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QUANTITY 1. Vary amount of problems assigned. 2. Chunking tasks. 3. Adapt the amount of information given. INPUT 1.

Vary delivery te!hni(ues. 2. Audio#visual aids. 3. Cooperative grouping.

TIME 1. Extend time for testing. 2. Individuali e pa!ing. 3. Vary time by lesson.

LEVEL OF SUPPORT 1. "araprofessional#$ea!her%s Assistant. 2. "eer helpers. 3. &elf'!he!king materials.

DIFFICULTY 1. &implify dire!tions. 2. Change rules to a!!ommodate the learner. 3. Computer#!al!ulator. ALTERNATE GOALS 1. Adapt goals. 2. Adapt ob)e!tives. 3. Adapt out!ome expe!tations.

OUTPUT 1. "ro)e!ts. 2. *ands'on tasks. 3. +ral reports.

PARTICIPATION 1. Cooperative groups. 2. Independent ,ork. 3. -roup leaders.

SUBSTITUTE CURRICULUM 1. "rovide different materials to meet student%s needs. 2. .odify the lesson. 3. An A/0 Committee makes the de!ision.

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