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List of values: Right click on object properties Click associate a list of values Click allow user to edit this list of values In edit where you can restrict the list of value in condition panel where user can see those values. Ex: tochar orderheader.orderdetails!"#onth"$ 2. Grouping of values %elect the value to be grouped &ata group values '() *' +,*( ./0 *) '1 '' '( *+ 3. Repository: it is setup by the general supervisor who stores it centrally on a database. It enables users to share the resources of bo product. Repository is #ade2up of ) do#ains. a. %ecurity do#ain: to store the infor#ation about user and group profiles. b. 3niverse do#ain: it holds the entire universe that you export fro# designer. c. &ocu#ent do#ain: holds all exported docu#ents fro# the bo reporting #odule! te#plates! scripts and list of values. 4. User profiles: 4eneral supervisor: all products and full access on repository. %upervisor: all products except designer and list of values. &esigner: all products except supervisor. %upervisor and designer: all products but not full access on repository. 3ser: only on bo. 5ersatile: as configured by the supervisor. 5. Repository architecture. 6onolithic: the whole repository ) do#ains$ sits on a single database.

&istributed. 7 single security do#ain keeps track of #ultiple docu#ents and universe do#ain that are distributed around the organi8ation database syste#. 6. Universe is a se#antic layer between user #odule and a database. It consists of classes and objects. 7. eta!ata layer 9 universe! classes and objects.

". #lass: is a logical grouping of objects inside a universe. Ex: region! custo#er! sales! #easures. $. %&'ects: an object in the universe #ap to data in the database. :or the purpose of #ultidi#ensional analysis! object can be ;ualified as one of the ) types. &i#ension object: retrieves character type data. <ike custo#er na#e! years! ;uarter! project na#e. &etail object: is always associated to one di#ension object! on which it provides additional infor#ation. Ex: address is a detail object that is associated with custo#er. 6easure object retrieves nu#erical data that is the results of calculation on data in the database! value that return depend on the object. =u#erical infor#ation by which a di#ension object can be #easured.

1(. )cope of analysis: it deter#ines how far analysts will be able to drill through a default hierarchy fro# the base object in the ;uery. In designer we create lov fro# the objects. Class hierarchy. List of values: data corresponding the value useful fro# di#ension details you selected will appear in the report. <>5 will be available for filtering the data when we go for reporting. 11. *ata a. anager: you can view the report of the ;uery and refresh a ;uery.

12. *ata provi!ers ways of accessing the data. *uerying building a ;uery on a universe is the #ost co##on way of accessing data in ?>. b. %tored procedure: is a %*< script saved and executed on your &?. c. :ree hand %*<: you can create a data providers by opening or writing a %*< script. d. @ersonal datafiles: you can retrieve a data fro# excel! lotus'()! dbase! 7%CII files. e. ><7@ %erver: you can view the contents of an ><7@ %ER5ER and select the data you want to display in your report. ><7@ %ervers are databases that store su##ari8ed data! ready for business analysis. 13. ulti!i+ensional analysis: 7 techni;ue for looking at data fro# diff. 5iewpoints and on different level of detail. It involves slice and dice and drill. '+. &esigner supports 4 types of 'oins. E;ui join 9 sa#e colu#n is present in both tables. Aheta join: link tables based on a relationship other than ;uality between ( colu#ns. >uter join: links ( tables! one of which has rows that do not #atch those in the co##on colu#ns of the other table. d. %hortcut join: can be used in sche#as containing redundant join paths leading to the sa#e results! regardless of direction. a. b. c. ',. %nline,offline +o!es: are options that apply when you are working in enterprise #ode! which #eans an environ#ent with the repository. >nline #ode: is appropriate for a network environ#ent in which the general supervisor has setup a repository you can i#port and export universes. >ffline #ode: not in network where you work with universes that are stored locally on your co#puter. Ao use this #ode you #ust have been connected atleast once in online #ode. Es: used with a laptop co#puter or whenever your network goes down. 16. -nterprise +o!e: you are working connected to a repository and can access docu#ents save in repository. 17./or0group +o!e: you do not have access to a repository and can access docu#ents saved in workgroup #ode only. 1". eta!ata: a #etadata repository is a database that describes various aspects of the data in the &ataBarehouse. 7d#inistrative and end user #etadata. 1$, surrogate 0ey: for each di#ension record in order to avoid a dependency on legacy defined keys where the surrogate key generating process enforces referential integrity between the di#ension tables and the fact tables. 2(. 1% *ocu+ents can contain one or #ore reports. Ahe data displayed in the report in one docu#ent can co#e fro# different sources excel or oracle$C but you cannot transfer data between reports.

21 pivoting techni2ue that enables you to switch the position of the data in a report. 22. 3ierarchies enable you to drill fro# one level of data to the next. Ex: geography: country! state! district! city. @roduct: category! type! vendor! and brand. 23. )lice an! !ice. Ao change the order of the fields! to display as #aster and detail relations. 24. *rilling #ost general level data to #ost detail data. 25. 4!!itive when you consider the possible su##ari8ation that will occur on the fact table. 26. )e+ia!!itive: can be added along only the sa#e of the di#ension. 27. 5on a!!itive #easure can"t be added to all. Be can force to use counts. Ex: e#ployee id. 2". 4ggregate a/areness: is a feature of designer that #akes use of aggregate tables in a database. Ahese tables that contain pre calculated data used to speedup the execution of ;ueries. 2$. #ar!inality: expresses the #ini#u# and #axi#u# nu#ber of instances of an entity. 3(. *egenerate! !i+ensions: which is neither a #easure nor a foreign key. &i#ension keys with no corresponding di#ension table. Ahis di#ension will be stored in the fact table. Ex. It can be used to calculate how #any ti#es the ship#ents have been past due or oneti#e. Ahere is no another di#ension for the ship#ent2re;uired date. 31. #onfir+e! !i+ensions. &i#ensions that #eans the sa#e di#ension can be used with every possible fact table that it can be joined with. Ex. >ne di#ension is joined with two facts. 32. )lo/ly changing !i+ensions. Bhere the production syste# has not changed the #aster key but has changed the description of the product. 33. 6arehouse 0ey: to di#ension and fact tables in D sche#a is to allow infor#ation to co#e fro# #ultiple sources with #ini#al changes to the data #ode. 34 loop. 7 loop leads to #ultiple paths of accessing the data. <oop need to resolved before the reports are generated. 7liases or context will resolve <oop. 35. #onte7t: It is used for segregation of fact. It is a ;uery feature that enables you to select a path re;uired retrieving data! when there is #ore than one possible path. Create a context for each fact table. 36. 4lias: It is used for segregation of di#ension or hierarchies. It is a logical pointer to an alternate table na#e. Ahe purpose of an alias is to resolve loops in the paths of joins. 37. 4lerts when data reaches to a specific target it shows the #essage or alert on the screen. Condition: sales are E ,111 give alert colu#n red Ex. '00,! it displays '00+ data reports only. 3". 8ilter: if you want to view the data related to '00,! you filter on the year '00,. Ahe report displays that period data only. 3$. Ran0: it retrieves the rank nu#ber for each di#ension value based on the #easure.

4(. #artesian pro!uct. 7 result of a ;uery in which ( or #ore tables are not linked by a join. 41. )che+as supporte! &y !esigner: a. b. c. d. e. D sche#a. %nowflake. 6ulti D sche#a. =or#ali8ed production. &B with aggregates. 42. 1it+ap in!e7ing: done on the low cardinality colu#ns. Colu#ns in which the nu#ber of distinct values is s#all co#pared to nu#ber of rows in the table. 43. )trategies: a strategy is a script that reads structural infor#ation for a database or flat files. Awo types of strategies. a. ?uilt in strategy: for creating the co#ponents of universe. 3niverse para#eters: i. >bject creation strategy. Bhich tells designer how to define classes and objects auto#atically fro# the database tables and colu#ns. ii. Foin creation strategy. Bhich tells designer how to define joins auto#atically fro# the database"s tables and colu#ns. iii. Aable browser strategy. Bhich tells designer how to dead the table and colu#n structures fro# the database data dictionary. b. External strategies. :iles are declared in the %A4 section of. @R6 files located in various R&?6% folders. Ex >R7.E=.@R6 files. 44. 6hat is sche+a9 7 sche#e is collection of d? objects of a user. 45. )che+a o&'ects. <ogical structure that directly refers to the database data. Aables views! se;uences! indexes! clusters! functions! procedures! etc. 46. #o+ponents of !esigner interface. Aable browser. %tructure pan. 3niverse pan. +.. :/o types of 'oin paths that return too +any ro/s. a. b. contexts. 4". *etect a chas+ trap. you need to visually exa#ine the direction of the cardinalities displayed in the table sche#a. If you have ( fact tables with #any to one join. Converging to a single lookup table! then you have a potential chas# trap. 4$. Resolve chas+ trap. you need to #ake ( separate ;ueries and then co#bine the results. Create a context for each fact table. 4enerate separate %*< ;ueries for each #easure. ?reak the universe into #ultiple universe! one universe for each fact table. 5(. *ata&ase connection. #has+ trap: converging #any to one join. Ao resolve a chas# trap create ( context. 8an trap: serial #any to one join. Ao resolve a fan trap create an alias table and to

a. b. c.

7 connection is a set of para#eters that provides access to a database. 7 connection is #ade2up of ) ele#ents. Ahe network layer. oracle client$ Ahe connection na#e and type secured! shared! personal$ Ahe database location and account na#e. 51. *esigner provi!es 3 types of connection. %ecured connection: it is used to centrali8e and control access to sensitive or critical data. It is the safest type of connection for protecting access to data. %hared connection: is used to access co##on resources such as universe or docu#ents. It is useful if you need to setup a testing environ#ent for universes before distributing the# to the entire user co##unity. @ersonal connection: is specific to one user and can be used only fro# the co#puter on which it was created. 52. *i+ensional +o!eling: a typical di#ensional #odel is the D join sche#a! with one large central table in the center of the sche#a it is only the table in the center of the sche#a. It is only table in the sche#a with #ultiple joins connecting it to other tables. Ahe other tables all have only a single join attaching the# to the central table. 53. Lin0e! universe. 7re universes that share co##on co#ponents! one universe is said to be the kernel or #aster! while the others are the derived universesG Ahe kernel universe are active universe are created fro# the sa#e data account and the sa#e rdb#s. Hernel universe are exported and rei#ported at least once. Exported derived universes are located in the sa#e universe do#ain as the kernel universe.D 7ll classes and objects are uni;ue in both the kernel universe and the derived universe. >therwise! collision #ay occur. Iou are authori8ed to link the given universe. =ote: a derived universe doesn"t recover the list of values containing personal data fro# the kernel universe. Jowever! if you need control list of values! you can use the following create new objects defined in the sa#e way as those in the kernel! the hide the#. Iou can then assign the# to these objects lists of values! which you can then #odify and export. 54. 4ggregate a/areness: is a feature that #akes use of predefined aggregate tables to enhance the perfor#ance of %*< transactions. It is used to i#prove the speed by which aggregates are calculated in the d?. Ao setup aggregate awareness in the universe. Iou define #ore objects using the Kaggregate aware aggregate table'L..aggregate table n$ Ahe argu#ents of these functions are all the na#es of alternative aggregate tables. Bhen you for#ulate the syntax! you should be aware of order of the argu#ents. Ahe precedence is fro# left to rightM this #eans that ?o deter#ine the aggregate to use beginning fro# the left #ost argu#ent. 7s a general rule you should enter the #ost aggregate table as the first argu#ent. Ahe next #ost aggregate table as the second argu#ent and so on. Iou #ust then use the aggregate navigation editor to setup a list of inco#patible object orC inco#patible condition for each aggregate table in your universe. Iou can either setup this list #anually! or cause the lists of objects to be detected by designer. a. b. c. d. 55. :as0 of the universe !esigner. &esigning! creating and #aintaining universes &istributing the universes. @lanning breakdown the infor#ation syste# into functional areas. 7nalysis analy8e the infor#ation needs of users. &esign design a conceptual sche#a. &esign the specification of a universe. I#ple#entation create a universe with designer. Aest the universe with ?oCwebi.


