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A04_Ch.20: The 19203 & The Great Depression 1920 - 1940!

Purpose: Along with class lessons and activities, this assignment will examine the causes and consequences of World War I. Among the issues we'll attempt to address are:! -What political and social changes took place after World War I and through the 1920s?! Science & Technology! ! Economic Opportunity! Given: ! Use the The Americans textbook to complete the assignment below.! Refer to the course calendar to acquire due dates and other instructions.! Write complete sentences when a sentence is called for in the tasks below.!

Task:! A. Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues! Read pages 618 - 624! Terms & Names! communism Sacco and Vanzetti nativism isolationism! John L. Lewis!

quota system! anarchists

TAKING NOTES! In a cause-and-effect chart like the one shown, list examples of the aftereffects of World War I. What event do you think was the most significant? Explain your choice.! ANALYZING ISSUES" In the various fights between management and union members, what did each side believe?! B. The Harding Presidency! Read pages 625 - 627 ! Terms & Names:! Warren G. Harding! Charles Evans Hughes! ! Teapot Dome scandal ! ! Ohio gang!

Fordney-McCumber Tariff ! ! Albert B. Fall!

TAKING NOTES! List five significant events from this section and their effects, using a table like the one shown (in your textbook). Which event benefited the country the most? Why?! ANALYZING EFFECTS" How do you think the postwar feelings in America influenced the election of 1920? !
Think About:! the desire for normalcy! Hardings image! the issues Americans wanted to focus on!

C. The Business of America! Read pages 628 - 633 ! Terms & Names:! Calvin Coolidge urban sprawl installment plan!

TAKING NOTES! In a chart like the one shown (in your textbook), Re-create the web below on your paper and fill it in with events that illustrate the central idea.! INTERPRETING GRAPHS" What trend does the graph (in your textbook) show between 1920 and 1930? What were some of the reasons for this trend?

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