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Screen Grabs

Outfit 1

This is the original image I chose to use for my fashion spread.

I started to edit this picture by changing the levels of red in the picture to 11,
this changed the image to make it look more brown than usual. So I would
have to change this. But at the same time make sure all the images are edited
in the same way.

To level out the picture again I had to change the level of green to 11, this
then started to balance out the image even more. Also the change of number
in levels has been kept the same.

Finally with the levels I had to change the amount of blue to 11 this then
finished off the image. Again the edit has been kept the same.

I have now changed the brightness decreasing it to -35 and changing the
contrast to +11 this then made the picture clearer and more professional

Finally I increased the vibrancy of the picture to make it stand out more; I also
increased the saturation slightly making the green lighter.

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