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veision 1.u
Tobias Rice
This will be a basic setup using Winuows 2uu8 Seivei to allow uot1x auth with an
Aiuba contiollei. Steps to have a basic installation incluue:
1. Rename the seivei
2. Setting seivei as Bomain Contiollei
S. Installing Ceitificate Seivices
4. Request Ceitificates (optional)
S. Installing Netwoik Policy Seivices (pieviously IAS)
6. Cieating uioup Policies

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Something uiffeient about Winuows 2uu8 Seivei is that the seivei name is auto-
geneiateu anu you aie not given a chance uuiing the install to name the seivei so
you must uo !"#$%" installing Active Biiectoiy oi Ceitificate Seivices.
In the "Initial Configuiation Tasks" winuow, click the "Pioviue computei name anu
uomain" link.

Entei a Computei uesciiption anu click the "Change." button to change the
computei name. I'll be using WLAN-BC as my name anu uesciiption.

Entei the Computei name anu click "0K" anu ieboot when piompteu.

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Foi this example we setup a new foiest foi the uomain. Seivei 2uu8
abstiacts most seivei function into "Roles" so we'll be auuing the Active Biiectoiy
Bomain Seivices Role with the Seivei Nanagei by clicking "Roles" anu clicking "Auu

Select the Active Biiectoiy Bomain Seivices Role.

Click thiough the confiimation scieens anu click Install. You shoulu get see an
installation piogiess scieen anu finally an "installation success" message that asks
you to iun the commanu "ucpiomo.exe" which will configuie youi uomain. So click
the link to iun "ucpiomo" oi click the "Stait" button, select "Run" anu entei
"ucpiomo.exe". You shoulu now see the "Active Biiectoiy Bomain Seivice" install
wizaiu. Click "Next " to continue.

Choose "Cieate a new uomain in a new foiest" anu click "Next".

Foi oui example uomain we'll use "". Click "Next" anu it will check to see if
the name is alieauy useu on the netwoik.

When askeu to set which "Foiest Functional Level" I useu the 2uu8 level.

The next scieen you'll see is a waining that the BNS seivice isn't install anu will
offei to install it foi you. }ust click "Next" to accept anu install.

It will uisplay the following waining, just click "Yes" to continue.

}ust accept the uefaults anu click "Next".
Now you'll be piompteu to entei a "Biiectoiy Seivices Restoie Noue Auministiatoi
Passwoiu". Entei a passwoiu anu click "Next".

Click "Next" at the Summaiy scieen.

You'll now see the Installation Wizaiu install BNS anu Active Biiectoiy. Check the
"Reboot on completion" box anu once the wizaiu finishes it'll ieboot anu be ieauy
foi the next step.

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To enable PEAP oi EAP-TLS we'll neeu to install Ceitificate Seivices to enable a
Ceitificate Authoiity (CA) to geneiate anu sign ceitificates foi oui uomain. Again,
auu a Role via the Seivei Nanagei anu select "Active Biiectoiy Ceitificate Seivices"
anu click "Next".

Click thiough the confoimation scieen anu select "Ceitification Authoiity" anu
"Ceitificate Authoiity Web Eniollment" which will tell you that you'll neeu IIS to be
installeu to use the "Ceitificate Authoiity Web Eniollment". Click "Auu Requiieu
Role Seivices" anu click "Next" to continue.

When piompteu foi which type of Ceitificate Authoiity to install, choose

When piompteu foi CA Type, select "Root CA" anu click "Next".

When piompteu to Set 0p Piivate Key select "Cieate a new piivate key" anu click

When piompteu to Configuie Ciyptogiaphy foi CA, accept the uefaults anu click
"Next" foi the iest of the confoimation scieens.

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Now that we have oui Ceitificate Authoiity (CA) up anu iunning we may want to
iequest a ceitificate foi oui Authentication Seivei.
We'll cieate a Niciosoft Nanagement Console (NNC) that will allow us to iequest
anu install the ceitificate foi oui seivei. Piess the "Stait" button anu entei "NNC" in
the commanu fielu to open the NNC. Next we'll auu the Ceitificate (Foi Local
Computei) snap-in by clicking "File" anu choosing "AuuRemove Snap-in". Select
"Ceitificates" anu click "Auu".

Now be suie to select "Computei Account" anu click "Next".

Choose "Local Computei", click "Finish" anu "0K".

