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Answer all the questions. Every question is followed by four answers A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. Then, blacken your answer on the answer sheet provided. The suggested time for this section is 45 minutes. f you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the ne!t question. . 1. Animals need water to "inatang memerlukan air untuk A B C D 2. make their own food. #embuat makanan sendiri supply energy. #endapatkan tenaga maintain the body temperature. #enyederhanakan suhu badan reproduce. #elahirkan anak

Which materials are often used for building houses, roads and bridges $pakah yang digunakan untuk membina rumah, %alan raya dan %ambatan& A wood and clay 'ayu dan tanah B sand, clay and stone (asir, tanah dan batu C metals and rubber "esi dan getah D leather and rock 'ulit dan batu


"ow does the animal in #igure 1 protect itself from $ery cold weather "agaimanakah binatang dalam )a%ah * melindungi diri daripada cuaca se%uk&


#%&'() 1 A B C D %t has thick fur. #enggunakan bulu tebal %t has a thick layer of fat under its skin. #empunyai lemak %t has sharp teeth. #empunyai gigi yang ta%am %t has fle*ible flippers a mempunyai kepak yang fleksibel

+. Which microorganism is the smallest #ikroorganisma manakah yang paling kecil& A B C D $irus virus yeast yis paramecium paramecium bacterium bakteria

-he picture below shows an animal. &ambar di bawah menun.ukkan se.enis haiwan.



Among the animals below, which one ensures the sur$i$al of its species in the same way as the one in the picture abo$e. $ntara haiwan di bawah, yang manakah memastikan kemandirian spesisnya menggunakan cara yang sama seperti haiwan di atas& A B C D tortoise 'ura+kura whale kan paus frog katak grasshopper belalang

/. Which pair is correctly matched (asangan manakah yang dipadankan dengan betul& 0lant tumbuhan A. Cotton 'apas B. Banana (isang C. Water 2ily $ir lily D. 0apaya "etik 1ethod of Dispersal Cara membiak Animal "inatang Wind $ngin Water $ir )*plosi$e ,etupan

3. Which of the following ob.ects possesses kinetic energy -b%ek manakah empunyai tenaga kinetic&


4. 0 5 Biomass "iomass 6 5 Wind angin ( 5 7atural gas .as natural 8 5 0etroleum (etroleum 0,6,( and 8 show the sources of energy. Which are the sources of renewable energy (, /, ) dan 0 merupakan sumber tenaga. 1ang manakah merupakan sumber yang boleh diperbaharui& A. B. C. D. 0 and 6 only 6, ( and 8 only 0, 6 and 8 only 0, 6, ( and 8

9. -he arrow in #igure 2 shows the direction a sailing ship mo$es. $nak panah dalam )a%ah 2 menun%ukkan arah pergerakan kapal layar.


#%&'() #%&'() 2 What happens if a strong wind blows from the same direction $pakah yang akan berlaku sekiranya angin kuat bertiup dari arah yang sama& A B C D 1:. A B C D -he sailing ship stops 'apal layar berhenti -he sailing ship mo$es faster. 'apal layar berlayar dengan lebih pantas -he sailing ship mo$es slower. 'apal layar berlayar dengan perlahan -he sailing ship changes direction 'apal layar berubah arah Which of these acti$ities does 7;- need force $ktiviti manakah yang tidak memerlukan daya& 8wimming berenang Cycling berbasikal (unning berlari -alking bercakap


-he list below shows four animals that li$e in a habitat. 0enarai di bawah menunu%ukkan empat binatang yang tinggal di sebuah habitat. <ebra Wild buffalo


3ebra &rasshopper belalang 'erbau liar Caterpillar 4lat bulu

A limited supply of which of the following will cause competition among the four animals to be intense 'ekurang sumber yang manakah akan menyebabkan persaingan hebat di antara binatang tersebut& A. #ruits buah B. &rass rumput C. #lowering plants Tumbuhan berbunga D. 8unlight #atahari 12. #igure ! shows a forest area after logging acti$ities. )a%ah 5 menun%ukkan kawasan hutan selepas pokok+pokok ditebang.

#%&'() !

Which of the following could restore the natural en$ironment in that area& 1ang manakah dapat memulihkan kawasan tersebut& A. B. C. D. %ntroducing other species of animals #embawa spesis binatang yang lain "a$ing reforestation acti$ities #en%alankan aktivit penebangan semula "a$ing housing de$elopment #embina rumah Culti$ation of oil palm (enanaman kelapa sawit A conductor =.. 'onduktor6



A B C D does not allow electricity to flow through it. Tidak membenarkan arus elektrik melaluinya allows electricity to flow through it. #embenarkan arus elektrik melaluinya does not allow heat to flow through it. Tidak membenarkan haba melaluinya does not allow light to pass through it. Tidak membenarkan cahaya melaluinya

