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[Uttara Kalamrita] The following are to be investigated through the fifth house: (1) progeny (2) father s virtuous

a!ts (") a #ing ($) a minister (%) good morals (&) me!hani!al art (') mind (() learning ()) pregnan!y (1*) dis!retion (11) umbrella (12) instru!tive stories (1") auspi!ious letters (1$) garments (1%) a great desirable a!tion (1&) paternal property (1') foresightedness (1() fortune through wife s lu!# (1)) liasions with !ourtesans (2*) profundity (21) firmness (22) se!ret (2") de!orum (2$) writing of news (2%) well+being (2&) friendship (2') a long literary produ!tion (2() engaging oneself in any business (2)) belly ("*) invo!ation through mantras ( "1) Un!ountable wealth) ("2) gift of !oo#ed ri!e ("") dis!rimination between virtue and vi!e ("$) !hanting of ,eda -antras ("%) .isdom ("&) ability for !riti!ism (deep pondering) ("') ways of earning money ("() a festive o!!asion when drum or tabor is played (")) great !ontentment ($*) profound learning ($1) hereditary post of minister/ [0ata#a 1ari2ata] 3ames for the fifth house: 4hi (intelligen!e)5 4eva (deity)5 6a2a (#ing)5 1itrunandana (father son)5 and 1an!ha#a are the names of the fifth house/

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