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Aim Small Miss Small: Why the S.P.E.A.R.

is Effective Ryan Finnegan, Co-Owner CrossFit Tehachapi, Certified Blauer Tactical Systems PDR Coach Just prior to the ambush of British Soldiers in the movie The Patriot, Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), asks his two sons what did I tell you fellas about shooting? Their reply was simple, yet effective, aim small, miss small. While that particular reference is in the context of shooting, it has an effortless transition to the self defense world. If your training in defense to an attack focuses on small parts (i.e. blocking a punch by intercepting the opponents arm or fist) your chances of becoming successful diminish greatly. This is why the Blauer Tactical Systems S.P.E.A.R. system is extremely effective under the duress of an attack. If you are not familiar, S.P.E.A.R. is an acronym for Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response. Spontaneous Protection is your bodys natural startle/flinch mechanism which it uses to protect itself. You are hardwired that way so embrace it as you are going to need it. Science proves that our bodys reaction to a stimulus introduced quicker than our brain can process it is to flinch and push away danger. Think about the last time you watched a movie, or T.V. show and a person is walking up to a door, the music is building suspense and you know there is someone on the other side waiting to do harm. When they open the door and the threat appears, which again you knew was going to be there, did gasp, yell and flinch with your arms coming up by your head? If so there is no need to feel embarrassed that is your startle/flinch. If you played the same moment in slow motion would you have the same reaction? The answer is no, your brain would have time to process the threat, therefore, you wouldnt flinch. Enabling Accelerated Response is converting the flinch to a tactical movement by getting your arms outside 90 degrees, opening your hands and splaying your fingers wide open. By doing so, you employ muscle recruitment and engage your extensor muscles putting yourself in a far superior position. Furthermore, by opening the hand and splaying the fingers you expose your radius bone in your forearm which adds to the effective deployment of the S.P.E.A.R . . For illustration, make a fist and rub the outside of your forearm, which is your radius, what do you feel? Now open your hand and splay your fingers as far apart as they will go, feel the difference? As Dr. Robert Smith, Direct Action Medical Network, states {a}natomically, SPEAR is sound because it uses areas of the body that are least susceptible to injury to strike areas of the body that are the most susceptible to influence. From top to bottom the SPEAR puts you in the strongest natural position your body can be in without a lot of complex movements to get there. Combining the ability to remain aware, detecting pre-contact cues and effectively capitalizing on your bodys natural protection system makes the S.P.E.A.R the most effective self defense tool you can possess in your toolbox. LtCol Dave Grossman (U.S. Army, Special Forces, Ret.) illustrates in his article Psychological Effects of Combat that when the body reaches a hormonal induced heart rate of 155 beats per minute, the ability to complete complex motor skills begin to diminish. Many self defense programs across the world teach a variety of techniques that require complex motor skills in order to execute; additionally, focusing on small moving pieces or body parts. Without a substantial amount of training or practice could lead to disaster, or at best a false sense of security that you will be ready to defend yourself, or others, in a time of need. However, putting trust in your physiology knowing that your startle/flinch will be faster than an opponent punch or tackle, understanding your body will instinctively push away

danger, get your arms outside 90 degrees, open your hands and splay your fingers while driving your forearm bone into the aggressors chest and you will hit your target every single time.

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