1+. Which of the following ob.ects can rust -b%ek manakah yang boleh berkarat& A a book buku B a nail paku C a cup cawan D a pencil pensel 1,. What will happen if the )arth is placed much nearer to the 8un $pakah yang akan berlaku sekiranya bumi lebih dekat dengan matahari& A B C D all li$ing things will die 0emua benda hidup akan mati the earth will be cloudy and cold "umi akan men%adi se%uk plants will grow healthily. Tumbuh+tumbuhan akan tumbuh dengan subur the earth will be $ery dark. "umi men%adi gelap

1/. -he brightness of bulb in a series circuit depends on the number of 'ecerahan mentol dalam litar bersiri bergantung kepada %umlah % switches suis %% bulbs mentol %%% batteries bateri A % and %% only B % and %%% only C %% and %%% only D %, %% and %%% only 13. What are the phases of the 1oon at positions 0, 6 and ( as seen from the )arth during a lunar eclipse $pakah fasa bulan di kedudukan (,/ dan ) semasa gerhana bulan&


14. Which of the following materials can be used to make a strong structure 1ang manakah dapat digunakan untuk membuat struktur yang kukuh& A &lass gelas B 8teel keluli C 0lastic plastik D Wood kayu 19. -he iron nail inside the test tube will not rust due to the absence of (aku besi yang terdapat dalam tabung u%i tidak akan berkarat kerana tiada A B C D air udara water air oil minyak air and water 4dara dan air

2:. A piece of bread left on the table for a week can go bad because it is 0ekeping roti yang ditinggalkan di atas me%a selama seminggu akan rosak kerana A B e*posed to the air Terdedah kepada udara left for a long time 7itinggalkan untuk masa yang pan%ang


C D stored in a hot and dry place 7isimpan di tempat yang panas dan kering infected with bacteria and fungi Tindakan bacteria dan kulat

21. #igure + shows some food that is being preser$ed

#%&'() + Bacteria cannot grow in this food because "acteria tidak dapat membiak dalam makanan ini kerana A B C D there is no air. Tiada udara there is no water. Tiada air the food has been salted and lack moisture. #akanan telah dimasinkan serta kering they ha$e been killed in this process. "acteria telah dibunuh


Floods Hit The Capital Kuala Lumpur : Sun - Continuous heavy rain causes floods in some parts of the city.
'uala ,umpur 8 $had 9 hu%an lebat telah menyebabkan ban%ir di beberapa buah kawasan


-he abo$e news clipping shows that hea$y rain floods some parts of >uala 2umpur. What is the cause of the floods $pakah sebab ban%ir berlaku di 'uala ,umpur berdasarkaan berita di atas& A B C D 2! ;pen burning of rubbish (embakaran terbuka Disposal of rubbish into drains (embuangan sampah ke dalam longkang Disposal of rubbish by the roadside (embuangan sampah di tepi %alan (elease of to*ic materials into ri$ers? (embuangan sisa toksik ke dalam sungai

#igure , shows a tool. )a%ah 5 menun%ukkan satu alatan.

#%&'() , @ (a.ah , What are the simple machines found in the tool $pakah mesin ringkas yang dapat di%umpai di dalam alat tersebut& A B C D 2e$er and wedge Tuas dan ba%i Wedge and screw "a%i dan skru 2e$er and screw Tuas dan skru 2e$er and inclined plane Tuas dan satah condong

2+. (osnahAs refrigerator is spoilt. "ow can she store the cuttlefish she .ust bought from the market for a long time (eti se%uk rosnah rosak. "agaimanakah dia menyimpan ikan yang baru dibelinya dari pasar basah untukk masa yang lama& A B Dry the cuttlefish. 'eringkan ikan 8tore the cuttlefish in a can. 0impan ikan di dalam tin


C D Wrap the cuttlefish in a plastic. "alutkan ikan dalam plastik 0ut the cuttlefish in hot water. 0impan ikan dalam air panas

2,. Which of the following food can be preser$ed by wa*ing #akanan manakah yang dapat disimpan dengan cara pencelupan lilin& A 1eat daging B 7uts kacang C 1ilk susu D ;range "uah oren 2/. Which of the following de$ices is an in$ention of modern technology 1ang berikut manakah merupaka teknologi moden& A Wood kayu B 8tone batu C 2eather kulit D (ice cooker (enanak nasi


8tudy the de$ice below. (erhatikan alatan di bawah.


-he de$ice abo$e helps us to= $lat di atas membantu kita untuk A. sweep the floor menyapu lantai B. clean the dust membersihkan habuk C. wash the plate mencuci pinggan D. boil the water mendidih air 24. A B C D "umans ha$e limitations. Which of the following is the limitation faced by Adibah #anusia ada had keupayaan. $pakah had keupayaan $dibah& Climb a short tree. #eman%at pokok (un a distance of 1:: metre. "erlari *::meter Walk a distance of 1:: metre. "er%alan *::meter 8ee $ery tiny ob.ects. #elihat ob%ek yang sangat kecil


#igure / shows the pattern on the sole of a shoe. )a%ah ; menun%ukkan corak pada tapak kasut.