&istribute the universe. Repeat the above steps for other universe. 6aintenance updates and #aintains the universe. =otify end users of changes. ,-. ;<ro+pt N#essage"!ONtype"P!OlovP!O#onoC#ultiP!OfreeCconstrainedP type9 "7" alphanu#eric N=" nu#ber N&" date <>5 2 list of values enclosed in brackets each value #ust be with in single ;uotes and seperated by co##as$ or the na#e of a class and object separated by a backslash and within single ;uotes. 6>=> accepts single value Cfree9free input. 63<AI accepts several values C constrained choose the value. 57. )tar sche+a: fact table is nor#ali8ed! di#ension tables are denor#ali8ed. 5". )no/fla0e sche+a. 7 nor#ali8ed #ulti di#ensional #ode. In which ( or #ore hierarchically related table represents one di#ension. Bhen you want to store the data hierarchically go for snowflake. 5". ;aggregate=a/are aff2table'!LL..aggregate table n$ ex:KaggregateQaware su# regionQsline.salesQrevenue$! su# service.priceDinvoiceQline.daysDinvoiceQline.nbQguests$$ 5$. assign store proce!ure to a user or usergroup.

In the userpane in universe$! click the user or group. %elect the link R store procedure co##and on the resource #enu. In the link stored procedure dialog box! click each connection to the s.p you wish to assign. >k. 6(. ho/ !o you !efine hierarchy. Jierarchy is useful to drill through a default heirarchy fro# the base object in the ;uery. Click on the hierarchy editor. 7 window appears with &efault hierarchy and cuto#er hierarchy In default heirarchy you can see all the classes ! click on each class and click add to the cuso#er hierarchy. Custo#er hierarchy after adding to custo#er hierarchy you can define the hierarchy level Ai#e9 year! ;uarter!#onth! day. Iou can create your own hierarchy by clicking the button new and add objects fro# th default hierarchy. 61 +ore po/erful 2uery:

&efine scope of analysis <i#it the ;uery results to data that satisfies conditions. %ort data alphabetically! apply transparent sorts. Retrieve and specified nu#ber of rows of data. Ele#inate duplicate rows of data. 62. sort priority or apply transparent sorts.

Click the #anager sort you #ay define sort priority! also can apply transparent sorts i.e.! on objects that are not result object. 63. &rea0 ta&le or crossta& ro/ or colu+n &rea0 ex: table containing the resort! ;uarter or revenue variables si#ply displays revenue per resort per ;uarter. If you want to insert percentage of revenue per resort. Iou cn apply break so after each region or resort it will leave a break or space or a#pty row. %o in that you can calculae the percentage of revenue per resort. Ranking can be done on break colu#n. ?reak applied on rows in corsstabs only. 7pply break on #ore than one variable. ?reak header 2 insert header for each table or cross tab. ?reak footer. Re#ove duplicates values fro# the data on which you can apply break. :old folds the table or cross tab showing only its header or footer. 5alue based break. Iou cannot apply a break on a #aster or on data that is displayed in a chart. 64. filters global filter filter affect the whole report. ?lock na#e folder.2 filter are block specific. Iou can select #ore than one variable to filter. Iou can drag and drop a filter between folder. 65. ran0ing top an! &otto+ values. Iou can select top or botto# values of a di#ension based on the values of a #easure. In percentage of total nu#ber of values. Bhen you check box! a percent sign S$ appears at the top and botto# values. Ahese nu#bers are truncated if necessary to fall in the percentage range of ' to '11. Ao apply a ranking in a report! you #ust re#ove any existing sorts or filters. If any sorts or filters exist when you initiate ranking! an overwriteG 6essage is displayed verifying that you wish to re#ove the sort or filter. 66. varia&les for calculation: if you are using a variable to #ake the calculation ! type ex:2 to display the revenue variable in the cell type 9ErevenueR 67. for+ula for calculation. If you are using a for#ula to #ake the calculation! type it after the 9 sign. -/. #aking copies of reports while you work on dirll. Click the ta0e snapshot button on the standard toolbar! or select the snapshop co##and for# the analysis #enu. 7 copy of the report appears in a new tab inside your docu#ent reportna#e '$$. 6$. for+atting reports. @redefined object for#at. 3niverse designer can now apply for#ats to objects when creating universes. :or#at options include setting for nu#bers! align#ent! font! boarder! and shading. >wn for#ats table for#at$ Iou can for#at different parts of your reports. Resi8ing and positioning blocks and cells. 7ppluing shading and borders to sections! blocks and cells.

3sing page headers! footers and #argins. displaying page nu#bers dates and ti#es. 7(. page &ac0groun! a picture displayed behind the reports data and other picture. open a docu#ent! and activate the page layout co##and on the view #enu. Click the tab of the report in which you want to insert the page background. %elect the page background co##and on the for#at #enu. Click new DD you can also copy to the clipboard copy co##and! then click paste in the page background.$ 71. local varia&le: it is a report ele#ent that presents a na#ed category of data. Corresponds to colu#ns of data returned by ;ueries or other data providers. 72. loa! &alance: reports which you generate in the bo ;uery report. Iou want to test whether the nu#ber of records it fetch should #atch with the report in the oracle. .). 7ny #odule in ?o is disable when you enter pass/or! /rong for 3 ti+es. 4o to repository database in table objQ#Qactor :ield 9 #QactorQ#Qcntdown #ake ) to 1

'. (. ). +. ,.

.Rep: reports save in userdoc folder of ?o. .unv: .keyfile in Clocdata folder of bo. *ata +art for goo!s traffic for rail/ays>)#R? 4auge di# 4uage key 4uage desc =arrow gauge ?road gauge 6eter gauge. %tation di# %tation key %tation no %tation id &ivision %tation na#e %tation Tone Bagon di# Bagon key wagonid Bagon desc :ull wagon Jalf wagon :ull rack Ite# di#

Ite# key Ite# code Ite# category Ite# sub category Ite# sub subcategory Ite# desc Ai#e di# Ai#e key Iear *uarter 6onth Beek 4oods traffic fact 4auge key %tation key Ite# key Ai#e key Bagon key Charge wt Charge dist Rate Earning Aon k# <ead :lat files! s;lDloader! plCs;l! oracle /! ?o ,.1. 4oods travel fro# one place to another place. 4oods are divided into coal only or non2coal ite#s. &istance and weight charge these goods. Reports: Ahe #ajor analyses are. a. &ivision wise! gauge wise analysis of charge wt! and cost. sa#e #onth last year and cu#ulative for the last ) #onths$ b. &ivision wise! product! category wise analysis of charge distance! lead and earnings. c. @roduct sub category wise !division wise! #onth wise variance of earnings and ton k#. cu#ulative as well as on that #onth last year$ d. @roduct categories wise! division wise earnings and lead are analy8ed. *ata +art for roa! traffic +ove+ent >4<)R:#? &epot #aintenance. Araffic Route wise earnings. %ervice wise earnings. %tores Ayre da#age Ayre life @arts consu#ed by particular route vehicles Aype of parts used. Cancellation

&ue to: tyre failure Jeavy traffic 7ccidents bandhs Jeavy rains Crew >racle tables! oracle / bo+.1 &As *ata+art for retail sales +anage+ent syste+. %ales and purchase #art. 6onitors the purchase as well as sales prices and fast #oving goods and custo#er wise purchase behavior. >racle ..)! &aphne (.1$! s;lDloader! plCs;l :er+ !eposit +art 7ndhra bank Be dealed with liability of ter# deposits like banking! savings. &i#ensions and fact. Contractual period 6aturity period ,yrs! '1 yrs etc$ ?ranch %che#es gold loan! housing loans etc$ :act account no$ >racle ..)! ?o +.1 s;l loader! pls;l. *ata +art for custo+er infor+ation syste+ for 3LL. @roduct di# @roduct key! @roduct na#e! @roduct si8e @roduct for#! @roduct package! @roduct dept! @roduct cat! @roduct sub cat! 3nit price %tore di# %tore key %tore na#e %tore address %tore #anager %tore si8e >rgani8ation di#s >rgani8ation key &ivision na#e! 7rea na#e! Region na#e!

6arket na#e Ai#e di# Ai#e key Beek 6onth *uarter Iear J<< wanted to do the research on the #arket seg#ent and the research towards the product selling. Jow the custo#er is reacting towards the product and what is the behavior of the custo#er. Ex if the custo#er are going for the kissan product! what type of packing they are n9gooing for i.e.! refills! tins! bottles. ?y seeing the behavior of the custo#er they wanted to change the #ode of business. 6%&A%! %*< %erver ..1! ?o +.1 Bhat are the total sales of particular product in the particular region for '00. and '00/G Bhich region in the particular area buys the #ost productsG Bhich stores is selling the #ost kissan in the particular region this yearG *ata +art for sales for tiru+ala electronics Custo#er di# Custo#er key Custo#er na#e 7ddress E#ployee di# E#ployee key %ales person Country %tate &istrict City @roduct di# @roduct key @roduct desc @roduct si8e @roduct cat @roduct sub cat Ai#e di# Ai#e key Beek 6onth *uarter Iear Ahey are the distributors and retail sellers of the electronic goods like lg! brl! whorl poor etc. they off er the discount! fiestival offer count! exchange offers! they want to analyse Uthe sales of the productC *ata +art for custo+er service center.

Calls Callid Call desc @roduct @roduct key @roduct desc @roduct si8e @roduct dept brand$ @roduct cat @roduct sub cat Custo#er di# Custo#er if Cuato#er na#e Custo#er address Ai#e di# Ai#e key Beek 6onth *uarter Iear Custo#er service fact Callid 6achine id %pare id Custo#er id Ai#e key Revenue *uantity &iscount @ariance Co#pare product line sales.revenue of '000 and (111 Colu#ns222lines Rows2222year ?ody2222sales revenue Calculations *iscount 9 ;ty D unitprice revenue Calculated object it does not exist in the fact table. argin 9 revenue cost of sales @arianceA x2x'Cx'D'11 (1112'000C'000D'11 *efining a connection &esigner toolsVconnections It display the na#e new connection na#e Aype 9 shared! secured! personal =etworklayer9 oracle client &atabase engine 9 oracle /.'

&atabase locationCaccount na#e userna#e! password! and database <re!efine! reusa&le con!ition or filters in !esigner Ahese conditions are displayed in ;uery panel. =a#e &escription Bhere clause Class na#e Condition Insert condition =a#e year '000 &esc sales in the year '000 Bhere Kselect ti#eCyear$9'000 ClassCobject condition :ile para#eters %u##ary tab it gives the total nu#ber of ite#s in unv. Revision tab2 nu#ber of ti#es it has been exported . Hey file &o+ain.0ey contains connection infor#ation to the repository. 1roa! caste agent 3sed for running scheduled tasks. ?ca is a software product! which e#powers users of webi and business objects. Ebusiness intelligence software to process and distribute docu#ents auto#atically and securely at scheduled dates and ti#es. 7nd it auto#atically co##unicates over the web to the channel subscribers. 7ll the users have to do is send a docu#ent to bca using ?o or Info5iew and specify scheduling and distribution infor#ation. Report &ursting is to refresh the docu#ent with each use profiles. It auto#atically generates a version of a docu#ent based on the profile of each person who will receive it. Ahis #ay have substantial i#pact on syste# perfor#ance. Ahis type of filtering the data and sending to the concerned user based on the profile. 6e& intelligence Be need II% Internet infor#ation server. Be need a browse with Fava support http:CC'0(.'.(.'Cwi2 this is the server na#e or path! which will start Info5iew. Bnfo@ie/ Ao login to your repository. 3serna#e @assword. :ro# webi you can view the exported docu#ents. It has access to the universe data provider only. 3R<Vserverna#e :ro# Info5iew Iou can access Corporate docs" gives the list of all ?o corporate docs @ersonal docs you can see personal docs which was saved but not publish in corporate docs Create docs display the all available universes that has been exported i.e.! universe do#ain$ select your universe! ;uery panel opens with class and objects.

