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Dylan Elias

6603 Needham Lane

Austin, TX 78739

Career Objective
Responsible high school freshman seeking a part-time position.

August, 26 2013 Present

James Bowie High School, Austin, TX 78749

GPA: 3.8
Courses Taken: Pre-AP Algebra, Pre-AP Biology, BIM (Business Information
Management),PBMF (Principles of Business Marketing and Finance), and Communication

Extracurricular Activities

2007 2011 played for an outside soccer team

Gorzycki Middle School soccer team 2012
Bowie Science Fair 2013
Boy Scouts 2010-2012

Honors and Awards

Trophies for 2007-2011 soccer team
Team went undefeated for school soccer team

Special Skills
Finance and money skills
Computer and technology

Work Experience
Everyday chores including: cleaning the dishes, dusting, vacuuming, sorting items,
taking out the trash, walking the dogs, mowing/edging the lawn, mopping, and sweeping.

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