#%&'() / (a.ah / What is the use of the pattern $pakah kegunaan tapak kasut tersebut& A B C D -o make the shoe look more beautiful 'elihatan lebih cantik -o make the shoe e*ert more friction #emberi geseran lebih -o make the shoe last longer Tahan lebih lama -o make the shoe hea$ier 'asut lebih berat


Which of the following acti$ities cannot be done manually $ktiviti manakah tidak dapat dilakukan secara manual&


8)C-%;7 B


B2: 1A(>8C The time suggested for this section is 5: minutes. f you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the ne!t question. $nswer all questions. 1. 8tudy the -able 1 belowD Eehicles 'enderaan A B C 7umber of passengers "ilangan penumpang , people 3 people 12 people -AB2) 1 BaC What is the purpose of this in$estigation $pakah tu%uan ekperimen ini& FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC BbC Write your obser$ation from the table. <yatakan pemerhatian daripada %adual FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC BcC &i$e your inferences from your obser$ation. "erikan inferens anda berdasarkan pemerhatian anda FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC BdC Write two $ariables that you can find from the table. Tuliskan dua pemboleh ubah yang terdapat dalam %adual FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B2 marksC 2. #igure 2 shows two coconuts placed in two containers ha$ing the same $olume of water.


#%&'() 2

BaC What is the purpose of the abo$e in$estigation $pakah tu%uan eksperimen ini& FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC BbC 8tate your obser$ation based on #igure 2. <yatakan pemerhatian anda berdasarkan )a%ah 2 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC BcC 8tate what isD <yatakan BiC kept the sameD FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF apa yang dimalarkan BiiC changed DFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF apa yang diubah BiiiC measured D FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF apa yang diukur B! markC BdC &i$e a conclusion based on the in$estigation abo$e. "erikan kesimpulan berdasakan eksperimen tersebut. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC

!. -able ! shows the in$estigation about Guantity of fish caught by a fisherman during se$eral phases of the 1oon. =adual 5 menun%ukkan %umlah ikan yang didapati oleh nelayan pada fasa+fasa bulan tertentu


0hase of the 1oon >asa bulan 7ew 1oon "ulan baru Crescent sabit "alf 1oon 0etengah #ull 1oon penuh 6uantity of fish caught BkgC 1,: 12: 9: /: -AB2) ! BaC What is the purpose of the in$estigation $pakah tu%uan eksperimen& FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC BbC 8tate your obser$ations based on the table abo$e. <yatakan pemerhatian anda FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC BcC What hypotheses can you make about the in$estigation $pakah hipotesis yang dapat dibuat& FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC BdC 8tate the pattern of the number of fishes caught during the four 1oon phases. <yatakan corak perubahan %umlah ikan yang ditangkap FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B2 markC

+. AHlan and his friends gathered informations about an animal species in a habitat. -he bar chart shows the information obtained by AHlan and his friends.


$3lan dan rakan rakannya mengumpul maklumat tentng habitat spesis binatang. .raf di bawah menun%ukkan maklumat yang didapati 7o. of animals "ilangan h haiwan

Year/ Tahun

BaC What is the trend in the number of animals $pakah corak perubahan %umlah binatang tersebut& FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC BbC &i$e two reasons to e*plain the trend that you ha$e stated in BaC. "erikan 2 sebab. i. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ii. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B2 markC BcC What will happen to the species if the trend continues to 2:12 $pakah yang berlaku kepada tren spesis sekiranya terus berlaku pada tahun 2:*2& FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B2markC BdC 8uggest one way to increase the number of animals of the species in its habitat. "erikan cara untuk menaikkan %umlah binatang tersebut FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF B1 markC


A78W)(8 '08( 8)- 1 @1;D'2) 22 @8)C-%;7 BAC 1.C 2.B !.B +.A ,.B /.C 3.B 4.A 9.B 1:.D 11.B 12.B 1!.B 1+.B 1,.A 1/.C 13.D 14.B 19.D 2:.A 21.C 22.B 2!. 2+. A 2,.D 2/. D 23.B 24.D 29.B !:.C

8)C-%;7 BBC 1;D'2) 22 1. BaC -o in$estigate the relationship between the siHe of $ehicles with the number of passengers. BbC Eehicles C has the most number of passengers or $ehicles A has the least number of passengers. BcC Because the siHe of $ehicles C is bigger than the others. BdC i. -he type of $ehicles or the siHe of $ehicles ii. -he number of passengers. 2. BaC -o in$estigate the relationship between the type of coconut with or without husk. BbC -he coconut with husk floats or the coconut without husk sinks. BcC i. -he $olume of water ii. -he type of coconut or the space of air. BdC %f the coconut with husk, it will float. !. BaC -o in$estigate the relationship the phase of the moon with and the Guantity of fish caught. BbC When the phase of the moon at 7ew moon, the Guantity of fish caught increased. BcC When the phase of the moon increase the Guantity of fish caught decrease. BdC Derease. +. BaC Decrease


BbC i. uncontrolled logging ii. illegal hunting. BcC Decrease@ e*tinct BdC By enforcing the law strictly.

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