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How has weather changed Earths landscape?

By: Max J

What is a Tornado?

How is a Tornado Formed?

What can a Tornado deliver?

Facts about tornadoes

o Tornadoes occur between the hours of 3pm and 5pm. o There is a 0.1% chance of a tornado being an F5.


Hurricanes wall of fame

Before and After

Is a Hurricane similar to a Tornado?

Does a Hurricane have a core?

What happens when hurricanes occur? Some Famous Hurricane Movies: Hurricane (1979) Nuclear Hurricane (2007)

Facts on Hurricanes

o Australians call hurricanes, willy-willies. o The top speed for a hurricane is 20 mph o Some people call Hurricanes the One-Eyed Monster


What are the different types of winds? What kind of destruction can it cause? How are winds created?

Facts on Wind

High winds are known as a Gust

A knot unit can measure wind.


Some questions on Erosion that I will talk about What are the main types of Erosion What causes Erosion

Where have I found this information and how do I know its true?
I have gotten my information from around the web websites such as: National Geographic . com Wikipedia . com

WizKids . com
Ask . com Ask kids . com

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