Inbox >ptions the users can have his own option of output as it has to be displayed in the for# of ht#l for#at or Fava applet. %ave it save the report C docu#ent as personal docu#ent. %ent to user @ublish 2 the docu#ent in the corporate docu#ents in the universe do#ain. Reports of ?o cannot #ake changes in webi. ?ut Info5iew reports can be changed. B )*Cs @1 +acros. '. Be can write a #acro when you click the button or it activates auto#atically when an event occurs. Ex whenever you open the docu#ent it should displays Belco#e %elect your universe Create a nor#al ?o report %ave report in userdocs folder. %teps bo reporting AoolsV#acros 5? editor @roject explorer Ahis docu#ent present docu#ent &ocu#ent select object as docu#ent ?efore refresh event @rivate sub docu#ent before refresh 6sgbox Wwelco#eX End sub Bhenever you refresh a docu#ent it will display welco#e &ata refresh (. ?efore save the docu#ent should save as pdf and ht#l for#at report @rivate sub docu#ent2before save Ahis docu#ent.exportas pdf Wc:CboCreport).pdfX$ Ahis docu#ent.exportsheet as ht#l Wc:CboCreports).ht#lX$ Bhen we save the docu#ent in ?o reporting #odule it save the report as pdf and ht#l reports. ). 5? variable attaching to ?o variable. ?o 2 condition Iear e;ual to vyear &esign a 5? for# Aools #acros 5? #acros

Insert 222userfor# @roperties =a#e: yearfor# <abel properties Caption: year Aext box properties =a#e: txtyear Co##and button properties =a#e co##and button' >k &efine global variable &i# varyear as busobj.variable @rivate sub co##and button'Qclick $ 5aryear.value9cint textyear.value$ 3nload #e Endsub. Iear object vyear of ?o condition variable has to attach to 5? global variable. Ahis for# has to attach to the ?o docu#ent variable. @rivate sub userfor#Qinitiali8e $ %et varyear9this docu#ent.variables 7dd WvyearX$ 5aryear.interpreters9bo nu#erical variable End sub &ocu#ent ?efore refresh this docu#ent vb year for# invokes in bo @rivate sub docu#entQbeforerefresh cancel as boolean$ Cancel.false Endsub 1o has 5( !& o&'ects >bjDDD(+ 3nvDDD(+ &sDDD( ,1 slo/ly changing !i+ension are 3 types type ' no history updates type ( full history a. version b. current flag c. date range type ) partial history a. current history

b. type1 no history

previous history

this loads a slowly changing di#ension table by inserting new di#ensions and over writing existing di#enstio use this #apping when you do not want a historu of previous di#ension data. :ype 2 a.version Ahis loads a slowly changing di#ension by inserting new and changed di#ension using version no and incre#ental pk to track changes. Ahis is used when we want to keep full history of di#ension data. @roduct table @rodno @na#e '11 tv '1' vcd '11 tv '1' vcd '1( audio price (), 11 ()111 (,,11 (.111 ',111 uo# ea ea ea ea ea

pk ' ( ) + ,

@rodno @na#e '11 tv '1' vcd '11 tv '1' vcd '1( audio

price (), 11 ()111 (,,11 (.111 ',111

uo# ea ea ea ea ea

p#QversionQnu#ber ' ' ( ( '

8lag current Ahis load a slowly changing di#ension tble by inserting new and changed di#ension using flag to #ake current di#ension dat and an incre#ental pk to track changes. @rodno @na#e '11 tv '1' vcd '11 tv '1' vcd '1( audio pk ' ( ) + , price (), 11 ()111 (,,11 (.111 ',111 uo# ea ea ea ea ea price (), 11 ()111 (,,11 (.111 ',111 uo# ea ea ea ea ea p#QversionQnu#ber ' 1 ' 1 ' ' '

@rodno @na#e '11 tv '1' vcd '11 tv '1' vcd '1( audio

latest data #odification is with ' previous data with 1 c. effective !ata range

this loads a slowly changing di#ension table by inserting new and changed di#ension using a date range to define current di#ension data. @# pri#ary key @rodno @na#e price uo# ' '11 tv (), 11 ea ( '1' vcd ()111 ea ) '11 tv (,,11 ea + '1' vcd (.111 ea , '1( audio ',111 ea beginning data of (nd load is end date of ' load. :ype 3 #urrent,previous a. p# degin date sysdate$ p# end date 1.21.2(11) 1021.2(11) 1.21.2(11) 1021.2(11) 1021.2(11) 1021.2(11) 1021.2(11)

current this load a slowly changing di#ension by inserting new di#ensions and updating values in existing di#ension. Ahis #aintains partial history that is current and previous. It ask changes of which field you want to track 3ser response with #ultiple pro#pts 93serResponse Y*uery ' with EvlQ<iveY ! YCC7AY$ Z Y CC7A 7gent 3serResponse Y*uery ' with EvlQ<iveY ! Y&7AEQ:R>6Y$ Z Y &ate Ao : Y*uery ' with EvlQ<iveY ! Y&7AEQA>Y$ &own load excel file fro# given server or url. 9YEa href 9 &ownload to [< ECaRY 6odule >ption @rivate 6odule @ublic Const ConfigQ=a#e 9 YEvolveQ<ogging.iniY @ublic <oggingQBeb@ath 7s %tring \web @ @ath @ublic <oggingQConn@ath 7s %tring \db Conn @ath @ublic <oggingQ&b=a#e 7s %tring \&b =a#e @ublic <oggingQ@asswd 7s %tring \&b @asswd @ublic <oggingQErrorlog 7s %tring \Error<og @ath @ublic <oggingQ6ailAo 7s %tring \6ailAo @ath @ublic EvlQ@ath 7s %tring \Evovle @ath @ublic tracefileQpath 7s %tring \Arace :ile @ath @ublic excelQpath 7s %tring \ExcelQpath %ub Initiali8e7pp @ara#ater 7s ?oolean$ &i# Config 7s %tring \ConfigQ@ath 9 Ahis&ocu#ent.@ath ConfigQ@ath 9 Yc:UConfigY Config 9 ConfigQ@ath ] YUY ] ConfigQ=a#e <oggingQBeb@ath 9 4etIni Config! YC7AY! YBeb@athY$ <oggingQConn@ath 9 4etIni Config! YC7AY! YConn@athY$ <oggingQ&b=a#e 9 4etIni Config! YC7AY! Y&b=a#eY$ <oggingQ@asswd 9 4etIni Config! YC7AY! Y@asswdY$ <oggingQErrorlog 9 4etIni Config! YC7AY! YErrorlogY$ EvlQ@ath 9 4etIni Config! YC7AY! YE5<Q@7AJY$ &ate :ro# : Y Z Y Z3serResponse

tracefileQpath 9 4etIni Config! YC7AY! YAracefileQpathY$ excelQpath 9 4etIni Config! YC7AY! YExcelQpathY$ <oggingQ6ailAo 9 4etIni Config! YC7AY! Y6ailAoY$ End %ub

?usiness>bject >bjects Ahis&ocu#ent boreport na#e$ Const sRpt=a#e 9 YCorporateQCoverageQAhroughQ%#art%cripts.repY \DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD \ 5ersion &ate 7uthor Co##ents \2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 \ '.1 (,C1/C(11+ %hashank Initial version \ '.' 1/C10C(11+ %hashank 7dded CRR2&?76 Colu#n in all tabs \DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD @ublic %ub procQreport $ >n Error 4oAo errorQhandler &i# rows (1$ 7s Integer &i# Check&ir 7s Integer &i# xlpath! ;uery! &ocAoRun 7s %tring &i# doc 7s busobj.&ocu#ent &i# dp 7s busobj.&ata@rovider &i# rep 7s busobj.Report &i# col 7s busobj.Colu#n &i# dpcount! dploop! doccount! docloop! repcount! reploop! spacecheck! pro#pt 7s Integer &i# ht#l! %electRep! %electRep'! %electRep(! %electRep)! %electRep+! %electRep,! %electRep-! underscores! lsQ:I 7s %tring &i# errors ' Ao )! ' Ao '1$ 7s 5ariant &i# =ew6ail 7s >bject \&i# tracefileQpath 7s %tring &i# ReportQfolder 7s %tring \&i# excelQpath 7s %tring &i# tracefile &i# wrk>&?C 7s Borkspace &i# con?> 7s Connection &i# rstResults 7s Recordset Initiali8e7pp Arue$ EvlQ@ath 9 EvlQ@ath Z YCorporateQCoverageY %et doc 9 Ahis&ocu#ent %electRep 9 doc.=a#e \ %elect a tab to publish blank #eans all the tabs. %electRep' 9 Y&irectorQCoverageY

%electRep( 9 Y46QCoverageY %electRep) 9 Y4%6QCoverageY %electRep+ 9 Y%6QCoverageY %electRep, 9 Y76QCoverageY %electRep- 9 %electRep' Z Y^Y Z %electRep( Z Y^Y Z %electRep) Z Y^Y Z %electRep+ Z Y^Y Z %electRep, \ReportQfolder 9 E5<Q@7AJ Z %electRep ReportQfolder 9 EvlQ@ath ht#l 9 ReportQfolder Z YUY Z %electRep Check&ir 9 CheckQdir ReportQfolder$ Check&ir 9 CheckQdir tracefileQpath$ tracefile 9 tracefileQpath ] %electRep Z YQY Z :or#at =ow $! Yyyyy2##2dd2hh2##Y$ Z Y.txtY >pen tracefile :or >utput 7s _' @rint _'! =ow $ Z Y @rint _'! YY DDDDDDDDDD %tart of Arace DDDDDDDDDDY

@rint _'! =ow $ Z Y Establishing database connectionY %et wrk>&?C 9 CreateBorkspace Y>&?CBorkspaceY! YevolveY! YevolveY! db3se>&?C$ %et con?> 9 wrk>&?C.>penConnection Y>&?CConnectY! ! ! <oggingQConn@ath$ con?>.*ueryAi#eout 9 -11 \ first pick up the total nu#ber of channels %et doc 9 Ahis&ocu#ent dpcount 9 7ctive&ocu#ent.&ata@roviders.Count :or dploop 9 ' Ao dpcount %et dp 9 7ctive&ocu#ent.&ata@roviders.Ite# dploop$ @rint _'! =ow $ Z Y Refreshing data provider Y Z dploop Z Y of Y Z dpcount \dp.Refresh %et col 9 dp.Colu#ns.Ite# '$ rows dploop$ 9 col.Count @rint _'! =ow $ Z Y %ucessfully Refreshed! returned Y Z col.Count Z Y rowsY =ext dploop Call doc.Export%heets7sJt#l ht#l! %electRep-! '! 1! '! '! '! '! '! 1! 1! 1$ @rint _'! =ow $ Z Y Exported JA6< Y repcount 9 7ctive&ocu#ent.Reports.Count :or reploop 9 - Ao repcount spacecheck 9 ' %et rep 9 7ctive&ocu#ent.Reports.Ite# reploop$ repstr 9 rep.=a#e &o Bhile spacecheck 9 ' If In%tr repstr! Y Y$ 9 1 Ahen spacecheck 9 1 Else repstr 9 <eft repstr! In%tr repstr! Y Y$ 2 '$ Z YQY Z Right repstr! <en repstr$ 2 In%tr repstr! Y Y$$$$

End If <oop Check&ir 9 CheckQdir excelQpath$ xlpath 9 excelQpath Z repstr Z Y.xlsY Call rep.Export7sAext xlpath$ @rint _'! =ow $ Z Y Exported Report in Excel Y =ext reploop @rint _'! YY @rint _'! =ow $ Z Y Close _' DDDDDDDDDD End of Arace DDDDDDDDDDY

\>n Error Resu#e =ext Exit %ub errorQhandler: @rint _'! YAhe following error occurred at Y Z =ow $ Z Y: Y Z Err.=u#ber Z Y 2 Y Z Err.&escription \Resu#e =ext If Err.=u#ber ER 1 Ahen fn<ogEvents YEvolveQErrorlog.txtY! sRpt=a#e Z Y2Y Z YError in procQreport2Y! Err.=u#ber Z Y Y Z Err.&escription End If End %ub :unction CheckQdir pathna#e 7s %tring$ 7s Integer >n Error 4oAo errQcheckQdir &i# te#ppath 7s %tring te#ppath 9 &ir pathna#e$ If te#ppath 9 YY Ahen 6k&ir pathna#e$ End If CheckQdir 9 ' exitQcheckQdir: Exit :unction errQcheckQdir: CheckQdir 9 1 Resu#e exitQcheckQdir End :unction :unction fn<ogEvents ?y5al ls:ile=a#e 7s %tring! ?y5al lsEvent 7s %tring! ?y5al ls<og 7s %tring$ 7s %tring \fn<ogEvents Y<ibertyQErrorlog.txtY! sRpt=a#e Z Y2Y Z YError in @rocessQReport @rocedure2Y! Err.=u#ber Z Y Y Z Err.&escription \2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 \ =a#e: fn<ogEvents \ &escription: <ogs Events 3ser specified$ to a test file also \ specified$ \ Inputs: :ile =a#e as string 2 Ahe <og file

