lhe flrsL program has been lmplemenLed) :
- ersonal hyslcal AcLlvlLy rogram
- nuLrlLlon rogram
WlLhln each area, we have Lwo LargeL markeLs: Lhe acLual cllenL, and Lhe surroundlng
healLh care faclllLles.

3.3 launch markeLlng
PLAL1P? LlvlnC wlll sLarL ln buslness afLer all Lhe necessary documenLaLlon has been
processed. 1he flrsL week we wlll parLlclpaLe ln communlLy evenLs by adverLlslng our
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

servlces and provldlng free demonsLraLlon for lndlvlduals. uurlng Lhe flrsL monLh we
wlll focus on adverLlslng PLAL1PL? LlvlnC Lhrough Lhe lnLerneL, flyers, and posLlng
slgns ln Senlor CenLers and oLher areas where senlor clLlzens meeL.

3.4 sales sLraLegy
1he mosL lmporLanL facLor for PLAL1P? LlvlnC'S flnanclal plan ls collecLlon of recelvables.
uurlng Lhe flrsL monLh we wlll offer dlscounLed raLes for cosLumers, and cusLomers
who refer a frlend wlll recelve an addlLlonal dlscounL for a llmlLed Llme. aymenLs
may be made ln advance, Lhrough a paymenL plan or Lhrough Medlcare/Medlcare (ln
form of relmbursemenL afLer servlces)
3.4.1 sales forecasL

1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Month|y Sa|es
ear 1
PLAL1P? LlvlnC


3.3 mllesLones
1he mllesLone schedule lndlcaLes our emphasls on communlLy ouLreach.
1) Wlll have 10 cllenLs by Lhe end of Lhe flrsL year ln buslness
2) Wlll lmplemenL a new physlcal acLlvlLy program every monLh
3) Wlll parLlclpaLe ln one communlLy evenL by Lhe end of Lhe flrsL 6 monLhs, and wlll
conLrlbuLe as a sponsor durlng Lhls evenL.

3.6 SWC1 Analysls
- SLrengLhs
o a new and lnnovaLlve servlce
o capablllLles or cosL advanLages
o speclal experLlse and/or experlence
o superlor locaLlon or geographlc advanLage (noL many servlces are offered
Lo Lhe older populaLlon ln Lhe San 8ernardlno Area)
1 2 3 4
ear|y Sa|es
ears 1-3
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

- Weaknesses
o Small SLaff
o no deflned locaLlon (ln case cllenLs would raLher Lravel Lo a speclflc
locaLlon for servlces)
- CpporLunlLles
o lack of domlnanL compeLlLlon
o lncrease ln number of reLlred senlor clLlzens

- 1hreaLs
o a compeLlLor may have an lnnovaLlve producL or servlce
o economlc shlfLs
o new or lncreased compeLlLlon

6.0 Web p|an summary
1he goal wlll be Lo lmplemenL a funcLlonal and professlonally-deslgned webslLe LhaL wlll
provlde lnformaLlon abouL servlces offered, area where servlces wlll be offered, range of
servlces, as well as lnformaLlon on new servlces and updaLes. As Lhe company grows, lLs
recrulLlng needs can be addressed by posLlng career opporLunlLles and lACs abouL Lhe
company. 1he webslLe wlll also communlcaLe company news Lo creaLe and malnLaln poslLlve
publlc relaLlons wlLh Lhe surflng communlLy.

PLAL1P? LlvlnC

6.1 WebslLe markeLlng sLraLegy
We wlll have a llnk Lo a lacebook and 1wlLLer page so LhaL cusLomers are ln dlrecL
conLacL wlLh Lhe webmasLer.
We wlll malnLaln a Lwo-way llnk beLween our webslLe and our servlces. ln addlLlon Lo
uslng Lhe page as a sales Lool, we wlll develop a monLhly newsleLLer and coordlnaLe
wlLh relaLed slLes Lo llnk Lo our slLe, glvlng us an opporLunlLy Lo reach more dlrecLly Lo
our cusLomers.
We wlll also malnLaln Lwo-way llnks beLween supporLers of sporLs evenLs and evenLs
organlzaLlons Lhrough our webslLe. 1hls wlll lnclude a schedule of relevanL sporLlng
evenLs LhaL we Lhlnk wlll appeal Lo our LargeL cusLomers, more speclflcally Lhose LhaL
offer servlces for Lhe elderly.

