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Vocabulary Unit 1

1. The Numbers 1 - 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 zero one two 6 7 six 11 eleven twelve thirteen 16 17 18 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

seven 12 eight nine ten 13 14 15

three 8 four five 9 10

fourteen 19 fifteen 20

My friend has three dogs. I am nineteen years old. Its nine oclock. Four plus seven makes eleven (4 + 7 = 11)

2. Days of the Week*

Monday Lunes Tuesday Martes Wednesday Mircoles Thursday Jueves Friday Viernes

Saturday Sbado Sunday Domingo

*En ingls, los das de la semana siempre se escriben con Mayscula inicial. Examples:
I go to school from Monday to Friday. On Sundays, my father takes us to cinema. The kids play soccer every Saturday. My mother works only on Thursday. On the weekend, I like to stay at home. I dont smoke during the week.

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