\ Event to <og as string 2 &escription of the <ogging \ Event \ <og &ata as string 2 Event to be <ogged \ Results: :or viewing the events logged please see the relevant \ file in the E7pp.@athU..U<ogsUR directory. \2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 &i# :ile=o :ile=o 9 :ree:ile If &ir <oggingQErrorlog Z YUY Z ls:ile=a#e$ 9 YY Ahen >pen ls:ile=a#e :or >utput 7s _:ile=o Brite _:ile=o! =ow $ Close _:ile=o End If >pen <oggingQErrorlog Z YUY Z ls:ile=a#e :or 7ppend 7s _:ile=o Brite _:ile=o! lsEvent Z =ow $ Brite _:ile=o! ls<og Close _:ile=o \%end E#ails using >utlook Call %end>utlook6ail sRpt=a#e Z Y222R :ailed Y Z =ow $! <oggingQ6ailAo! ls<og$ \%end E#ail to 3sers End :unction %ub %end>utlook6ail %ubject 7s %tring! Recipient 7s Q %tring! 6essage 7s %tring$ >n Error 4oAo errorJandler &i# o<app 7s >bject &i# oIte# 7s >bject %et o<app 9 Create>bject Y>utlook.applicationY$ %et oIte# 9 o<app.createite# 1$ \ Bith oIte# .%ubject 9 %ubject .Ao 9 Recipient .?ody 9 6essage .%end End Bith \ %et o<app 9 =othing %et oIte# 9 =othing \ Exit %ub errorJandler: %et o<app 9 =othing %et oIte# 9 =othing Exit %ub End %ub =ag '.what is user object objectG what is the scope of that.will this sa#e as class objectG

if not how do u give access to other usersG where it will storeG 3niverse folder If the objects in a universe do not #eet your needs! you can custo#i8e the universe by Creating you own object is called user objects. ex: concatenate firstna#e and lastna#e 9 na#e. Exa#ple >btaining total ordered revenue by creating a user object Ao obtain the revenue generated by an order! you create the Aotal user object with the following for#ula: 9*uantity >rderedD@roduct @rice where *uantity >rdered and @roduct @rice are objects in your universe. Bhen you include the Aotal user object in a ;uery! the calculation is #ade at the database level and the calculated results appear in your report. If an end2user wants to share user objects with other users! they should ask the universe designer to include these user objects in the related universe in order to #ake the# available to all ?3%I=E%%>?FECA% end2users. Ahe universe designer includes the file UNIVERSE_NAME.UDO in the universes where the user objects are to be used. (.what three different key files availableGwhich file contain whatG Ahe .lsi! .rkey! and .key files created on the server by the BI*A are downloaded to the client. ` Ahe .lsi file contains the user"s security infor#ation! profile! co##and restrictions and authori8ed docu#ents and universes. ` Ahe .rkey contains the address of the BE?I=AE<<I4E=CE server the user is connected to. Ahe .rkey indicates that the repository is accessed through a web connection. ` Ahe .key contains the address of the security do#ain. 3pdated versions of these files are downloaded to the client each ti#e the user connects to the BE?I=AE<<I4E=CE server. ).what is the internal process happening when u export the docu#ent to repositoryG Bhen docu#ent publish to the repository it store in the docu#ent do#ain as a records in objQ#Qdocu#ents in the #ain table. Ahere is another table objQxQdocu#ents which stores entire report in binary for#at data type blob$. 4.what is offline mode of opening the BO? when u open the BO offline they can be opened but with out connection with repository.then how is user validations done. to open offline #ode! atleast one ti#e u #ust open in online. that only ?> #aintain a key file locally regarding ur security details. next ti#e when u open offline security details fro# that key lsi i think$ which is stored in ur local syste#. 6ode of operation for &E%I4=ER when you are not connected to a repository. ` >nly available if you have previously connected in online #ode. ` In offline #ode you can open universes that are stored on your local co#puter only if those universes have been opened previously in online #ode. ` Iou can access databases where the connection and security infor#ation are stored on your local

#achine personel and shared connections$. ` Iou can use offline #ode when you do not have access to the repository! for exa#ple when working with a laptop off site! or when the network is not available. ,.what is the report burstingG Report bursting is to refresh the docu#ent with each use profiles. It auto#atically generates a version of a docu#ent based on the profile of each person who will receive it. Ahis #ay have substantial i#pact on syste# perfor#ance. Ahis type of filtering the data and sending to the concerned user based on the profile. 6.what is the report linking? how do u that? tell me formula?what is happening when you linking the reports/ '. In &esigner! right click on the <ink object and select >bject @roperties. (. Insert the following in the %elect state#ent: \Ea href9YC:U@rogra# :ilesU?usiness >bjectsU?usiness>bjects ,.1U3ser&ocsU\]] \.repYR\ ] ] \ECaR\ =ote: Ahis is 6% 7ccess for#at. :or >racle databases! use Y^^Y for concatenation. :or other databases! please check your database docu#entation. ). Click >H. +. Right click on the <ink object and select >bject :or#at. ,. 3ncheck the option YRead 7s JA6<Y and then check the option YRead 7s JA6<Y again because it was grayed out by default$. -. In ?usiness>bjects! ;uery your report! including the <ink object. .. %ave the report as JA6<. /. >pen the JA6< file in a web browser. In this case! you will see the country na#e as a link. Re#e#ber to save the designated report as country na#e. 0. Click on the link and the report opens in ?usiness>bjects Jyper link between reports using 9 YEa href9Y Z Char )+$ Z Char +-$ Z Char +-$ Z ECusto#er top '1 custo#er$RZYECaRY 9 YEa href9Y Z Char )+$ Z Char +-$ Z Char +-$ Z YCtopQ'1CYZYtopQ' ZInitCap Ytop '1 custo#erY$ ZYECaRY Z Char )+$ Z YRY Z

Z Char )+$ Z YRY

..suppose i want to order a#ounts of the of defferent business for current #onth!current ytd!previous year sa#e #onth order a#ount! previous year ytd in the s8#e report how do u doG u can have different data providers for each #easureed order a#ounts and keep dragging the order a#ont on to the job /.suppose i want to view the business order and sales a#ount breaking the different view points like business wise! region wise! district wise what do u doG and apart fro# this if possible how do i view a su##uri8ed aggregated report what do u doG Cross tab report sales a#ount is body ! business order as colu#n and row as business! region !district etc.

9.assume that in a report there one dataprovider having month and yere as the prompts.i want to show the current month and year on the top of the reports on the dinamically. he selected prompt can be displayed in the report title !lick on the report title or any cell" #nsert $$$ special field $$$%uery prompt. '1.suppose assu#e that i have four data providers in a report. how ?> can co#bine these four data providersG It auto#atically does or in view data there is an option called link to it will display the other data provider object which you have to link &&.where are the key files can be located? what is global repositoriesG #n locdata of business ob'ect folder. (lobal repositories which store in remote database. o access this you need to have the .key file in your local repository. '(.how do you take an excel version of ?> report either in the ?> or in the webiintelligence? %elect @ersonal data files &@$ select the excel sheet and run the ;uery. but you cannot call in webi I feel because webi has access to universe data provider ').what are the co#plex functions u have used so farG if i use variance for#ula so#e ti#es \devide by error\ envountered in the do u track the proble# and highlight situationG Aotal =onbillable 9su# Eno of non billable resourcesR$ foreachEsector billable resources$Rforall Eparentdepart#ent billable resources$R forall Edepart#entna#e billable resources$R 3se extended syntax to solve this proble# 5ariance for#ula a2b &4.what is info view" )abo" can we create report using info view? what are defferent types of documents? how do i switch to different options to create the reports in webi?

#nfo*iew is the personal gateway for the organi)ation information. +ou can access and send documents from around the world using corporate intranet" e,tranet" or -orld -ide -eb. +ou need to install the internet browser and supply the ./0 which connects to -eb 1erver and which will start #nfo*iew. o access the #nfo*iew" users are granted rights by the BO supervisor according to their user profile. !orporate 2ocuments3 he centrali)ed BO storage and distribution of documents are manage in !orporate 2ocument.

4ersonal 2ocuments3 .sers saves the document for the personal use. #nbo,3 +ou can view the documents that other users have sent you. 5ew 2ocument3 +ou can create the new document using the universe or from O064. InfoView options +ou can customi)e your user settings like refresh the documents when ever you visit. +ou can create your 2ashboard using 7y #nfo*iew. +ou can display different reports at once" each report displaying different information. +ou can select the view format of the report as 8 70 or 429. +ou have the drill option @ro#pt if drill re;uires additional data %ynchroni8e drill on report blocks 6e&Bntelligence


-eb#ntelligence is thin client. #t can be view through #nfo*iew. +ou can create/edit the documents of webintelligence using infoview. 1elect the report panel you want to use i.e." 8 70 or :6*6 panel you can create more sophisticated reports using :6*6 panel like multiple reports" charts" drag and drop" prompts" create formulas etc. !reated reports can send to particular user" corporate document" or schedule through

+ou can create/edit the reports of Business Ob'ects through #nfo*iew. #t downloads the business ob'ects thick client on the machine" and displays the list of universes. 1elect the universe and you can create the document using the universe ob'ects. 6nd send the report to repository" particular user or B!6.

',.if i want to give access #y report to #ultiple users what do i need to setG @ublish to corporate docu#ent. '-.what is report #eargingG 3sing union in ;uery panel ' do u set current date! last refresing date on the top of the reportG %elect InsertVspecial field date and ti#e222 current date refreshing date '/.is it possible to co#bine two different dataproviders with two different data sources in one docu#et. Ies. %elect an ooption access the data in different way. 7nd select others where you can select other than the universe data provider. '0. is it possible to co#bine two different data providers fro# two different universesG Ies ! select ooption222 access the data in diff way and select the universe ooption and select universe na#e (1.Aell #e few build2in functions available in ?>G difference between Kvariable Z Kpro#pt function. Kpro#pt where you select the given values which has been specified in the function. K@ro#pt \#essage\!\type\!Oa\value'\O!\value(\!...Pb!classQna#eobjectQna#e\P!#onoC#ulti!freeCconstrained$ Creates an object that pro#pts users to enter a specific value. K%cript \variable\!\type\!\script na#e\$ Recovers the results of an executed script created in the ?usiness>bjects #odule. K%elect classna#eUobjectna#e$ Inserts the %*< %elect definition of a previously defined object. K5ariable \#yna#e\$ References the value assigned to a pro#pt or variable. KBhere classna#eUobjectna#e$ Inserts the %*< Bhere definition of a previously defined object. K7ggregateQ7ware su# aggregate table'$!...!su# aggregate table=$$ &efines a #easure object using precalculated aggregate tables. ('.suppose #y report is taking long ti#e to refresh. how do u reduce the respone ti#e i #ean how do u i#prove the perfor#ance$ of the docu#ent. DDDDDDDDDDRE%><3AI>=DDDDDD Consider: 2 nu#ber of variables brought back 2 nu#ber of calculations done in the report 2 length of the %*< 2 nu#ber of joins in universe E;ually i#portant are: 2 a#ount of free hard disk space virtual #e#ory$ 2 a#ount of R76 available 2 nu#ber of other processes running on the client #achine 2 network speed 2 specification of the server 2 nu#ber of si#ultaneous users on the network! server =ote: 7 good test for this is to copy the %*< generated by ?usiness >bjects and run that using a si#ple ;uery tool like %*<D@<3% for >racle. If this runs slowly! you likely have a hardwareCnetwork proble#. Consider upgrading your network! server and client #achine. If this #ethod is significantly faster! try to reduce the nu#ber of calculations done in the report.

