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Classroom Management Plan

Sasha Bordell

Students must know that they are cared about and valued regardless of their behavior Hardin
A practical and logical classroom management plan is essential for every student to succeed. This is also essential because students need to be taught what routines and procedures look like in school. Effective teaching begins when a teacher has control of their class. I believe every student has something unique and important to offer to the classroom. In a classroom that is conducive to learning, students have basic needs that have to be met. They have to feel they are cared for, loved and are a part of our classroom. I believe that students should feel respected as a teacher I expect the same. I will create a safe and nurturing learning environment for students to thrive in their education. Philosophical Model of Classroom Discipline I strongly agree with Henry Wongs theory of classroom management. As he says in The First Days of School, In an effective classroom students should not only know how what they are doing, they should also know why and how. I believe everything should have a procedure because it creates a safety blanket for students. Students need to be in constant routine and be self-regulated learners. I will model the following routines and procedures at the beginning of the year. Procedures & Routines 1. Morning Entry a. Students will come in the classroom, put their backpack away, take their chair down and meet me for Share Time.

b. After Share Time, students will go to their desks and start on their morning work. During this time, I will collect homework as it is placed on their desks. 2. Self-starters a. After Share Time- independent reading of choice b. After morning recess- literacy centers c. After lunch- math problem of the day d. Afternoon recess- on level independent reading 3. Bathroom a. Students should be using the bathroom during their time (recess and lunch). b. If students need to use the bathroom, they should take the bathroom pass and put it on their desk. They should first give me a thumbs up before putting the bathroom pass on their desk. I will then nod yes or no. 4. Desk a. b. c. d.

No pencils should be sharpened during instruction time Only the required materials should be on students desk Push in your chair every time you get up Any trash made around your desk, should be cleaned up

5. Line-up procedures a. I will count 1-2-3 to line up. When I say 1, everyone stands up. When I say 2, everyone pushes in their chair. When I say 3, everyone lines up. I will call students by table groups to line up b. When we are lining up, everyone should be facing forward quietly. Classroom Jobs Teachers aide Lunch helper

Light monitor Line leader Trash monitor Kindness monitor

Class Rules Teaching students to follow our class rules is an integrate part of building a classroom community. Henry Wong states, The rules for our class are to help you learn in a classroom that is safe and effective. They will make sure that nothing will keep you from being successful in this class. I will introduce the rules on the first day of school and place them on an eye-level space for students to refer to. The rules for our class are the following: 1. Be safe 2. Be respectful 3. Be responsible 4. Follow directions the first time Consequences and Rewards Our classroom will use a clip chart to monitor behavior. A clip chart is a great tool that allows students to be rewarded for positive behavior, while discouraging negative behavior. Each student has a clothespin, with his or her name on it. Everyone will start on green at the beginning of each day, and clips can be moved up and down throughout the day based on behavior. Students will earn a Panther Pride (school prize) tickets based on the level they end up on the day with! (Ticket scale: green=1, blue=2, purple=3, pink=4). The clip chart uses the following levels: Super Student (pink), Great Job(purple), Good Choices(blue), Ready to Learn(green), Think About It(yellow), Teachers Choice(orange), Parent Contact(red). Everyday students will start at Ready to Learn.

Our classroom will also use table points, and teacher/student points for behavior. Each table will have a name and will receive points when they entire table are following directions, on task, or ready when I am. For teacher/student points, if students receive more points than the teacher they will receive extra recess. If the teacher receives more points then students will loss 5 minutes of recess. *If there are individual behavior issues, then I will create a personal behavior contract for the student with specific goals. Signals

Give me 5 Count down from 3 Train whistle Freeze, eyes on me Train whistle Doorbell Focus Focus, everybody focus Chicka Chicka, boom boom

Behavior Strategies Eye contact Proximity Behavior contracts for individual students Nonverbal and verbal cues Class Handbook Students will record anything they would like me to read in the official class handbook. This can be anything from tattling to behavior issues with another student. I will address any verbal tattling by having kids go to the Turtle Table to go over the Turtle Technique. Students will think about their actions and choices and problem solve the situation.

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