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Two Fascinating Historic Interviews With Nikola Tesla May 27, 1999 This article on Tesla was printe

in The New !ork Ti"es, #ece"$er %, 191&' N(W !)*+ TIM(, - #ece"$er %, 191&.Nikola Tesla, the inventor, has /ile patent applications on the essential parts o/ a "achine the possi$ilities o/ which test a lay"an0s i"agination an pro"ise a parallel o/ Thor0s shooting th1n er$olts /ro" the sky to p1nish those who ha angere the go s' ,1//ice it to say that the invention will go thro1gh space with a spee o/ 233 MI4(, 5(* ,(6)N#, a "anless ship witho1t propelling engine or wings, sent $y electricity to any esire point on the glo$e on its erran o/ estr1ction, i/ estr1ction its "anip1lator wishes to e//ect'. 7that is 1%,333 "iles per "in1te which is aro1n o1r glo$e in 1n er a "in1te an a hal/ - or ai"e irectly thro1gh the glo$e - as "ost o/ Testla0s patents were clai"e to o in 27 secon s' $eth8 .0It is not a ti"e,0 sai #r' Tesla yester ay, 0to go into the etails o/ this thing' It is /o1n e 1pon a principle that "eans great things in peace9 it can $e 1se /or great things in war' :1t I repeat, this is no ti"e to talk o/ s1ch things'0 0It is per/ectly practica$le to trans"it electrical energy witho1t wires an pro 1ce estr1ctive e//ects at a istance' I have alrea y constr1cte a wireless trans"itter which "akes this possi$le, an have escri$e it in "y technical p1$lications, a"ong which ; re/er to "y patent n1"$er 1,1 19,722 recently grante ' With a trans"itter o/ this kin we are ena$le to pro<ect electrical energy IN =N! =M)>NT T) =N! #I,T=N6( 7H==*50s o1tp1t is a /1ll gigawatt, $8 an apply it /or inn1"era$le p1rposes, $oth in war an peace' Thro1gh the 1niversal a option o/ this syste", i eal con itions /or the "aintenance o/ law an or er will $e reali?e , /or then the energy necessary to the en/orce"ent o/ right an <1stice will $e nor"ally pro 1ctive, yet potential, an in any "o"ent availa$le, /or attack an e/ense' The power trans"itte nee not $e necessarily estr1ctive, /or, i/ istance is "a e to epen 1pon it, its with rawal or s1pply will $ring a$o1t the sa"e res1lts as those now acco"plishe $y /orce o/ ar"s'0. - N(W !)*+ TIM(, #ece"$er %, 191& @@@@@@@@@@@@@ =n article re/erence in (astl1n 0s patent application /or the evice now known as H==*5 ran in the New !ork Ti"es on ,epte"$er 22, 19A3 an rea s as /ollowsN(W !)*+ TIM(, - ,epte"$er 22, 19A3.Nikola Tesla, one o/ the tr1ly great inventors who cele$rate his eighty-/o1rth $irth ay on B1ly 13, tells the writer that he stan s rea y to iv1lge to the >nite ,tates Covern"ent the secret o/ his .tele/orce,. with which, he sai , airplane "otors wo1l $e "elte at a istance o/ 2&3 "iles, so that an invisi$le 6hinese Wall o/ #e/ense wo1l $e $1ilt aro1n the co1ntry' .This tele/orce, he sai , is $ase on an entirely new principle o/ physics that 0no one has ever rea"e a$o1t,0 i//erent /ro" the principle e"$o ie in his inventions relating to the trans"ission o/ electrical power /ro" a istance, /or which he has receive a n1"$er o/ $asic patents' This new type o/ /orce, Mr' Tesla sai , wo1l operate thro1gh a $ea" one h1n re -"illionth o/ a sD1are centi"eter in ia"eter, an co1l $e generate /ro" a special plant that wo1l cost no "ore than E2,333,333 an wo1l take only a$o1t three "onths to constr1ct'

.The $ea", he states, involves /o1r new inventions, two o/ which alrea y have $een teste ' )ne o/ these is a "etho o/ apparat1s /or pro 1cing rays 0an other "ani/estations or energy0 in /ree air, eli"inating the necessity /or a high vac11"9 a secon is a "etho an process /or pro 1cing 0very great electrical /orce09 the thir is a "etho /or a"pli/ying this /orce, an the /o1rth is a new "etho /or pro 1cing 0a tre"en o1s electrical repelling /orce'0 This wo1l $e the pro<ector, or g1n, o/ the syste"' The voltage /or propelling the $ea" to its o$<ective, accor ing to the inventor, will attain a potential o/ &3,333,333 volts' .With this enor"o1s voltage, he sai , "icroscopic electrical particles o/ "atter will $e catap1lte on their "ission o/ e/ensive estr1ction' He has $een working on this invention, he a e , /or "any years an has recently "a e a n1"$er o/ i"prove"ents in it'. - New !ork Ti"es - ,epte"$er 22, 19A3

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