2 3se Aable Beighting. Ahis defines the order in which the tables in the database are viewed during %*< generation. =ote: If you want to reverse the order in which ?usiness>bjects sorts tables! you #ust change a para#eter in the relevant @R6 file of the database. :ind the RE5ER%EQA7?<EQBEI4JA para#eter in the O&efaultP section of the @R6 file. Change the para#eter to read: RE5ER%EQA7?<EQBEI4JA9= If the line is not present! the default is I.$ 2 Create pre2defined conditions in &esigner 2 Create aggregate awareness tables 2 %trea#line %*<. 3se only the absolutely necessary bits of of %*< 2 Increase the 7rray fetch si8e for the universe connection in &esigner! located under Aools R @ara#eters. Edit the connection and go to the 7dvanced tab. =ote: If this para#eter is increased too #uch! then you #ay start receiving errors. ;;. ell me how do u calculate last &<weeks order amonut in a report? create docu#ent with exetended syntax.find revenue per week.3 can dina#ically select ;uery whichever week u want ().how do u know that each dataprovider has run in how #uch ti#e! how #any records fetchedG In data#anager defination tab where you can see the ti#e and date! rows! durationit took. (+.Aell #e difference between global filtersG give #e scenarioG 7 global filter affects the whole report. 7 <ocal filter only filters the data in the selected table! chart or crosstab. 4lobal filter for the particular year or custo#er or product (,.what is drill2up! drill2down! drill2throughG &rilling #ost general level data to #ost detail data Bhen you go &rill through it will show the objects which have the hierarchies . select the object on which you want to drill through.

&esigner ().what is the universeGwhere it is locatedG can i create the universe with two differnt datasourcesG when do u go for linking the universesGhow do u link universeGto link universes what privileges u need to haveG 3niverse is a se#antic layer between user #odule and a database. It consists of classes and objects. It is located in business object folder!userdocs! Ies <inked universe. 7re universes that share co##on co#ponents! one universe is said to be the kernel or #aster! while the others are the derived universesG Ahe kernel universe are active universe are created fro# the sa#e data account and the sa#e rdb#s. Hernel universe are exported and rei#ported at least once. Exported derived universes are located in the sa#e universe do#ain as the kernel universe.D 7ll classes and objects are uni;ue in both the kernel universe and the derived universe. >therwise! collision #ay occur. Iou are authori8ed to link the given universe.

=ote: a derived universe doesn"t recover the list of values containing personal data fro# the kernel universe. Jowever! if you need control list of values! you can use the following create new objects defined in the sa#e way as those in the kernel! the hide the#. Iou can then assign the# to these objects lists of values! which you can then #odify and export. 0inking a .niverse to a .ser or (roup Ao assign a universe to a user or group: &. %elect a user or group in the 3ser pane. Ahe <ink 3niverses dialog box is displayed. Ahis dialog box lists all the universes available to the user or group you selected. ;. %elect the <ink . 3niverse co##and fro# the Resource #enu! or click the corresponding button on the toolbar. 0ink .niverse <. %elect one or #ore universes. Ao select #ore than one universe! hold down the Ctrl key while #aking your selections. 4. Click >H. Ahe na#e of the universe! and the universe do#ain in which it is stored! are displayed in the 3niverse tab of the Resource pane. =ote that you #ay need to refresh this display by selecting the Refresh co##and fro# the 5iew #enu: to link universe for linking universe one should have the supervisor privilages (-.what are different design patterns u followed while u designing the universe %che#as supported by designer: f. g. h. i. j. f. g. h. i. j. D sche#a. %nowflake. 6ulti D sche#a. =or#ali8ed production. &B with aggregates. Aask of the universe designer. &esigning! creating and #aintaining universes &istributing the universes. @lanning breakdown the infor#ation syste# into functional areas. 7nalysis analy8e the infor#ation needs of users. &esign design a conceptual sche#a. &esign the specification of a universe. I#ple#entation create a universe with designer. Aest the universe with ?oCwebi. &istribute the universe. Repeat the above steps for other universe. 6aintenance updates and #aintains the universe. =otify end users of changes. (..7fter creating the universe to go for over all check on the universe what option u can use in designerG 7fter applying that what differetn proble#s u have gotG tell #e the#. what is unknown cardinalityG how do u resolve thatG Cardinality is nothing but relation between tables.

Check integrity <oops found Bhere you don"t have the join cardinality ?y using the context or alias. (/.when do u use refresh structureG Bhen ever there is a change in the universe you need to refresh the structure ex. joins (0.&efference between user object Z user variableG 3ser object : 3sers can create user defined objects in ?3%I=E%%>?FECA% fro# existing objects in a universe. If a user object can be useful to other users of a universe! you as the universe designer! can insert the user object into the universe. It then beco#es available to other users. :or exa#ple! a user creates an object %ales Aax in a sales universe. Ahis #easure object is defined with the following %elect syntax: %u# a%erviceU@rice D 1.1.b$ where 1.1. is the current sales tax rate. 5ariable where we can give the for#ula and do the calculation. )1.Jave u involved in aggregate awarenessGin what scenarioG what do u achive with itG It is used when you want to aggregate the data for the perfor#ance sake. &ata lowest level is #onth. Bhen you want the ;uarter wise or year wise report it has to do the aggregation and gives the results. %o the perfor#ance will be low. Ao i#prove the perfor#ance we go for aggregate. Create the aggregate fact table for the year. )'.what are proble#s faced while designing the universesG how do u resolve the#G I found the loops I resolved it by alias and contexts. )(.7ssu#e that u have not resolve the loops in universe then i f u run the ;uery in the ?> what error u will getG error:inco#patible co#bination of objects )).what are the advantages Z disadvantages using aliasing Z contextingGgive #e real scenario.In the end2 user perspective how contexting effectG Context:Bhen you go for context every ti#e user has to select the path where he want to view the report. 7lias: user can select the object and generate the report using the alias table. )+.what is the scriptGwhat do u do with scriptG %trategies: a strategy is a script that reads structural infor#ation for a database or flat files. Awo types of strategies. ?uilt in strategy: for creating the co#ponents of universe. 3niverse para#eters: >bject creation strategy. Bhich tells designer how to define classes and objects auto#atically fro# the database tables and colu#ns. Foin creation strategy. Bhich tells designer how to define joins auto#atically fro# the database"s tables and colu#ns. Aable browser strategy. Bhich tells designer how to dead the table and colu#n structures fro# the database data dictionary. External strategies. :iles are declared in the %A4 section of. @R6 files located in various R&?6% folders. Ex >R7.E=.@R6 files. ),.what are three types of joins in ?> availableGwhen do u use short cut join and theta joinG

c. iv. v. vi. d.

. &esigner supports + types of joins. E;ui join 9 sa#e colu#n is present in both tables. Aheta join: link tables based on a relationship other than ;uality between ( colu#ns. >uter join: links ( tables! one of which has rows that do not #atch those in the co##on colu#ns of the other table. h. %hortcut join: can be used in sche#as containing redundant join paths leading to the sa#e results! regardless of direction. e. f. g. +1.what is hierarchyG what is the i#portance of the hierarchiesGdefference between default Z custo# hierarchiesG Jierarchies enable you to drill fro# one level of data to the next. Ex: geography: country! state! district! city. @roduct: category! type! vendor! and brand. Jierarchy is useful to drill through a default heirarchy fro# the base object in the ;uery. Click on the hierarchy editor. 7 window appears with &efault hierarchy and cuto#er hierarchy In default heirarchy you can see all the classes ! click on each class and click add to the cuso#er hierarchy. Custo#er hierarchy after adding to custo#er hierarchy you can define the hierarchy level Ai#e9 year! ;uarter!#onth! day. Iou can create your own hierarchy by clicking the button new and add objects fro# th default hierarchy. +'.explain about universe para#etersG &efinition^^su##ary^^strategies^^control^^s;l^^links &atabase connection. 7 connection is a set of para#eters that provides access to a database. 7 connection is #ade2up of ) ele#ents. Ahe network layer. oracle client$ Ahe connection na#e and type secured! shared! personal$ Ahe database location and account na#e. In su##ary tab! you can view the created dated! #odified date! discreption of the universe! nu#ber of class!objects! tables!conditions!aliases %trategy tab: Ahree %trategy are used to detect the joins and cardinalilties. >bjects : built in strategy: create classes fro# table na#es and objects fro# colu#n na#es . replaces NQ" with spaces. External strategy: class and objects Ahis strategy reads the database structure. It associate tables with classes as well as colu#ns with objects Foins: this strategy uses the key infor#ation to create the joins

Aables: reads the table structure fro# the database syste# tables. Control tab: which li#its the rows or report ti#ing %;l tab: this para#eter control the ;uery and s;l generation options for this universe. <ike allow use of sub ;ueries! allow use of union! intersect and #inus operator <ink tab: click add link " where you need to select the other universe fro# which one universe is dyna#ically link to the other universe.

+(. Can you export the universe to diff. RepositoriesG Ies! you can export the universe to #ultiple repositories. but not at a ti#e. Iou need to export the universe to one repository at a ti#e. yes! we can export the sa#e$univese universe to different repositories. bu t not at a by one. so#any ti#es i have done this job in 4E. there are AE%A! &E5E<>@6E=A! @R>&3CAI>= repositories. 7ctually supervisor can export the universes to repositories. but if u have export given by supervisor$ u can export. $what is the difference globel filter and local filter 7 global filter affects the whole report. 7 <ocal filter only filters the data in the selected table! chart or crosstab. ($how to #onitor the perofr#ance of reports and accessing the people without #eans without audit universe only client server architechture Iour reports run slowly. Iou want to know what you can do to increase the speedCperfor#ance of your report. DDDDDDDDDDC73%EDDDDDDDDDDDDDD @erfor#ance issues are specific to the local situation and report. It #ay be possible to fine tune your report and have it run #ore ;uickly. DDDDDDDDDDRE%><3AI>=DDDDDD Consider: 2 nu#ber of variables brought back 2 nu#ber of calculations done in the report 2 length of the %*< 2 nu#ber of joins in universe E;ually i#portant are: 2 a#ount of free hard disk space virtual #e#ory$ 2 a#ount of R76 available 2 nu#ber of other processes running on the client #achine 2 network speed 2 specification of the server 2 nu#ber of si#ultaneous users on the network! server =ote: 7 good test for this is to copy the %*< generated by ?usiness >bjects and run that using a si#ple ;uery tool like %*<D@<3% for >racle. If this runs slowly! you likely have a hardwareCnetwork proble#. Consider upgrading your network! server and client #achine. If this #ethod is significantly faster! try to reduce the nu#ber of calculations done in the report. 2 3se Aable Beighting. Ahis defines the order in which the tables in the database are viewed during %*< generation. =ote: If you want to reverse the order in which ?usiness>bjects sorts tables! you #ust change a para#eter in the relevant @R6 file of the database. :ind the RE5ER%EQA7?<EQBEI4JA para#eter in the O&efaultP section of the @R6 file. Change the para#eter to read: RE5ER%EQA7?<EQBEI4JA9= If the line is not present! the default is I.$

2 Create pre2defined conditions in &esigner 2 Create aggregate awareness tables 2 %trea#line %*<. 3se only the absolutely necessary bits of of %*< 2 Increase the 7rray fetch si8e for the universe connection in &esigner! located under Aools R @ara#eters. Edit the connection and go to the 7dvanced tab. =ote: If this para#eter is increased too #uch! then you #ay start receiving errors. )$all the users are not valid #eans including supervisor how u can recover reports and universes Ahis is not the ;uestion i think check the 7ny user can run &esigner and %upervisor even if they are not supposed to! according to the repository. Resolution DDDDDC>=:I43R7AI>=DDDDDD %upervisor version ,.'.x ?usiness>bjects version ,.'.x BebIntelligence version (.-.x DDDDDDDDDB7R=I=4DDDDDDDDDDD Ahis resolution involves #aking a #odification to the ?usiness>bjects repository. Ahis is not an operation supported under nor#al procedures of ?usiness>bjects! therefore we reco##end that this operation only be perfor#ed under the direction of Custo#er %upport staff. Create a backup of the repository before #aking any changes. DDDDDDDDDDD%I6@A>6%DDDDDDD 7ny user you create in %upervisor can run &esigner and %upervisor! even if they are only regular users. DDDDDDDDDDC73%EDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ahe repository is corrupt and in the table >?FQ6Q7CA>R there are two rows with id9' and two rows with id9(. Ahe id9' corresponds to the root level group in the repository. Ahe id9( corresponds to the first 4eneral %upervisor created with the repository. 7ny #odification you do is perfor#ed on these twice as the update orders are done with the I& in the duplicated condition. 7ny selection on these rows to check security rights for instance$ retrieve two rows instead of only the one expected and prevent the restrictions fro# being applied correctly. DDDDDDDDDDRE%><3AI>=DDDDDD Ao repair your repository! #anually #odify the table >?FQ6Q7CA>R and re#ove one of the two duplicated rows. ?ecause the two rows are si#ilar! there is no condition you can apply to differentiate the#. Ahe only way to perfor# that operation is to use R>BI&! which is a hexadeci#al index integrated into the tables to differentiate any rows. Jere are the steps to follow: '. %elect YrowidY fro# >?FQ6Q7CA>R where 6Q7CA>RQ=QI&9'. Ahis should give you two results. (. &elete fro# >?FQ6Q7CA>R where YrowidY is e;ual to one of the two results you got. ). :ollow steps one Y'Y$ and two Y(Y$ for 6Q7CA>RQ=QI&9(. 7fter these operations! you should only have one row for each I&. Iou can then use %upervisor to perfor# a %can and Repair of the repository to #ake sure that the data is coherent.