&'() While you'ie heie you might as well auu the "Ceitificate Authoiity" snap-in anu
save this NNC to youi uesktop because you'll neeu it again in the futuie.
To iequest a ceitificate foi youi seivei (if you uon't want to use the uefault
ceitificate) expanu "Ceitificates (Local Computei Account)", "Peisonal", anu iight-
click "Ceitificates" anu select "All Tasks", "Request New Ceitificate."

Click thiough the Eniollment scieens choosing the settings you uesiie foi youi

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In Winuows 2uu8 Seivei you can no longei just install the Inteinet Authentication
Seivice (IAS) anu have RABI0S functionality. You must now install Netwoik Policy
anu Access Seivices, which now incluue eveiything fiom eailiei veisions of
Winuows seivei such as RRASIASetc,. but now incluues NAP (think NAC foi
Winuows). We will be installing anu configuiing just enough to enable PEAP anu
RABI0S functionality with oui Aiuba contiollei. So once again heau to the Seivei
Nanagei anu "Auu a Role" selecting "Netwoik Policy anu Access Seivices" anu click
thiough the confiimation scieen.

Select "Netwoik Policy Seivei", "Routing anu Remote Access Seivices", "Remote
Access Seivice" anu "Routing". Click "Next", click thiough the confiimation scieen
anu click "Install".

Installation will take a couple of minutes anu piesent you with an install summeiy.
}ust click "Close".
Now that NPS is installeu, piess the "Stait" button anu entei "nps.msc" in the
commanu fielu. The NPS NNC shoulu open up allowing you to select the "RABI0S
seivei foi 8u2.1X Wiieless oi Wiieu Connections" Installation Wizaiu fiom the
"Stanuaiu Configuiation" pull-uown menu anu click "Configuie 8u2.1X".

Fiom the "Select 8u2.1X Connections Type" page, select "Secuie Wiieless
Connections" anu click "Next".

Fiom the "Specify 8u2.1X Switches" scieen click "Auu." anu entei the settings foi
youi Aiuba contiollei anu piess "0K".

Foi the "Configuie an Authentication Nethou" scieen select "Niciosoft Smait Caiu
oi othei ceitificate" foi EAP-TLS oi "Niciosoft Piotecteu EAP (PEAP)" foi PEAP. I
will be selecting PEAP foi this example anu click "Configuie."

Select the appiopiiate ceitificate to use foi this seivei. In this case we'll use the
"" ceitificate anu click "0K".

Foi the "Specify 0sei uioups" scieen select the useis anuoi gioups you woulu like
to allow wiieless access. Foi this example I am allowing all of my uomain useis by
selecting the "Bomain 0seis" gioup. If I want to enfoice Nachine Authentication I
neeu to auu the "Bomain Computeis" gioup as well as checking the "Enfoice
Nachine Auth" option in the uot1x policy on my Aiuba contiollei. Click "Next" to
*$+") uioups listeu heie aie consiueieu as an 0R statement.

Foi the next scieen you can click "Next" anu "Finish" oi click "Configuie." to auu
RABI0S attiibutes foi Seivei Beiivation iules.

Foi example, you may want to map the "Bomain 0seis" to the "employee_iole" on
youi Aiuba contiollei. You coulu uo that heie with the "Filtei-Iu" attiibute.

*$+") Theie seems to be a bug in Winuows if you mess with these attiibutes too
much the "Filtei-Iu" attiibute vanishes. If this happens cancel out of the wizaiu anu
stait ovei.
Piess "Next" anu "Finish" to complete the wizaiu. This shoulu now allow you to
authenticate useis against youi Winuows 2uu8 Seivei. To test youi configuiation,
ssh to youi Aiuba contiollei anu configuie it to use the new RABI0S seivei.
(NC8uu) >en
(NC8uu) #configuie teiminal
Entei Configuiation commanus, one pei line. Enu with CNTLZ

(NC8uu) (config) #aaa authentication-seivei iauius nps
(NC8uu) (RABI0S Seivei "nps") #host 1u.1.u.2S6
(NC8uu) (RABI0S Seivei "nps") #enable
(NC8uu) (RABI0S Seivei "nps") #key psswuiu
(NC8uu) (RABI0S Seivei "nps") #nas-iuentifiei Aiuba-Nastei
(NC8uu) (RABI0S Seivei "nps") #nas-ip 1u.1.u.2Su

E)* .7". .) "77 #? 7<71H./#$% #" *)1F#$% C1)C716HI
(NC8uu) #aaa test-seivei mschapv2 nps tobias qweity12!

Authentication successful

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