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The Director, Group Housing Societies, D.D.A., Vikas Sadan I.N.A. New Delhi Dear Sir, Mrs.

Usha Mathur the wi e o decreased original !e!"er #ate Sh. S.N.Mathur, allottee o $lat No. %&, had re'uested that na!e o te allottee !a( now "e changed in the records o societ()DDA and registrar, cooperati*e societies ro! her decreased hus"and to her na!e +,ecuti*e -o!!ittee o the societ( in its !eeting held on ../01/10.% resol*ed as under2 Resolved that on the basis of application received from Mrs Usha Mathur wife of Late S.N.Mathur allottee of Flat no. 45 accompanied with Death ertificate! the name of the allottee is chan"ed to Mrs. Usha Mathur! in the records of societ# and to send resolution to DD$ and re"istrar! o%operative societies for further necessar# action. As such (ou are re'uested to !ake note in (our records. #ikewise the societ( has carried out change o na!e in its records. 3ou are there ore re'uested to take note o the sa!e and send the in or!ation a ter !aking note in (our records. 3ours aith ull( Secretar(

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In accordance with the decision o he +,ecuti*e -o!!ittee o Socirt(, a general "od( !eeting o !e!"ers o societ( or electing a new tea! who would !anage the a airs o societ( will "e held on .1th April 10.% at ...00 A.M. in he societ(4s o ice. As such the all !e!"ers are re'uested to asse!"le in the societ(4s o ice to elect a new tea!.


The Assistant 5egistrar 6west7, 8 ice o the 5egistrar, -o. 8perati*e Societ(, 9arlia!ent Street, New Delhi ..000. Dear Sir, I a! in or! that as a sale o lat no..: which was in the na!e o Mrs. 9re!lata Sa,ena w)o late Sh. 5.N.Sa,ena to S!t. 5a; <u!ari Arora, the societ( in its !eeting o +,ecuti*e co!!ittee resol*ed as under Resolved that on the basis of photocop# of the letter issued b# DD$ and submitted b# Mr. *.+.$rora husband of Smt. Ra, +umari $rora to correct the name of previous allot tee named Lata Sa-ena to .rem Lata Sa-ena in the records of societ# and to send the resolution to re"istrar! co operative societies for further necessar# action. 3ou are, there ore re'uested to take note o the sa!e and send the in or!ation a ter !aking note in (our record. 3ours $aith ull(


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