+$what is report bursting Iou send a docu#ent to ?roadcast 7gent ?C7$ fro# Reporter for a scheduled task. Ahe task has the option YRefresh with the profile of each recipientY Report ?rusting$ checkedM however! when the recipient retrieves the docu#ent fro# their Inbox! it is observed that none of the universe restrictions for exa#ple! Row Restrictions and Aable 6apping$ were applied to the report.

,$when we take into universe pane two tables fro# oracle product and sales orders these are not connected in universe but when we check the values of product it \s not showing but salesorders table values are showing whyG Ahis is wrong when we can refresh the universe structure then u can get the table values so#e ti#es the product table to synonu# then it wont co#e properly. what is the reasonG -$there is table contain '11 rows when i a# creating reports i want to only '1 rows how to restrictG 4o to designer and para#eters we have the tools options there #ax results set #ake it has '1 and save the universe u can get the '1 rows only. .$when i a# opening a report it is taking '1 #in ti#e how to reduce ti#e to '1sec what are settings we have to do there is no aggregate tables 7ns: Iour reports run slowly. Iou want to know what you can do to increase the speedCperfor#ance of your report. DDDDDDDDDDC73%EDDDDDDDDDDDDDD @erfor#ance issues are specific to the local situation and report. It #ay be possible to fine tune your report and have it run #ore ;uickly. DDDDDDDDDDRE%><3AI>=DDDDDD Consider: 2 nu#ber of variables brought back 2 nu#ber of calculations done in the report 2 length of the %*< 2 nu#ber of joins in universe E;ually i#portant are: 2 a#ount of free hard disk space virtual #e#ory$ 2 a#ount of R76 available 2 nu#ber of other processes running on the client #achine 2 network speed 2 specification of the server 2 nu#ber of si#ultaneous users on the network! server =ote: 7 good test for this is to copy the %*< generated by ?usiness >bjects and run that using a si#ple ;uery tool like %*<D@<3% for >racle. If this runs slowly! you likely have a hardwareCnetwork proble#.

Consider upgrading your network! server and client #achine. If this #ethod is significantly faster! try to reduce the nu#ber of calculations done in the report. 2 3se Aable Beighting. Ahis defines the order in which the tables in the database are viewed during %*< generation. =ote: If you want to reverse the order in which ?usiness>bjects sorts tables! you #ust change a para#eter in the relevant @R6 file of the database. :ind the RE5ER%EQA7?<EQBEI4JA para#eter in the O&efaultP section of the @R6 file. Change the para#eter to read: RE5ER%EQA7?<EQBEI4JA9= If the line is not present! the default is I.$ 2 Create pre2defined conditions in &esigner 2 Create aggregate awareness tables 2 %trea#line %*<. 3se only the absolutely necessary bits of of %*< 2 Increase the 7rray fetch si8e for the universe connection in &esigner! located under Aools R @ara#eters. Edit the connection and go to the 7dvanced tab. =ote: If this para#eter is increased too #uch! then you #ay start receiving errors. /$how can #erge the two reports If u can use the 3=I>= for #erge the report 0$how you link the two reports r' and r( 7=sMJere are the steps to follow: '. In &esigner! right click on the <ink object and select >bject @roperties. (. Insert the following in the %elect state#ent: \Ea href9YC:U@rogra# :ilesU?usiness >bjectsU?usiness>bjects ,.1U3ser&ocsU\]] \.repYR\ ] ] \ECaR\ =ote: Ahis is 6% 7ccess for#at. :or >racle databases! use Y^^Y for concatenation. :or other databases! please check your database docu#entation. ). Click >H. +. Right click on the <ink object and select >bject :or#at. ,. 3ncheck the option YRead 7s JA6<Y and then check the option YRead 7s JA6<Y again because it was grayed out by default$. -. In ?usiness>bjects! ;uery your report! including the <ink object. .. %ave the report as JA6<. /. >pen the JA6< file in a web browser. In this case! you will see the country na#e as a link. Re#e#ber to save the designated report as country na#e. 0. Click on the link and the report opens in ?usiness>bjects '1$local and globel repository in business objects concept is there or not Ies u can access the repository globaly ''$how we create nested pro#pts 7=s:Case Bhen K@ro#pt \Bhich 5alue\!\7\!a\7\! \:\ ! \?\b!#ono!free$ 9 \7\ Ahen :act.7ctualQ%ales

Bhen K@ro#pt \Bhich 5alue\!\7\!a\7\! \:\ ! \?\b!#ono!free$ 9 \ :\ Ahen :act.:orecastQ%ales Else :act.?udgetQ%ales End K@ro#pt \#essage\!\type\!Oa\value'\O!\value(\!...Pb!classQna#eobjectQna#e\P!#onoC#ulti!freeCconstrained$ Creates an object that pro#pts users to enter a specific value. '($when you select product in report it will shows this product is sales so#e region like that report how we will create or is it possible i think with #acro possible I a# not understand what u asking ')$is it possible to create new object in webi ,i$22no '+$what is the difference bCw 8abo bo and thick client report Tero ad#in bo is the thin cleint application.Jere are the differences Ahick Client '.7bility to work offline Ies (.%oftware and #iddleware resides on client ).%oftware and #iddleware resides on server +.>perating %yste#s ,.Edit %*< -.Radar and @olar ..Aabled and ChartedC4raphed Reports2 sa#ereport Ies =o Ies Ies =o Ies

Ahin client =o =o Ies =o =o Ies =o =o Ies =o

/.6ultiple data access on sa#e report 2 co#bined;ueries Ies 0.@ro#pts within reports '1.Interactive on2screen report for#atting ''.Report for#atting prior to ;uery '(.hyper2linked data support ').@icture data representation '+.&ata 7lerter support ',.&ata Ranking support '-.3ser defined data '..3ser defined hierarcjies '/.:ree2hand %*< generation '0.@ersonal data access =o Ies =o =o =o Ies Ies Ies Ies Ies Ies

Ies Ies Ies =o =o =o =o =o =o

(1.3ser defined conditionsCfilters



',$when we connect with singapur repository then we download the 8abo bo thne is it possible to access the Europe rep reports %ee the repository is in global why aggain two rep concept eventhough if that is the case again u can take the login id of europe univ and get so#e reps. '-$Jow it is possible to create dept wise #ax!#in and #eadiu# values there is a data provider contain depts and all the #easure values 6ediu# u can apply the for#ula and #ax #in u can apply group by '.$ how .rep file stores Reports are stored in repository as REC>R&%. in >?FQ6Q&>C36E=A% is the #ain table. Ahere is another table >?FQ[Q&>C36E=A% which store entire report in ?I=7RI for#at data type ?<>?$. Jyper link between reports using 9 YEa href9Y Z Char )+$ Z Char +-$ Z Char +-$ Z ECusto#er top '1 custo#er$RZYECaRY 9 YEa href9Y Z Char )+$ Z Char +-$ Z Char +-$ Z YCtopQ'1CYZYtopQ' ZInitCap Ytop '1 custo#erY$ ZYECaRY Z Char )+$ Z YRY Z

Z Char )+$ Z YRY

'.what is user object objectGwhat is the scope of that.will this sa#e as class objectG if not how do u give access to ohter usersG where it will storeG ans: 7 universe consists pri#arily of classes and objects! created by the universe designer. If the objects in a universe do not #eet your needs! you can custo#i8e the universe by creating your own objects! which are called user objects. Bhy create a user objectG ?ased on one or #ore existing objects! user objects enable you to: ` 6ake calculations at the database level. ` 7pply functions to text! for exa#ple to capitali8e data. ` 4roup data. Jere"s an exa#ple of a user object. ............................................................ Exa#ple >btaining total ordered revenue by creating a user object Ao obtain the revenue generated by an order! you create the Aotal user object with the following for#ula: 9*uantity >rderedD@roduct @rice where *uantity >rdered and @roduct @rice are objects in your universe. Bhen you include the Aotal user object in a ;uery! the calculation is #ade at the ............................................................ database level and the calculated results appear in your report.

Bhat does a user object consist ofG 7 user object has a na#e! a type character! date or nu#eric$! a ;ualification di#ension! #easure or detail$ and a for#ula. Ahe for#ula contains a co#bination of functions! objects! user objects! operators! and text. 3ser objects are end2user personal objects that are not shared with other endusers. 3ser objects are defined for each universe and stored on a local file inside the WU3niverseX folder. :or exa#ple! when creating a user object on top of a specific universe! say ?E7CJ.3=I5! this user object will then be stored locally on a file called the ?E7CJ.3&> inside the 3niverse folder$. Bhat are the restrictions on user objectsG Iou can work only with the user objects that you create yourself! and you cannot #ove user objects fro# the 3ser >bjects class. 7lso! user objects are available only in the universe in which they were created. 3ser objects are not shared. Reports that include user objects can only be viewed by other end2users. Ahis is because user objects are stored locally in a specific user object definition file. >ther end2users! who do not have the sa#e user object definition file are not able to access the user object definitions. If an end2user tries to refresh or edit a ;uery that contains another user"s user objects! the user objects are auto#atically re#oved fro# the ;uery and report. &espite these restrictions! the universe designer can turn user objects into regular objects! which can be #ade available in other universes! and for other users. =ote: %cheduling reports containing user objects is not a supported feature. 3ser objects are re#oved when the report is refreshed. :or #ore infor#ation refer to the Info5iew 3ser"s 4uide. Jow can an end2user share user objects with other usersG If an end2user wants to share user objects with other users! they should ask the universe designer to include these user objects in the related universe in order to #ake the# available to all ?3%I=E%%>?FECA% end2users. Ahe universe designer includes the file 3=I5ER%EQ=76E.3&> in the universes where the user objects are to be used. (.what three different key files availableGwhich file contain whatG Ahe .lsi! .rkey! and .key files created on the server by the BI*A are downloaded to the client. ` Ahe .lsi file contains the user"s security infor#ation! profile! co##and restrictions and authori8ed docu#ents and universes. ` Ahe .rkey contains the address of the BE?I=AE<<I4E=CE server the user is connected to. Ahe .rkey indicates that the repository is accessed through a web connection. ` Ahe .key contains the address of the security do#ain. 3pdated versions of these files are downloaded to the client each ti#e the user connects to the BE?I=AE<<I4E=CE server. ).what is the internal process happening when u export the docu#ent to repositoryG Bhen docu#ent publish to the repository it store in the docu#ent do#ain as a records in objQ#Qdocu#ents in the #ain table. Ahere is another table objQxQdocu#ents which stores entire report in binary for#at data type blob$. +.what is offline #ode of opening the ?>Gwhen u open the ?> offline they can be opened but with out connection with repository.then how is user validations done. 6ode of operation for &E%I4=ER when you are not connected to a repository.