6.2 WebslLe developmenL requlremenLs
1he lnlLlal creaLlve deslgn of Lhe PLAL1P? LlvlnC webslLe wlll be handled by Lhe
owner and Lhe sole employee of Lhe company. An onllne free Lool wlll be used Lo
creaLe a professlonal deslgn. luLure redeslgn and ongolng supporL of Lhe webslLe wlll
be handled by Lhe owner wlLh Lhe posslble asslsLance of a web graphlc deslgner.

6.3 Mlscellaneous soclal medla+
Any oLher form of soclal medla wlll also be handled by Lhe proprleLor of PLAL1P?
LlvlnC. As Lhe company grows, radlo announcemenLs wlll be made Lo ouLreach Lo
Lhe communlLy.
PLAL1P? LlvlnC


7.0 management summary
1he owner and only employee wlll concenLraLe on sales, lnLerneL, e-commerce and
promoLlon. She wlll be ln charge of Lhe admlnlsLraLlve funcLlons, lncludlng publlc relaLlons.
Moreover, she wlll be Lhe one Lo creaLe, and provlde Lhe servlces offered Lo all cusLomers.
As Lhe company grows, Lhese duLles wlll be delegaLed Lo fuLure employees.

7.1 personnel plan
As a sole proprleLorshlp wlLh one employee, all lncome wlll be dlrecLed Lhe owner of
Lhe buslness, and declslons on new lnvesLmenL wlll be made by Lhls person.
8.0 f|nanc|a| p|an
1he mosL lmporLanL facLor for PLAL1P? LlvlnC's flnanclal plan ls collecLlon of
recelvables. PLAL1P? LlvlnC wlll base collecLlon of fees uslng dlfferenL meLhods, and wlll
accepL paymenLs from dlfferenL enLlLles.
CollecLlons wlll be closely monlLored Lo assure LhaL paymenLs are belng made ln a Llmely

8.1 lmporLanL assumpLlons
1he key assumpLlons of our company are focused on maxlmlzlng proflL and malnLalnlng
good buslness ln Lhe area:
- We assume a sLrong economy, wlLhouL ma[or recesslon.
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

- We assume, of course, LhaL Lhere are no slgnlflcanL unforeseen changes ln
Lhe federal pollcy LhaL dlcLaLes Medlcare and Medlcald relmbursemenL of Pome
PealLh Care Servlces.
- We assume an lncrease ln senlor populaLlon
8.2 break-even analysls
MonLh 1oLal Calns
1 $ (336.00)
2 $ (376.00)
3 $ (216.00)
4 $ 24.00
3 $ 264.00
8.3 pro[ecLed proflL and loss

8.4 pro[ecLed cash flow
1he flnanclal ouLlook ls poslLlve as Lhe company rolls ouL and meeLs lLs mllesLones.
lnlLlally our cash flow wlll flucLuaLe, wlLh negaLlve cash flow ln several monLhs for our
1 2 3 4 3 6
rohts and Loss
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

flrsL year. Powever, PLAL1P? LlvlnC expecLs Lo be cash flow poslLlve for years Lwo and
CASP 8LvLnuLS 1 2 3
8evenue from Servlce Sales $480.00 $800.00 $1,300.00
1C1AL CASP 8LvLnuLS $480.00 $800.00 $1,300.00
Salarles and Wages $400.00 $800.00 $1,200.00
LxpendlLures (year 1) $336.00 $0.00 $0.00
1C1AL CASP ulS8u8SLMLn1S $936.00 800.00 $1,200.00
CLCSlnC CASP 8ALAnCL ($336.00) $0.00 $300.00

PLAL1P? LlvlnC


rlnLed and aLLached

PLAL1P? LlvlnC


Appendlx A
Sa|es Iorecast

8reakeven Ana|ys|s
MonLh 1oLal Calns
1 $ (336.00)
2 $ (376.00)
3 $ (216.00)
1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Month|y Sa|es
ear 1
1 2 3 4
ear|y Sa|es
ears 1-3
PLAL1P? LlvlnC

4 $ 24.00
3 $ 264.00

Cash I|ow ro[ect|ons
CASP 8LvLnuLS 1 2 3
8evenue from Servlce Sales $480.00 $800.00 $1,300.00
1C1AL CASP 8LvLnuLS $480.00 $800.00 $1,300.00
Salarles and Wages $400.00 $800.00 $1,200.00
LxpendlLures (year 1) $336.00 $0.00 $0.00
1C1AL CASP ulS8u8SLMLn1S $936.00 800.00 $1,200.00
CLCSlnC CASP 8ALAnCL ($336.00) $0.00 $300.00

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