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Camrin Joyner 17 de febrero 2014 Classe 1

Location of country
What is the capital of Panama?\ Panama City It is located in central America It is near the Pacific Ocean

Wonders of Panama
Soccer is a popular sport in Panama The rain forest is one of the natural wonders of Panama They make hand made jewelry Lots of people visit the Panama canal when they go to the county Girls in the country make shirts known for there ornate designs

Geography of the country

It is a rugged and hilly country Lake gatun is one of the main lakes Average temp is 80 digress In the mountains it is 50 digress

Main dishes
Arroz con pollo one whole chicken with rice ham and peas Plantain cereal two large plantains with rice plantains are green bananas

Balboa it the type of money people in the country

Important people
Jimmy carter he help take control of the Panama canal Omar Torrijos is the commander of Panamas national guard Artro Delvalle Henriquez was president in 1985 Perez Balladares esabiced the economic Guillermo Endear he saturated to rebus the nation

Historical events
In November 1903, panama decaled independes from Columbia Columbus claimed the area for Spain in 1502 Panama canal was built in 1907 so ships dont have to go all the way around south America 1999 panama assumed full canal

Thank you

Work cited
"Panama." CultureGrams Online Edition. ProQuest, 2014. Web. 17 Feb 2014.

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