` >nly available if you have previously connected in online #ode. ` In offline #ode you can open universes that are stored on your local co#puter only if those universes have been opened previously in online #ode. ` Iou can access databases where the connection and security infor#ation are stored on your local #achine personel and shared connections$. ` Iou can use offline #ode when you do not have access to the repository! for exa#ple when working with a laptop off site! or when the network is not available. ,.what is the report burstingG Report bursting is to refresh the docu#ent with each use profiles. It auto#atically generates a version of a docu#ent based on the profile of each person who will receive it. Ahis #ay have substantial i#pact on syste# perfor#ance. Ahis type of filtering the data and sending to the concerned user based on the profile. -.what is the report linkingG how do u thatG tell #e for#ulaGwhat is happening when you linking the reportsC '. In &esigner! right click on the <ink object and select >bject @roperties. (. Insert the following in the %elect state#ent: \Ea href9YC:U@rogra# :ilesU?usiness >bjectsU?usiness>bjects ,.1U3ser&ocsU\]] \.repYR\ ] ] \ECaR\ =ote: Ahis is 6% 7ccess for#at. :or >racle databases! use Y^^Y for concatenation. :or other databases! please check your database docu#entation. ). Click >H. +. Right click on the <ink object and select >bject :or#at. ,. 3ncheck the option YRead 7s JA6<Y and then check the option YRead 7s JA6<Y again because it was grayed out by default$. -. In ?usiness>bjects! ;uery your report! including the <ink object. .. %ave the report as JA6<. /. >pen the JA6< file in a web browser. In this case! you will see the country na#e as a link. Re#e#ber to save the designated report as country na#e. 0. Click on the link and the report opens in ?usiness>bjects =.suppose i want to order amounts of the of defferent business for current month"current ytd"previous year same month order amount" previous year ytd in the s)me report how do u do? >.suppose i want to view the business order and sales amount breaking the different view points like business wise" region wise" district wise what do u do? and apart from this if possible how do i view a summuri)ed aggregated report what do u do? 0.assu#e that in a report there one dataprovider having #onth and yere as the pro#pts.i want to show the current #onth and year on the top of the reports on the dina#ically. '1.suppose assu#e that i have four data providers in a report. how ?> can co#bine these four data providersG It auto#atically does or in view data there is an option called link to ''.where are the key files can be locatedG what is global repositoriesG '(.how do you take an excel version of ?> report either in the ?> or in the webiintelligenceG

@ersonal data files &@$ ').what are the co#plex functions u have used so farG if i use variance for#ula so#e ti#es \devide by error\ envountered in the do u track the proble# and highlight situationG '+.what is info view! 8abo! can we create report using info viewG what are defferent types of docu#entsG how do i switch to different options to create the reports in webiG ',.if i want to give access #y report to #ultiple users what do i need to setG @ublish to corporate docu#ent. >r sent to users. '-.what is report #eargingG 3sing union in ;uery panel ' do u set current date! last refresing date on the top of the reportG %elect InsertVspecial field date and ti#e222 current date refreshing date '/.is it possible to co#bine two different dataproviders with two different data sources in one docu#et. Ies. %elect an ooption access the data in different way. 7nd select others where you can select other than the universe data provider. '0. is it possible to co#bine two different data providers fro# two different universesG Ies ! select ooption222 access the data in diff way and select the universe ooption and select universe na#e (1.Aell #e few build2in functions available in ?>G difference between Kvariable Z Kpro#pt function. Kpro#pt where you select the given values which has been specified in the function. K@ro#pt \#essage\!\type\!Oa\value'\O!\value(\!...Pb!classQna#eobjectQna#e\P!#onoC#ulti!freeCconstrained$ Creates an object that pro#pts users to enter a specific value. K%cript \variable\!\type\!\script na#e\$ Recovers the results of an executed script created in the ?usiness>bjects #odule. K%elect classna#eUobjectna#e$ Inserts the %*< %elect definition of a previously defined object. K5ariable \#yna#e\$ References the value assigned to a pro#pt or variable. KBhere classna#eUobjectna#e$ Inserts the %*< Bhere definition of a previously defined object. K7ggregateQ7ware su# aggregate table'$!...!su# aggregate table=$$ &efines a #easure object using precalculated aggregate tables. ('.suppose #y report is taking long ti#e to refresh. how do u reduce the respone ti#e i #ean how do u i#prove the perfor#ance$ of the docu#ent. DDDDDDDDDDRE%><3AI>=DDDDDD Consider: 2 nu#ber of variables brought back 2 nu#ber of calculations done in the report 2 length of the %*< 2 nu#ber of joins in universe E;ually i#portant are: 2 a#ount of free hard disk space virtual #e#ory$ 2 a#ount of R76 available 2 nu#ber of other processes running on the client #achine 2 network speed 2 specification of the server 2 nu#ber of si#ultaneous users on the network! server =ote: 7 good test for this is to copy the %*< generated by ?usiness >bjects and run that using a si#ple ;uery tool like %*<D@<3% for >racle. If this runs slowly! you likely have a hardwareCnetwork proble#.

Consider upgrading your network! server and client #achine. If this #ethod is significantly faster! try to reduce the nu#ber of calculations done in the report. 2 3se Aable Beighting. Ahis defines the order in which the tables in the database are viewed during %*< generation. =ote: If you want to reverse the order in which ?usiness>bjects sorts tables! you #ust change a para#eter in the relevant @R6 file of the database. :ind the RE5ER%EQA7?<EQBEI4JA para#eter in the O&efaultP section of the @R6 file. Change the para#eter to read: RE5ER%EQA7?<EQBEI4JA9= If the line is not present! the default is I.$ 2 Create pre2defined conditions in &esigner 2 Create aggregate awareness tables 2 %trea#line %*<. 3se only the absolutely necessary bits of of %*< 2 Increase the 7rray fetch si8e for the universe connection in &esigner! located under Aools R @ara#eters. Edit the connection and go to the 7dvanced tab. =ote: If this para#eter is increased too #uch! then you #ay start receiving errors. ;;. ell me how do u calculate last &<weeks order amonut in a report? ().how do u know that each dataprovider has run in how #uch ti#e! how #any records fetchedG In data#anager difination tab where you can see the ti#e and date! rows! durationit took. (+.Aell #e difference between global filtersG give #e scenarioG 7 global filter affects the whole report. 7 <ocal filter only filters the data in the selected table! chart or crosstab. 4lobal filter for the particular year or custo#er or product (,.what is drill2up! drill2down! drill2throughG &rilling #ost general level data to #ost detail data

&esigner ().what is the universeGwhere it is locatedG can i create the universe with two differnt datasourcesG when do u go for linking the universesGhow do u ling universeGto link universes what privileges u need to haveG (-.what are different design patterns u followed while u designing the universe (..7fter creating the universe to go for over all check on the universe what option u can use in designerG 7fter applying that what differetn proble#s u have gotG tell #e the#.what is unikkonw cardinalityG how do u resolve thatG (/.when do u use refresh structureG (0.&efference between user object Z user variableG )1.Jave u involved in aggregate awarenessGin what scenarioG what do u achive with itG )'.what are proble#s faced while designing the universesG how do u resolve the#G )(.7ssu#e that u have not resolve the loops in universe then i f u run the ;uery in the ?> what error u will getG )).what are the advantages Z disadvantages using aliasing Z contextingGgive #e real scenario.In the end2 user perspective how contexting effectG )+.what is the scriptGwhat do u do with scriptG

),.what are three types of joins in ?> availableGwhen do u use short cut join and theta joinG +1.what is hierarchyG what is the i#portance of the hierarchiesGdefference between default Z custo# hierarchiesG +'.explain about universe para#etersG Creating .C%5 file @ro#pt weekno! %E<ECA weekno ^^\!\^^ dynQsector ^^\!\^^ dynQsubsector ^^\!\^^ dynQ<E ^^\!\^^ dynQ%7C ^^\!\^^ dynQlob ^^\!\^^ statQsector ^^\!\^^ statQsubsector ^^\!\^^ statQ<E ^^\!\^^ statQ%7C ^^\!\^^ statQlob ^^\!\^^ salesQchannel ^^\!\^^ proQcode ^^\!\^^ prodQgrp ^^\!\^^ custQtype ^^\!\^^ ;ty ^^\!\^^ overallQchrg ^^\!\^^ contractQrev ^^\!\^^ #aintQchrg ^^\!\^^ rentalQchrg ^^\!\^^ salesQchrg :R>6 scorsQheadlineQreportM Ahe DECODE %tate#ent >ne of the #ost powerful and overlooked %*< state#ents is the &EC>&E state#ent. Ahe &EC>&E state#ent has the following syntax: &EC>&E val! exp1! exp2! exp3! exp4! ...! def$M &EC>&E will first evaluate the value or expression val and then co#pare expression exp1 to val. If val e;uals exp1! expression exp( will be returned. If val does not e;ual exp1! expression exp3 will be evaluated and returns expression exp4 if val e;uals exp3. Ahis process continues until all expressions have been evaluated. If there are no #atches! the default def will be returned. %E<ECA e.firstQna#e! e.lastQna#e! e.jobQtitle! &EC>&E e.jobQtitle! \@resident\! \DDDDDD\! e.salary$ :R>6 e#p e BJERE e.e#pQid in %E<ECA =5< 8.#anagerQid! e.e#pQid$

:R>6 e#p 8$M In this exa#ple! all #anager na#es will be retrieved with their salaries. Bhen the row identifying the president is displayed! show \DDDDDD\ instead of his salary. 7lso notice the =5< function used to evaluate a null #anager I&. >nly the president will have a null #anager I&! which would not have been retrieved without the =5<. 7lso notice that &EC>&E is evaluating jobQtitle and returning salary! which would nor#ally be a data type #is#atch since the job title and salary colu#ns are different data types but is okay here. %E<ECA e.firstQna#e! e.lastQna#e! e.jobQtitle! e.salary :R>6 e#p e BJERE &EC>&E 3%ER!\@RE%\!e.e#pQid! 3@@ER e.lastQna#e$!e.e#pQid! 1$ 9 e.e#pQid M In this exa#ple! if the user is the president! all e#ployees will be returned with their corresponding salary. :or all other users! only one row will be retrieved! enabling the user to see his or her own salary only. %E<ECA e.firstQna#e! e.lastQna#e! e.jobQtitle! &EC>&E 3%ER!\7&6I=\!&EC>&E e.jobQtitle! \@RE%E&E=A\! \DDDDD\! e.salary$! \@RE%\! e.salary! \DDDDDD\$ :R>6 e#p e BJERE e.e#pQid in %E<ECA =5< 8.#anagerQid! e.e#pQid$ :R>6 e#p 8$M In this exa#ple! the &EC>&E state#ent is nested with another &EC>&E state#ent. If the >racle user is \7&6I=\! show the salaries except for the president\s salary. If the >racle user is \@RE%\! show all salaries and if the user is anybody else! return \DDDDDD\. 7nother place the &EC>&E state#ent can be used is in the >R&ER ?I clause. Ahe next exa#ple will sort the output in such a way that the president is the first row returned followed by the depart#ents \%7<E%\! \7&6I=\! and then \I%\ with their corresponding e#ployees. %E<ECA! e.jobQtitle! e.firstQna#e! e.lastQna#e

:R>6 e#p e! dept d BJERE d.deptQno 9 e.deptQno >R&ER ?I &EC>&E e.jobQtitle!\@RE%I&E=A\! 1! &EC>&E!\%7<E%\! '! \7&6I=\! (! )$$! e.lastQna#eM Ahis exa#ple does not >R&ER ?I e.jobQtitle but uses this colu#n to search for the title \@RE%I&E=A\ and returns a 1. :or all other rows! another &EC>&E is used to evaluate the depart#ent na#e and returning nu#bers '! (! or ) depending upon what the depart#ent na#e is. 7fter the &EC>&Es are finished! the data is further sorted by e#ployee last na#e e.lastQna#e. @erfor#ance Auning %*< %erver Foins

