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Cadi Ayyad University ENCG Teacher: Mr.

BENLAHCEN Hicham Class: S2

Teleph ne En!lish " #mp rtant phrases

Telephoning in English includes learning a number of special phrases, as well as focusing on listening skills. Some of the most important phrases include how to answer the phone: Hello, this is Ken Brighton 0987654 The first example response is in American English and the second is in British English. As you can see there are differences in both forms. n American English, we answer the phone stating !This is ...! n British English" it#s common to answer the phone by stating the telephone number. The phrase !This is ...! is used only on the telephone to substitute the phrase !$y name is ...! which is not used to answer the telephone. Here is an e$ample dial !%e: &perat r: %ello, &rank and Brothers, %ow can help you' 'eter: This is (eter )ackson. *an ha+e extension ,-./' &perat r: *ertainly, hold on a minute, #ll put you through... (ran): Bob (eterson#s office, &rank speaking. 'eter: This is (eter )ackson calling, is Bob in' (ran): #m afraid he#s out at the moment. *an take a message' 'eter: 0es, *ould you ask him to call me at 12umber3 . need to talk to him about the new pro4ect, it#s urgent. (ran): *ould you repeat the number please' 'eter: 0es, that5s 12umber3, and this is (eter )ackson. (ran): Thank you $r. )ackson, #ll make sure Bob gets this asap. 'eter: Thanks, bye. (ran): Bye. 6ook at the chart below for key language and phrases used in telephone English: #ntr d%cin! y %rsel* This is 7en. 7en speaking

Cadi Ayyad University ENCG Teacher: Mr. BENLAHCEN Hicham Class: S2

As)in! +h is n the teleph ne Excuse me, who is this' *an ask who is calling, please' As)in! * r S me ne *an ha+e extension ,./' 8Extensions are internal numbers at a company9 *ould speak to...' 8*an : more informal ; $ay : more formal9 s )ack in' 8 nformal idiom meaning: s )ack in the office' C nnectin! S me ne #ll put you through 8put through : phrasal +erb meaning #connect#9 *an you hold the line' *an you hold on a moment' H + t reply +hen s me ne is n t availa,le #m afraid ... is not a+ailable at the moment The line is busy... 8<hen the extension re=uested is being used9 $r. )ackson isn#t in... $r. )ackson is out at the moment... Ta)in! a Messa!e *ould 8*an, $ay9 take a message' *ould 8*an, $ay9 tell him who is calling' <ould you like to lea+e a message'

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