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Level 3 Media Cambridge Technical

Woolston Eyes

TYPE OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE/LANDSCAPE Forest Landscape WHY IS THIS LOCATION SUITABLE FOR YOUR PROJECT? There are several places that can be used for the photo-shoot spread, and ore appeal!n"%

ean!n" the bac#"rounds $!ll be d!fferent

ACCESS TRAN&'ORT LIN(& TO LOCATION Car to the "ate )us to the top of the road Ta*! to the "ate '+,&ICAL ACCE&& TO &ITE Wal#!n" )!#e

GENERAL INFORMATION 'eople $ho !"ht be affected by record!n" !n th!s locat!onWal#ers Cycl!sts .o""ers Natur!sts 'recaut!ons/ easures ta#en to !n! !se the ! pact of your record!n"Warn people that record!n" !s ta#!n" place 'o$er sources ava!lable Cater!n" To!lets Telephones 0ayl!"ht t! es 1!f record!n" outs!de2 Locals/Author!t!es to be contacted No No No No ,es 3orn!n" t!ll Late Afternoon N/A

3easure ents of space used on locat!on- 14se paces !f necessary2 56ft by 76ft 0escr!be any restr!ct!ons/ha8ards !n the ! ed!ate v!c!n!tyWater runn!n" alon" the path $ay to the br!d"e and under the br!d"e% 0!rt path lead!n" up to locat!on !s steep and sl!ppery Thorns alon" one s!de of the path Where $!ll the cre$ $or# on th!s locat!on9 W!th!n the roo Where $!ll the cast $or# on th!s locat!on9 W!th!n the roo


1N%)% th!s does not replace the R!s# Assess ent for $h!ch ust be carr!ed out for any pract!cal pro:ect2

Level 3 Media Cambridge Technical

Tr!pp!n" over the tr!pod &l!pp!n" on the br!d"e $here $ater !s Fall!n" branches

Descri e !"e #es!"e!ics $% !"e &$c#!i$' 1e%"% 0escr!be the potent!al ca era shots or descr!be the acoust!c value of
the locat!on2

+!"h an"le shots can be used $!th odel be!n" on the h!"her "round% Lo$ an"le shots $!th the odel at the botto of the h!ll% Close ups $!th the $ater !n the bac#"round% 3ed!u shot of the odel $al#!n" alon" the path ;ar!ty of shots can be used as the scene chan"es as you $al# further do$n the path% Trees surround the path on one s!de, $!th plants and shrubbery alon" the other< !t !s a = every half !le% !le lon" path $!th $ater

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