One of the best ways to boost :O#5 performance is to limit how many rows need to be :O#5ed. Ahis is especially beneficial for the outer table in a F>I=. >nly return absolutely only those rows needed to be F>I=ed! and no #ore. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated ! !2""3 DDDDD If you perfor# regular 'oins between two or more tables in your ;ueries! perfor#ance will be opti#i8ed if each of the joined colu#ns have their own indexes. Ahis includes adding indexes to the colu#ns in each table used to join the tables. 4enerally speaking! a clustered key is better than a non2clustered key for opti#u# F>I= perfor#ance. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated ! !2""3 DDDDD #f you have two or more tables that are fre%uently 'oined together ! then the colu#ns used for the joins on all tables should have an appropriate index. If the colu#ns used for the joins are not naturally co#pact! then considering adding surrogate keys to the tables that are co#pact in order to reduce the si8e of the keys! thus decreasing read IC> during the join process! increasing overall perfor#ance. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated #!14!2""3 DDDDD :O#5 performance has a lot to do with how many rows you can stuff in a data page . :or exa#ple! let\s say you want to F>I= two tables. 6ost likely! one of these two tables will be s#aller than the other! and %*< %erver will #ost likely select the s#aller of the two tables to be the inner table of the F>I=. Bhen this happens! %*< %erver tries to put the relevant contents of this table into the buffer cache for faster perfor#ance. If there is not enough roo# to put all the relevant data into cache! then %*< %erver will have to use additional resources in order to get data into and out of the cache as the F>I= is perfor#ed. If all of the data can be cached! the perfor#ance of the F>I= will be faster than if it is not. Ahis co#es back to the original state#ent! that the nu#ber of rows in a table can affect F>I= perfor#ance. In other words! if a table has no wasted space! it is #uch #ore likely to get all of the relevant inner table data into cache! boosting speed. Ahe #oral to this story is to try to get as #uch data stuffed into a data page as possible. Ahis can be done through the use of a high fillfactor! rebuilding indexes often to get rid of e#pty space! and to opti#i8e datatypes and widths when

creating colu#ns in tables. O-.,! ..1! (111P Added ! !2""3 DDDDD ?eep in mind that when you create foreign keys" an inde, is not automatically created at the same time. If you ever plan to join a table to the table with the foreign key! using the foreign key as the linking colu#n! then you should consider adding an index to the foreign key colu#n. 7n index on a foreign key colu#n can substantially boost the perfor#ance of #any joins. O-.,! ..1! (111P Added 2!#!2""2 DDDDD 6void 'oining tables based on columns with few uni%ue values . If colu#ns used for joining arenGt #ostly uni;ue! then the %*< %erver opti#i8er #ay not be able to use an existing index in order to speed up the join. Ideally! for best perfor#ance! joins should be done on colu#ns that have uni;ue indexes. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated #!14!2""3 DDDDD :or best join perfor#ance! the inde,es on the columns being 'oined should be numeric data types! not CJ7R or 57RCJ7R! or other non2nu#eric data types. Ahe overhead is lower and join perfor#ance is faster. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated #!14!2""3 DDDDD :or #axi#u# perfor#ance when joining two or #ore tables! the inde,es on the columns to be 'oined should have the same data type" and ideally" the same width . Ahis also #eans that you shouldn\t #ix non23nicode and 3nicode datatypes when using %*< %erver ..1 or later. e.g. 57RCJ7R and =57RCJ7R$. If %*< %erver has to i#plicitly convert the data types to perfor# the join! this not only slows the joining process! but it also could #ean that %*< %erver #ay not use available indexes! perfor#ing a table scan instead. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated ! !2""3 DDDDD -hen you create 'oins using ransact$1@0" you can choose between two different types of synta,3 either 651# or 7icrosoft. 7=%I refers to the 7=%I standard for writing joins! and 6icrosoft refers to the old 6icrosoft style of writing joins. :or exa#ple: ANSI $OIN S%ntax %E<ECA fna#e! lna#e! depart#ent :R>6 na#es I==ER F>I= depart#ents >= na#es.e#ployeeid 9 depart#ents.e#ployeeid &o'(e' Mi)'osoft $OIN S%ntax %E<ECA fna#e! lna#e! depart#ent :R>6 na#es! depart#ents BJERE na#es.e#ployeeid 9 depart#ents.e#ployeeid If written correctly! either for#at will produce identical results. ?ut that is a big if. Ahe older 6icrosoft join syntax lends itself to #istakes because the syntax is a little less obvious. >n the other hand! the 7=%I syntax is very explicit and there is no chance you can #ake a #istake. :or exa#ple! I ran across a slow2perfor#ing ;uery fro# an ER@ progra#. 7fter reviewing the code! which used the 6icrosoft F>I= syntax! I noticed that instead of creating a <E:A F>I=! the developer had accidentally created a CR>%% F>I= instead. In this particular exa#ple! less than '1!111 rows

should have resulted fro# the <E:A F>I=! but because a CR>%% F>I= was used! over '' #illion rows were returned instead. Ahen the developer used a %E<ECA &I%AI=CA to get rid of all the unnecessary rows created by the CR>%% F>I=. 7s you can guess! this #ade for a very lengthy ;uery. 3nfortunately! all I could do was notify the vendor\s support depart#ent about it. Ahe #oral of this story is that you probably should be using the 7=%I syntax! not the old 6icrosoft syntax. ?esides reducing the odds of #aking silly #istakes! this code is #ore portable between database! and eventually! I i#agine 6icrosoft will eventually stop supporting the old for#at! #aking the 7=%I syntax the only option. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated #!14!2""3 DDDDD If you have to regularly 'oin four or more tables to get the recordset you need! consider denor#ali8ing the tables so that the nu#ber of joined tables is reduced. >ften! by adding one or two colu#ns fro# one table to another! the nu#ber of joins can be reduced! boosting perfor#ance. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated #!14!2""3 DDDDD #f your 'oin is slow" and currently includes hints" remove the hints to see if the opti#i8er can do a better job on the join opti#i8ation than you can. Ahis is especially i#portant if your application has been upgraded fro# version -., to ..1! or fro# ..1 to (111. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated #!14!2""3 DDDDD One of the best ways to boost :O#5 performance is to ensure that the F>I=ed tables include an appropriate BJERE clause to #ini#i8e the nu#ber of rows that need to be F>I=ed. :or exa#ple! I have seen #any developers perfor# a si#ple F>I= on two tables! which is not all that unusual. Ahe proble# is that each table #ay contain over a #illion rows each. Instead of just F>I=ing the tables! appropriate restrictive clauses needed to be added to the BJERE clause of each table in order to reduce the total nu#ber of rows to be F>I=ed. Ahis si#ple step can really boost the perfor#ance of a F>I= of two large tables. Added #!14!2""3 DDDDD In the %E<ECA state#ent that creates your F>I=! donAt use an B CasteriskD to return all of the columns in both tables. Ahis is bad for# for a couple of reasons. :irst! you should only return those colu#ns you need! as the less data you return! the faster your ;uery will run. It would be rare that you would need all of the colu#ns in all of the tables you have joined. %econd! you will be returning two of each colu#n used in your F>I= condition! which ends up returning way #ore data that you need! and hurting perfor#ance. Aake a look at these two ;ueries: 3%E =orthBind %E<ECA D :R>6 >rders I==ER F>I= O>rder &etailsP >= >rders.>rderI& 9 O>rder &etailsP.>rderI& or 3%E =orthBind %E<ECA >rders.>rderI&! >rders.>rder&ate! O>rder &etailsP.3nit@rice! O>rder &etailsP.*uantity! O>rder &etailsP.&iscount

:R>6 >rders I==ER F>I= O>rder &etailsP >= >rders.>rderI& 9 O>rder &etailsP.>rderI& ?oth of these ;ueries perfor# essentially the sa#e function. Ahe proble# with the first one is that it returns not only too #any colu#ns the aren\t all needed by the application$! but the >rderI& colu#n is returned twice! which doesn\t provide any useful benefits. ?oth of these proble#s contribute to unnecessary server overhead! hurting perfor#ance. Ahe #oral of this story is never to use the D in your joins. O-.,! ..1! (111P Added 1!1*!2""1 DDDDD Bhile high index selectivity is generally an i#portant factor that the *uery >pti#i8er uses to deter#ine whether or not to use an index! there is one special case where indexes with low selectivity can be useful speeding up %*< %erver. Ahis is the case for indexes on foreign keys. -hether an inde, on a foreign key has either high or low selectivity" an inde, on a foreign key can be used by the @uery Optimi)er to perform a merge 'oin on the tables in %uestion . 7 #erge join occurs when a row fro# each table is taken and then they are co#pared to see if they #atch the specified join criteria. If the tables being joined have the appropriate indexes no #atter the selectivity$! a #erge join can be perfor#ed! which is generally #uch faster than a join to a table with a foreign key that does not have an index. O..1! (111P Added 4!*!2""1 DDDDD :or very large joins! consider placing the tables to be 'oined in separate physical files in the same filegroup. Ahis allows %*< %erver to spawn a separate thread for each file being accessed! boosting perfor#ance. O-.,! ..1! (111P DDDDD 2onAt use !/O11 :O#51" unless this is the only way to accomplish your goal . Bhat so#e inexperienced developers do is to join two tables using a CR>%% F>I=! then they use either the &I%AI=CA or the 4R>3@ ?I clauses to Yclean upY the #ess they have created. Ahis! as you #ight i#agine! can be a huge waste of %*< %erver resources. O-.,! ..1! (111P Added 11!2#!2""" DDDDD #f you have the choice of using a :O#5 or a sub%uery to perfor# the sa#e task! generally the F>I= often an >3AER F>I=$ is faster. ?ut this is not always the case. :or exa#ple! if the returned data is going to be s#all! or if the are no indexes on the joined colu#ns! then a sub;uery #ay indeed be faster. Ahe only way to really know for sure is to try both #ethods and then take a look at their ;uery plans. If this operation is run often! you should seriously consider writing the code both ways! and selecting the code that is #ost efficient. O-.,! ..1! (111P Updated *!12!2""1 DDDDD Be have a ;uery that contains two subselects containing an aggregate function %36! Count! etc.$ in the %E<ECA part. Ahe ;uery was perfor#ing sluggishly. Be were able to isolate the proble# down to the aggregate function in the subselect. Ao rectify the proble#! we reorgani8ed the ;uery so that there was still an aggregate function in the %E<ECA part! but replaced the subselects with a series of F>I=%. Ahe ;uery executed #uch faster. %o! if this holds true 22 developers" as a rule" should use :O#51 in lieu of subselects when the subselect contains aggregate functions. O..1! (111P +ip p'o,ided -% Si.,e's)ape +e)/no.o0ies1

In),e's)ape.net3 Added 12!4!2""1 DDDDD If you have a ;uery with #any joins! one alternative to denormali)ing a table to boost performance is to use an #nde,ed *iew to pre$'oin the tables . 7n Indexed 5iew! which is only available fro# %*< %erver (111 Enterprise Edition! allows you to create a view that is actually a physical object that has its own clustered index. Bhenever a base table of the Indexed 5iew is updated! the Indexed 5iew is also updated. 7s you can i#agine! this can also reduce I=%ERA! 3@&7AE! and &E<EAE perfor#ance on the base tables. Iou will have to perfor# tests! co#paring the pros and cons of perfor#ance in order to deter#ine whether or not using an Indexed 5iew to avoid joins in ;uery is worth the extra perfor#ance cost caused by using the#. O(111P Added 2!11! 2""2 DDDDD If you have a ;uery that use a 0E9 O. E/ :O#5! check it carefully to be sure that is the type of join you really want to use. 7s you #ay know! a <E:A >3AER F>I= is used to create a result set that includes a.. of the rows fro# the left table specified in the clause! not just the ones in which the joined colu#ns #atch. In addition! when a row in the left table has no #atching rows in the right table! the result set row contains =3<< values for all the selected colu#ns co#ing fro# the right table. If this is what you want! then use this type of join. Ahe proble# is that in the real world! a <E:A >3AER F>I= is rarely needed! and #any developers use the# by #istake. Bhile you #ay end up with the data you want! you #ay also end up with #ore than the data you want! which contributes to unnecessary overhead and poor perfor#ance. ?ecause of this! always closely exa#ine why you are using a <E:A >3AER F>I= in your ;ueries! and only use the# if they are exactly what you need. >therwise! use a F>I= that is #ore appropriate to your needs. O-.,! ..1! (111P Added 3!25!2""2 DDDDD #f you are having difficulty tuning the performance of a poorly performing %uery that has one or more :O#5s! check to see if they ;uery plan created by the ;uery opti#i8er is using a hash join. Bhen the ;uery opti#i8er is asked to join two tables that don\t have appropriate indexes! it will often perfor# a hash join. 7 hash join is resource intensive and can slow the perfor#ance of your join. If the ;uery in ;uestion is run often! you should consider adding appropriate indexes. :or exa#ple! if you are joining colu#n' in table' to colu#n, in table(! then colu#n' in table' and colu#n, in table( need to have indexes. >nce indexes are added to the appropriate colu#ns used in the joins in your ;uery! the ;uery opti#i8er will #ost likely be able to use these indexes! perfor#ing a nested2loop join instead of a hash join! and perfor#ance will be i#proved. O..1! (111P Aop ) select I& !ite#Qid!price fro# select Row=u# as I& !ite#Qid!price fro# select rownu# !ite#Qid!price fro# ite#s order by price desc $ $ where I& E9)

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